Reincarnated into a Time-Loop Dungeon as a LVL100 Catgirl Chef!

Cycle 30 (10)

Dear Diary,

I think some of the kobolds were upset there wasn’t any play this cycle. Which I get, but Lilly just told them to put on a play themselves. I think next cycle they will.

Kimi and Y are making and perfecting fireworks. It took them a couple experiments to get the fuse and casing right, but they’re pretty confident in the epicness of their fireworks now. They tested all their fireworks in the kraken floor, which is covered in water, so at least they didn’t burn anything down. 

Well, I think they didn’t burn anything down. When we asked where they did their tests, and they told us, Via said “well, it’s a good thing water can’t catch fire”. Kimi and Y kinda shared a glance at that, and muttered things about “well, actually” and “you’d be surprised” and “try hard enough” and “technically”. Lilly asked if there was still water on the water floor, which they assured her there was, but she and Staab went to check anyways.

We go back to our floor day after tomorrow, so tomorrow night Kimi and Y will set off all their fireworks. There won’t be a huge party, mostly just a picnic type thing with fireworks. Nat and I will make a ton of hamburgers and milkshakes for it. 

Some of the kobolds want to keep Balto here this cycle, just to see if anyone notices. Some of the other kobolds suspect this is just a way to slowly move the dire wolves off their floor permanently. Which makes sense. I don’t think Lewis will allow it, he’s usually fairly strict about the rules. The kobolds who want to keep Balto say it’s just one wolf, and who will notice, right? But the other kobolds are like “yeah one wolf this cycle, but next cycle it’ll be two”. 

Mostly I’m worried about Balto being lonely. They’re a pack, after all. You can’t just split up a pack. Whether people notice or not, the wolves will notice. And they might be sad about it. So I think Balto shouldn’t stay. 

Oh, we’re all going to start a writing campaign, to ask the Admin for fresh herbs and spices. Mainly garlic and basil, but I know some are going to ask for the spices that go into chai and pumpkin spice and stuff. Which I absolutely wouldn’t complain about. 

We don’t have a way of contacting the Admin directly, like with a phone or something. All we have is a kind of… email? It’s basically email. We hope that after he gets a couple hundred emails asking for spices he’ll give them to us. I’m kinda slightly worried he won’t, just because then we’d learn that if we got everyone we know to ask for something he’ll give it to us just to make the emails stop, and that kind of power might be too much. I might add in my email that I recognize this could happen, and promise to not. 

We’ll see what happens!

Goodnight, Dungeon!

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