Reincarnated into a Time-Loop Dungeon as a LVL100 Catgirl Chef!

Cycle 30 (11)

Dear Diary:

We’re back on our floor! 

I was about to say “back home”, but we kinda have two homes now. And both feel like home. But our floor is absolutely our floor, and the kobold’s floor is the kobold’s floor. 

Even though Y is a kobold and lives here now. He doesn’t count, because if he counted then Staab would have to count, and Staab has basically lived here since cycle… heck, 25? I can’t remember. It feels like he’s been here forever. In a good way, not in a “when will he leave” way.

Y and Staab wanted to meet the air elementals, so we took them up and introduced them. They get along super well, especially Staab. We played volleyball with them. They totally beat us in the first game, so after that we switched up teams. Having an equal number of people on the ground and in the air made the game way more fair. My team still lost, but that’s ok. It was a lot of fun. 

Oh! Kimi and Y’s fireworks were totally epic! I forgot to mention that. They got fireworks in just about every color. Kimi says she was worried that since everything she touches turns red, the fireworks would all be red regardless of what chemicals was in them. But nope, it all worked out beautifully! Yay science!

Another issue they had was… the ceiling. 

Ok so, we’re in a dungeon. We’re underground. We all know this. But the ceiling is kinda… It’s like we’re programmed to not notice it. Unless we’re in a maze like with the slimes, where the ceiling is an important part of the floor, it’s hard to focus on the ceiling. 

I think it’s painted blue, and emits light for about 14 out of 24 hours a day. Kimi says it’s made out of pumice, and reflects lights installed along the wall for 14 out of 24 hours a day. Aya says she doesn’t know what’s up there because it’s so high up there are clouds around it. And other people say different things. It’s kinda weird. At night some people see stars, other people just see a faint light, and I think I see glowing mushrooms. Absolutely no one agrees on what the ceiling looks like at night. I wonder if there’s some reason for that, or if it’s just magic. 

There are a lot of weird things in the dungeon, but that’s one of the weirdest. 

Why was I talking about the ceiling? Oh, right, the fireworks. Kimi and Y had a hard time judging what the time between being set off and exploding should be, because they couldn’t tell where the ceiling is. Trying to get a solid measurement is hard, because we don’t all see the same thing. 

Anyways, Mika and Via are writing a song for everyone to play a couple cycles from now in their competition thing. They’re putting in a couple super hard notes, and it’s really annoying to hear the screech when they fail. I’m gonna go ask if they can stop practicing until tomorrow. 

Goodnight, Dungeon!

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