Reincarnated into a Time-Loop Dungeon as a LVL100 Catgirl Chef!

Cycle 30 (12)


Dear Diary,

The marble races are well under way, and I think my team is going to win gold this cycle! There’s still a chance that they’ll totally fail, or that Lilly or Aya’s marbles do super well, but I’m 90% sure I’ll get a medal for this cycle. 

I’m super proud of my marbles. 

I wasn’t sure about the team at first. They got fifth place in the first race, then bronze in their second, so I thought maybe they’d just be a middling team. But the third race they got gold, and the fourth and fifth races too! So I guess it just took them a while to catch their stride. Or maybe they were evaluating the competition, in which case they were very smart. 

A super duper hard race is coming up tomorrow. It has a short zig-zag part, where if you hit even one wall wrong you can come to a total stop. Every time we’ve run this track, it’s been an intense race. There’ve been lots of rank changes. I kind of hate it, because one wrong bounce can send the lead marble into last place. And that’s super stressful. It’s like, the marble works super hard and goes super fast to get into first place and pass everyone else, then BAM all that work was for nothing

It’s an intense race. 

Y is working on making a timer thing for all the marbles, in case they finish too close together. He says he has a couple ideas, so it’ll be interesting to see what he ends up doing. Basically what we need is a camera to put at the finish line, but cameras aren’t a thing here. And since we’re all racing, arguments about ties can’t have an impartial moderator. 

Lately Lilly has been




Hey! ‘Sup?

I have a couple announcements! First, there won’t be any chapters this weekend. I need to buff up my backlog. Enjoy the cliffhanger! 

Well, if you want to read the next three chapters they’re on my Patreon… check it out if you hate cliffhangers!

Second, I find myself in need of art! If anyone wants to make art (of the SFW variety) and send it to me, I’ll be displaying it at the bottom of a chapter on the 18th of May. 

See you next week!


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