Reincarnated into a Time-Loop Dungeon as a LVL100 Catgirl Chef!

Cycle 30 (5)

Dear Diary,


I don’t know what’s in the grass. Whatever it is, is smart. And it doesn’t need to see us to attack. I’m pretty sure there was a group of them. We heard rustling in the grass, saw movement a little ways away, but kept moving slowly. And then suddenly Kimi wasn’t behind me any more. There wasn’t any sound, or scream, or anything. Since we were invisible, we’d decided to tie a rope between all of us. And when Kimi vanished, the only way I knew was because the rope went slack. It was cut. I don’t know how, or with what, but it was cut.

Just before I said anything, something landed on my head and covered my eyes and mouth. And then I was back in my room. All I remember was a flash of yellow? I don’t know, it all happened too fast and it was creepy.

Via says we were attacked by a group of raptors. Like, the dinosaurs. She isn’t sure which one, but she’s seen all six Jurassic Park movies, and the short film, and the tv show, and read both books, and played the VR game, so she knows a lot about dinosaurs. I think she’s kinda obsessed with dinosaurs, honestly. Or at least with Jurassic Park.

Anyways, she says raptors are super smart, so we might have better luck with the pterodactyls. I agree that pterodactyls are way less creepy, and voted we go back to climbing on the walls. Plus if we turn invisible the pterodactyls won’t see us, so we might have a chance. We kinda got into an argument about which way we should go, so we’re going to split up tomorrow. Via, Lilly and I will go on the walls, and Aya, Mika and Kimi will go through the grass. We’ll see who gets to the exit first.

I know it started as an argument, but I’m kinda excited to race. It’ll be fun to see who’s smarter tomorrow. We don’t really get competitive about much, so this will be interesting.

I’ve noticed that when there’s a question of fighting vs not fighting, Via, Lilly and I are always together while Mika, Kimi and Aya are on the fight side. It’s good that we’re evenly split, even if our reasons for choosing sides are different. Via is kinda a pacifist. She doesn’t like fighting on principle. I don’t like being hurt, and the less I fight the less I hurt, so not fighting is good. Lilly just wants to be seen as the calm and collected one, the person who prefers diplomacy over all else. Even though she has no problem stabbing the crap out of people or making their brains explode. For her it’s about image. Meanwhile, Kimi just likes chaos. She likes fire and blood and stabbing. Mika enjoys the mental aspect of fighting, trying to figure out where her opponent will strike next so she won’t be there. She thinks of it as a mind game more than anything. And Aya is just one of those people who prefers stabbing people than talking to them. Sure, once she gets to know you she’s super nice and cool, but it takes a couple months before she stops hating you for trying to have a conversation.

Anyways, we have to figure out what our plan is for tomorrow other than “run like our lives depend on it”.

Goodnight, Dungeon!

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