Reincarnated into a Time-Loop Dungeon as a LVL100 Catgirl Chef!

Cycle 30 (6)

Dear Diary,

So yep. “Run like our lives depend on it” was about the best plan we had. I mean, we turned ourselves invisible first, so it wasn’t just that. But it was mostly that. 

We did pretty good! The wall climbing spell ran out like three quarters of the way across, and we dropped basically straight into a raptor nest, but we got further than the other girls did. Their plan totally failed, and they died like a third of the way across. Tomorrow we’re going to kind of mix it up? We’ll start out invisible on the walls, and when we fall off we’ll just hold our ground until Lilly can cast the spell again. Via is going to make a ton of illusions of herself, so hopefully the raptors will go after those instead of us. 

And why don’t we just teleport? Because that seems like cheating. We might go that route eventually, but right now we kinda want to make our way to the other door by being smart and strong.

Oh, Via says the dinosaurs on the ground are dracoraptors. I don’t know the difference between them and any other kind of raptor, but she seems to think it’s important. 

Anyways, Mika- I mentioned this, right? I asked Mika to make me a pasta maker machine! She didn’t quite know what I was talking about, so we spent a while drawing up plans, and she finished it this afternoon. I was able to make fettuccine! It turned out really good! Now all I need is basil and garlic, but what else is new?

So yep, I get to experiment with making pasta now! I’m not Italian, so I don’t know all eighty thousand types of pasta out there, but I’m fairly confident in my ability to come up with some decent pastas. At the very least I can make lasagna.

Maybe the raptors would like lasagna. Via says they’re smart, so they might recognize lasagna as food? Or maybe I should make them meatballs. Having dire wolves as pets is epic, but wandering down to the kobolds with raptors as pets would be absolutely super epic! I’m not sure how we’d know when to send them back, though. Plus it would take a while, since tomorrow is the last day we’ll be fighting this cycle. 

I’m glad we’re doing it. As much as I complain about running around screaming, I really do enjoy the challenge and the exploration. I mean, we have a group of air elementals as friends now, how cool is that? And we got to meet all of Staab’s friends, so that was nice. I don’t think we’ll ever really be super good friends with the ghosts or other hobgoblins, but we’re at least friendly acquaintances. If the raptors like meatballs or lasagna, we’ll be able to be friends with them, too!

…I just want to be friends with everyone.

Goodnight, Dungeon!

P.S. Except the yetis. The yetis are weird.

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