Reincarnated into a Time-Loop Dungeon as a LVL100 Catgirl Chef!

Cycle 30 (7)

Dear Diary,

Ok so, yesterday morning I made a bunch of lasagna and meatballs and pizza and a couple other things. We went to the floor with the raptors, and when we dropped off the wall I quickly set up all the food around us. Then Mika made an ice wall between us and the food.

The raptors came over and looked like they wanted to attack the wall, but they stopped at the food first. They were very suspicious of it, and spent like three minutes sniffing it all. Lilly’s spell recharged, but we wanted to see what the raptors would do.

They ate the meatballs first. The meatballs are just the normal type that I make for the wolves, so they don’t have anything but meat and salt in them. Then they moved to the pizza and ate that. They lifted the slices to eat them, it was kinda really cute. The lasagna posed a problem, since they didn’t have anything to lift the slices out of the pan with. They kind of decided to leave it alone after a minute of trying to eat it properly. They liked the biscuits and gravy, but I think it was too salty because they kept acting like they had dry mouths after they ate it. I mean, the gravy mix is like a quarter salt, so yeah, I get that. I had just a block of cheese out, because why not, and only one of them ate that. She (I presume it was she, the feathers were more brown, and in birds females have less bright colors, right?) bent down, sank her teeth into the block, and ran off with it. That one is now my favorite. Anyways, the last thing I made was an ice cream cake. They licked it a couple times, but didn’t seem all that impressed. I’d presume they were lactose intolerant, but… if that’s the case, then the cheese thief is gonna have a bad time.

So that was fun. Lilly’s invisibility spell wore off as the raptors were licking the ice cream cake, and they just kinda stared at us for a while before going back to the problem of how to eat lasagna. I feel good about that. It’s like we have their permission to go through the field now. They aren’t our friends, and they could still totally kill us at any given moment, but our offering was sufficient.

So we don’t have to deal with the pterodactyls any more! Yay! And next cycle, we get to go to Floor 89!

But for now, we’re back with the kobolds! We’re back in our house, which I admit I missed a little bit. I missed falling asleep to the sound of Mika and Via’s band practicing. I missed waking up to the sound of a whole town waking up. I guess I’m a city girl at heart.

And I missed the kobolds. They threw us a party when we got down. If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it at least four times: the kobolds know how to party. They didn’t put any hats or ties on Lewis this time, though. Which he looked grateful for. Poor Lewis.

I haven’t told Nat that I got flour yet. I’m saving it as a surprise for tomorrow.

I have to go to sleep, so that tomorrow will come sooner!

Goodnight, Dungeon!

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