Reincarnated into a Time-Loop Dungeon as a LVL100 Catgirl Chef!

Cycle 7 (Y)

TW... Kinda...


Y sat behind the desk at Kim’s shop, taking apart dynamite. Mika needed gunpowder for an art project, and he was going to see if he could turn the fuses into a scrunchie. Kimi would love a scrunchie made out of dynamite fuses.

The shop door opened, and Lily came in. She looked pleased to see Y, which was unusual.

“Greetings,” he said, setting the bowl of gunpowder aside. “How may I help you?”

“Are you always so formal?” Lily asked, walking to the counter.

“I try to be professional as much as possible,” he answered. “You of all people should understand that.”

She smiled tartly. “Professional. The man who claims half the group is his ‘harem’.”

“Harems are a very professional arrangement,” he said, grinning. “Everyone involved has their role, and it is taken exactly as seriously as it needs to be. They have also agreed to their part, which is very important. You did not agree to be a part, thus you are left out.”

Lily rolled her eyes. “And… what part does Nikki play?”

“The Airhead,” he said immediately. “She would count as Childhood Friend, but I haven’t known her any longer than anyone else.”

“Does she know you think of her as an airhead?” Lily asked.

“Not an, The,” he corrected. “Important distinction. And no, she doesn’t.”

“Forgive me,” Lily said, her voice dripping with sarcasm. “I think that’s something she should know. After all, you are such good ‘friends’ it wouldn’t be fair if she didn’t know the truth.”

“She’s said she doesn’t want to know,” Y told her. “Avi asked, and it took him days to get over my calling him The Loli; Nik doesn’t trust my judgment in the slightest.”

Lily paused, clearly unsure what a loli was. She shook her head. “And what part does Kimi play?”

“Unfortunately, I cannot tell you. I have been ordered to not use the word.”

“You’re impossible to talk to,” she decided.

Y’s smile turned brittle. “No, I simply have a knack for derailing unpleasant conversations. To the annoyance of the people who begin them.”

“My conversation is unpleasant to you?” she asked haughtily.

“Not always. But the conversation you were leading to was.”

“And what was I leading to?”

Y looked her in the eyes. “You were hoping I would say something flattering about Nikki. Then you would imply I’m far too familiar with her. Which I would deny, and then you’d indirectly ask if I slept with her during the three days we were alone together. I would say no, you would ask if I can provide proof, and it would devolve into a loud argument. Which would alert Kim, and you’d tell her my vehement denial was proof of dishonesty. Which would lead to me and Kim arguing, to your delight. Or something along those lines.”

Her face went through a variety of emotions, and settled back on indifferent superiority. “So you do deny it?”

“Specificity is important.”

“You deny that you’re having an affair with Nikki.”

He sighed. “If I say yes, you’ll ask for proof, which is impossible to get. Which would prolong this conversation. Saying no, the answer you want, would make you end the conversation quickest. I typically don’t approve of falsehoods, but in this case I feel it can be excused. Thus: no, I don’t deny it.”

She twitched, clearly not having expected that. “You don’t?”

A dark part of Y’s soul stirred as he grinned, filling his mind with evil ideas. “I do not.”

“I see. Interesting,” she said, watching him suspiciously.

“Another interesting thing is that your charm spells rely on the sounds of words,” he said, trying to remain casual. “The sounds reach your target, and there the spell takes effect. However, if the sound is prevented from reaching your target, such as when you’re under a silence spell, the charms will not work.” He cast Silence behind her. “The spell simply stops sounds from leaving an area, it doesn’t prevent them from entering. So you’ll be able to hear me just fine.”

Lily took half a step back. “Why-”

Y teleported over the counter, grabbed her arms, and shoved her against the shelves. A few bottles fell off at the impact, shattering soundlessly on the floor. Lily was Y’s height, but he was stronger and had the advantage of surprise. She struggled uselessly, shouting words he couldn’t hear as he tightened his grip.

“You’ve accused Nikki of infidelity just as much as me, but you’ve never asked if she was a willing participant,” Y said laughingly as his grin widened. “That was a grave mistake. Confronting me alone was also a mistake, Lily. A very dangerous mistake. I know the rumors you’ve tried to start about me. I know they haven’t been believed. No one believes you any more, Lily. You’ve lied one too many times, Lily. Here’s what will happen: I will let go. You will run away, and never accuse me of anything bad ever again. If you do, I will do bad things. I will do bad things to you. Is this clear, Lily?”

She nodded desperately.

He moved a bit closer, paused, and stepped back. He let go.

Lily ran.

Y took a deep breath. He let it out slowly, dismissing the silence spell. 

“Damn, I just threatened to set her on fire.”

He looked to the top of the stairs and smiled at his wife. He didn’t trust himself to speak.

Kimi was leaning against the wall, a worried expression on her face. “You… wouldn’t, right?”

“No,” he said, walking back around the counter. “Her believing the threat is the important thing.”

“It sounded believable,” Kimi said, coming down the stairs.

Y picked up a stick of dynamite and paused, waiting for the tremor in his hands to stop. He knew better than to disassemble an explosive with shaking fingers.

“Y. What will you do if she tries to start another rumor?”

“She won’t,” he said, his voice low.


He smiled at Kimi. “I’ll let you set her on fire.”

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