Reincarnated into a Time-Loop Dungeon as a LVL100 Catgirl Chef!

Cycle 8 (2)

Dear Diary,

I like being with Steel and Fire. Our group still has an even split of completely insane people to weird people who are along for the ride. 

…Fire, Kimi and Y being the completely insane people. Me, Avi and Steel are the slightly weird people.

Steel is totally in favor of feeding everything in the dungeon to become friends with it. Fire said that won’t work on some floors, and we agreed, but it works for a lot of them.

We kidnapped Lex and Tim, because we’re us, and Fire asked what the benefit was. Avi handed her Lex, who immediately started snuggling, and Fire has decided next cycle she and Steel will be kidnapping Arby and Kelly. So it won’t just be us who kidnaps things any more! Yay!

Even though the only bad thing about kidnapping animals was that we were the only ones who did it. That would have caught the Director’s attention, which would have been bad. But we already caught her attention. She knows we weren’t always players, and she allowed us to come back anyway. So… we don’t have to worry about being weird any more?

We can do anything we want.

This knowledge feels powerful.

I mean, it wasn’t like we were about to do something then thought “oh, better not, it might be not-player-like”. But there was always this feeling of… if we should or not. And then we usually did it anyways. 

If we can do anything… So, the Sams once wanted to dig a tunnel from one Floor to the next. I wonder if we could do that here. Kimi and Y know how to blow things up, I bet they could blow a hole through a Floor if we collected enough sulfur and dynamite. It probably wouldn’t be too hard.

And the wolves know how to follow us. Their HP will go down to 1, but they’ve still got good attack stats. We could probably kidnap the whole pack, easy.



Ok. When we get to Floor 38 I will suggest we kidnap all the wolves. I bet Fire would love to ride a dire wolf into battle. I mean, we’d all love to ride dire wolves into battle, but didn’t on the basis of not wanting to look weird. But if we don’t care about looking weird, we can do anything!

What other things could we do…

I wonder if the lavender could be cooked into food and still give charm poison. Like muffins or something. Then I could just throw a bunch of muffins into the dark floor that we still don’t know what’s on, and when everything goes quiet we could light it up and find out what lives there!

Or I could bake chocolate from the lake into cookies and throw them in, then… That’s a horrible idea. I wonder what would happen if I baked lavender and chocolate into a muffin. Cuz the chocolate is poison, but the lavender is charm. So it wouldn’t combine into some unknown thing.

Ok, I’ve got to try that. It's a horrible, terrible idea, but I need to try it. I am prepared to accept whatever happens.

I have to ask Steel if he knows what the chocolate does before I collect some.

Goodnight, Dungeon!

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