Reincarnated into a Time-Loop Dungeon as a LVL100 Catgirl Chef!

Cycle 8 (3)

Dear Diary,

So, I don’t like drama. I don’t pry into people’s personal lives. If I have questions, usually I’m doomed to never know the answer.

Thankfully Kimi has absolutely zero problems asking personal questions. Thus, I now know that Fire and Steel have never previously discussed their relationship. They’re taking some time tonight to do so and figure out what exactly is going on.

Apparently back in their old dungeon, when everything started, Steel was in a team with his brother. Fire was by herself, and they needed a magic user, so they invited her to join. A couple cycles later, Steel’s brother wanted to join another group, but that group kept making fun of Fire for not walking. There was a huge argument, Steel decided to stay with Fire, and his brother went with the other group.

And that’s how Fire and Steel became a team. And apparently they never talked about feelings, ever.

Which honestly doesn’t surprise me all that much, Fire doesn’t seem like a feelings person. I’m glad they’re finally talking things over.

Anyways, the poison gummy bears continue to be horrible. A small part of me wondered if the different colors had different flavors. Today I discovered they do. Now that I know I never have to eat another gummy bear as long as I live.

At some point I’m probably gonna develop gummy bear PTSD. Fifty years from now, long after we’re out of the dungeon, someone will offer me a bag of gummy bears and I’ll just run away screaming. Lex and Tim are already afraid of them, and they’re not really afraid of anything.

Although I will admit, seeing two velociraptors running around us in terror being chased by a bunch of little gummy bears… It was cute, I’m sorry. I’m not saying I want it to happen again, but if we ever get a camera I’m totally going to record that.

Oh, we’re on Floor 20. Staab and Lily are here. Lily is avoiding us. I find that amusing.

Well, ok, mostly I think she’s avoiding Y. I kinda wonder if she got him mad, and he snapped. Getting Y mad is difficult, but he gets scary when he’s mad. She might not have known that.

But hey, if it means she never talks to us again, I’m fine with whatever he did. That’s what she gets for lying and spreading rumors. Nya.

In other news, I’ve started writing names in the back of this book. The catgirls nere are named Joy, Peace, Love, Hope, Grace and Bliss. Which is… a theme. Yes. The catgirls on Floor 10 are Ala, Ele, Ili, Olo, Ulu and Yly. Which is also… a theme. I’m glad our Admin’s theme for catgirl names was “cute sounding”, and not… whatever those girl’s Admin had. I mean, when the spy on Floor 10 told me the last girl’s name was “Yil-lee” I drew a complete blank on how to spell it. I can’t imagine waking up and discovering my name was a consonant sandwiched between two Y’s, with no clue how to pronounce it.

Overall, I think our Admin did a pretty good job at giving people new names. Better than some of the other Admins, at least. I mean, the zombies on Floor 5 all have names that start with Z. Which just feels like a bad cliché.

I should write him and thank him for not using bad clichés to name us.

Goodnight, Dungeon!

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