Reincarnated into a Time-Loop Dungeon as a LVL100 Catgirl Chef!

Cycle 8 (Admin 5)

Admin 5 frowned as Admin 6 vanished. He’d been doing that lately; leaving for hours at a time on a semi-regular basis.

She’d wondered where he was going and what he was doing, but it was impossible to ask. Even if she could ask, he literally couldn’t answer.

“Fine,” Admin 1 sighed. “Who wants to go see what he’s up to?”

Admin 5 pushed her chair back. “I will.”

They all watched her silently as she moved to 6’s station and checked his location. He was in the Void, with no screens active.

Even more curious, 5 teleported herself to near his location.

The Void, the empty buffer zone between dimensions, stretched out around her. She squinted down, and could almost see a dead planet hanging beneath her. But she wasn’t here to see that. She looked around and spotted a dark form curled up on the ground.

Admin 5 walked quietly to Admin 6, confused. And then she realized what he was doing.

“Are you asleep?” she asked, incredulous.

In reply he held up his middle finger to her.

“You know we don’t need sleep, right?”

He curled into a tighter ball.

“You can’t waste hours being unconscious,” she told him. “We have work to do.”

Admin 6 sighed, sitting up. He rubbed his face, then looked at her critically.


He summoned a screen and typed.

Will you help me with something? And not tell the Director?

Admin 5 hesitated. “Maybe…”

He nodded, getting to his feet.

Open Master List

5 felt curiosity get the better of her. She opened the list of every soul in all dungeons, allowing him to see it.

6 scrolled to his dungeon, quickly scanning through until he found the soul he wanted. He pointed at it.

“You want me to summon her?” 5 guessed.

He nodded.

With a shrug, Admin 5 pulled Item 930 into the Void.

A catgirl with brown hair appeared, her hand clutching the pendant of a necklace. She saw them and took a step back, worried.

Admin 6 walked up to her, smiled, and pulled up her Alterations sheet. He turned to Admin 5 and typed.


“What?” she asked. “No, she can’t see that!” She waved the screen away.

“Calvin, what’s going on?” the catgirl asked, her voice low.

5 jerked back in shock. “You told her your name?” she demanded. “You’re completely irredeemable!”

6 winced, typing again. He hesitated, looking ashamed, before allowing them to see his words.

Irredeemably in love.

Both women rolled their eyes. They saw each other eye-rolling and shared a smile.

“Why aren’t you speaking?” the catgirl asked 6.

He looked at 5.

Admin 5 debated. This was absolutely against the rules. Nothing about this was right. And yet…

She knew Admin 6 had never been happy when dealing with souls. There were many things he couldn’t reconcile. If he’d fallen in love and wanted to give up everything to be with this woman, then his choice had already been made. Her helping or not helping wouldn’t matter.

“He can’t,” 5 said, glancing around to make sure they were alone. “The Director removed his voice. She also filters what messages he can send.”

“She- So that’s why…” The catgirl went pale, ears going back against her skull. “Does she read all incoming messages?”

Admin 6 nodded slowly.

The catgirl turned a deep shade of red. “Uhh…”

“What did you write?” 5 asked, very much wanting to know.

Admin 6 shook his head, pulling up the catgirl’s Alterations sheet again. He pointed at Admin 5 and motioned to the screen.

“This goes against everything,” she said, focusing on it. “What do you want me to verify?”

Item 930 - Emmy


Cycle 0 - Default Kobold >

Cycle 45 - Default Catgirl >

Cycle 46 - Default Kobold >

Cycle 50 - Default Catgirl >

Cycle 50 - Default Kobold >

Cycle 52 - Floor Overseer >

Emmy looked at the screen as well. “The Director implied he…”

“Forced you to love him?” 5 guessed. She hit the dropdowns, scanning them. “The first five are about as average as you can get. The Floor Overseer makes you want to be creative, but nothing nefarious.”

“Thank you,” she said softly, turning to 6. “I didn’t believe you because- because I was a catgirl for Floor 93 three times. Why didn’t you change me the second time?”

He frowned, remembered something, and started typing.

The second time was only a few days. Changes in quick succession can go wrong.

“That’s true,” Admin 5 confirmed, waving the Alterations screen away.

6 nodded at her in thanks, taking Emmy’s hand.

“Thank you for… verifying,” Emmy told Admin 5. 

“You’re quite welcome.” 5 looked between them and realized she was no longer wanted. She pointed at 6. “You have work to do, don’t stay here forever.” With a flick of her wrist she was back with the other Admins.

She took her seat, summoning a tea. The four men watched her.

“Well?” Admin 1 asked.

“He’s asleep,” she said, looking over. “Apparently he’s been sleeping.”

Admin 3 snorted. “What a waste of time.”

“That’s what I told him,” she shrugged. “I warned him that he’ll fall behind, but he doesn’t care.”

They all shook their heads, disappointed.




Calvin smiled at Emmy. He had so many things he needed to say. 

And he couldn’t say any of them. His grip tightened as frustration boiled. 

He couldn’t tell her any of the thousand things he wanted to. 

Suddenly her smile vanished with a yelp of pain, and she pulled her hand away from his. She rubbed it, giving him a confused look.

He opened his mouth to apologize, and… no words came out.

He couldn't even apologize. 

Calvin sank to the ground, staring blankly. He couldn't. Do. Anything.


At least…

At least Emmy knew he hadn't forced her to care for him.

And why he hadn't been able to respond to her messages.

Out of habit he opened his mouth again, taking a breath to explain, and remembered he couldn't speak.

Emmy knelt in front of him, touching his face. He saw her fingers come away with tears and hunched over, pressing his face into his knees. 

“Calvin, it’s ok,” she told him softly. “It’ll be all right.”

He shook his head, digging his fingernails into the palms of his hands. 

“Will… Will you ever be able to speak to me again?”

He shrugged helplessly. 

“We-” She paused, running her fingers through his hair. “We have a plan. Right? Things will work out. I know they will. I love you.”

Calvin looked up into her eyes. She had so much faith in him. He couldn't disappoint her.

He sat back on his heels, wiping his face as he summoned a screen. 

I love you.

I need you.

Will you marry me?

Emmy looked at the screen for a long time, a soft smile on her face. 

“No,” she decided.

Calvin stared at her, his heart shattering. 

“Not here,” she said, taking his hands again. “Not now. I can keep it secret that I'm in love with you. I can hold my tongue when my friends ask when I'm going to start dating again. I- I can spend every day knowing I can't tell anyone how much I miss you. I can live cut off from my boyfriend. But I wouldn't be able to do any of that if… if I was your wife.”

He watched her for a few seconds, then cleared the screen and typed again. 

And when this is over?

“Once we’re able to live together openly, then I'll marry you,” she promised.

Calvin smiled. Then looked away and typed. 

I’m sorry I screwed this up. I'm sorry I made this so hard on you. I’m sorry I haven't been able to reply to any of your messages. I’m sorry I’m afraid of what would happen if you told your friends. I’m sorry I don't know how to

Emmy pulled his hands off the keyboard and kissed him. “Stop. Just stop. It’s ok.”

He put his arms around her, kissing her again. They hadn't been able to say goodbye before he’d been pulled from the dungeon. He’d been so worried that he’d never be able to see her again, that her telling him to leave would be their last interaction ever. He poured his releif and love into the kiss, feeling her respond in kind.

Finally she broke away, breathing hard. “How much time do we have?”

He shook his head, sitting back again. He couldn't risk anyone deciding to check in on him and finding her here.

She looked around at the void. “I'm not supposed to be here, am I? Where is here?”

Admin 6 pulled a hand off her waist to type. 

The Void. The space between worlds. Below us is the world the dungeons are in. Above is the world we’ll go to when this is over.

Emmy looked down, then up, then back at him. “I don't see anything, just grey.”

He shrugged.

“Will… When will I see you next?”

He shrugged again, pulling her closer. 

“So this is another goodbye?”

Calvin nodded. 

“Is there any way for us to communicate?”

He shook his head. 

Emmy sighed, leaning against him. “Is there any way I'll ever be able to punch the Director in her stupid face?”

He smiled, typing. 

I’ll see what I can do.


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