Reincarnated User Manual

Chapter 212: Separation (1)

The Empire of Rien. Hugo’s mansion was bustling since morning.

The cause of the commotion was none other than the marriage issue of the mansion’s precious lady, Siriel Prient. Due to the importance of the matter, Shiron, who usually never left the underground commune, had to mingle in the main building today.

“It’s not even the wedding, just the engagement ceremony… People will definitely gossip that we’re showing off, won’t they?”

“Mother, it’s not just an engagement ceremony! We need to gather all the women in Rien and declare that my brother is mine! If anyone tries to covet him, they’ll be dead!”


While Siriel and Eldrina were chatting, Shiron quietly sipped his tea, watching their squabble. Unfamiliar with the complex social contract of marriage, he left it to the two women to handle the details. He was beginning to understand what it felt like to be a powerless son-in-law.

If only Latera were here, he wouldn’t feel so bored. It seemed Hugo, with some sort of foresight, had taken Latera away with sweet-smelling pastries.

“…The tea is all gone.”

Noticing this, a servant refilled the teapot and placed a tray full of newspapers.

Shiron silently praised the capable and thoughtful servant. He reached for the weekly paper on top but then turned his gaze to a yellow paper sticking out beside it.

‘…Has it finally come?’

[Emperor Franz Beizos de Rien Announces Abdication]

[3rd Prince. Victor Ado de Rien’s Coronation Scheduled for Next Month]

Shiron picked up the newspaper and calmly read the letters.

Knowing the scenario inside out, he wasn’t particularly surprised by Victor becoming the emperor at this time. He just felt a slight sense of achievement that, despite many changes, Victor became the emperor as intended.

However, he also felt a greater sense of astonishment.

‘He’s not even critically ill, yet he handed over the throne while still alive?’

Reading the top editorial of Rien’s most reputable journal, Shiron’s jaw tightened.

He knew the story of what happens after Victor becomes emperor, but he didn’t know the story of Franz forcing the succession while still alive.

One might think it would be fine as long as the former emperor safely abdicated, but Shiron preferred Victor to inherit the throne after Franz’s death, even if it was delayed.

‘Will that man really relinquish power?’

Though it seemed Shiron’s worry might be unfounded since Franz abdicated while still alive, the problem was Franz’s character, which was the complete opposite of the lenient Victor.

‘…He’s ruthless to the point of being a psychopath.’

In the past, he had cleverly used that ruthlessness to preemptively deal with the 2nd prince, who would become an enemy, but now that same ruthlessness was concerning.

Yoru, the Warrior of Silleya. A reckless savage who mistakenly thought of herself as a human rights activist.

Would Franz stand by and watch the “righteous” terrorism she would soon commit? No matter how willing Franz was to sacrifice his son to gain Hugo’s favor, politically charged acts of terrorism threatening the empire’s existence were another matter.

Shiron didn’t want her to die, so he worried Franz might constantly meddle in Victor’s decisions.

In the face of the demonic army approaching Rien, Victor couldn’t bring himself to kill Yoru for humanity’s sake. But Franz wouldn’t ignore an internal threat.

‘…Being executed would be the least of her problems.’

A sigh escaped him, anticipating the inevitable trouble.

That’s why he had warned her against doing anything bad when they last met…

Now, all he could do was hope she had reformed.

…And also hope Lucia, who left home, was safe.

Meanwhile, just as busy as Hugo’s mansion was the Imperial Palace, bustling with preparations for the upcoming coronation.

However, just like the calm center of a storm, there was a quiet place there.

In the annex surrounded by red bricks, Victor’s exclusive attendant, Remilia, smiled at her reflection in the mirror with blue eyes.

“Your Highness, why do you look so stern?”


“Isn’t it a joyous occasion soon? You should smile more happily.”

Her attitude might have warranted a scolding for being so informal with the crown prince, but Victor only slightly lifted the corners of her mouth, as if following her advice.

“…How about now? Does it look better?”

“Oh my~ You look wonderful. If the late empress, resting in the ground, saw this smile, she would surely be pleased.”

To ease Victor’s tension, Remilia kept chatting about pleasant things.

She talked about the latest trends in dresses, the most handsome man in Rien, and how the new cosmetics she bought worked well and made her happy.

Not topics meant to please a man, but who cared?

Remilia was the only one who knew Victor was a woman, and thus the only one Victor could have such conversations with.

Twenty-five years ago, Victor’s mother, Ado Bi, specially brought in Remilia from the Duchy of Ado. Now, Remilia was attaching magical accessories to the groomed Victor.

“Our Highness is so charming… It’s truly a shame~”

Necklaces, brooches, earrings… One after another, dozens of magical items were attached. With each addition, the image in the mirror changed from an awkward-looking woman to a delicate, handsome youth.

“But, don’t worry too much. I think you’ve turned into a very attractive person with this handsome appearance.”

“…If we consider that, haven’t we come too far?”

The phrase “come too far” held many meanings.

The emperor of the empire was a title granted only to men.

It’s been over twenty years since Ado Bi, who was diagnosed with infertility after giving birth to a daughter, devised this plan to divert the current emperor Franz’s attention.

“Then why not reveal the truth now? With no sons or daughters left, it would be quite a spectacle to see the emperor, who can barely walk, drop dead from a stroke due to high blood pressure.”

“…Maybe I should wish for Father’s quick passing.”

“Oh, come on~ Don’t take a joke so seriously.”

Remilia squinted her eyes, thinking of an old lion.

No matter how old, a beast was still a beast. A young lion that hadn’t yet learned to hunt properly needed a shadow to back it up. For her, Franz’s death would be quite troublesome.

“Your Highness has been the crown prince for a short period. Although you’ve established a political foundation, it hasn’t been long enough to learn administrative work. This time, the emperor acting as regent was a wise and timely decision.”

“…Stop talking.”

Victor stood up while attaching the last magical device, an artificial phallus. The device, which was ordered in various sizes to match her growth, had now become as thick as her wrist, causing her feminine sense of identity to fade day by day.

Although its excessive size often caused trouble, it also helped her avoid her father’s recent prying eyes. The distinct shadow between her legs made the emperor look at Victor with pride.

Each time, Victor felt a drug-like pleasure.

With her mother, who made her this way, now dead, she couldn’t even complain about why she had to endure such a situation. In that reality, her father’s expectations, which she wanted to meet all her life, were something Victor couldn’t betray.

However, there was an equally confusing emotion growing within Victor.

A sense of gratitude that started out of curiosity.

And an uncontrollably growing sense of guilt.

The first was her feelings towards Shiron Prient, who had helped her greatly to reach this position. The second was her feelings towards her completely deceived fiancée, Louise Biscont.

Then, a sudden thought struck her.

Victor’s face turned pale, and her eyes widened.


“Yes, Your Highness.”

“To live as a man, isn’t there something that can’t be fulfilled with just devices?”

“What do you mean?”

“An heir. An heir.”

Victor was a woman, and her fiancée was also a woman. In the natural order of things, only the union of a man and a woman could produce an heir.

“Couldn’t you just… hold hands for a night and then bring in any orphan?”


“I’m joking, so don’t look so scary.”

As Victor glared at her, Remilia laughed with her eyes half-closed. It was a critical issue that would be strange not to worry about. However, Remilia had already prepared a plan for such a day.

“Turn off the lights and have an heir. Of course, with a prepared, excellent man.”

“…Are you telling me to commit blatant adultery?”

“I thought it was a good plan~”

Remilia massaged Victor’s shoulders and whispered in her ear. Her voice, now cold and icy, was a stark contrast to before.

“I understand Lady Biscont is an excellent warrior… but she is still beneath Hugo Prient. If she falls into a trance, what can she do when the lights are out?”


“She will be unable to think straight, like having a happy dream, entranced by Your Highness’s sweet whispers.”

To hide her gender from Hugo Prient, who had high resistance to illusions, they had used the [Ring of the Gigolo], a treasure of the duchy. Deceiving someone like Lady Biscont, who was several steps below Hugo, would be an easy task.

“Of course, there is also the option of incurring the emperor’s wrath and both of us dying… But you know that, right? That would only lead to an even worse outcome.”

“…I wanted to be as wise as the emperor. But my ability just doesn’t measure up.”

Clearing her throat one last time, Victor left the annex to face the emperor.

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