Reincarnated User Manual

Chapter 213: Separation (2)

The season of snowfall had returned once more.

As if waiting for someone, Shiron stood idly in front of the iron gate, gazing at his pocket watch.

10:20 AM… He had been standing there, miserably enduring the sleet, for six hours. Shiron felt several presences approaching and put away his pocket watch.

“Brother, if we don’t leave soon…”

It was Siriel, dressed as if heading to an important place, who filled his gaze.

In a sophisticated white semi-coat and a cute sky-blue hat on her head, she wore a ceremonial sword on her waist, adding an air of reversal, asserting she was not just an ordinary girl.

However, the Siriel Shiron faced was still a fresh, lively girl. The cold wind brushed against her alabaster cheeks, turning them slightly red, and the expression on her face was full of concern, worried that Shiron might catch a cold, which was simply endearing.

“…Let’s go.”

Shiron decided to stop waiting for his little sister for the sake of his considerate fiancée. It was Victor’s coronation at the Imperial Palace. Lucia had not returned from her journey today either. Shiron had hoped Lucia would attend the coronation, a rare gathering of the empire’s influential figures, but it seemed the world was not a puzzle that fit perfectly together.

“Bend down a bit. Let me brush off the snow.”


“It’s nothing.”

Siriel, smiling bashfully, straightened Shiron’s clothes. She brushed the snow off his broad shoulders and used magic to iron the coat wrinkled from being folded.

It was a touching act of devotion anyone would feel. Enjoying the gaze of the servants lined up behind, Siriel laughed and held Shiron’s hand as they boarded the carriage.

“You’re such a lovely couple.”

Inside the carriage, Latera, wearing mittens and a scarf, was already seated.

She wanted to wait for Lucia beside Shiron, but fearing she might catch a cold in the chilly weather, Hugo had dragged her into the carriage earlier. All the winter accessories she wore had been prepared by Hugo, so Latera couldn’t ignore his kindness.

“Was that a compliment?”

“Of course. The love between a man and a woman, regardless of time or place, is always beautiful.”

“Oh my, thank you~”

Siriel, who answered, sat close to Shiron, displaying her affection. In the past, Siriel would have felt uncomfortable with Latera’s sarcasm, but thanks to the engagement ring on her finger, she could easily ignore the barbs in her words.


The coachman whipped the horses after confirming everyone had boarded. The world, covered in the first snow, quickly passed by.

“…Is it alright for me to attend?”

Shiron, who had been staring out the window, murmured softly.

Today, Victor’s coronation would take place in the [Red Square] in front of the Imperial Palace. Influential figures from not only the empire but also allied countries with Rien would come to see the face of the next emperor.

“I feel like I should stay home with Seira…”

Shiron worried that something might go wrong because of him. It had only been a little over a month since he eliminated the apostle, and due to his growing fame, there was a possibility he might encounter another apostle again.

“If not you, then who would attend?”

But Siriel didn’t know this. She chatted away, linking arms with her unusually hesitant brother.

“It’s a place to announce the emperor to the world. Any influential person on the continent would naturally attend, even paying money to secure a seat, so you should stand at the front and watch.”

“Is that so…”

“Victor even wrote a letter himself, asking you to come. He said you’ve done him a great favor and prepared the best spot for you. It would be a waste to miss this opportunity.”

“…Siriel is right.”

For once, Latera agreed with Siriel. Although Siriel’s intentions to flaunt their relationship were obvious, her reasoning was sound.

“I understand why the hero might feel uneasy due to his heightened reputation. However, good deeds are always rewarded in some way.”

“…That’s the first time I’ve heard that.”

“Think about it. If misfortune followed good deeds, who would do good deeds?”

Latera spoke with her hands clasped as if in prayer.

“Our Lord did not design the world that way. Of course, just as the hero said, we did encounter the apostle without warning, but it turned out well in the end, didn’t it?”

“Brother, do you want some chocolate?”

“Even if something happens, good deeds are always rewarded, so maybe encountering the apostle was the best possible outcome among many possibilities.”


“…So it might be good for something to happen. That event could reveal the hero’s identity to the world.”

“Our little angel, stop with the boring talk. Aah~”

“Boring talk!”


Latera caught the chocolate with her hand instead of her mouth. Although she wanted to refuse, her body had already become a slave to the sweet treat.

“I’m doing something important right now. Can’t you see how worried the hero is!”

“Brother, are you worried?”

“Hmm? Well…”

“He’s worried! I saw it with my own eyes!”

“Then you need to cheer him up.”

Smooch- smooch- smooch-

Just as the sweet and bitter kiss was about to continue, the carriage arrived at its destination. Siriel, who got off first, extended her hand to Shiron without hesitation.

“Isn’t this usually my job?”

“It’s more impressive this way, isn’t it?”

“Geez, it’s so sweet!”

“Little miss, you should hold my hand too.”

“I can do it myself.”

Latera jumped down and grabbed Shiron’s other hand.

“Are you Shiron Prient? I will guide you.”

A man who appeared to be from the royal family made way for them by moving people aside. Siriel, receiving the gazes of many influential figures, tightened her grip on Shiron’s arm even more.

After a brief walk, the three arrived at the central area covered in a red carpet.

There were indeed many people. From Margaret and other heads of prominent martial families to Igor, the commander of the expedition, and even the dean of the Imperial Academy.

It seemed that every significant figure from the Empire in ‘Reincarnation of the Divine Sword’ was present, allowing Shiron to confirm the status of many familiar faces.

“Shiron, I was worried you wouldn’t come.”

In the center where the coronation was to take place, Hugo and Eldrina were already present.

“I wanted to wait for Lucia…”

“We waited as long as we could, but unfortunately, we couldn’t bring her.”

“…It can’t be helped. It seems it’s about to start.”

Hugo put his arms around the shoulders of Shiron and Siriel and looked up. Far away, on the highest platform, stood an old friend.

Graying hair, a mysteriously shrunken stature. Hands trembling as he held up the ceremonial rod.

‘…You have aged as well.’

As the emperor raised the ceremonial rod, the hall fell silent. Influential figures from other countries and commoners who had gathered to see the emperor’s face held their breath.

The old emperor, as if to declare he was still strong, held the rod high for a long time.

The eyes of his friend did not meet Hugo’s. They simply gazed at the end of the red carpet.

Victor Ado de Rien. The young man who could only be described as noble received the emperor’s gaze entirely.

Dressed in a white uniform embroidered with gold thread, displaying his sharp features, and flaunting his splendid blonde hair, the Empire’s most handsome man. The blue eyes seated in slightly arched sockets were so deep one could not fathom their depth.

Victor walked the red carpet and stood before the emperor. Standing on the platform, he looked down at the old emperor, showing that the crown prince was now grown.

…Siriel knew that Victor was conscious of this side and also saw a different scene than others, but she remained silent and simply watched.

‘Is he jealous? Hmph! How ridiculous.’

Although it was brief, Siriel knew that his consciousness had indeed been directed this way. So, she flaunted her relationship with Shiron for all to see.

Ignoring his numb arm, Shiron stared at Victor. Indeed… he was a handsome fellow even by a man’s standards. A guy handsome enough to incite jealousy knelt as he received the ceremonial rod.

The emperor lifted the crown from his head and placed it on the crown prince’s head.


Thunderous cheers erupted.

Shiron did not join the cheers.

‘Good looks, wealth, and power… he has it all.’

Despite his turbulent heart, Shiron maintained a composed demeanor and only clapped his hands.

Victor slowly raised the ceremonial rod, calming the crowd.

Handing over the ceremonial rod and crowning the prince did not mark the end of the coronation. The final step, the swearing-in ceremony to pledge allegiance to the new emperor, remained.

Those privileged to participate in the swearing-in ceremony at the coronation were notified in advance, so Shiron, not expecting to be chosen, wondered who would go up the platform.

But then, Victor glanced down the platform and met Shiron’s eyes. Shiron tilted his head in confusion as a smile that made him want to punch the handsome young man spread across his face.

For a moment, Shiron’s heart sank.

However, contrary to his suspicion that his name might be called, Victor announced an unexpected name.

-Siriel Prient.

The name uttered by the emperor caused a stir in the hall. Shiron, as well as Siriel, were baffled and could only display puzzled expressions on their faces.

‘What? Why did he call my name?’

As Siriel pondered with confusion, Eldrina, standing behind her, tapped her shoulder.


“Go on, child, didn’t His Majesty call your name?”

Siriel, as if pushed, came forward and stood before Victor.

For a moment, their lips moved as if they were having a conversation.

Shiron had no way of knowing what they were discussing, but seeing Siriel biting her lip, he could easily guess that the conversation was not ordinary.

-Siriel Prient!

The thunderous proclamation.

-Serve the Empire as its sharpest sword!

Siriel knelt down.

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