Reincarnated With the Seduction System

Chapter 112: Family Discussion

Adrian woke the next morning to the soft rays of sunlight filtering through the curtains, casting a warm glow on the room.The weight of Sophia's body was still pressed against him, her arm draped lazily over his chest.

He took a deep breath, feeling the tension from the previous night slowly returning, the concerns of Chris's mother and the looming presence of the Dark Guild creeping back into his thoughts.

Carefully, so as not to wake her, Adrian disentangled himself from Sophia's embrace. Her body shifted slightly, a quiet murmur escaping her lips, but she remained asleep.

Adrian smiled softly at the sight, brushing a strand of hair away from her face before slipping out of bed.

His feet touched the cool wooden floor, grounding him as he stretched his muscles, his mind already focused on the tasks ahead.

After a quick shower, the refreshing sensation of water washing away the remnants of sleep, he dressed in his usual attire.

He glanced in the mirror, his reflection showing not only a young man burdened with responsibilities but also someone prepared to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Adrian left the bedroom, the faint sounds of the castle beginning to stir with the activity of the day. As he made his way to the dining hall, the scent of breakfast reached him—freshly baked bread, sizzling meats, and the rich aroma of coffee.

By the time he entered the room, the others were already gathered at the long table. His mother, Isabella, sat on the chair left of the head's. Her eyes lighting up when she saw her beloved son.

Seraphina, sat beside her, looking at ease but with a sharpness in her gaze that never seemed to fade.

Christine and Chris sat next to each other, chatting quietly, while Eve and Rosalyn shared a pot of tea. Sophia joined them shortly after, her cheeks still flushed from sleep.

"Good morning," Adrian greeted as he took his seat. The familiar warmth of his family and friends momentarily eased the weight of the issues at hand.

"Morning, Adrian," Christine chirped, smiling brightly. "You look like you slept well."

Adrian chuckled softly, nodding. "I did. Thank you." His gaze shifted around the table, the calm morning routine suddenly feeling more fragile, knowing what he needed to discuss.

He had to tell them about Chris's mother, about the dark guild lurking in their territory. He cleared his throat, and the subtle shift in his tone caught everyone's attention.

"There's something I need to talk to you all about," he said, his voice steady but serious. The table quieted as all eyes turned to him.

Adrian glanced briefly at Chris, who looked back at him, sensing the weight of what he was about to say.

"It's about Chris's mother. Her illness… it's not a natural one," he began. "It's caused by a dark guild and her father was involved in it. He has been locked in dungeon."

Chris's face paled, her eyes widening in shock. "A dark guild?My father was also involved?" she echoed, disbelief in her voice and sadness. Her so called father was really a scum.

Adrian nodded. "Yes. They've been operating in the shadows, manipulating people and spreading their influence through curses and other dark means. Her mother is just one of their many victims."

There was a stunned silence as his words sunk in. Eve, who had been quietly sipping her tea, set her cup down with a sharp clink, her expression hardening. "A dark guild, here in our territory? That's a serious threat."

"Yes," Adrian continued, "and they're more dangerous than we originally thought. They've been working quietly, avoiding detection while spreading their influence. With the upcoming war against Mortimer, our resources are already stretched thin, but we can't ignore this."

Seraphina's eyes narrowed as she listened. "You think they'll interfere when we move for war?"

"Most likely," Adrian confirmed. "They've already cursed Chris's mother, and who knows how many others they've targeted. We need to be cautious."

Chris lowered her gaze, her hands trembling slightly. "I had no idea… I thought it was just an illness."

Adrian reached over and squeezed her hand gently. "It's not your fault, Chris. You couldn't have known. But now that we do, we can take action."

He stood, drawing attention back to him as he pulled out two items from his inventory: the Sigil of Purity and the Ward of Aegis.

"I've prepared some items to protect against curse for you guys," he said, placing the items on the table for everyone to see. "These are powerful protections against curses and dark magic.

The Sigil of Purity repels curses and soul-binding magics, while the Ward of Aegis creates a protective barrier against minor curses."

Adrian slid the items toward each person at the table—Chris, Christine, Isabella, Seraphina, Sophia, Rosalyn, and Eve.

"Everyone take one of each," he said firmly. "These will help keep you safe from any dark influence the guild might try to use against us."

Seraphina picked up the Sigil of Purity, her fingers tracing the intricate design. Her eyes narrowed as she examined it, and for a brief moment, her lips parted in surprise.

"This… this works even for me," she said, her voice filled with astonishment.

Seraphina was a third-class awakener, her power far beyond that of most people. The fact that these items could affect her as well was nothing short of remarkable.

"How did you manage to acquire such powerful charms so quickly?" she asked, though there was no demand in her tone—just genuine curiosity.

Adrian shrugged, a faint smile tugging at his lips. "Let's just say I have my ways."

Seraphina regarded him for a moment longer, then nodded, not pressing the issue. She understood that Adrian had his secrets, just as she had hers.

Isabella placed her charm around her neck, her expression softening as she looked at her son. "Thank you, Adrian. This means a lot."

Rosalyn, who had been quietly observing, spoke up next. "I've been feeling much better lately, thanks to the mana-filled items and food your family has provided," she said, her gratitude clear in her voice. "My bloodline awakening is progressing well because of it."

Adrian smiled at her. "I'm glad to hear that, Aunt Rosalyn. You've come a long way. And don't hesitate to ask if you need anything else. We are all family here."

Rosalyn nodded, her eyes warm with appreciation. "Thank you, Adrian. You've done more for me than I could ever repay."

With the protective items distributed and the discussion of the dark guild settled for now, the group turned their attention back to their breakfast.

The conversation flowed easily, but the undercurrent of the looming threats was ever-present.

After they finished their meal, Adrian stood, his gaze shifting to Seraphina. "It's time," he said quietly.

Seraphina rose gracefully, nodding. "Let's go."

With Seraphina by his side, fasten his level up process.

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