Reincarnated With the Seduction System

Chapter 113: Leveling With Seraphina

The cool breeze brushed against Adrian’s face as he and Seraphina ventured deeper into the Shadowgrove Forest.

The sun was still high, casting long shadows through the thick canopy, but there was a chill in the air that spoke of the monsters lurking within.

Seraphina walked ahead of him, her eyes glowing faintly with arcane power, her connection to the surrounding mana allowing her to sense the creatures hidden in the undergrowth.

Adrian followed closely behind, his enchanted dagger at the ready, its familiar weight comforting in his hand.

While his security was guaranteed with Seraphina beside him, he wouldn’t let his guard down, knowing that remaining vigilant would keep his senses sharp and well-trained.

Seraphina came to a sudden halt, raising her hand. “Hmm, looks like a good place to start,” she said, her voice low but calm.

Her fingers twitched, and in response, a surge of energy rippled out from her, expanding in all directions. It was like a magical pulse, meant to draw out the hidden threats in the area.

Almost instantly, the forest responded.

From the shadows, the creatures emerged as if being attracted by something. Dark wolves with glowing red eyes, their fur bristling with malevolent energy, and tall, skeletal figures wreathed in darkness.

Seraphina smiled faintly, her hands glowing with a pale blue light as she prepared her magic. "I’ll soften them up for you," she said, her tone teasing. "Don’t let me down."

Adrian gripped his dagger tightly, nodding as the first of the wolves lunged at them. Seraphina’s magic shot forward in a blinding flash, striking the wolf mid-leap.

It howled in pain as its body crackled with energy, its movements slowed, weakened.

Without hesitation, Adrian dashed forward, his body moving in perfect sync with his instincts. His enhanced speed—boosted by both his natural agility and Seraphina’s magic—made him almost a blur as he closed the distance.

His dagger plunged into the creature's side in a single, clean strike. The beast collapsed in an instant, its life extinguished.

One down.

More were coming.

Another wolf, followed by two shadow figures, moved in next. Seraphina’s eyes glowed brighter as she raised her hand, the magic swelling around her.

She gestured sharply, and the shadow creatures froze in place as an invisible force clutched them. Their forms flickered, dark energy dissipating as they weakened, their strength sapped by Seraphina's control.

"Now, Adrian!" she called.

Adrian needed no further encouragement. He sprinted forward, his veins humming with adrenaline and mana as his blade sliced through the nearest shadowy figure.

It crumbled into dark mist before it even had the chance to react. Another swift strike, and the second one was down.

The wolf lunged at him, its eyes burning with rage. Adrian pivoted just as it snapped its jaws, dodging the attack with ease.

Seraphina’s magic surged once more, a bright arc of light that blasted the wolf back, leaving it vulnerable.

Adrian leaped into the air, bringing his dagger down with precision. The wolf didn’t stand a chance. It let out a final, pitiful whine before crumbling to the ground, lifeless.

The forest went still for a moment, the immediate threat passed. Adrian stood over the fallen creatures, his breath coming in short bursts but his heart racing with exhilaration.

The fights had been quick—almost too quick. But that was the point. Seraphina's magic had drained their strength, leaving them weak enough for Adrian to finish off with a single blow. It was a perfect execution of their plan.

Seraphina approached him, her expression calm, though her eyes gleamed with satisfaction. "Not bad, you don’t shame the name of Everhart with your strength," she remarked, a hint of approval in her voice. "You’re handling them well."

Adrian wiped his dagger clean on a patch of moss, feeling the familiar hum of mana coursing through him.

Each fight, each kill, was strengthening him. He could feel it—the boost in his agility, the sharpness of his strikes, the ease with which he dispatched enemies that had once posed a real threat.

"And you’re making it easier for me," Adrian replied with a grin. "But it’s working."

Seraphina nodded, her gaze sweeping the forest around them. "Don’t get too comfortable. We’re just getting started."

The ground trembled slightly beneath their feet. Adrian’s senses heightened, his eyes scanning the dark woods.

More were coming. This time, the earth itself seemed to rumble, and from the distance, heavy footfalls could be heard.

Seraphina’s eyes narrowed. "Bigger ones," she said, her voice taking on a serious edge.

From the shadows, a hulking figure appeared—a massive golem, its body made of twisted roots and stone, its eyes glowing with unnatural energy.

Behind it, more wolves and shadowy creatures emerged, forming a small army.

Adrian tightened his grip on his dagger. This was no ordinary battle. These creatures were infused with magic, their strength far surpassing the earlier ones.

But he felt ready. His body was stronger, more responsive, and Seraphina’s presence gave him the edge he needed.

With a wave of her hand, Seraphina unleashed a powerful torrent of magic, her energy striking the golem and the creatures behind it.

The ground shook as the golem staggered, its body cracking under the force of the spell. The wolves, already weakened by her initial blast, barely had time to react before Adrian was upon them.

His dagger flashed through the air, cutting through the wolves with lethal precision. One strike, and they fell. The golem, however, was still standing, though cracks now spiderwebbed across its body.

Seraphina focused her magic on the golem, binding it in place with invisible chains of energy. "Adrian!" she called out, her voice sharp. "Finish it!"

Adrian didn’t hesitate. He dashed toward the towering creature, leaping into the air with a burst of speed.

His dagger, glowing faintly with the magic infused within it, struck the golem's chest. With a deafening crack, the creature crumbled, its body shattering into pieces as it fell.

The battle was over.

Adrian landed lightly on his feet, his breath steady as he surveyed the aftermath. The forest was silent once more, save for the faint rustling of leaves in the wind.

He turned to Seraphina, who stood watching him with a satisfied expression.

Adrian nodded, wiping the sweat from his brow. "Thanks to your help," he said, though he knew that it wasn’t just Seraphina’s magic.

It was the culmination of his hard work, his training, and his desire to grow stronger. They continued with this pace until noon, when they stopped to take a rest and have lunch.

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