Reincarnated With the Seduction System

Chapter 138: Sophia vs Isolde

The battle between Sophia and Isolde intensified within the shimmering barrier Seraphina had conjured.

Their clash sent waves of magical energy reverberating through the air, making even the transparent walls of the barrier shimmer and distort.

Sophia's eyes narrowed with fierce determination as she tightened her grip on her twin blades. She wasn't just up against a powerful mage; she was facing someone very powerful working under a Viscount.

"Let's see how you handle this!" she shouted, her voice resonating with resolve.

She activated Blade Dance, her body becoming a blur of motion as she moved with incredible speed and precision.

Her blades carved through the air in complex patterns, leaving trails of shimmering energy in their wake.

In the blink of an eye, she unleashed a dozen strikes, each one aimed at the weak points in Isolde's defenses.

But Isolde was no amateur. With a flick of her wrist, she summoned a dome of rippling mana around herself, deflecting each of Sophia's strikes with pinpoint accuracy.

The sound of metal clashing against magical energy echoed through the battlefield, creating a cacophony that reverberated even outside the barrier.

Sophia's eyes widened slightly in surprise. Most opponents couldn't keep up with her speed and technique, but Isolde was not only holding her ground—she was actively countering.

"Not bad," Sophia muttered under her breath, a grin tugging at her lips. "But let's see if you can keep up with this!"

She activated Quickstep, her form becoming even harder to track as she moved at blinding speed. She appeared in front of Isolde, only to vanish and reappear behind her, then to her left, then to her right—her movements almost too fast to follow.

Each time, she struck out with her blades, aiming to pierce through Isolde's defenses.

Isolde's gaze hardened as she chanted an incantation under her breath, the words flowing like a melodic song.

Mana surged around her, and the air crackled with energy. As Sophia closed in once more, the Grand Enchantress raised her staff high, and a torrent of arcane energy exploded outward.

The blast caught Sophia mid-strike, sending her skidding backward across the ground. She dug her heels in, using her blades to slow her momentum until she came to a stop.

"I see… You're more resilient than I expected," Sophia said, her voice carrying a note of genuine respect.

Isolde smirked, though there was no malice in it. "I've faced many skilled warriors, child. But you… You're different. I can sense it. That overwhelming aura of power. You're holding back, aren't you?"

Sophia's smile faded, replaced by a more serious expression. "Maybe. But then again, so are you."

The two women stared at each other, the air between them charged with tension. Then, almost simultaneously, they moved.

Sophia dashed forward, her blades glowing with a faint blue aura. She swung them in a wide arc, unleashing a series of powerful strikes.

But Isolde was ready. With a single word, she conjured a wall of flames that roared to life, blocking Sophia's path.

Sophia didn't hesitate. She twisted her body mid-stride, her blades spinning as she used them to cut through the flames.

The fire parted before her, and she surged forward, her eyes locked on Isolde's form.

But Isolde wasn't done. She extended her hand, and a massive ice spike erupted from the ground, aimed directly at Sophia's chest.

Sophia sidestepped the attack, but more spikes followed, each one appearing faster than the last.

She dodged and weaved through them, her movements precise and fluid. It was almost like she was dancing through a deadly maze of ice.

"Enough of this," Sophia growled, her voice laced with annoyance. She activated Focus Strike, channeling all of her power into a single, devastating blow.

With a roar, she swung her blade downward, the force of the attack shattering the ice spikes and sending a shockwave of energy straight at Isolde.

Isolde's eyes widened, and she barely had time to raise her staff before the attack hit. The impact sent her stumbling back, her barrier cracking under the pressure.

Sophia didn't let up. She charged forward, her blades flashing as she unleashed a relentless barrage of attacks.

Each strike was more powerful than the last, and Isolde struggled to keep up, her defenses faltering under the onslaught.

"Damn it!" Isolde spat, frustration clear in her voice. She raised her staff high, and a pulse of energy shot out from her, creating a shockwave that forced Sophia to leap back.

Isolde took a deep breath, her chest heaving as she steadied herself. "You're pushing me further than I expected," she admitted, a grudging respect in her tone. "But I won't lose to you, child. Not yet."

Sophia's smile returned, sharper than ever. "Then show me what you've got."

Isolde's eyes narrowed, and she began to chant. The air around her shimmered, and Sophia felt a chill run down her spine as an overwhelming surge of mana filled the barrier.

The ground beneath them cracked and split as Isolde's power reached its peak.

"Arcane Storm!" Isolde shouted, her voice echoing like a clap of thunder.

The spell she unleashed was nothing short of catastrophic. A swirling vortex of pure mana formed above her, its edges crackling with energy.

It expanded rapidly, filling the barrier with an oppressive presence that made it hard to breathe.

Sophia's gaze flickered with a mix of awe and anticipation. This was it—the kind of power she had been waiting to face.

"Impressive," she murmured, her voice barely audible over the roar of the vortex. "But you'll need more than that to take me down."

She closed her eyes, taking a deep breath. Then, she activated Mana Blade, infusing her swords with a brilliant blue energy.

The blades hummed with power, and she could feel the mana coursing through her, enhancing her strength and speed even further.

With a single, powerful leap, she launched herself into the heart of the vortex. The mana around her swirled and twisted, threatening to tear her apart, but she didn't falter.

Her blades sliced through the energy, cutting a path straight toward Isolde.

Isolde's eyes widened in shock as Sophia broke through her most powerful spell, her form blurring as she closed in.

Desperation flashed across Isolde's face, and she raised her staff in a final attempt to defend herself.

But it was too late.

Sophia's blade struck true, cutting through the mana shield and sending a shockwave of energy blasting through the barrier.

The force of the impact sent Isolde sprawling, her staff clattering to the ground as she landed hard on her back.

The vortex above them flickered, then dissipated into nothingness. The barrier around them shimmered and vanished, leaving the two women standing in the midst of the now-silent battlefield.

Isolde struggled to sit up, her chest heaving as she looked up at Sophia with a mixture of disbelief and admiration.

"You… You actually broke through…" she whispered, her voice filled with wonder.

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