Reincarnated With the Seduction System

Chapter 139: Soul-Slave Seal

Sophia took a deep breath, standing tall with her twin blades still aglow with residual mana. Her chest rose and fell steadily, but there was no sign of exhaustion on her face.

She exuded a calm, unwavering aura of control despite the intensity of the battle they had just fought.

Isolde, on the other hand, struggled to push herself up to her knees, leaning on one hand as she panted heavily.

The Grand Enchantress was clearly spent. Even for a mage of her caliber, the sheer volume of mana needed to summon and maintain the Arcane Storm had been immense.

Sweat glistened on her forehead, and her normally pristine robes were torn and singed from the backlash of energy.

"I underestimated you, little girl," Isolde admitted softly, her voice laced with a mix of frustration and respect.

She looked up at Sophia, her eyes still burning with fierce intensity despite her weakened condition.

"Not many have withstood my spells head-on. You had a bright future ahead, though it's a shame… your family has now offended a Count. The repercussions—"

Sophia sheathed one of her blades, then pointed the remaining one toward Isolde's throat—though there was no malice in the gesture.

It was a symbol of victory, nothing more. She glanced down at the Grand Enchantress, her gaze calm and unwavering.

"Offended a Count?" Sophia echoed, her tone laced with faint amusement. There was no concern or fear in her voice—just calm, unwavering confidence.

She sighed softly, almost as if she were disappointed by Isolde's words. "You have no idea who you're dealing with, do you? A mere Count is insignificant compared to my brother's means."

Isolde's eyes narrowed slightly, her expression shifting to one of wariness. "You think Count Vortigern is insignificant? He's—"

"—Nothing more than an insect," Sophia interjected, her voice cutting through Isolde's words like a blade. Her expression softened, a faint smile tugging at her lips.

"My brother will handle this issue just like he did with Baron Mortimer. You can't begin to fathom his capabilities."

Meanwhile, outside the barrier, Adrian couldn't help but sigh softly as he watched his sister stand victorious over someone as powerful as Isolde.

Level 81—an opponent most would shy away from, yet Sophia had defeated her with skill and finesse.

Adrian's admiration for his sister's prowess only deepened, but there was something else on his mind as well.

"She's really outdone herself this time," Adrian thought to himself, glancing at the other defeated mages nearby.

"But it would be a pity to just kill her and the other two guys."

He pondered the matter seriously. He knew that forcing a soul contract on these individuals—while useful in many situations—might not work effectively against those whose loyalty to Count Vortigern surpassed their concern for their own lives.

People willing to die for their cause would not be swayed easily by threats or conventional methods of coercion.

If they were left alive without proper means to control them, they could become dangerous liabilities in the future.

Adrian's eyes narrowed slightly as a thought crossed his mind. "If only there was a way to ensure their absolute loyalty…" he mused silently.

He then focused his mind and asked the system, "System, is there any item or technique available that could guarantee the complete loyalty of these three mages?" Adrian asked inwardly, his voice calm but firm.

The system's response was swift and to the point, its cold, mechanical voice echoing within his mind:

"Host, there is a technique called the Soul Slave Seal. It is an advanced enslavement method that binds the very soul of the target, ensuring complete control over their life and actions. Once the seal is in place, the host can exert absolute dominance over the enslaved individual with a single thought."

Adrian's eyes lit up slightly at the mention of the Soul Slave Seal. This technique sounded perfect for his current predicament.

However, the system continued, a note of caution creeping into its usually emotionless tone:

"However, host, the nature of soul manipulation is highly complex and dangerous. Your current strength and level are insufficient to fully grasp the intricacies of soul techniques. The use of this seal is recommended no more than five times until you unlock your third class advancement. Exceeding this limit may cause irreversible damage to your own soul."

Adrian frowned slightly at the warning. He understood the risks involved, but he also felt that it would be pity just to kill them.

After enslaving he could have them protect weaker members of his family or even have them return to Count Vortigern and act as spy.

So he decided to buy the seal. "I'll take it," he said firmly.

"The Soul Slave Seal technique costs 100,000 Seduction Points (SP). Would you like to proceed with the purchase?" the system inquired.

"Yes," Adrian confirmed without hesitation.

Immediately, he felt a surge of energy flow through him as the technique was added to his repertoire.

It was a hefty cost, but Adrian wasn't overly concerned. Thanks to the intense night sessions in the Virtual Training Chamber with his women, he had accumulated a considerable amount of SP over the past year.

Thanks to his system upgrade, he could get SP just by having sex with his women, although it was not much, but having accumulated for a whole year, he indeed made small fortune of it.

With the technique now at his disposal, Adrian turned his gaze to the three trapped members of Count Vortigern entourage.

Each of them was a powerful combatant in their own right, and under Count Vortigern's command, they had likely been considered assets of immense value. But now… they would serve a new master.

Meanwhile, inside the barrier, Sophia withdrew her blade from Isolde’s neck and gracefully sheathed it, her eyes never leaving the Grand Enchantress until the final click of her sword echoed through the tense silence.

With a soft exhale, she turned and began walking toward her brother and the rest of her family, a faint smile curving her lips. 

Sir Asmodeus and Vincent stared in stunned disbelief. Their eyes darted back and forth between the fallen figure of the Grand Enchantress and Sophia's retreating form.

Isolde, a powerful mage at the peak of the second class, had been defeated so decisively by a girl in her early stages of the same class. It was almost impossible to comprehend.

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