Reincarnated With the Seduction System

Chapter 74: Rescue Part 1

As Adrian, Eve, and Sophia continued their silent march through the cold, damp tunnels beneath Mortimer's castle, the tension in the air was palpable.

The sound of their footsteps echoed faintly against the stone walls, mixing with the distant drip of water from the ceiling. Their breaths were shallow, their senses heightened, knowing that any wrong move could jeopardize the mission.

Suddenly, the faint echo of other footsteps reached their ears. They froze, their eyes narrowing as two guards appeared around the corner, their torches casting long, flickering shadows on the walls. The guards were engrossed in a casual conversation, completely unaware of the intruders lurking in the darkness.

Before the guards could react, Adrian and Sophia sprang into action, their movements swift and precise.

In the blink of an eye, one guard fell silently to the ground, a quick strike to his neck ending his life. The other guard struggled briefly as Adrian subdued him with a chokehold, his body going limp after a few moments.

Eve watched in awe at how efficiently they handled the situation. This mission was personal for her, but she knew she had to stay focused and trust in her allies.

"Quickly, let's switch clothes," Adrian whispered. Then, addressing the system, he asked, "Can you replicate these uniforms?"

The system responded with a simple, "Yes," and, using some of his Seduction Points, Adrian purchased exact replicas of the guards' uniforms.

As they prepared to change into the disguises, Sophia began binding her chest to better fit the coarse fabric of the guard's armor.

As she did so, her breasts were briefly exposed. Eve, noticing Sophia's figure, couldn't help but feel a pang of insecurity.

She glanced down at her own chest, feeling a wave of self-doubt. Murmuring to herself, she wondered, "Would Adrian even be interested in me?"

Meanwhile, Adrian couldn't resist the opportunity. With a mischievous grin, he moved closer to Sophia, his hands reaching out to grope her breasts.

"Adrian," Sophia whispered, swatting his hand playfully. "Time and place," she added with feigned anger.

Adrian grinned wider, a perverted glint in his eyes. "Just a little for good luck," he said, his hands continuing to fondle her breasts, savoring the sensation. Sophia rolled her eyes but allowed him to indulge for a moment.

It wasn't long before Eve, trying to maintain focus on the mission, cleared her throat loudly. "Ahem."

Adrian reluctantly pulled his hands away, shooting Sophia one last flirtatious grin before straightening his uniform. "Alright, alright. Back to business."

With a final playful wink, Adrian turned his attention back to the mission. Sophia, now fully dressed and ready, shook her head in amusement, a small smile tugging at her lips.

Eve, though slightly exasperated, couldn't help but smile as well before refocusing on the task at hand.

Adrian then activated his disguise ability, altering their appearances to match the guards they had just taken down.

Once dressed, they continued through the tunnels, moving with purpose. The air grew heavier as they ascended into the heart of the castle.

They encountered a few more guards along the way, all of whom they swiftly dispatched with the same deadly efficiency.

Eve led the way, her knowledge of the castle's layout guiding them safely through the labyrinth of corridors. Their first stop was the storage room.

"Here," Eve whispered, pointing to a thick wooden door. "Behind this should be one of the storage rooms for grains, salt, and spices."

Adrian immediately accessed the system, activating a remote connection. He began collecting as much food as possible, watching as the items disappeared into his storage ring.

After filling it to capacity, he bought two more storage rings from the shop, costing him 8,000 SP. He handed them to Eve and Sophia, who quickly filled them as well, leaving the granary empty.

With the granary stripped bare, Adrian purchased five more storage rings for 20,000 SP. They then made their way through the castle, disguised as guards patrolling the halls.

Their next destination was the room where Eve's mother was being held captive. The tension in the air grew as they approached, the weight of what was to come pressing down on them.

Before they reached the room, Adrian separated from the group. He asked Eve for directions to the weapons and armor storage.

"I'll steal whatever I can from there," he whispered. "I'll meet you outside the way we came in."

Eve nodded, her eyes filled with determination. "Be careful." They then moved towards the room where her mother had been held captive.

With that, Adrian slipped away, retracing their steps while Eve and Sophia, still disguised as guards, continued toward the room where Eve's mother was held.

They passed several other guards along the way, nodding curtly to avoid suspicion.

Meanwhile, inside the room, Eve's mother, Rosalyn, clutched the bruised and battered form of "Eve" in her arms, tears streaming down her face.

"My poor child, what have they done to you?" she whispered, her voice breaking. She held her daughter tightly, as if trying to shield her from further harm.

When she glanced up and saw Darian standing nearby, her expression twisted with venomous hatred. He had been a constant source of torment, just as much as Baron Mortimer.

Her eyes burned with a loathing so deep that it sent a shiver down the spine of even the most hardened guard.

Sensing her hostility, one of the guards near Darian couldn't resist sneering at her. "Careful how you look at Lord Darian, whore. He holds your life in his hands, just like your daughter's. Show some respect."

Darian maintained his cold, authoritative demeanor, but inside, he was sickened by the entire charade. He couldn't wait for this to be over, for Mortimer and his lackeys to finally face justice.

Just then,Darian received a message from his real body that they had arrived inside the castle. It was time to bring the mission to a close. He then signaled Eve with his eyes, asking her to be prepared.

As the tension mounted in the room, the real Eve and Sophia made their way toward it. Adrian, meanwhile, carefully maneuvered through the castle, heading toward the weapons and armor storage, ready to deprive Mortimer of his resources.

Back in the room, Darian turned toward the guards, a sinister smile spreading across his face.

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