Reincarnated With the Seduction System

Chapter 75: Rescue Part 2

As Darian received the message and turned toward the guards, a sinister smile spread across his face.

"Baron Mortimer has given Rosalyn to me," he announced, his voice dripping with malice.

"And I'd like to invite everyone here to witness and take part as I show her the supreme pleasure she's never experienced since the baron impregnated her."

Rosalyn paled with fright at his words, but Eve, still disguised, gently patted her hand.

"Don't worry. Everything is fine," she whispered, handing Rosalyn mother a key and a small controlling device. Eve then stood up and moved toward the door, her expression calm and calculated.

The guards outside entered the room, their faces twisted with wicked grins. Rosalyn, though weak and pale from sickness, was still renowned for her beauty.

The baron had bought her from her parents to make her his concubine because of her looks. Unlike other women, he had only used her once, and after she became ill, he discarded her like trash.

Now, the guards eagerly anticipated the chance to exploit the baron’s castoff.

"Never thought we'd get a shot at her," one guard sneered, licking his lips.

"She's probably too weak to fight back," another added with a dark chuckle. "Let's see how long she lasts."

"Baron might not want her, but I'm sure she still has some fight left in her," a third guard taunted, his eyes gleaming with perverse excitement.

Eve opened the door slightly, checking if the guards were still outside. Once she confirmed that everyone was in place, she closed and locked the door, a determined glint in her eyes.

Rosalyn watched in stunned silence, unable to comprehend the sudden shift in her daughter’s demeanor.

In an instant, Darian and Eve vanished from sight, their illusions dissipating. Without warning, one of the guards inside the room drove a sword through another guard, who gasped in shock as blood poured from his wound.

"W-what…?!" he stammered, his eyes wide with disbelief before collapsing to the ground.

Another guard raised his wand to cast a spell, but before he could chant a word, he found himself bound by invisible chains. "What’s happening?!" he cried out, panic rising in his voice.

The guard wielding the sword moved with lethal precision, cutting down the remaining guards one by one. "No… this isn’t…!" one guard groaned as he bled out on the floor. "Not like this…"

"Please… spare me…!" another begged, only to be silenced by a swift strike to the throat.

Finally, the last guard fell, and the room was eerily quiet, save for Rosalyn’s trembling breaths.

The guard who had wielded the sword then reverted to her true form—Eve—who immediately rushed to her mother and embraced her tightly.

"Mom, I'm here now," Eve whispered, tears streaming down her face. "We're going to be free."

Rosalyn, still in shock, tried to process everything that had just occurred. Sophia, who had been disguised as another guard, returned to her true form as well.

She quickly took the key from Rosalyn's trembling hand and used it to unlock Eve's slave collar. As the collar came undone, Eve collapsed into her mother’s arms, her sobs breaking the heavy silence.

The weight of years of captivity, torment, and hopelessness finally lifted from her shoulders, leaving her emotionally spent.

Rosalyn, still bewildered but slowly coming to understand the situation, realized her daughter had freed herself and had come to rescue her.

Overwhelmed with emotion, she hugged Eve tightly, her tears of fear transforming into tears of joy. "My brave, brave girl… I’m so proud of you," Rosalyn whispered, her voice choked with emotion.

"We need to move now," Sophia urged, her voice tense. "The longer we stay, the more danger we’re in."

Eve nodded, wiping her tears as she helped her mother to her feet. Despite her weakened state, Rosalyn managed to stand with Eve’s support.

As Eve and Sophia supported Rosalyn, they quickly made their way toward the path that would lead them to the tunnel.

Every step felt urgent, the tension in the air palpable. The echoes of their hurried footsteps reverberated through the narrow corridors, and Sophia's keen senses remained on high alert, ready for any sign of danger.

"We're almost there, Mother. Just a little longer," Eve whispered, her voice steady but filled with an underlying urgency.

Rosalyn nodded weakly, clinging to Eve's arm as she struggled to keep pace. Despite her illness, the hope of escape and the presence of her daughter gave her the strength to move forward.

Meanwhile, Adrian had separated from the group just before they reached Rosalyn's room. Disguised as a guard, he casually strolled through the dimly lit hallways, his eyes scanning every corner for signs of the armory.

According to Eve's earlier information, there was a storage area nearby where the baron's guards kept their weapons and armor.

As he walked, Adrian maintained the demeanor of a typical guard, nodding to others he passed by, doing his best to avoid suspicion.

His mind was sharp, calculating every move as he sought the armory. He knew that the more weapons and armor he could acquire, the better their chances of fending off any pursuers once they began their escape.

After several minutes of searching, Adrian spotted a door slightly ajar at the end of a hallway. Two guards stood outside, chatting idly.

"Perfect," Adrian thought, his gaze narrowing as he approached.

Adrian approached the two guards stationed outside the armory, his steps confident but unhurried.

His disguise as a guard was flawless, but he knew that any misstep could raise suspicion. As he neared them, the guards straightened up, their casual conversation dying on their lips.

They glanced at each other nervously, clearly uneasy with his presence.

"Evening," Adrian said in a gruff voice, nodding to the pair as if he belonged there.

"Evening," one of the guards replied, his tone cautious. The other simply grunted, his hand tightening slightly on the hilt of his sword.

Adrian noted the tension in the air. They were clearly on edge, and he decided to use that to his advantage.

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