Reincarnated With the Seduction System

Chapter 77: Second Confrontation With Baron

As Sophia and Eve guided Rosalyn through the dimly lit corridors of the castle, they moved with caution, their senses on high alert.

The cold stone walls felt oppressive, but they kept their focus on the mission—rescuing Rosalyn and escaping unnoticed.

Suddenly, the sharp sound of alarm bells echoed through the halls, and they all froze for a moment. Sophia's eyes met Eve's, and a silent understanding passed between them—Adrian had succeeded in his part of the plan.

"He's drawn their attention," Eve whispered, her voice filled with a mix of relief and urgency. "We need to move fast before they realize what's really happening."

They resumed their pace, taking advantage of the chaos that Adrian had sown. As they approached a corner, the sound of hurried footsteps filled the air. Sophia quickly signaled for them to hide behind a large tapestry hanging on the wall.

They pressed themselves against the cold stone, their breaths shallow as a group of guards ran past, their armor clinking with each step.

Once the guards had passed, Sophia peeked out from behind the tapestry. "Clear," she whispered, and they continued forward, their steps light and silent.

As they navigated through the castle, they encountered fewer and fewer guards. It was clear that Adrian's distraction had drawn most of the castle's forces toward the armory, leaving their path less guarded.

They moved with increasing confidence, slipping through the hallways unnoticed.

After a while, they reached a narrow staircase leading to a lower level of the castle. "This should take us closer to the exit," Sophia said, her voice barely above a whisper.

They descended the staircase, the sound of their footsteps muffled by the thick stone walls. At the bottom, they found themselves in a quieter part of the castle.

The dim lighting and the absence of guards gave the place an eerie, almost abandoned feel.

"We're almost there," Eve reassured Rosalyn, who had remained silent but resolute throughout the escape. Her eyes, though tired, gleamed with determination.

As they moved toward the castle's outer walls, they heard distant shouts and the clanging of weapons—Adrian's clone was still keeping the guards occupied.

Sophia led the way through the winding corridors, her sword at the ready. Every so often, they paused to listen for any approaching guards, but the further they went, the quieter it became.

Finally, they reached a small side door that led to a hidden passageway. Sophia carefully pushed the door open, and the cold night air rushed in, bringing with it the scent of freedom.

"This is it," Eve said, her voice filled with quiet determination. "We're almost out."

Sophia nodded and motioned for them to move quickly. They slipped through the door and into the hidden passage, the darkness swallowing them as they made their way toward the exit.

The passage was narrow and damp, with rough-hew walls that seemed to close in around them. But none of them hesitated. They pressed on, their goal in sight.

As they neared the end of the passage, they could see a faint light ahead. It was the exit, and beyond it lay the forest that would provide them with cover once they escaped the castle grounds.

Sophia paused for a moment, glancing back at Rosalyn and Eve. "Stay close. Once we're out, we head straight for the woods. Adrian will meet us there."

With a final nod, they moved toward the exit, their hearts pounding with anticipation. As they stepped out into the night, the cool air enveloped them, and they were greeted by the sight of the dense forest just beyond the castle walls.

Sophia quickly scanned the area, ensuring no guards were nearby. "Let's go," she urged, and they dashed toward the tree line, their movements swift and silent.

Once they were safely within the cover of the trees, they slowed their pace, moving deeper into the forest. The castle loomed in the distance behind them, its alarm bells still ringing, but they were finally free from its grasp.

"We did it," Rosalyn whispered, her voice filled with both disbelief and relief.

Eve smiled softly, placing a reassuring hand on her mother's shoulder. "Yes, we did. And Adrian will be joining us soon."

Sophia nodded in agreement, her eyes scanning the darkened forest. "We'll wait here for him. He'll know where to find us."

As they settled into a small clearing, hidden from view, they allowed themselves a moment of rest. The tension of the escape still lingered, but they knew the hardest part was over.

Now, all that was left was to reunite with Adrian and make their way back to safety.

Inside the castle, chaos erupted as Baron Mortimer stood face-to-face with what he believed to be his trusted advisor, Darian. His fury morphed into a momentary disbelief.

"You!" Mortimer gasped, his voice laced with confusion. "Darian?! What the hell is going on here?"

The guards, gripped by uncertainty, hesitated. Darian was the baron’s right-hand man. Acting against him could cost them dearly. Their hands hovered near their weapons, but none dared to move.

Sensing their confusion, Adrian's clone, disguised as Darian, saw the opportunity to extend the ruse just a bit longer. He tilted his head slightly and adopted Darian’s trademark smirk.

"Baron," he drawled, his voice mimicking Darian’s smooth tone, "how careless you've become. I’m here to clean up your mess, yet your guards treat me like some lowly thief."

Mortimer's face twisted with rage, but there was something more—suspicion. He took a step closer, his eyes narrowing as he scrutinized the man before him.

"How dare you question me!" he barked. "You’re supposed to be handling everything—now you're sneaking around like a traitor?"

The clone let out a low chuckle, one that bordered on madness. His eyes glinted with a dangerous edge as he met Mortimer's gaze. "Traitor, you say? Baron, you truly are as blind as you are arrogant."

Mortimer’s suspicion deepened. "What are you implying?" he growled, his voice laced with venom. "Speak clearly, or I’ll have you—"

Adrian's clone cut him off, his voice rising to a manic laugh. "Oh, you truly are a fool, Mortimer! The great Baron, unable to see what's right in front of him! How can I be a traitor when I was never belonged to your camp, Mortimer you old senile fool."

With a smirk, he flicked his wrist, he tossed the sack at Mortimer's feet. The baron recoiled instinctively, but curiosity got the better of him. He hesitated only for a moment before nudging the sack open with his boot.

A severed head rolled out, its eyes wide in a frozen expression of agony. The guards gasped in horror, and Mortimer's face drained of color as he recognized the features—the twisted, tortured visage of the real Darian.

"You… you killed him!" Mortimer stammered, his voice trembling with a mix of rage and disbelief. "How dare you…?"

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