Reincarnated With the Seduction System

Chapter 78: Goal: Prison Break

Baron Mortimer's face contorted in a mixture of shock and rage as he stared down at the severed head of his trusted advisor, Darian. The sight drained the air from the room, and for a moment, time seemed to stand still.

"You… you killed him!" Mortimer's voice quivered with fury and disbelief. His eyes locked onto the imposter before him, and in that instant, he realized just how thoroughly he'd been played.

Adrian's clone, still wearing Darian's face, let out a low, mocking laugh. "What's the matter, Baron? Not the outcome you envisioned? Or did you truly believe you could control everyone around you without consequence?"

As Adrian's clone spoke, he activated his Appraisal skill, analyzing the baron with cold precision.

Baron Mortimer's Stats:

Name: Alistair Mortimer

Class: Arcane Battlemage

Level: 56

Title: Baron of the Western Territories

Stats:Health Points

(HP): 850

Mana Points (MP): 700

Strength: 90

Agility: 70

Endurance: 85

Intelligence: 120

Charm: 50

Luck: 45


Arcane Shield: A defensive barrier that absorbs magical and physical attacks for a short duration.

Elemental Burst: A powerful ranged attack that unleashes concentrated energy from multiple elements—fire, ice, lightning, and earth.

Mana Drain: Absorbs mana from a target, weakening their magical abilities while replenishing the user's MP.

Arcane Suppression: Dampens the magical abilities of enemies within a certain radius, reducing their spellcasting effectiveness.

Battle Instinct: A passive skill that enhances reaction speed and awareness in combat, allowing the user to anticipate attacks.

Arcane Nova: Releases a shockwave of arcane energy in all directions, damaging and knocking back all nearby enemies.

Frost Armor: Envelops the caster in a layer of icy armor, increasing physical defense and slowing down any enemy that makes direct contact.

Dark Binding: Conjures shadowy chains that bind a target in place, rendering them immobile and vulnerable to attacks.

Chain Lightning: A lightning-based spell that jumps between multiple targets, dealing increasing damage with each jump.

Mortimer's face twisted with pure, unbridled rage. His suspicion had given way to something more dangerous—realization. He knew now that this was no ordinary betrayal—this was calculated and ruthless.

"Enough of this!" Mortimer barked. "Guards, seize him!"

As the guards began to advance, Adrian's clone acted. His purpose was clear: distract the baron for as long as possible. He needed to push Mortimer over the edge, to consume his focus entirely.

With a swift motion, Adrian's clone activated Draconic Cloak, blending into the shadows and reappearing behind one of the guards. His Dragon's Fang Strike landed with lethal precision, taking out the guard before anyone could react. The remaining guards hesitated, thrown off by the sudden assault.

Mortimer, however, was relentless. He unleashed his Elemental Burst, sending a surge of fire and lightning through the room, the intense energy dispelling the shadows and revealing the imposter once more.

"You think you can escape me?" Mortimer snarled, his eyes glowing with arcane power. "I'll burn you alive for this treachery!"

Adrian's clone smirked, unfazed by the baron's threats. He had no intention of running—his mission was to stall Mortimer, to buy time for the real Adrian and the others to escape. But he knew he couldn't hold off the baron forever.

With a final act of defiance, the clone activated Shadow Vein Step, teleporting across the room and sending a wave of dark energy toward the guards.

The tendrils of shadow wrapped around them, pulling them to the ground, incapacitating them for just a few more moments.

Mortimer, undeterred, advanced, his arcane energy crackling with deadly intent. But as he prepared to strike, a sudden realization hit him—why was this imposter still fighting? Why hadn't he fled?

The baron's eyes narrowed, suspicion creeping into his mind. "What are you really after?" he hissed, his voice low and dangerous. "What's your game? Who are you really?"

Adrian's clone merely grinned, his expression infuriatingly calm. "Wouldn't you like to know? But alas, our time is up, Baron."

With those words, the clone's body began to disintegrate into a swirling mass of shadows. Mortimer's eyes widened in disbelief as he realized the truth—this wasn't the real enemy. It was just a clone meant for his distraction.

"NO!" Mortimer roared, his voice filled with frustration and fury. He lashed out with a blast of arcane energy, but it was too late. The clone dissolved into nothingness, leaving behind only a wisp of dark smoke.

The baron stood there, breathing heavily as the reality of the situation sank in. He had been outplayed, and now his enemies were slipping through his fingers.

"Find him!" Mortimer barked to his remaining guards. "Search every corner of this castle! Don't let him escape!"

At the same time clone was toying with Baron…

In the darkened halls of the castle, Adrian moved with deadly intent. The clone had done its job—chaos reigned in the upper levels, and Mortimer's forces were distracted.

But as Adrian traced his path back to the rendezvous point, he encountered a lone guard sprinting in the opposite direction. Adrian acted swiftly, closing the distance in an instant with Shadow Vein Step.

He grabbed the guard by the throat and slammed him against the wall, his dagger pressed against the man's neck.

"Speak, and I might let you live," Adrian hissed. "Where were you going in such a hurry?"

The guard trembled, his eyes darting around in panic. "I… I was going to inform the baron… about Lady Rosalyn… she's… she's gone!"

Adrian's eyes narrowed. The guard had valuable information—information that could ruin their escape plan if Mortimer learned of it too soon.

But a new idea began to form in Adrian's mind, one that could cause even more chaos within the castle.

"Where's the prison?" Adrian demanded, tightening his grip.

The guard's eyes widened in fear. "The prison… it's in the lower levels… only the most dangerous criminals are kept there… people who crossed the baron…"

Adrian's mind raced. Eve had mentioned those imprisoned in the castle were individuals who had defied Mortimer—potential allies or, at the very least, more chaos to unleash.

This wasn't part of their original plan. It was risky, dangerous even, but the commotion his clone had caused gave him a unique opportunity.

"Take me there," Adrian ordered, his voice cold and unyielding. The guard, too terrified to refuse, nodded frantically.

Together, they moved through the castle's dark corridors, the guard leading the way. Whenever they encountered another soldier, Adrian swiftly knocked them out with precise strikes, ensuring no one could raise the alarm.

As they descended deeper into the castle, the air grew colder, the oppressive silence broken only by the occasional distant shout. The prison loomed ahead—a fortified structure buried deep within the castle walls.

Adrian knew he was playing a dangerous game, but he also knew that chaos was their greatest weapon. If he could release the prisoners and turn them against Mortimer, it would buy even more time for his escape with Eve, Rosalyn, and Sophia.

With his dagger still pressed against the guard's back, Adrian prepared for the next phase of his plan, ready to unleash hell within the baron's fortress.

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