Reincarnated With the Seduction System

Chapter 79: Causing A Prison Riot

Adrian and the terrified guard moved silently through the cold, stone corridors of the castle's lower levels.

The air grew damp, and the stench of decay hung thick, a testament to the suffering within these walls.

Flickering torchlight cast eerie shadows that danced on the walls, creating an oppressive atmosphere that seemed to suffocate any hope that dared to exist.

As they neared the prison, the unmistakable scent of blood and filth grew stronger, mingling with the faint, tortured sounds of groaning and muttering.

The iron gates loomed ahead, towering over them like the jaws of a beast ready to devour them whole.

Adrian could feel the anger and despair radiating from the cells. These were no ordinary prisoners—they were the broken souls who had dared to defy Baron Alistair Mortimer. People who had lost everything, locked away in this pit of misery and torment.

He clenched his fist, his resolve hardening as the injustice of it all fueled his anger.

As they approached the cells, the terrified guard, who had been trembling in silence, suddenly broke his composure.

His voice cracked as he screamed, "We have an infiltrator!" The shout echoed through the stone corridors, bouncing off the walls and carrying far beyond where they stood.

The sudden outburst shattered the fragile quiet of the prison. In an instant, Adrian's instincts kicked in.

Without hesitation, he tightened his grip on the guard's collar and hurled him with all his might toward one of the advancing prison guards. The unfortunate guard collided with his comrade, both of them tumbling to the ground in a heap.

Two more guards rushed forward, weapons drawn, their eyes filled with determination and fear. They moved with the urgency of men who knew their lives were on the line.

Adrian didn't give them a chance to act. In a fluid motion, he activated Shadow Vein Step, his form vanishing into the shadows. The guards hesitated, momentarily disoriented by his disappearance. But before they could react, Adrian reappeared behind one of them, his dagger already in motion.

The deadly arc of his Dragon's Fang Strike was swift and precise. The guard didn't even have time to gasp as the blade sliced across his throat. Blood sprayed from the wound, and the guard crumpled to the ground, lifeless.

The remaining guard, wide-eyed with shock, swung his sword at Adrian in a desperate attempt to defend himself. But Adrian's Vein-Touched Reflexes took over, his body reacting almost instinctively. He twisted out of the way, the sword slicing through empty air where he had been just a moment before.

Adrian countered with a swift strike to the guard's gut, driving the breath from his lungs and sending him staggering back.

But before Adrian could finish him off, more guards poured into the prison chamber, drawn by the commotion.

Adrian knew he had to act quickly. With a deep breath, he channeled his mana and activated Mana Fortification, his body momentarily glowing with a faint, draconic aura as his endurance and physical resistance surged.

The next guard who swung at him with a heavy mace found his attack rebounding harmlessly off Adrian's fortified body.

Taking advantage of the guard's surprise, Adrian retaliated by activating Draconic Cloak, blending into his surroundings and disappearing from sight.

The guards, now thoroughly confused and disoriented, frantically searched the room, their weapons swinging wildly as they tried to locate their invisible enemy.

Adrian moved silently through the shadows, his eyes locked onto his targets. Suddenly, he reappeared, unleashing a wave of dark energy with Shadow Vein Step as he teleported across the room.

The tendrils of shadow wrapped around two guards, immobilizing them and pulling them to the ground. Their terrified screams echoed through the chamber as they struggled against the unearthly force that held them captive.

The remaining guard, his face pale with fear, turned to flee, but Adrian was relentless. He closed the distance in an instant, his dagger flashing as he delivered a lethal strike to the man's heart. The guard's body went limp, collapsing to the floor with a dull thud.

The prison fell silent once more, the only sound the faint drip of blood from the fallen guards. Adrian stood amidst the carnage, his chest rising and falling with controlled breaths.

His eyes scanned the room, taking in the sight of the prisoners who had been watching the battle unfold from behind their bars.

These prisoners, once broken by the brutality of their captors, now stared at Adrian with a mix of awe and hope.

They had witnessed the impossible—one man taking down their tormentors with lethal precision and ease.

Stepping over the bodies of the fallen guards, Adrian approached the cells. His voice was cold and commanding as he spoke, echoing through the chamber.

"I'm here to cause chaos in Mortimer's castle. If you want your revenge, if you want to be free, or if you want to flee, now's your chance. Cause as much chaos as you like. Flee or fight, it's your choice. I promise those of you who fall here, I will trample the baron with my army soon."

For a moment, there was silence as the prisoners processed his words. Then, one by one, they began to rise.

Their hatred for Baron Alistair Mortimer had been rekindled, burning brighter than ever before. The sight of their dead captors lying at their feet had reignited the fire of defiance within them.

A gaunt man, his face twisted with anger, was the first to speak. "I want to see that bastard pay for what he's done."

Another prisoner, a woman with scars crisscrossing her arms, added, "He took everything from us. Let's make him pay."

The room filled with shouts of agreement, their rage boiling over into cries of defiance. They weren't just prisoners anymore—they were a vengeful force, ready to bring chaos to the castle that had been their prison for so long.

Adrian nodded in approval. "Then let's go. Free the others, and let's bring this place down."

With that, he moved to unlock the cells, the prisoners spilling out into the corridor behind him. They armed themselves with whatever they could find—pieces of broken chains, discarded weapons from the guards, anything that could be used to inflict pain on their enemies.

Together, they moved deeper into the prison, freeing more prisoners as they went. Each new ally bolstered their ranks, and soon the prison was filled with the sounds of battle as they encountered more guards.

Amidst the chaos, Adrian slipped away, activating Disguise to change his appearance once again. He moved through the castle, unnoticed as the riot he had sparked raged behind him.

One of the guards had managed to escape the prison. Panting and bloodied, the guard sprinted through the castle's corridors, his heart pounding in his chest as he raced to deliver the dire news to Baron Mortimer.

The castle had become a war zone, and the storm Adrian had unleashed was only just beginning.

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