Reincarnated With the Seduction System

Chapter 85: Return To Everhart Estate


As the journey through the rugged terrain and dark forests neared its end, the weariness of the group became palpable.

The carriage's wheels creaked over the uneven path, each jolt and bump serving as a reminder of the long road they had traveled.

Inside, the passengers—Adrian and his allies, along with Lira and her companions—were quiet and tense, their bodies exhausted and minds clouded by the events that had unfolded.

The initial unease that had lingered between them, born of distrust and uncertainty, had slowly faded as their identities became known to each other.

A cautious truce had formed, one built on the mutual need for survival and the recognition that their fates were, for the moment, intertwined.

Adrian, Sophia, and Eve felt a sense of calm, knowing that, for now, they were aligned with Lira and her companions in their common goal, at least for now.

While the tension had not entirely dissipated, it had shifted from suspicion to mutual respect, each group understanding that their safety depended on cooperation.

Lira, for her part, remained blissfully unaware of Adrian's notorious reputation among the noble factions.

Had she known of the whispers that followed him—stories of his past, of the dark rumors that clung to his name like a shadow—she might have been more guarded in her interactions with him.

But Lira's family had never concerned themselves with the affairs of lower-ranking nobles, especially those in distant territories like the Everharts and Mortimers.

This ignorance had worked to their advantage, allowing them to collaborate without the burden of preconceived notions.

As the carriage continued its journey through the dense wilderness, the group encountered the occasional threat.

Monsters lurked in the shadows, their eyes gleaming with hunger, while bandits prowled the roads, waiting for an opportunity to strike. Yet these dangers, though formidable, were swiftly dealt with.

Adrian and Sophia, their skills honed through countless battles, took the lead in neutralizing the threats.

Their movements were precise and lethal, dispatching foes with ruthless efficiency. Eve, with her powerful magic, provided crucial support from the rear, casting spells that incapacitated enemies and protected her allies from harm.

The two guards accompanying Lira, who were not hindered by the mana-suppressing cuffs that hindered the Lira and her butler, also joined the fray.

Though less experienced than Adrian and his companions, they proved their worth in the skirmishes, fighting with a determination that belied their weariness.

Together, the group forged ahead, their shared purpose driving them forward despite the exhaustion that weighed on their limbs.

Finally, as dusk began to settle and the sky turned a deep shade of violet, they reached the border of Everhart territory.

The sight of familiar landmarks—a cluster of ancient trees, a weathered stone bridge—brought a wave of relief to the group.

They were close to safety, close to the sanctuary of Everhart Manor. But Adrian, ever cautious, knew that they couldn't afford to let their guard down just yet.

Adrian decided to take no chances. Using his skill, he created a clone—a perfect replica of himself, imbued with his skills and knowledge.

The clone, understanding its mission, swiftly utilized Shadow Vein Step, a skill that allowed it to phase through shadows and move undetected.

In an instant, the clone disappeared from sight, bypassing the carriage and racing ahead toward the rendezvous point with the Everhart army.

The clone's mission was clear: to ensure that reinforcements would arrive in time to escort the group safely to the manor.

Adrian had made arrangements before their journey, and he knew that the Everhart soldiers would be waiting for them.

But he also knew that plans could change, and he couldn't afford to leave anything to chance.

Back at the carriage, the real Adrian remained vigilant. His eyes scanned the darkening horizon, searching for any signs of danger.

The road ahead was treacherous, and he knew that they couldn't afford to relax until they were within the protective walls of his family's estate.

Despite the exhaustion that weighed heavily on him and his companions, they pressed on, determined to reach their destination.

As the minutes passed, the tension in the carriage grew. Lira and her companions were silent, their faces etched with fatigue and worry.

They had come so far, but the danger was not yet behind them. The shadows of the forest seemed to close in around them, and every rustle of leaves or snap of a twig sent a jolt of unease through the group.

After what felt like an eternity, the clone finally reached the agreed-upon location. The Everhart soldiers were already waiting, as previously discussed, for their eventual arrival.

They had disguised themselves as merchants, their wagons loaded with goods and their appearances carefully crafted to avoid drawing unwanted attention.

It was a precautionary measure, one that Adrian had insisted upon, knowing that spies from various noble families likely lurked in the surrounding territories.

The clone approached the soldiers and quickly relayed the situation, informing them of the group's location and the need for an immediate escort.

The soldiers, disciplined and well-prepared, wasted no time. They swiftly gathered their gear, mounted their horses, and set off toward the carriage, their pace steady and controlled.

Meanwhile, the real Adrian continued to monitor their surroundings. His mind raced with thoughts of what lay ahead.

They had rescued Rosalyn and Eve and survived the wilderness, and the threats that had come their way, but the true challenge was yet to come.

Baron Mortimer was a formidable foe, and Adrian knew that the baron would eventually find put his suspicion on him. But it didn't matter, as Adrian would be prepared by then.

As the carriage rolled on, the group's weariness deepened. The physical toll of their journey was evident in the way they slumped in their seats, their eyes heavy with exhaustion.

But even as their bodies begged for rest, their minds remained sharp, aware that they were still vulnerable.

It wasn't long before the sound of hooves approached, and the Everhart soldiers appeared on the horizon. This startled the group but on seeing the clone leading them they were relived.

The soldiers quickly moved into formation around the carriage, their presence a reassuring shield against any potential threats.

With the soldiers now flanking them, the journey to Everhart Manor continued with a renewed sense of security.

The presence of the Everhart troops deterred any further attacks, and the group was finally able to breathe a little easier.

As they neared the estate, the grand silhouette of Everhart Manor came into view. The sprawling estate, with its towering walls and majestic architecture, stood as a testament to the Everhart family's legacy.

For Adrian, the sight of his home was bittersweet. It was a place of safety, but also a place where his responsibilities weighed heavily on his shoulders.

Isabella Everhart stood at the castle gates, her heart pounding with anticipation. She had received word that her son and daughter were on their way back, and she had been anxiously awaiting their return.

When the carriage finally came into view, flanked by the Everhart soldiers, Isabella's face lit up with joy. She rushed forward as the carriage came to a stop, her eyes filled with tears of relief and happiness.

Adrian was the first to step out. Isabella embraced him tightly, her voice choked with emotion. "You're back," she whispered. "I've been so worried."

Adrian returned the embrace, a soft smile on his lips. "We're home, Mother. Everything's going to be fine now."

Next, Isabella turned to Sophia, enveloping her in a warm hug. The siblings had been through so much, and seeing them both safe and sound brought a profound sense of relief to their mother.

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