Reincarnated With the Seduction System

Chapter 86: New Mission

As Isabella held Sophia close, her soft voice broke through the emotional atmosphere. “I’m so proud of you both,” she whispered, her eyes shimmering with unshed tears. “You are my pride and joy.”

The heartfelt words deepened the emotional weight of the reunion. Those who witnessed the scene couldn’t help but feel a tug at their hearts.

Even Lira Blackthorn, who had long been accustomed to the cold, calculated world of politics and power, felt a pang of longing.

As she watched Isabella’s affectionate embrace with her children, she couldn’t help but think of her own mother.

Adrian noticed the look on Lira’s face but chose not to say anything at the moment. Instead, he decided to focus on the introductions, gently leading Lira and her companions forward.

“Mother,” Adrian began, his voice steady yet gentle, “this is Lady Lira Blackthorn, daughter of Count Blackthorn. She and her companions have been through much and need our help.”

Isabella, ever the gracious hostess, greeted Lira with a warm smile that conveyed both kindness and understanding.

“You are welcome here,” she said, her voice carrying the tone of a mother who had nurtured a strong and loving family.

“Anyone under my son’s protection is under mine as well. Please, consider this place your home for as long as you need.”

Lira bowed her head respectfully, her demeanor poised yet grateful. “Thank you, Lady Everhart. Your hospitality is deeply appreciated. We are in your debt.”

Isabella’s smile only widened. “There is no debt between friends and allies. You are safe here.”

With the formalities concluded, Isabella ensured that Lira and her companions were provided with suitable accommodations.

She turned her attention to Eve and her mother, Rosalyn, greeting them with equal warmth. Isabella embraced Eve, her motherly instincts guiding her as she offered comfort and reassurance.

“I was worried about you Eve,” Isabella admitted softly as she hugged Eve. “I’m glad you’re safe now.”

Eve, though reserved, couldn’t help but feel a sense of belonging in Isabella’s embrace. It was a feeling she hadn’t known in a long time, and it brought a small, genuine smile to her face.

After ensuring that both Eve and Rosalyn were settled, Isabella called upon the family healer to tend to Rosalyn’s condition.

The healer, a wise and experienced man well-versed in the medicinal arts of this world, arrived promptly. He examined Rosalyn with care, using a combination of herbs, potions, and light magical healing to stabilize her condition.

The strain of her recent ordeal had left her weak, but the healer was confident that with rest and proper care, she would recover. But he still could not find the root cause for her the perceived illness as he didn't have idea about bloodline awakening.

Once Rosalyn’s treatment was underway, Isabella turned her attention to her soldiers. Gathering them together, she expressed her gratitude for their bravery and hard work during the mission.

She thanked them personally, acknowledging the risks they had taken and the success they had achieved.

“You’ve done an excellent job,” Isabella said, her voice carrying the authority of a leader who truly valued her people.

“Take the day off and enjoy yourselves. Tomorrow, we will celebrate our victory together.”

The soldiers, though disciplined, couldn’t hide their smiles at the prospect of a day off and a celebration. They saluted Isabella and dispersed, their spirits lifted by her words.

Despite her own exhaustion, Isabella remained focused on ensuring that everyone was taken care of.

She had barely slept or eaten in the days leading up to her children’s return, her worry and stress consuming her energy.

But now that they were home, safe and sound, she allowed herself to relax—if only a little. She oversaw the arrangements for her guests, making sure they had everything they needed to rest and recover.

As the evening deepened, the manor grew quiet. The excitement and tension of the day had drained everyone’s energy, leaving them too exhausted even to celebrate.

Each person retreated to their rooms, seeking the solace of sleep after the harrowing events they had faced.

The manor’s halls were filled only with the soft footsteps of maids and servants, who continued their work with practiced efficiency.

Adrian, too, found a rare moment of calm in his quarters. He allowed himself to sink into the comfort of his bed, his body finally succumbing to the fatigue that had been building for days.

The weight of the recent battles, the prison riot, and the rescue mission all seemed to fade away as sleep claimed him.

The next morning, Isabella wasted no time in preparing for the celebratory banquet. The successful rescue of Rosalyn and the liberation of Eve from her cruel fate were victories worth celebrating.

The entire estate buzzed with activity as servants prepared the banquet hall, decorating it with banners, flowers, and candles.

The kitchens were filled with the aroma of freshly cooked food, and the sound of laughter and conversation filled the air as everyone anticipated the evening’s festivities.

As the day wore on, and the sun began to set, the banquet hall came alive with warmth and light. The long tables were adorned with platters of delicious food, fine wines, and spirits.

The atmosphere was one of relief and celebration, as people gathered to share in the joy of their recent success.

But amid the laughter and toasts, Adrian couldn’t help but notice Lira sitting quietly at the edge of the hall.

Despite the festive surroundings, her expression remained distant, her eyes filled with a listless sadness that she couldn’t seem to shake.

Adrian’s keen intuition told him that the mana-suppressing cuffs she wore were causing her discomfort and preventing her from fully enjoying the moment.

Excusing himself quietly from the celebrations, Adrian retreated to a private chamber where he summoned the system.

In his mind, he requested an item that could remove the mana-suppressing cuffs from Lira and her butler.

The system responded swiftly with a suggestion: the Arcane Unlocking Crystal. This rare and powerful artifact was designed to remove any magical restraint, including the cuffs.

However, the cost was steep—2,000 SP—but Adrian didn’t hesitate for a moment. He purchased the crystal immediately, knowing that Lira’s comfort will be worth the price once he seduces her and makes his woman.

Later, once the banquet had ended and the guests began to disperse, Adrian discreetly called Lira and her butler to a private room.

Holding up the Arcane Unlocking Crystal, he explained that it had been delivered to him earlier by one of his source outside the castle.

“I can remove your cuffs now,” he said, careful to conceal the true origin of the item.

Lira and her butler exchanged a surprised glance, but their relief was palpable. They had worn the cuffs for so long that the prospect of freedom seemed almost unreal.

With a wave of the crystal, the cuffs fell away, clattering to the floor as their magical restraints were dispelled.

Both Lira and her butler expressed their gratitude, bowing deeply to Adrian. “Thank you,” Lira said, her voice filled with genuine relief. “You’ve done more for us than we could ever repay.”

Adrian nodded, a small smile on his lips. “You’re welcome Lady Lira, it's what everyone would have done in my situation.”

As Adrian turned to leave, the system chimed in his mind, delivering a new mission. A surge of excitement rushed through him, thinking it was finally time to seduce Lira and gain her unique ability.

But as he read the mission title, his excitement turned to surprise and bewilderment.


What do you think the new mission is guys? Is it related to Lira? Or is it something else? Any guess?
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