Reincarnation – Lord is Extremely Hardcore

Chapter 211 - v161 Finale (on)

“Pop!” The notebook fell to the ground without pity, like a witch, her body covered with black cloth and a mask, Bai Suqing’s chest violently undulating, her fury almost came out of her body ~ ~ Internet romance content updates faster than the rocket, do you believe it?

The old man aside suddenly changed his face with a fright, and asked a little embarrassedly, “What’s wrong ?! Is something wrong?” He could now put all his net worth on Bai Suqing, if in case How can he live? !!

Bai Suqing didn’t hear what the old man said, but murmured his teeth, his hoarse voice was harsh and harsh, “He Miao that **** …”

“He doesn’t want to help us?” The old man asked with his ears so high.

Bai Suqing glanced at him, calming his anger. “That’s not true, but he wants to see me and wants more evidence.”

“That’s for him! The more evidence, the better the battle, won’t it?”

“Fart!” Bai Suqing annoyed the old man’s stupidity.

He Miao’s request should be both public and private. Under normal circumstances, she should really trust him to tell him all the evidence she has and what he knows, but the current situation is that Bai Suqing will not be easy. I believe anyone who is involved in Mu Rulan or Mo Qian people, and she just asked He Miao to file a lawsuit with the court before she meets him.

However, the other party refused, on the grounds that there was not enough evidence that he could not arbitrarily tell a person, and that person was still a wife of Mo’s. What is the Mohist? If the earth were to be destroyed, everyone in the Mohist family was the first person to be protected and sent to the spacecraft except the president. He Jiahuo Jia Su family and other powerful people would fight to protect them. It was not a joke.

He Miao’s reason is good, but Bai Suqing will not take this risk, not to mention, just now, the hacker she hired to protect her computer notified her that there were hackers trying to invade her computer and let her shut down immediately! Mu Rulan acted! In other words, the group of people who support Mu Rulan has acted!

For these reasons, Bai Suqing is less likely to easily appear in front of anyone.

“Then … now …” The old man’s mind was completely blank. In fact, he was still a little confused, but there was no retreat, and he could only continue to bite the bullet.

The old man said nothing, her cell phone rang, Bai Suqing picked up, and a man’s voice came over there, “I have found the hiding place of those puppets.”

Bai Suqing’s body shook with excitement, and her bad mood was wiped out because of He Miao. “Move me! You must give me a lot of them!”

The old man waited for Bai Suqing to tell him some exciting good news, but Bai Suqing just glanced at him and hummed coldly, the mask blocked her excited twisted expression, “Wait for a good show! “

She now only wanted evidence, the more the better, preferably to the extent that the judge could convict without the defendant’s refutation at all! Only more evidence can make her feel safer and more secure!

Humph! When those puppets made by Mu Rulan are in hand, she has to look at what excuse Mu Rulan can make!

At this point, it was already New Year’s Eve.

Every family is busy eating reunion dinner and busy welcoming the beginning of a real new year.

In the factory in a remote area of ​​k city, Okaichen’s death was not implicated in them. After all, they were all innocent and didn’t know anything. They were just used by Okaichen.

At this time, the factory was bright, long tables were laid out in the open space on the first floor, the aroma of food was permeating, and the feast was a feast.

Liu Hanzhi had already drunk his cheeks red, but those eyes were still sharp and clear, and the manly face full of madness also called Xu Fangxin, a woman who had no family on the field.

“Come, let Grandpa say a few words!” The northern man with a big cow and big horse stood up and said with a wine glass. He was sitting on the main seat. In front of him was a long table that extended to the door. As soon as Liu Hanzhi spoke, the others would Obediently closed his mouth and looked at him, Liu Hanzhi didn’t say anything literary and artificial, but just reached out his hand and said, “Respect that one!”

“Dear that!”


“…” The people present, regardless of whether they were elderly people or women, picked up wine glasses. They all knew that the real owner of this factory was not Liu Hanzhi. Although they didn’t know who it was, they were still grateful. Such a factory allows them not to be beggars and to be abused by the unfilial children at home, to keep them alive, to do and to do at home, so many of them may have died, how can they be in their old age? Still enjoy this warm and lively?

I really know who the owner is behind this factory. Only Liu Hanzhi is the one. The reason why others know Mu Rulan is because she sometimes comes to the factory to chat and talk with them, and sometimes she brings some food that is good for the body. When Liu Hanzhi and Mu Rulan met, Mu Rulan was thirteen years old. Liu Hanzhi wanted to use her to blackmail Mu’s kidnappers.

Mu Rulan asked him what he wanted for money. He said he wanted to drink and gamble to take revenge on the society. Mu Rulan asked why. He said that his wife and daughter had been killed by an official in the northern province of Qiang, but he could not find anyone to redress him. He hated greed, law, and officials, and he was helpless, so Mu Rulan said that if he didn’t mind using other methods to calm down the resentment and anger, he would follow her and Liu Hanzhi agreed.

Mu Rulan helped him avenge him by using a method that was enough to let him vent his anger but not enter the society. From then on, Liu Hanzhi was her most loyal servant. What Mu Rulan wanted, he would make it according to Mu Rulan’s orders. Whether it’s a silk thread or a nail hammer, of course, these things will always be hidden without a trace using commercial transactions.

The first floor of the factory is eating meat and drinking lively at this time. At this time, unlike the lights inside the factory, the outside of the factory is dark. Several people quietly overturned the fence and quickly moved to a pile of wooden boards outside the factory door. On the edge of the pile, he moved the board silently and quickly, and soon revealed a door that could be opened under the board. The door was pulled open, exposing the stairs leading to the basement.

Mu Rulan’s dolls are hiding underneath.

Several people glanced at each other, took out the flashlight and walked down one by one, leaving only one person to cover up the wooden board falsely and hide in the dark to make a whistle.

The basement was fast and quiet, but those people still quickly found the place where the puppets were placed. The light shone past and saw a large dark red wardrobe. At first glance in the dark, the heart suddenly felt a little bit inexplicable. There was a feeling of being scared, as if it was not a wardrobe, but a coffin.

Swallowed, one of them came forward and stretched out his closet, and he saw three puppets hanging inside, but there were only three of them, but these three also made these people pale. .

“… Hurry up!” Who said so stupidly, took the lead and walked forward, but did not hear anything behind, turned back and looked, surprised, empty behind, no one!

“Where is the man ?! Come out soon!” There are dark puppets around, and there is a terrible puppet behind him. The only light is the beam of a flashlight on his hand. He shot in horror, but he could not see a figure, his face It’s white and white … no, it’s not a hell!

Hong Kong.

Ke family. The fragrance of tea in Nuange is still lingering with the scent of orchids.

The house that was supposed to be reunited on this day was even more empty, because the maids were on vacation, and Ke Changhuang and Akutsu Junko did not return. Akutsu Junko kept calling him a few days ago to pass the capital, but He has been dragging because of something, until the New Year’s Eve.

Something really happened.

Ke Shiqing sat on his knees on the tatami mat, and the white mist in the kettle was constantly blowing out. The purple orchid was elegantly inserted into the white slim porcelain bottle. He looked at it and lost his heart.

A drop of hot water spilled from the mouth of the kettle and landed on the back of his fair hands, and the gentle and gentle man returned to his heart.

Not far away, someone came over on the cobblestone path.


Ke Shiqing’s brow frowned slightly, and the movement of washing the tea cup seemed a bit slow. “Haven’t found it yet?”

“I’m sorry, the defense of the X database’s network database and that group of hackers are really great, we …” The man bowed his head in shame.

Ke Shiqing didn’t speak. The slightly narrowed eyes blocked the color in his eyes. Hot water dripped from the smooth edge of the cup, and then splashed outside, splashed into his hands, and soon became red. He didn’t move as if he didn’t feel it.

The X file is dedicated to that purpose. The network defense is naturally powerful, but they can’t catch their tails and can’t destroy their database. This is really unpleasant!

“Take everyone in the network abc area …” Ke Shiqing took a sip of tea and said.

“Master ?!” The man was shocked. Why did the party Yu follow the X file so much? Moreover, the network abc area is the relevant code for the Ke family to protect the internal network of the Ke Empire in Hong Kong. The network monitoring experts in this area are transferred away. What if someone intrudes during this period? What should I do if the internal information of the Ke family is stolen?

“Do as I said.” Wenrun’s voice sounded softly, but the person felt inexplicably felt a kind of scalp, spine and chill.

Ke Shiqing is … angry?

“Yes.” The man didn’t dare to talk anymore, and hurried after taking the order.

There was only Ke Shiqing alone.

Ke Shiqing focused his eyes on the rippling green tea in the cup, his eyes reflected in the water, faint and unclear.


Because Mu Rulan and Mo Qianren’s marriage is set for the next few days, naturally Ke Changhuang and Ajiu Jinzi will not return to Hong Kong to spend the New Year with the Mo family. Although Ke Shiqing failed to be together, it does not matter Ru Lan’s wedding was just this once in her life, and there is still a chance for the family to reunite with the New Year.

The courtyard was full of joy, even if fireworks and firecrackers could not be set off.

There is a table for adults and a table for young people, and they are placed in the courtyard. Most of the old guys in the other courtyards were picked up by their sons who lived outside to celebrate Chinese New Year, so the people present were all their families.

Lu Zimeng flushed with a wine bottle in his face, and when he was drunk, his gall became fat, and he sat beside Mo Qianren, holding his shoulders and talking, “… you boy, my brother and I didn’t even get to first base.” , You are about to get married, it’s so irritating … I … hmm … I don’t look any worse than you! How can I get what I want from childhood to age … sometimes … hmm … I want to slap you … “

Mo Qiang looked indifferently and took Mu Rulan’s secretly clipped things back to her, then raised his hand, and put away Lu Zimeng’s hand on his shoulder. Lu Zimeng did not stand firmly, almost lying on the ground, OK The drunk guy was very sticky, and before he fell, he grabbed Mo Qianren’s clothes and got up again, sticking to the broken thoughts.

Mo Wuzhen approached Mu Rulan nervously: “Xunzi, if Brother Zi Meng likes sister Chengxiang, we all know, I will doubt whether he loves my brother secretly.”

Mu Rulan was eating corn, and Wen Yan glanced at Lu Zimeng, who was surrounded by Mo Qianren, and gave up. He blinked and nodded, “Well, it’s a bit of a basic feeling.”

“Yes, right!” Mo Wuzhen was excited, his cheeks were red, and he was a little drunk.

Mu Rusen and Mu Rulin eat obediently, because they are a bit incapable of the big people next door. After all, they are different from Mu Rulan. They are not Ke people and have no direct relationship with the Mo family, so they are a bit I can’t let it go, but it’s much better than the first few days.

Mu Rulan glanced at the orange juice in front of himself, and quietly reached out and touched the wine in front of Mo Qianren. The fingertips had just touched. A slender white-knuckle hand stretched out and took the cup. Mo Qian People looked at her, “Can’t drink.”

“I’m eighteen years old.” Mu Rulan said, already an adult, drunk or something, no problem.

Mo Qiang ignored her and filled her with a bowl of food. I do n’t know how Mu Rulan drinks, and if she ’s drunk or nonsense when he is drunk, of course he wo n’t let her drink.

Mu Rulan looked helplessly at the food in front of her, wondering if Mo Qianren really wanted to raise her into a pig.

The mobile phone in his pocket vibrated. Mu Rulan looked down and saw a text message. Mu Rulan glanced at the content of the text message, and he stunned for a moment, and then came to Mo Qianren’s ear and said, His eyes froze slightly and said nothing.

Mu Rulan got up and walked out, and came in a short while later, with a pair of golden hair and oval-shaped rimless glasses, which looked like a handsome western guy in the social elite.

“Oh!” Mo Wuhen was beeped by the handsome, and then suddenly felt a little familiar, staring hard for a while, his eyes widened in response, this guy is not …

Gentleman Ivey greeted the Mo family politely. After being welcomed, he joined the table of Mo Qianren with a smile. The adults on the other side thought that this guy was a friend of Mo Qian or Mu Rulan from afar. Where do you know this is a once famous metamorphosis! Of course, because the White Empire ’s death certificate is perfect, the US side has revoked Ivy ’s wanted order, and he is already a dead person in the relevant database of the US government.

Of course, the White Empire also gave him a perfect identity certificate. He is now Ivey Smith, a businessman from the United Kingdom.

Ai Wei was not afraid of death. He looked at Mo Qianren with a nervous smile. Of course he wouldn’t be afraid. He also held Mo Qianren’s handle. Mu Rulan was a metamorphosis, which was enough for him. It was arrogant, not to mention that he once saved Mu Rulan and his life, but it was also a life-saving benefactor.

Mo Wuwen looked at him up and down, and found that the temperament of this guy changed once again, just like being a person, making people feel like a person, but still just as charming.

“Why is Ivey here?” Mu Rulan asked him with a bowl and smiled. Speaking, she did not expect to see Ivey again, and thought he would be as thorough as Nishizawa and Hans. Disappeared into her world.

“Dear, don’t you welcome me?” Ivy looked towards Mu Rulan, and the deep blue eyes under the lens bent slightly, looking intoxicating, so charming, that any woman would be captured by his gaze .

“Peace point.” Before Mu Rulan said, Mo Qianren reached out and put his head on Ai Wei’s head, grasping his hair and turning his head away, of course, between the palm of his hand and Ai Wei’s hair , And a paper towel.

The Mo Qian people are serious, under the calm surface, the turbulent dark tide continues, and I do n’t know when the big waves will set off. This dead metamorphosis of Ivey even ran over here, but here is the capital city where the King came, in case anyone knows the former Ai Victoria’s Spasner, by then it would be bad.

In this world, I probably know that the Mo Qiang people dared to make such rude and rude gestures to Ivey, but Ivey was not angry, but he was used to it in Cohen anyway, but it made Ivey think he could never dream of it. Yes, one day he would sit at a table with his abominable amon to eat.

“Hehehe … It’s really fun.” Ivy grabbed his hair, and the bright red tongue licked the tip of the chopsticks, ambiguous and weird. It was really fun to go to his dear amon and little angel, it was so fun Interesting, a normal person and a perverted love, especially this normal person or their amon, hum hum hum …

The shoulder sank suddenly, and Ivey looked at Lu Zimeng who was suddenly lying on his shoulders and narrowed his eyes slightly.

Lu Zimeng was drunk and looked at him blankly, “Who are you?”

Ivey laughed, wondering whether it was a joke or the truth: “Can I eat him?”

“Are you a dog?” Mo Qian looked indifferent.


“Or would you even eat such a thing?”

“Woo!” Mo Wuji, when Ai Wei and Mo Qian were joking, how could a normal person take Ai Wei’s words seriously, but what she didn’t expect was that her brother was so rude, that tone was clearly that Lu Zimeng was one. Shit, Ivey is going to eat a dog! What a poisonous tongue! Fortunately, Lu Zimeng was drunk, otherwise he would not die.

New Year’s Eve is very lively. A group of people talked about things in the yard, then waited until the twelve o’clock to finish the year, and finally ended.

Because there were too many people and there were no guest rooms on the Mo family, Ivey was rushed to a nearby hotel to sleep, saying that the Mo Qian people would not keep such a dangerous person at home.

Humming the song, Ivey didn’t care, walked into the hotel’s rotating glass door, stood in front of the elevator and waited for the elevator. There was a girl in a wheelchair who was also waiting for the elevator. He smelled the smell, and then raised his eyebrows. Then he looked at the girl, his hair was a bit dry, there were some scars on the back of the hands on both sides of the wheelchair, and his face was seen through the clean silver-white elevator. Ivey saw There were burns on her face, especially on the chin, where a large amount of tangles were there, looking a little scary.

Even more frightening is her eyes, full of resentment, as if hatred can’t tear anyone into pieces.

No wonder the taste is so annoying.

Ivey put his hands in his pockets and looked away. He had no interest in unpalatable creatures ~

The elevator door opened, and Ivey and the girl went in. The girl seemed to have been immersed in her own world, or hate had blinded her appreciation of the beautiful things in this world, but she only glanced away and looked away. It seems like I just saw a passerby.

The elevator goes up.

The girl’s cell phone rang, she picked it up expressionlessly, and then a certain taste on her body made Ivey feel more intense, and she had to focus on her, but soon, Ivey She was attracted again by her words.

“… Well, rest assured, what am I afraid of until now? As long as I can pull that woman off the altar, it doesn’t matter! … I will take pictures of that woman’s abnormal appearance …”

Ivy lowered his head slightly, his deep blue eyes were a little weird covered by the lenses. He looked at the girl’s figure, and his lips were weirdly grinning, revealing Bai Sensen’s teeth, as if … something interesting happened again It’s true that this trip is too correct, haha ​​…

The next day.

The sky is a bit cloudy, and it looks like it will rain.

On the first day of the new year, according to their customs, classmates and friends meet up, and behind them are relatives.

Mo Mo originally wanted to drag Mu Rulan to try on a wedding dress. After so many years, there were very few classmates and friends with which Mo Mo had contact, so there was nothing to get together. Mu Rulan had agreed, However, Su Bei Shao and others who have never contacted her have even asked her, so Mom Mo had to temporarily cut love. After all, young people’s network is still very important.

Mu Rulan wants to take Mu Rusen and Mu Rulin in the past. After all, it’s too pitiful to put two young brothers in the house alone, but the twin brothers are unwilling, afraid of embarrassment. All Mu Rulan used to Classmates, they don’t know any of them, and all of them are also Prince Edward and other figures, who are adolescents, and they will inevitably feel inferior.

Mu Rulan apologized for not knowing the slender nerves of her adolescent brothers, and then went out alone.

The location is set at the Kyoto Club, a high-level club. People who come here to play are high society people. The business is obviously very good today, and the cars in the parking lot are almost stopping.

Mu Rulan got out of the car and there was a waiter at the door. When he saw Mu Rulan, he greeted him. “Is this Miss Ke?”


“Master Su asked me to pick you up here, please follow me.”

“Okay.” Someone leads the way and saves looking around. At this time, drunks may come across this kind of place.

At this time, in a ktv box on the third floor of the club, a group of people were making fun, and young people who looked tall and strong were playing with each other. Most of their hair was crisp, and some people were singing in devil and crying, others were big. Laughing and drinking, making my ears buzz.

There are only three people sitting on the sofa in the corner, each of which is Shao Bei, He Huo, and Huo Yezhou. The three future country beams are given infinite expectations.

At this time, the faces of these three people did not have much happy look. Su Beishao’s fiery red hair had been shaved long ago. He was also an inch, his skin was a lot darker, and he looked a lot more mature. Who wants it? A year ago, he was a little bitch? He pressed the weight of his body against the back of the chair, tilted his feet, and was a little embarrassed. “I asked my sister. She said that she was only able to reach out to people who asked her for help in past kidnapping cases. Helping to leave a shadow and causing minor mental disorders have been cured not long ago. “

Su Chengxiang didn’t want to tell Su Beisha at first, but she couldn’t help the guy’s entanglement. She also wanted to know where Su Beisha knew that Mu Rulan had a mental problem, so she told him her final conclusion. When the other party’s condition recovers, telling someone who knows her illness is not a violation of the rules. Of course, he also demanded that North Shao be secret.

Huo Yezhou also voiced out, “The information about the in-depth investigation of the woman named Bai Suqing is also sorted out. You go back and see, Ahuo. Do n’t make a fuss when you see that kind of thing, first talk to those who talk Find out what kind of person you are and get excited. “

It was because of the fire that he was so excited that he scared both Su Bei Shao and Huo Yezhou. They thought it was true.

He Huo’s black eyes are like a panda. He has been staring at He Miao for so many days. He also couldn’t sleep at all because of Mu Rulan’s affairs. He heard Su Bei Shao and Huo Ye Zhou’s words flashed with excitement like a light bulb, “Really? So those things I see are fake?”

Huo Yezhou pushed away Huo’s head disgustingly, but his eyes narrowed slightly, making people see clearly under the dark and dim light, “I said you, do you know what I learned? “

He Huo stunned, but did not respond to anything, and Su Bei Shao kicked his ass. “Go flashing, idiot in the rectum.”

“I **** …”

The box door opened, and Mu Rulan appeared at the door. The person who noticed it suddenly whistled fiercely and rushed over, blinking like a chain reaction, one by one rushing over and around her.

Strange to say, in fact, Mu Rulan and their classmates or teachers who have been with each other for at least two months, they have occupied a pivotal position in their hearts. When they react, they may also feel inexplicable, but in their hearts. She still regards her as a good friend who can be trusted as a benchmark.

Mu Rulan smiled, the smile was still the soft warmth in their memory, there was a soft tolerance, as if no matter what bad things they did, she would treat them with tolerance and tolerance. Under the colorful flashing lights in the box, she was still pure Flawless …

He Huo swallowed hard, looked at Mu Rulan dumbly, and suddenly felt that it was so stupid to be so entangled in so many days! How could Mu Rulan do that kind of thing! How is it possible!

In the blink of an eye, Bi Huo Yezhou and Su Beishao rushed forward quickly, like the hungry wolf who saw the fragrant meat.

Huo Yezhou and Subei Shao glanced at each other, exchanged some information, stood up slowly, and walked over.

“Fuck, you don’t know how much I want to play with you, but I’m always stopped by the boss. Don’t think that the brethren don’t know what he’s thinking!”

“That’s it!”

“Nonsense, looking for a pump ?!” He Huo was followed by his brothers, angrily flushed.

Shi Wu and Liu Fengfeng each occupied Mu Rulan’s hand, one dull and one very coquettish, looking jealous.

Mu Rulan avoided the plugged-in microphones, followed He Huo to go to a corner slightly away from the “battlefield,” and looked at them with a smile. “The boy is really fast, only one year I don’t know you anymore. “

“Is he more handsome?” Su Bei Shao smiled as he touched his head.

Mu Rulan smiled and nodded, “It’s handsome.”

“What about me?” He Huo came over indecisively.


Huo Yezhou has always been the quietest of the three. It is the commander of the future. He must be wise, calm, endangered, and deceitful. The eyes under the lens are watching Mu Rulan, vaguely aggressive, and others. Incomprehensible complexity.

At this time, the box door was opened again, and a waitress said at the door: “The first floor has prepared a New Year surprise event for guests. If guests are interested, you can go and have a look. There is also a drink on the first floor bar. The guests in the location will be free of charge. Masters, would you like to go for fun? “

The free drinks in the bar are completely indifferent to them, but there are surprise events or something. Once you are interested, you naturally want to see them, so you go out of the box and pull Mu Rulan out.

The first floor is a mixed hall of dragons and snakes. Although it is basically a high-class society, it is divided into three, six, nine, and so on. At this time, there are many people in the hall, and the middle stage is surrounded, like a large yet unopened In the gift box, the emcee spoke with humor and humor on it, which made people under the scene curious.

Su Beishao, naturally, some people got up to make way immediately before people arrived. They were also not polite. It was taken for granted that what kind of people were treated.

Mu Rulan had just prepared to walk over. A waitress carrying drinks passed her, and suddenly the tray on her hand turned over. Mu Rulan tried to hide, but because someone was blocking the road, the wine burst. Mu Rulan fell down.

“Duck! Find a pump!” The young man who just hit his buttocks on the sofa screamed and roared, attracting so many people’s eyes at once.

“Sorry, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it …” The waitress continued to say sorry, looking at this side with eyes, with different looks.

Mu Rulan’s white coat was red and green all at once, and her hair was more than half wet, and she looked quite embarrassed. She looked up at the people in Jiangsu Beisha who came over and smiled, “I’m fine, I’ll go Toilet. “

“Let me take you there, I’m sorry,” said the waitress.

The scene returned to its original state, and the attention was brought back to the focus by the master of ceremonies. Mu Rulan followed the woman and left the first floor. As soon as she entered the corridor, the noisy voice became much smaller.

Probably because they were all watching the bustling outside, and there was no traffic in the corridor. Quietly, the waitress in front stepped on the marble floor and made a crisp snoring sound.

“That’s right, I’m in trouble in the new year. I must have been too old this year.” The waitress in front said sharply, turning her head to look at Mu Rulan, her critical eye swept down, Yin Yang said strangely: “The toilet is right in front. If you have long eyes, go by yourself.” He wanted to turn around and left, but also hit Mu Rulan’s shoulder on purpose.

Mu Rulan looked at the man sideways, and the woman immediately lifted her jaw high and looked away, “Look? What do you look at? Haven’t you seen a beauty? I tell you, I hate it like you Looks like a delicate woman like Lin Daiyu, who looks like a man who is going to die or not, relying on a man, hum! If you have the ability, go and tell the men in front, anyway, people like you must appetite others Hang it high, **! “

Mu Rulan’s eyes narrowed for a moment, and the radian of her lips gradually converged. “Your mother must not have told you that you must be basic polite and dedicated.”

“It’s your shit!” Hands on hips, looking down at Mu Rulan.

Mu Rulan felt a bit weird, glanced at her feet, Qianren said, looking at a person’s feet can see where he really wanted to go, at this time the woman’s toes were facing her, that is, The woman had no intention of leaving from the beginning, but instead intentionally told her these insults and offended her here?

Mu Rulan turned around and walked to the bathroom, no longer paying attention to her. However, she promised Mo Qianren that she could not take it. Therefore, in order not to endure too much hardship, it is better to stay away from these people with brain problems. .

“Well! Stop for me!” The woman followed up unwillingly, pulling on Mu Rulan’s coat, and said fiercely: “What do you mean? Look down on the job, right? You think you are born good Can life be looked down upon? If it weren’t for your parents, what do you think you would do now? I tell you … “The woman chattered, holding Mu Rulan’s clothes and not letting go.

The light in Mu Rulan’s eyes seemed to be diminishing, and the pure black eyes like glass gradually became like black holes …

Not far away, a box opened a slit, and a video recorder quietly recorded on Mu Rulan’s side. Not far away, it was also a box. Ai Wei looked at the scene in front of him with a strange smile, quite a mantis. The taste of catching cicada cardinals.

The scene of the dream that had been clearly in her brain suddenly floated up, and blinked off the anger that Mu Rulan was struck by the woman’s rudeness and offense. She grabbed the woman and grabbed her clothes with one hand. The woman squeezed her hands, and the woman quickly retracted her hands in pain. Mu Rulan took out her mobile phone. When the woman looked at it, her eyes widened and she reached out to grab it. Mu Rulan flickered away, and the woman did not give up I want to continue, but I hear a footstep in the distant corridor.

“What’s the matter with you!” The manager’s voice looked at the full-hearted man, looking at the nameplate hanging on his chest. He burst into anger, glaring at the woman as if trying to pierce her body a few holes.

The woman bit her lip, lowered her head, and dared not speak again.

The manager apologized to Mu Rulan repeatedly, saying that the discipline was not strict, and the woman was immediately fired, then took the woman down.

Mu Rulan looked at the empty corridor, but he was a little puzzled, but he didn’t show his face, and turned to walk to the bathroom.

Before she called, the manager knew what happened to her and rushed over?

Ai Wei smiled and put away her phone. Xiao’s trick was too unpleasant. He wanted to see a brighter confrontation ~

The person who took the video took back the video recorder and made a phone call. “Plan A failed and the other party was not provoked.”

“Plan B is ready.” There was a hoarse gritting voice.

Bai Suqing hung up the phone, and her black gloved hand froze the hair of the woman in front of her. The woman was a descendant, and she dared not have any resistance. She had to lie on the ground and let her grab it. She, Bai Suqing, turned a deaf ear, and was full of Mu Rulan’s anger. She had bought several books about mentally ill people, so she had a little basic understanding of this mental patient. Now, it is too easy to anger and offend a mentally ill person, but Mu Rulan is not angered? It made her feel like failure, and it felt terrible!

Soon, Bai Suqing found a reason to make her feel more comfortable, maybe because it was not closed there. Mu Rulan considered it easy to be found if she committed the crime, but it didn’t matter, she would let her show her original shape! She must reveal her true colors to the world! must!

Mu Rulan walked into the bathroom. The toilet was very quiet and empty. No one took off her coat and exposed the black sweater inside. A long chain of silver angel pendants hung on her chest and she drew aside. The paper towel was wet and wiped the hair, and the white coat was ruined like that, presumably it was hopeless.

The toilet door was pushed open again, and a figure in a wheelchair slowly appeared in a large mirror.

Mu Rulan lifted his eyes and subconsciously glanced up, and then he saw the pair of dark hatred eyes in the mirror looking at her. Mu Rulan acted, turned and looked at the person, feeling that she was like I don’t know this person, “Excuse me, are you …”

“You don’t know me?” The wheelchair slowly approached Mu Rulan, and the girl sitting on it stared at her gloomily, like an unjust ghost who came to ask for his life.

Mu Rulan swept over her wheelchair and looked at her face. There were scars on that face, such as burns or burns. The scars were all accumulated on the lower half of the face. The girl should be pretty …

A sudden flash of light flashed through her head, Mu Rulan looked at her, and a name popped up in her head, “You are … classmate Zhou Yaya.”

“I’m honored to let you remember, sister Mu Xue!” Zhou Yaya gritted her teeth and said, “You’re probably disappointed to see that I’m not dead!”

Mu Rulan was a little surprised, “Why do you say that?”

Zhou Yaya looked at herself too high. Mu Rulan didn’t put her in her eyes and didn’t have to put her to death, she just let her eat the bad results.

“It’s just you and me! You little **** pretend to be garlic, isn’t it disgusting ?!” Zhou Yaya said angrily: “Don’t think that my leg is broken and my head is also broken!”

“What you are saying is really inexplicable. What is the matter, can you make it clear?” Mu Rulan said helplessly.

“Do you really think I forgot ?!” Zhou Yaya stared at Mu Rulan’s face, and saw her ugly appearance in the mirror, so angry that she wanted to wipe Mu Rulan’s face across the board. Hua, “You pervert! The reason why I will go to jail will become this look is all you harm! You harmed my family and ruined it, and also ruined the family like Jin family, you vicious woman! You will have retribution!”

The walls of the cleaned toilet echoed the voice of Zhou Yaya’s complaints, and the drops of water ticked and fell out of the tap.

A silence.

Mu Rulan looked at Zhou Yaya silently, Zhou Yaya’s chest was violently undulating, staring at Mu Rulan, she hated it! She hated this woman! Without her, Mu Rusen would not have broken up with her at the beginning. If she was not so good, she would not have been jealous of her. Without her, she would not have become a disabled person, and would not have been imprisoned. Office!

Zhou Yaya will never forget that the place is terrible. Those with a distorted mentality look at her eyes as if to divide her into the belly. The eyes are weird and terrible. She always looked up and thought when she entered. Let them know that she is different from them by behavior and temperament. They are not a person of the world. They need to know the gap between them and her. It turns out that her temperament does let them know that they and she are not in a world. , But also because of this, so suffered these later sins!

Almost all those who are held in the detention center for the disabled are distorted due to physical disabilities. Some people like to abuse small animals to satisfy their delusional and powerful psychology. Now a group of people from the same world gather together. How can it be impunity to inspire inferiority and jealousy? Even the injuries on her face were made by someone in the bedroom while she was sleeping at midnight.

For more than a year inside, Zhou Yaya was simply not as good as dead, but the more painful she was, the more she hated Mu Rulan! Why is her pervert able to live so well outside, but she is to suffer here? !! She swears that if she goes out one day, she will definitely expose Mu Rulan’s true colors, and she must send her to a mental hospital to keep her with those lunatics!

Mu Rulan looked at her and shook her head, with some pity, “Student Zhou Yaya, I’m sorry for your encounter, but please don’t reverse the right and wrong, okay? Why do you ruin your family? That’s because you and Jin Biaohu and others jointly wanted Put me to death, after the incident was revealed, your parents not only failed to educate you, but they ignored Faji and wanted to injustice me and sent me to a mental hospital. Even your legs are because you want to kill me. Be careful when you drop the window and break. Do I need to remind you? “

—————————— Off topic ——————————

Sixty thousand words finale! Girls! Passionately give tickets! Heiguo even saved 60,000! Like yourself! Ticket ticket ticket ticket ~

This book was first published, please do not reprint! 2k novel reading network

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