Reincarnation – Lord is Extremely Hardcore

Chapter 212 - v162 Finale (below)

“Shut up!” Zhou Yaya’s face suddenly changed, and she was furiously patted the armrests on both sides of the wheelchair. She stared at Mu Rulan, hoping to kill her with her eyes, “It’s all your fault! All this! It’s all your fault! It’s all you, it’s you! You’ve been mentally abnormal! You killed all of Jin Biaohu’s brothers! It’s all you! “

Mu Rulan looked sadly at Zhou Yaya, shaking her head slightly, picking up her dirty coat and turning to leave. I have only one word for ~ ~, the update speed is n times faster than other stations, and there is less advertising.

“Why? This is gone?” Zhou Yaya turned to the wheelchair and stared at Mu Rulan. “I don’t want to know why I came out, and why is she here?”

Mu Rulan couldn’t stop, reached out and touched the doorknob, and Zhou Yaya’s unwilling voice chased after him, “You will be accused in court, and I will testify as a witness at that time! I will tell the judge exactly what happened You don’t want to go on impunity! “

Mu Rulan moved a moment, slowly turned her head to look at Zhou Yaya, her eyes narrowed slightly, “what can you tell the judge?” She could not give any evidence without seeing it in person. She was almost burned to death in the end. She is the victim in the warehouse. What testimony can Zhou Yaya make?

The person hiding with the camera in the last compartment was instantly excited. Is this the rhythm to complete the task? !!

Zhou Yaya smiled proudly and twisted. She looked at Mu Rulan and slowly said, “No, complain, complain, you! Hahahahahaha …”

Mu Rulan looked at Zhou Yaya, who was smiling and crazy, and her hand holding her clothes moved slightly. What should I do? Such a terrible voice, such an ugly face, I really want to kill her … is it okay? OK? There is no one here. Quietly kill people, and then cut into pieces in the compartment to wash them away. No one will find it, right? May I? OK……

“Nah …” Mu Rulan smiled and looked at Zhou Yaya with a soft and warm smile, approaching her slowly, her eyes were weird.

Zhou Yaya felt her back chilling, but still resisting the urge to step back, she stared at Mu Rulan.

The person hiding in the dark held his breath, staring at the camera in his hand, thinking that the prototype of the evil will be revealed!

With her arms around her chest against the doorway of the women’s toilet, Ivy overhears a wicked smile, and her bright red tongue licks her lower lip from time to time, swallowing up and down her throat, seemingly secreting saliva. Ah ~ It’s so sweet ~ I want to eat it, eat it, eat it ~

Mu Rulan stood in front of Zhou Yaya and looked down at her, the shadow of Liu Hai covering her eyes, as if casting a shadow on her for a moment.

Zhou Yaya looked up at her, swallowed her throat up and down, and sweat dripped from her forehead.

She waited for Mu Rulan’s next step.

However, Mu Rulan just stood and didn’t move. For a while, she smiled and looked at Zhou Yaya. For a moment, it was as bright as a rainbow blooming in the sky. “Anyway, it ’s so nice that Yaya students can come out. Now, although it seems that I can no longer be friends, please cheer up and live for yourself? “

Zhou Yaya disgustedly wanted to stand up and pump Mu Rulan a few slaps! An angry expression suddenly twisted, looking at Mu Rulan’s bright and pure angel-like face, she even hated to grit her teeth, why didn’t she shoot! why? !!

Mu Rulan turned and left, and the smile on her face suddenly converged. She just really wanted to kill Zhou Yaya, but suddenly remembered … Mo Qianren confiscated her scalpel and other crime tools! It was said that in order to prevent Mu Rulan from being able to control her nature, she was actually worried that someone would try to provoke Mu Rulan to make her angry. Now it seems that it is absolutely necessary to confiscate those things.

Ai Wei hid in the men’s toilet until Mu Rulan walked away before she suddenly flashed into the women’s toilet. Just because Mu Rulan didn’t show her original shape, Zhou Yaya suddenly saw a man break into the women’s toilet. Suddenly surprised, “You …”

There was a bit of evil in the gentleman Ivey smiled, and he pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose. “Can you do me a favor? Lovely girl?” He looked away at the person who had just taken the camera and had not enough time to hide. “Of course, can I also invite that beautiful young lady?”

When Mu Rulan returned to the lobby, the big gift box had been opened, in fact, it was a group of **** ** pole dancers, dressed **** and dressed like they were not.

“Why is it so slow?” Shao Su was trying to find someone. When he saw Mu Rulan coming back, he asked immediately, Mu Rulan hadn’t answered yet, and immediately found out that she had taken off her coat and was only wearing a sweater. Take off the jacket, “put your clothes on, it’s so cold …”

Mu Rulan was still standing outside. Someone was sitting on the ground blocking the road. It was awful. I saw Su Beisha undressed for her, and smiled, “No need, the room is not very cold.”

“Let you …” Subei Shao Zheng wanted to continue to say something, but suddenly hesitated. A few people who were not drunk, He Huo Huo Yezhou could not help but sit up straight slightly.

Mu Rulan was weird, and before turning back, a temperature fell gently on the body, followed by a faint clean and refreshing mint scent. Mu Rulan turned her head and saw that Mo Qianren did not know when she stood by her. Behind him, there are several young masters and some people who do n’t know He Miao Luzi Meng Su Chengxiang Huo family, but at a glance, they are the figures of your noble son. The dancing dancers who danced on the pole dance stopped, all eyes were obsessed or greedy looking at this side.

Throughout the venue, as soon as this group of people appeared, they instantly felt a clear-cut feeling of Chu and Han.

From temperament to gas field, it is like the division of two worlds, low and high, and in that high world, there is another distinctive world that can be seen at a glance. —Mo Qianren.

Even with the group of people behind him who can also be called kings, he will never be overwhelmed, and even in the highest position that can’t be ignored.

“Qianren, Mr. Prosecutor, Chengxiang.” Mu Rulan nodded to He Miao and Su Chengxiang. He Miao did not respond, but looked at the fire sitting inside, with a slight arc on the corner of her lips. “You Are you playing here? “

“Um.” Mo Qianren gave Mu Rulan the coat he put on her, which was obviously too big and too long. He wore the swinging part just to the middle of the thigh, and when he reached Mu Rulan, he grew to the lower leg, but it doesn’t matter. It’s enough to keep warm.

“Brother!” He Huo responded, and quickly got up and shouted, his dark circles were bright like a panda.

“Sister.” Su Beisha put on his clothes and greeted Su Chengxiang.

“Big brother, second brother, third brother.” Huo Yezhou also stood up and watched his three brothers shout. Well, his awkward younger brother didn’t return, and it was estimated that he was addicted to Hong Kong.

“It seems that my brother is having a good time here.” Huo Sanshao said with a smile on his brother’s neck, sweeping the eye-catching **** hot-steel pole girl in an ambiguous way.

Huo Yezhou calmly pushed his glasses, very calmly, “OK.”

“Is your brother He abused by your elder brother? The dark circles are so heavy. Was it beaten?” Huo Sanshao found no fun with his brother, and looked at He Huo again, smiling wickedly.

“How is it possible!” He Huo’s reaction did not disappoint Huo Sanshao.

He Miao glanced at Huo Sanshao, “You are really as noisy as before.”

“I’ll be sad if you say this, there is a broken heart!”

“Get off!”

Speaking of them, this group of people has actually been in a school or even a class with the Mo Qian people, but the Mo Qian people have always skipped the level. For those people, they have n’t seen a few of them, naturally most of them do n’t know them. , While others are unwilling to make more contact due to Mo Qian’s temperament and his knowledge, who would want to be friends with someone who seems like you can never hide a secret in front of him? Not everyone is as strong under pressure as Lu Zimeng.

“Speaking of it, shall we go to the box?” Huo Jiaer glanced helplessly and stared at them all around, saying that they had just arrived, just because Mo Qianren saw Mu Rulan coming over, others The man came over subconsciously, and God knew how to suddenly follow him, or that this person was born with the ability to surrender and follow, but he never bothered to ask for this special one.

“Miss Ke, too?” Huo Sanshao said again, looking at Mu Rulan with a smile, a pair of peach eyes.

Mu Rulan blinked and looked at Mo Qianren.

The Mo Qian people directly carried her outside the hall, and a group of people immediately followed.

“Well, I’ll go too!” He Huo Baba chased up, but this time for Mu Rulan, took her all away, so what’s going on!

Huo Yezhou and Subei Shao also followed. Except for the drunken guy who slept like a pig, the other awake followed him to make fun.

A few elder brothers walked in front of them and looked back at the younger brothers, followed by each other, glanced at each other, and looked at the girl in the arms of Mo Qianren because of her. This seems to be beyond doubt, their family Brother, I did n’t like staying at home or staying with them, and I did n’t have a firm will to achieve anything. Now these are completely changed, and all these changes start from the girl ’s appearance in their world. of……

What an amazing guy …

He Miao looked at Mu Rulan, and her eyes were looming under the slightly curled bangs on her decadent and lazy face, unable to see clearly.

Mo Qianren went out to talk with him that day, but did not convince him, but just asked him to find out what kind of person he was asking for help. He Miao went to check and knew that Bai Suqing was not a bad stubble, but in In his opinion, that was not the point. Even though Bai Suqing was not a good person, she didn’t kill and set fire, it was just a moral problem, but Mu Rulan was different! Even those who accidentally kill people are subject to legal sanctions, not to mention intentional killings?

It was only in his opinion that the evidence that Bai Suqing gave him was insufficient. He wanted to talk to Bai Suqing face to face and get more evidence. However, the girl refused, so he had to wonder whether Bai Suqing was guilty or not. There are other purposes to use him as a gun …

In a blink of an eye, he saw that He Huo had unknowingly ran to the front and walked beside Mu Rulan, and he didn’t know what he was talking about. He suddenly felt annoyed and happy at the same time, completely forgetting him a few days ago I was still scared because I saw the e-mail. I was afraid that Mu Rulan would really be the kind of person written on that letter, and even more afraid that if Mu Rulan was really the kind of person with mental problems , Then how will his brother deal with her …

That woman kicked those guys?

He Miao’s eyes were a little fretful, a little irritable, he felt his pocket and wanted to smoke, but he felt empty, oh, his father confiscated his cigarette and lighter …

Under the black cloth, the heart is undulating, and the hot anger can be felt easily.

“Damn! Damn! Useless waste!” The hoarse voice was sharp.

It’s really useless! Is it possible that even now God is helping Mu Rulan? !! Let people move Mu Rulan’s puppets as evidence, and as a result, those people have not returned, not only did not move the puppets, but put themselves in! Let people anger Mu Rulan, but the result is still useless! Is there too many people helping Mu Rulan, or is she really destined to die? !!

Do not!

Full **** farting!

Shouldn’t you die? what! If this pervert that kills without blinking like Mu Rulan should not be damned, who else in this world should **** it? What if Tian really helps her? She’s Bai Suqing, this life and this world, is going to turn against the sky! Do not pull Mu Rulan down from the altar, she vowed not to be human!

She took a few deep breaths and asked for a while: “Was Zhou Yaya back?”

“Still outside, will you take her back?” Someone answered with a fascination.

“No. Maybe Mu Rulan will secretly attack her in secret, so let Zhou Yaya stay in that hotel, just send someone to pay attention.”


Bai Suqing’s hands in black gloves tightly held the arm of the chair. The expression under the mask was distorted like a ghost, Mu Rulan … She also wants you to taste it and drop the taste of **** from the clouds!

When the night was dark, Mu Rulan and Mo Qian returned to the courtyard.

The car stopped, Mo Qianren turned to look at Mu Rulan, who was sitting on the back seat with red cheeks on her cheeks. After all, she was still drunk by those guys. The amount of alcohol was not very good, but the wine was very good The drunk obediently fell asleep like a kitten in his arms, making the group of single men jealous and jealous, and Mo Qianren was delighted by this rare mood.

Originally, he was forced by Grandpa Mo and his mother to go out to meet with those people, and Lu Zimeng was dragging aside. The reason is that those people are worthy to use and have great value. If he does n’t need it, give me face. It is also good to have a relationship, what if they need them later?

He doesn’t know if they will be used, but even if they don’t have a good relationship in advance, when they need to use them, Mo Qianren still has a way to let them use them. This high IQ brain is not white and long. It’s just that Mo Qianren didn’t say it.

Mo Qianlan held Mu Rulan in his arms. Mu Rulan was still wrapped in Mo Qianren’s coat. At this moment, it was like the whole person was hidden in Mo Qianren’s black coat. Yang Yang was fragile and cute, shrinking in the soft nest, and occasionally stretched out her claws and scratched softly.

Mom Mo and Lu mother were talking in the room. Haha laughed and saw Mo Qianren and Mu Rulan coming back. They wanted to say hello, but saw Mu Rulan who was sleeping deeply, and glanced at each other. An ambiguous smile disappeared.

Mo Qiang was too lazy to care for them, and slowly walked upstairs. The person holding his arms seemed to be weightless and stable.

The silver moonlight in the bedroom spilled out of the window, and the large silver-gray bed reflected the light silver.

The Mo Qian people leaned over and placed the person on the bed, but did not immediately get up, in this posture, looking at her up close, her indifferent eyes reflected her quiet and beautiful face like an angel, this face, or rather This temperament from the inside out always makes people think at the first time that she is an angel of compassion and compassion, and she will be tolerant and compassionate when anything happens.

It was an almost correct … illusion.

This is not a sick sentence.

Mo Qianren kissed her forehead and was about to get up. Suddenly, she had a stamina. Her body was just pressed down again, her lips were soft, with the sweetness of a girl and the taste of red wine.

Mo Qian was stunned, Mu Rulan didn’t know when he opened his eyes, and looked at him through a blank fog, telling him that he had a kind of foot fall and fell into the pure white foggy girl who belonged to the girl. world.


Yes, there has always been a layer of mist that seems to be separated. So far, Mo Qiang has not been able to find it. The reason why Mu Rulan is mentally abnormal may be that Mu Rulan has forgotten it, maybe it is her I don’t think it’s necessary to talk about such things.

Mo Qian’s head went up a bit, but because Mu Rulan’s arms were clawed, he still couldn’t leave. The four lip **** touched lightly, and with a little movement, he could rub out the hot sparks.

“Qianren?” Mu Rulan blinked and asked softly, the mist in her eyes did not blink, but the more she blinked.

“Well. Sleep well.” Mo Qianren said, the four lips were rubbing gently, maybe because of alcohol, he was a bit dry, stretched out his hand and wanted to take her down, but saw Mu Rulan Bent his eyes and made a noise.

“If you are modest, I will tell you something very interesting.”

“Huh?” Mo Qianren didn’t expect much. For the mentally ill, interesting things are not understandable by normal people, maybe because of seeing a person’s way of death or a child carrying a grandmother across the street. Category.

“If the possibility of parallel space-time exists in this world, then I once lived in a world without modesty for twenty years, and then-bang-was hit by a car and died …” Mu Rulan gently He laughed and looked very happy, “Isn’t it interesting? He was killed by a car, but when he woke up, he found himself back in his childhood, and restarted a different life … Ah … Speaking of it Isn’t it particularly interesting … Good night … “Mu Rulan said, closing his eyes and heading to the right, Mo Qianren’s lips slipped gently from her lips, and then slipped past Her delicate silky cheeks.

Mo Qianren kept his posture motionless, his back was a little stiff.

The words echoed by Fang Caimu Rulan echoed in her mind, and it took a while before she sat up straight.

He wasn’t sure. If Mu Rulan had just said, it was her dream or imagination. After all, Mu Rulan’s spirit was abnormal, and normal people would not suddenly tell you that he was an alien because of the people around you. He, unless you are a person who likes whimsical and thinks that those strange things do exist, and Mo Qiang is obviously not that kind of person.

He is a psychologist and scientist, but he is also a genius with a very high IQ. He had studied Einstein’s “The Theory of Relativity” when he was in college, but he did not delve deeper. The results can be easily explored, so someone told him that he was passing through, and he felt that the other party might be a lunatic, and that 30% of the time was the possibility of needing research to reach a conclusion.

He sat quietly beside the bed, looking sideways at Mu Rulan, who was sleeping with the quilt. Liu Hai and long eyelashes cast unsightly silhouettes under him … he was not sure, Mu Was Ru Lan because she had dreamed a dream similar to the life of her previous life-that dream must not be beautiful-so it caused her mental problems.

Because Mu Rulan is an abnormal person, even if it is Mo Qianren, she can’t easily draw any conclusions. Who knows if that was what she thought?

Mo Qianren found that the original mist was much thicker, just like layers of gauze. He tried hard to remove it, but found that one layer was removed, and there were countless layers. Mu Rulan still let He couldn’t see through it and thought it was a mysterious woman who made him want to stop. There would be no second person in the world who couldn’t help himself so curious.

The sun was shining brightly through the curtains, giving everything a warm goose yellow glow.

Mu Rulan opened her eyes slowly. The goal was a pair of indifferent eyes. Before her eyes opened, she bent again, “Good morning.”

“Early.” Mo Qian humanely reached out and passed a glass of water.

Mu Rulan sat up and found that her throat was very thirsty, probably because of drinking yesterday.

Mu Rulan quickly took up a glass of water after taking it, raised his eyes, and found that his man had been looking at himself, so he asked, “What’s wrong?”

“Remember what you said yesterday?” Mo Qianren asked and took another cup of water.

Mu Rulan looked at Mo Qianren, thinking about yesterday, blinking, “Did I tell you where did I hide the doll?”

“It’s a pity, no.”

Mu Rulan tried to see the clue from Mo Qianren’s indifferent face, “Or, let me tell you, I once liked Ou Kaichen?”

Mo Qian’s eyes moved slightly, “What?”

Oh, you accidentally said something you shouldn’t say.

Mu Rulan smiled and crooked like a crescent moon, “Yes, but that’s my first love.”

“Your first love can’t be complimented.” Mo Qianren’s ironic tone appeared in the indifference to Mu Rulan for a long time.

Mu Rulan smiled even more happily, nodded her head in agreement, “Well, I think so, fortunately, I have a good vision for my husband, and I eat a lot of wisdom.”

Mo Qianren glanced at her, and it looked no different, but Mu Rulan felt that this guy was still jealous of her “first love that can’t be complimented”.

At this moment, the door was knocked softly, and there was an invisible sound from the outside, “Brother, sister-in-law, have you got up? Mom asked you to quickly pack yourself up, and the big brother of photography in the studio will come back to his hometown the day after tomorrow. You are now taking wedding photos. “He said he didn’t wait for the people inside to respond, turned around and left, knowing that her brother’s nerves were alert and sensitive, and he wasn’t afraid that the people inside would not hear it.

Mu Rulan and Mo Qianren had to get up to wash and clean up, and several old people had already got up when they went downstairs.

“Qianren knows the address of the photo studio. You go by yourself. I have to greet at home with guests at noon.” Mom Mo said.

Mu Rulan looked at Baba’s twin brother who was holding them, and waved with a smile, “Let’s go together.”

Mu Rusen and Mu Rulin cheered. In the past few days, Ke Changhuang’s training has become less and less obvious.

The photo studio is located in the center of the city. It is the best and most famous in Beijing. Many high-end celebrities are taking wedding photos or art photos in this place. Because of the appointment of the Mo family, the photographer who originally took the Spring Festival holiday gave up the plan to return to his hometown. The photographer has the opportunity to help Amon and his fiancee take wedding photos that are absolutely once in a lifetime.

As soon as Mu Rulan arrived at the door, he collided with a photographer with a ugly face wearing a black baseball cap. When he saw the others, he quickly said, “I’m sorry, I have something urgent. It seems I have to go now. But I happen to have two friends here. If you don’t mind, would I ask them to help you shoot? Please rest assured, their technology is far above me, can you? “

Looking at the man’s face, it seemed that he was really anxious, and naturally nodded in agreement.

“Okay, you go inside and change clothes, they will come over soon, ok?”

“it is good.”

The photographer drove away in a hurry, and Mu Rulan and Mo Qianren entered the studio.

The photo studio is a castle with white and red colors interspersed with elegance and a little fairy tale.

There is a female staff member wearing a cheongsam and a male staff member wearing a black vest, a female service bride, a male service groom, and the service is subtle and thoughtful, which can easily get the favor of guests.

Take Mu Rulan into the lady’s dressing curtain, Mo Qianren went into the men’s dressing room, Mu Rusen and Mu Rulin stared at the photos on the wall, which were hung on the wall after the guest’s permission. Each of the wedding photos on that photo is so beautiful.

Mo Qianren quickly changed his clothes. He walked out, not wearing his coat, but changed to a white flawless shirt, lowered his head and buckled the buttons on his wrist. As always, the indifferent and cold air field was simple. Raising one’s hands, all have a taste of contempt for the world.

The room was well-lit, perhaps deliberately, and the large French windows came in in the sunlight, and the man was in the light, walking so high up to the large mirror inlaid on the wall, and the staff walked Step forward, shake off the blazer on your hand, and wear it for him as if serving the noble king.

Mu Rusen and Mu Rulin stood aside and watched. Rare, finally there is a feeling that they are little farts and the other person is an adult.

Not long after, the staff wearing cheongsam came out of the curtain with a smile. The reason for the cylindrical curtain is probably to allow the groom to see the most perfect side of his bride. The throbbing throbbing heartbeat and a feeling of finally having someone you love.

唰 ——

The curtain was pulled open by the staff, and Mo Qianren just turned around, and for a moment, he felt that the world was still.

Young girls rarely dress themselves carefully, especially in such a beautiful and beautiful dress. The snow-white wedding hem is loosely stretched, and her sleeves are exposed to her round and fair shoulders. It seemed to be lazy hanging on the bare shoulders, and the skin was lined like jade, and it was also lined with black and smooth like silk.

This wedding dress is very simple, with elegance and luxury in its simplicity. The upper body outlines the girl’s slender waist and well-developed chest. There is no extra pattern and decoration, because a brick-shaped diamond is attached to the periphery. At an angle, it must reflect the colorful and dazzling light. The lower body is layered with silvery snow-white cloth. It has no diamonds and is not embellished with anything. The designer uses special cutting techniques to cut it into gorgeous elegance. Rich in layers, intersects with the gorgeous diamond on the upper body.

This wedding dress is afraid that no woman dares to wear it, because it accidentally becomes the backing of those diamonds, but she smiles in Mu Rulan, her cheeks are brushed with a touch of blush, which looks like a blooming faint orchid. Mang is gorgeous.

She stood there so quietly, there was a kind of quiet time, and the feeling of leisurely time, everyone would have an illusion-this girl is an angel watched by God.

Mu Rusen and Mu Rulin watched again.

The two staff members looked at each other with a smile, and they exchanged such a message. When they received the wedding suit from the Mo family in the photo studio, they were shocked when they saw it. Wearing a white wedding dress only once, probably even the royal princess could not be so luxurious. The diamond on it is not a rhinestone, but a real diamond! How rich is it to be willing to pay so much on a wedding dress?

Hush, I heard that this is a wedding dress designed by the groom, and then hand-made by top foreign fashion designers. Each diamond superimposes the groom’s love for the bride on its original value.

Of course, they have also seen a variety of wedding dresses from wealthy celebrities, most of whom are to be worn at weddings and sent to them in advance, so they are surprised at the luxury of a wedding dress and so on. After that, they were curious, what kind of woman should be such a wedding dress not to be taken away by its glory? What kind of man should be worthy of a woman who can afford such a wedding dress?

Facts have shown that the pair in front of them will probably always be the side that is being set off by others.

Mu Rulan saw that Mo Qianren came towards her, still in a white shirt and black suit, and still a high king, but she was a little different. She saw that the corners of her lips were faintly traceable The arc of the arc was inconceivable, but it softened that indifferent and cold face for a moment, and the heart murmured, suddenly a little strange.

For a long time, except for exercise and blood boiling, she didn’t feel that kind of heart beat.

He stood under the stairs and stretched out her hand. Mu Rulan’s hand in white gloves gently put it in his palm, like a princess, approaching him slowly, and the flavors of each other were intertwined and blended in the air. .


Whose camera flashed.

“Good! Verygood!” The person who broke the beautiful picture of clapping clapped his hands and walked in excitedly.

The comer had blond hair, his smile was extremely bright, and he had a feeling of “I am an art mad”. Behind him was a pale, thin, long-haired man who was also a foreigner.

Mo Qian looked at the blond man, his name quickly floated in his head.

Mu Rulan was looking at the man with long hair, eyes narrowed.

“Mr. Lawrence, Mr. Wilder.” The staff in cheongsam greeted them, then looked at Mo Qianren and Mu Rulan, and introduced with a sweet smile: “These two were met by our store manager while studying in London. My friend, Lawrence Monde, Wilder Heinz, both are masters of international photography. Mr. Lawrence also won the first prize of the International Photo Contest last year for a photo named “San Jie”. Oh. Besides, he is a royal photographer. He never takes photos of people except royal people. “

Mu Rulan looked at Wilder, and Wilder seemed very tired. He didn’t focus on her and Mo Qianren at all, but stared at Jin Chancan’s floor illuminated by the sun. Recently, he has been chased by a group of people who do not know who it is, making him a little exhausted.

“Hey! My beautiful angel, remember me? Remember me?” Lawrence said excitedly, clutching his camera.

Mu Rulan turned her eyes to Lawrence, but she only shook her head. There seemed to be no such person in her memory, but Lawrence … it seemed that the name had been heard somewhere.

“It’s me, it’s me! That day … you … you’re speaking in the auditorium, on the stage, I … I’m taking pictures below, click and click …” Excited hands are covering up with fiddle, “Remember No? You are my angel! Hey! Wilder! Come and see, this is my angel! “

Lawrence initially pressed the shutter when he bent down and bowed before the Mulan Lan school in Bislan exited, trying to take a photo of Mu Rulan’s hair in the wind, but finally he was shaken by an excited hand, causing the photo to appear. It was blurred, but I didn’t expect that the photos would just make people wonder.

The sun shone in the convertible auditorium and shrouded the girl in a white school uniform. She was elegant, noble, warm, and holy. The wind gently moved her hair and skirt, as if there was a thin layer of mist covering her. And he wanted to capture this picture clearly, but his hand shook a bit, and the result of a shake of his hand was that the blurred photo made the girl look more like an angel.

Sunlight, wind, and the invisible white mist are entangled in the blur to form a world that is not of humanity. The girl who can not see the face has a pair of light wings without any post-processing. It is a natural picture The photo was extremely beautiful and the artistic conception was extreme. With that photo, Lawrence defeated those who participated in the photo contest during the same period. That photo was scrambled for collection by many noble royal families, but he was rejected by them one by one.

Because this is a photo of Mu Rulan, it would be more appropriate for him to get Mu Rulan’s consent before going to participate in that kind of large-scale competition. Only too many things happened during the period, such as his photo. Within a few days of going up, his younger brother Camilla disappeared in the United States, and eventually even confirmed Camilla’s death at the foot of the French Alps—skinned by ghost hand Jack.

Not long ago, Gamilla just watched the photo taken by Lawrence in the White College, and painted the angel with a special method and hung it in the gallery. He just went out for a walk, but He was caught by Jack and lost his precious life.

Wilder was yawning, turning his attention unwillingly, staring at Mu Rulan, carefully looking at the face, and then the picture of Lawrence appeared in his mind, although the face of the photo It is not clear, but this temperament is so easy to recognize …

Wilder’s head snapped suddenly, and the tired drowsiness left in his eyes disappeared in a blink. He looked at Mu Rulan, his eyes widened slightly, this, this woman is not …

Time went backwards … Mu Rulan came to Beijing for the first time … Innocent was implicated in a kidnapping case … Almost as long as a long hair with a half silver mask perverted as death shooting material … rescued Su Bei Shao … … a runaway pervert …

The smile on Mu Rulan’s lips was deep. It seems that the other party also remembered her.

Wilder looked at Lawrence, “I suddenly remembered that I had to deal with something urgent, wedding photos or something, you can handle it alone, I’m gone!” He was going crazy, he even followed Lawrence here stupidly The two people in front of him, one is the “perverted terminator” amon, and the other is the victim who knew his name and knew that he was not a normal person who almost died in his hands!

Wilder turned around and wanted to leave. It seemed that he could feel the indifferent but sharp eyes of Mo Qianren as if they could see through all the illusions and fell on him.

“Come back!” Lawrence grabbed his back collar. “Don’t you say that you want me to see another beautiful and happy wedding dress?”

Lying down! That’s a perverted gameplay. Would he be so stupid to do small moves under the eye of Amon? !! Look for abuse! He didn’t want to be put in the Cohen mental hospital!

“I …” Wilder didn’t turn around and didn’t dare to see the eyes of Shang Moqian, for fear he would be seen through at once.

“How long will it take?” Mo Qianren’s usual indifferent and cold voice sounded softly, and also always made people feel that the superiors were giving orders, but they made people take it for granted and didn’t think they were offended and off Li treated.

“Yes, yes, start right away! I will definitely take the happiest and most beautiful wedding photos in the world for you!” Lawrence shoved Wilder. “Get ready, I’ll wait to see your results!”

Wilder wanted to slap Lawrence to death, but he had to try to calm down and not show too much. He walked to the side and touched his camera here and there, just not looking up.

Lawrence commanded the two to stand at the designated location, took a few shots indoors, and then turned to another room, where the scenery was ready, a seaside scenery. Because the wedding time for the couple is a bit delicate, the winter weather in Beijing is cold and snowy. It is not easy to find an outdoor venue suitable for shooting. Even if it is found, it will not be good to shoot in such cold weather. For the photo, the bride will be so stiff as to go.

“Groom and groom, can you smile brighter?” Lawrence began to be dissatisfied after taking a few photos. Why is this groom always showing an expression? Can’t you smile brighter? To be like a man who is about to marry happily!


Mu Rusen and Mu Rulin felt that Lawrence was too powerful! They want to vomit Mo Qian people’s expressions for a long time, yes, it will not make people feel facial paralysis, but they have always been a look of indifference to people, very unhappy! Anyway, they are little **** too!

Mu Rulan bent backwards, and Mo Qianren held her from the front, holding her in the same position, keeping her eyes cool, and glanced at Lawrence. Lawrence stiffened his spine and stiffened, “So, that … you … you want to laugh brighter, this is a wedding photo! Wedding photos once in a lifetime, brighter, brighter … “

“I also think it’s better to be brighter. Isn’t the modest person happy?” Mu Rulan laughed out of her voice with a bit of lingering tone in her tone.

She couldn’t think of how the bright smile of Mo Qianren looked. The bright smile was a symptom of a big ups and downs, and Mo Qianren was born by nature or because of Mo’s father. He His mood always seemed to be quiet as if he could not bear a trace of waves, and the occasional ups and downs were just making intoxicating ripples.

Eyes stared at them, curious.

Will the prospective brideglow have a bright smile because of the words of the prospective bride?

Mo Qianren looked at Mu Rulan, so close that he could see her figure in his eyes, and the bad attempt to tease him.

Mo Qianren looked at Lawrence and said quietly, “It’s done.”

When Lawrence was happy, he thought that the Mo Qian people were about to laugh, but the Mo Qian people fell down and kissed Mu Rulan’s lips …

Oh! good idea! Don’t laugh anymore! And, super beautiful!

There were no less than a dozen shots in a row, and Mu Rusen and Mu Rulin in the best man’s outfit also took a few pictures with Mu Rulan in the back. It was not until the afternoon that everything was done.

Wilder said no, but finally looked at the two and still took a few photos secretly. When Lawrence announced the end, he saw Mu Rulan go in and change clothes, and then he ran away. Unexpectedly, he only paid attention to Mu Rulan, but forgot the other person who was more important and terrible.

“Go to the opposite cafe and wait for me.” The voice came suddenly, light and faint, a bit cold, like the wind in early spring, and like the end of autumn. They were close to the warmth, but still cold. As if hope is in front of you, you can only stand here stubbornly, unable to take a step forward.

Wilder was a mentally ill man, but he felt that his hair was erect, he felt a kind of extreme danger and erected an extreme alert.

However, Mo Qianren didn’t look at him and walked into the dressing room, as if that sentence was not what he said, and he was not afraid that Wilder was disobedient.

Lawrence looked at his camera with a satisfied look. He didn’t notice what happened there. After a while the phone rang and he picked up, “honey?”

“Boss got on the plane to Beijing. If you have time to pick him up, what do you need to prepare and text you a while.” Xue Ke’s cold and noble voice came from the phone.

Lawrence froze, “Hasn’t Bai returned to the United States? What is he doing here?” In the impression, this is the first time his good friend has stayed in this country for so long, and it is not an office at all, and he is not aware What, blindly?

“Boss naturally has reason to stay there.”

“Why are you still so faithful, my heart is breaking my dear!”

“Flight at 5 pm, remember to pick it up.” Xue Ke farted at Lawrence’s words, and hung up the phone.

“Hey … this cruel woman …” Lawrence murmured, glaring at the phone.

Several people changed their clothes and came out. Mo Qianren asked Mu Rulan and the twin brothers to go back first, and then went to the cafe across the road by themselves.

At this time, it was the green light. All the cars stopped outside the zebra crossing. The Mo Qian people just came to the middle. A car originally parked on the side of the road rushed over. The speed was so fast and the distance was so short. Like the one encountered in Mu Rulan in Japan, there is nowhere to hide!


Mu Rulan and the twin brothers only drove a short distance. She turned around and looked at the car. She saw two cars lying on the zebra crossing, and the heads collided together. It seemed that they were suddenly from the zebra crossing. He opened it fiercely, and then hit each other. Fortunately, she saw Mo Qian walking out between the two cars.

All right.

At this time, the accident scene.

Mo Qianren put his hands in his pockets and watched the two cars hitting each other. Just when the car rushed towards him, suddenly another one rushed over and hit the car, and he was not damaged. slightest.

The door opened, and a man in a black suit exuding a cold and noble spirit walked out. Bai Moli glanced at the car that had been hit by him. The driver inside seemed to be knocked out of him by the motion.

Looking at Mo Qianren, he said coldly, “You owe me once.”

“Nosy business.” Mo Qianren replied lightly, but it should be answered, no matter what, the appearance of Bai Moli really played a role.

“White ?!” Lawrence stepped out of the studio and stared at Bai Moli, who was standing with Mo Qianren. “Don’t you arrive at five in the afternoon ?!”

Bai Moli glanced at him, and said coldly: “It was.” But the time was ahead, and Xue didn’t know.

The car automatically bypassed the two cars and a few people drove forward. Mo Qianren looked at the car that was supposed to hit him. Now, a mouse trying to hurt someone hit the cat’s claw.

However, at that moment, the car started swiftly again, the speed was comparable to a racer, the sound of tears was raspy, and it fled quickly …

“No chase?” Lawrence looked at the car and looked at Mo Qian.

“No need.” Mo Qianren said lightly. The person who tried to set off a wave was unwilling to even explain to He Miao. Obviously, he knew that this place in Beijing was not a place where she could spread the wild. How could such a frightened bird make people move out without being completely sure? he? I’m afraid it’s just a puppet that knows nothing.

Buy a person who wants money and death, and let him go round and round on this section, so that if the other party sees him, he will hit him, even if there is no, the other party just wants to see if there is any coincidence. Coincidentally, he ran into him, but was destroyed. But if it seems like this … there are eyeliners around each other … Beijing, when did the mice dare to take the liberty in the daytime?

Mo Qian’s eyes narrowed slightly, which was a bit dangerous.

The wedding season is approaching, and Kyoto Airport has received a lot of big names in succession. People who came to the wedding from K City, Duan Yao, Liu Peiyang, Shi Shi, Li Shen, Shu Minmin, and others, even some students from Ziyuan College, including Lan Binglin.

The auditorium has been properly arranged. One of the wedding photos of the bride and groom was magnified by Lawrence and hung on the green lawn. The wedding was held in the manor where Mu Rulan and Moqian were engaged.

On the eve of the wedding, a group of people from afar and the group of boys from the capital pulled Mu Rulan out for a bachelor party, while Mo Qian was pulled out by Lu Zimeng.

In the spacious and gorgeous private room, the lady Tai Shi shouted holding the microphone and kept yelling. How could Li Shen couldn’t pull off, she felt ashamed of her.

This box is quite special. There is a small balcony. Opening the glass door and going out will isolate the noise inside and facilitate conversation.

“Although it has always been thought that you and the man may get married very early, but I did not expect this day to come so soon.” Shu Min and Mu Rulan said on the chair outside the balcony. Here is the 16th floor. I only saw the bright red lights flashing, the traffic below was like a dragon, and the stars in the sky could not be seen brightly.

“Yes.” Mu Rulan said with a smile, probably because she always felt that she was right with Mo Qianren, so it didn’t seem to feel like getting married or anything, just a ritual, but this ritual If her humble person is happy, then she likes it more.

Shu Min drank a glass of wine, holding a glass of red wine in his hand, and looked at Mu Rulan slightly, his short hair was blown by the wind, his cheeks were red, his nose was red, his eyes were squinting. With Mu Rulan, a little broken, “… bless you.”

Mu Rulan’s lips had a deeper smile, and her orange juice touched her glass. “Thank you.”

Shu Min suddenly lifted his head and drank the wine in the glass, put the glass aside, leaned over, and hugged Mu Rulan, his voice was slightly dumb, low like a petal falling from the flower heart, “Bless you … you will be happy, please be happy … “At the angle that Mu Rulan couldn’t see, the hot tears slipped from the corner of the eye, and that secret that was never known was only quietly in my heart at this moment. Bloom, wither, bury.

Mu Rulan took a sip, stretched out her hand and hugged Shu Min, with a mild smile on her lips and warm eyes, “Thank you, all the time, thank you.”

Bislan College said that Shu Min and Mu Rulan were not right. In fact, Mu Rulan always knew that this girl had been helping her, no matter whether it was the business of the Student Union or other things, she tried to cover as much as she could make decisions. Give her more free time to do other things. Many times, when Mu Rulan left the student union office building, the girl was still working in her office, and even later she had a car accident for her and was I broke my legs and missed the college entrance examination.

Thank you, I really appreciate it.

Duan Yao leaned on the white wall beside the glass door, the magnificent peach eyes glanced over the girl sitting on the seat behind the door, the red wine on his hand was rippling gently, his eyes retracted, and he swept over the roaring hysterical Lady Tai Shi, forced to be a listener’s Li Shen with her ears plugged, Liu Peiyang sitting in the corner with a lot of thoughts, and those who drink and play games …

The corner of his lips gently evoked an unknown arc. Loved ones … Yes, Mu Rulan made a relationship between the two without his permission. They are loved ones, and he talked to her more than all the people present. The relationship is closer, relatives, and constant relationships, the nearest and farthest distance.

The glass door at the back opened, Mu Rulan and Shu Min walked in. Mu Rulan saw him, smiled and reached out and fiddled with his messy hair. “Why not play with them?”

There was a touch of warmth on the head, as if through the skin, penetrated into the pores, and ran to the bottom of my heart.

Duan Yao couldn’t help but feel stunned, and then held her hand that she still had time to retract, soft and warm. He was nostalgic for this temperature and was afraid of its departure, and then gradually became greedy, but he forgot that Exclusive, but never lost.

Duan Yao pulled Mu Rulan into her arms and hugged her cheeks into her neck. A slightly dumb voice sounded, “We are getting married tomorrow … Congratulations …”

“Thank you.” Mu Rulan hugged him back and answered with a smile.

“Will you be happy?”


“That’s good……”

If the **** of Mo Qianren dares to let her have a slight grievance, even if Mu Rulan doesn’t tell him, he will kill him! Those who take away such precious things as others but do not cherish them are not qualified to live!

“Hey!” Lady Tai Shi said with a microphone, “There over there! The two guys hugging each other, what’s the sad atmosphere? Today is our single night on Lan Lan’s last day Duan Boss quickly let go and send us Lanlan! While today, everyone wants to kiss and kiss quickly, or the goddess will be someone else’s house after tomorrow! “

“Roar roar!”

“I want to offer! I want!”

“I, I, I!”

A group of people rushed up with their lips pouting, and Duan Yao and Shu Min, who were closest to Mu Rulan, immediately started the **** mode and kicked a guy trying to take advantage …

Night, quiet and noisy.

At this time, inside the wedding estate.

Everything is ready, tables and chairs, photos of the bride and groom, and beautiful tunnels of flowers and vines. The weather forecast indicates that it is sunny, so it is outdoors.

In the dark flower vine tunnel, a dark shadow slowly stretched, and she stared at the photo deadly. Even through the faint moonlight, she could clearly see that girl in the photo could easily capture the warmth of affection. Smile, the sparkling wedding dress, the king-like groom, she stood in the queen’s position, with men and pets that make all women feel envious …

She is God’s darling and an angel that everyone loves!

She seemed to be standing on top!

… In other words, it’s time to pull her down and let her taste the powder and bones!

The face under Bai Suqing’s mask was twisted fiercely, mixed with pleasure and hatred, and her fingertips fell deeply into her palm.

Tomorrow … is tomorrow … hehehehehe …

Ke Changhuang hung up the phone heavily, and his beard straightened up. “That jerk! The only niece is going to get married tomorrow. What work do you want to remember for me? I am really annoyed!” “

Ajitsu Junko sat next to eating raisins and heard a glance at Ke Changhuang, wondering if her son was doing a good job with his dad? At the time, did Ke Changhuang value Ke’s more than anything? It is clear that he is too petting. But it ’s true that you want to come to Ke Shiqing. The wedding is only one day. He came early one night to see Mu Rulan as an elder and talk to her. It ’s okay. With so many people in the company, why did he leave for a day or two? what……

哐 Dang! There was a sound of a bowl falling to the ground, and Ajitsu Junko looked over, and saw Mom Mo staring at the bowl slipping from her hand, asking worriedly, “My mother? What’s wrong? Is it okay?”

Mother Mo came back to her, and smiled stiffly: “It’s okay, I’m probably a bit tired, this bowl is broken … haha ​​years old and safe and broken …”

Akutsu Junko doubted him.

Mo’s mother touched her heart, inexplicably a little uneasy, and a little bit dim … It seems that she is really tired these days. She was originally a casual person, and she did n’t need to make a few meals all day long. Why do you have so many guests this time?

Mom Mo thought that the bowl would not be washed any more, so she kept the babysitter to do the washing and turned to rest.

The next day.

There were several overcast clouds unexpectedly in the sky, but the sun was still bright, so it didn’t seem to have much effect.

A group of people got up early in the morning, set off for the manor, put on makeup and changed clothes, and the guests came one by one in formal clothes, and soon the venue became lively.

The wedding start time is getting closer and closer, Ke Changhuang is wearing a neat black suit, walking around with a cane, his serious face is tight.

Akutsu Junko hung up the phone and shook his head. “Is there anything wrong with the company, and the child really can’t get away?”

“What can happen ?!” Ke Changhuang raised the decibel in dissatisfaction. He thought that Ke Shiqing and Mu Rulan’s relationship didn’t need to worry about him. I don’t know that guy has always been indifferent. “I really want to anger me … … My only baby granddaughter is going to get married, but the kid did n’t appear as one of his relatives? The Ke family is in power now, how can he not come out to back up Lan Lan? I will live for a few more years at most … He counted on Ke Shiqing to take good care of Ajitsu Junko and Mu Rulan for him in the future.

“Oh!” Akutsu Junko glared at him, but his eyes suddenly turned red. “What are you talking about? What do you say?”

Ke Changhuang sighed at this, and held Akutsu Junko’s hand, “Okay, don’t talk about this, go and see Lan Lan.”

Yajitsu Junko shook Ke Changhuang’s hand heavily before turning around and going out.

The makeup artist was helping Mu Rulan to make up, and her mouth kept making amazing sounds, “… Oh my God, how can this skin be so tender? There is no need to apply foundation! … My god! It must be It ’s very light … My God! I ca n’t find any value for you here! If everyone is like you, we who are makeup artists will not have to live! … “

The lady Tai Shi and Mo Mo in the room kept cooperating with the makeup artist’s envy, envy, jealousy, and jealousy.

Whether it was exaggeration or intentional praise to make her happy, Mu Rulan’s mood was happy.

After all, the makeup artist just gave Mu Rulan a light brush on blush to give her a little more shy little woman taste, and put on a lip gloss to make her lips look more like jelly, shiny, seductive, and loose hair. Loosely picked up, it looks lazy and a little more mature and charming, but just a little simple dress up, Mu Rulan is so beautiful that the makeup artist wants to hug her and kiss her two, fortunately Mo Wuchen apparently knew this makeup artist who knew her virtues, and quickly grabbed the back of the collar to tear it open. Can her bitch’s tofu be eaten casually? Find a draw too!

“Hurry up and change the wedding dress, and roar the wedding dress ~” Lady Taishi pushed Mu Rulan into the dressing room and ran into it. She wanted to help wear the wedding dress and take a look at the goddess’ good figure!

The wedding time is getting closer and closer, almost all the guests on the outside venue have arrived, eating and drinking and talking casually looking forward to the newcomers waiting to be on the scene.

He Miao, wearing a suit, stood alone in the corner looking at the guests, and suddenly noticed that a waiter with a tray lowered his head slightly, but looked away to the console where he was going to play the video for a while He couldn’t help but stand upright, his eyes narrowed slightly.

On the other side, Mo Qianren, who had changed his clothes and had been standing in the corner looking for something, looked at the visitor clearly noticed this, his eyes narrowed, his hands were raised slightly, and immediately two of them in black suits The man appeared, and Mo Qianren said something to them. They nodded and immediately walked around the guests and walked towards the sneaky waiter.

The waiter was holding a saucer and wanted to put it in the player, but unexpectedly two black men appeared stunned and grabbed his hand. He suddenly realized that he had been found, but he was too brave to care about the scene. So many heavyweights shouted out loud: “Don’t be deceived by the surface!”

Everyone was stunned by the roar, and they looked at them with horror, wondering what was going on.

The two men in black ignored his shout and pulled him away, but the man didn’t give up and kept yelling.

“What’s the matter?” Mom Mo, who was greeting the guests, frowned, and someone came to make trouble? Someone came to make trouble? !!

The waitress saw Mom Mo at a distance and opened her eyes immediately, “Mrs Mo! Madame Mo! You must look at that disc, otherwise you will regret it! You must look at that disc! You still Remember how your husband died ?! Mrs. Mo! “

Mo’s face paled instantly.

Mo Qian’s eyes went dark, he made a gesture from afar, and the black man dragging people away quickly reached out and knocked the waiter.

The scene was silent for a moment, and the atmosphere was awkward. No one expected that someone would dare to make trouble at this wedding, and how did that person come in?

Standing in the corner, the boy in a blue suit lowered his head and drank champagne, and the corners of his lips evoked a slight arc.

Mom Mo’s face was ugly, and a few lively people from Lishen quickly responded and made a sigh of relief. Many of them were Mu Rulan’s classmates and friends. The atmosphere naturally became lively under the deliberate action. Get up, but just now, still left traces in the hearts of some caring people.

Ke Changhuang’s face was ugly. He wanted to give his baby granddaughter a perfect wedding. Just as soon as that **** appeared, it was just a rat feces. He also asked the Mo family how to do things, and there were even unknown people who came in to disrupt it!

It’s just that he hasn’t had time to question. A man just picked up the disc that fell on the floor and wanted to clean it up, but Mama Mo stopped but said, “Slow! Let me see!”

Mom Mo’s face was pale. Mom’s father’s affairs was a hurdle that she couldn’t get through in her life. The waitress’s sentence just now clearly stamped her dead point. Just for that sentence, she also had to look at the end of the disc. have what!

It is naturally impossible for Mo’s mother to let this unknown disc be played in front of so many people, one fist in one hand and the disc in the other into the big villa behind.

Mo Qianren was standing on the stairs and saw what Mo’s mother was holding, his eyes flashed, “Mom …”

Mom Mo looked at her son and smiled stiffly. “It’s okay, the wedding will begin soon, so please prepare for it.” She said that Mom passed Mo Qian and went upstairs, and the disc in her hand went Qian Zang hides, it doesn’t seem to want Mo Qian people to see it.

Mo Qianren stretched her hand and held her hand, “It’s not too late to watch it after the wedding.”

Mother Mo shook her head. “If I don’t take a look now, the whole person will be uncomfortable. I’ll take a look at what it is. Go ahead and prepare.”

Mo Qianren looked at Mo’s back, his eyes narrowed, but he did not stop, but only saw a staff member passing by the stairs and said to her, “Go and notify the bride, don’t come out for the time being. Also, Let Mo go without notice to the guests outside. If something happens, the wedding will be cancelled. “

The staff widened their eyes, looked at the man’s indifference and indifference, and wondered if he had heard it wrong. Such a grand wedding … canceled?

“Come on.” A cool glance passed.

The staff rushed out immediately.

Not long afterwards, Mo Wuzhen, who was entrusted with the heavy task, blasted over, “Brother! Are you crazy? Ah ?!”

“Do what I say.”

“Shit! Brother! You … you … do you know what you’re talking about ?! Or did something really happen? Do you know how many people are present? Who are they? “Brother!” Mo Wujin is going crazy, there are a lot of guests outside the house! Not to mention the Kejia Huo family, even the senior veterans of the State Council have come a lot. In such a big scene, he suddenly said that he would cancel the wedding? !! what is the problem? !! And it turned out that she was asked to say, that is, her brother was completely self-assertive, and he didn’t tell Grandpa in advance! God! She’s going crazy!

“Do what I say, remember the ugly points in your face.”

“It’s hard to look at me without having to do it on purpose!” Mo Wuyan shouted.

After all, Mo Wuzhen came to power.

The sudden announcement of the cancellation of the wedding surprised everyone and couldn’t believe it. Duan Yao smashed the cup in his hand, and he was ready to go to Mo Qianren to settle the account with the **** face in his hand. Why suddenly cancel the wedding? Lady Taishi just came out from the bride just now, and Mu Rulan didn’t have any condition at all, that is to say, it was the condition of Mo Qianren.

“Wait! Calm down!” Li Shen quickly grabbed people, but his face was not very good. There was no reason to suddenly cancel the wedding. Most people would guess that there was something wrong with the bride. This has always been theirs. For the girl holding in the palm of her hand, she is shameless.

“Perhaps there is something unexpected, maybe it was just a troublemaker?” Li Yang in a pale green dress hurried out of her voice. This is a matter of the Mo and Ke families, and they rashly intervene.

Duan Yao shakes off their hands and walks inward. The people behind him glance at each other and helplessly follow up.

One step faster than Duan Yao, Grandpa Mo has already stepped forward, and there is Ke Changhuang who was almost fainted in the back, and Ajitsu Junzi hurriedly gave him the antihypertensive medicine. She was also angry and completely unprepared. Suddenly canceled the wedding or something, does the Mo family think that the Ke family came just as they called it? It’s too much!

Mu Rulan sat in front of the mirror, looking at the delicate face of the girl in the mirror, stood up for a while, walked in, and took off the wedding dress that had just been changed for a short time …

“The wedding was canceled?” The hoarse voice mixed with a pleasant surprise, “Ha ha ha ha ha … How is Mu Rulan’s expression? Isn’t it wonderful?” She wanted to see that scene in her dreams, and wanted to see it in her dreams. See how Mu Rulan fell from the cloud into hell! It was fun to play that video at a wedding, and then cancel the wedding in public. Seeing that she was about to become Mo’s wife, but suddenly suffered unprecedented humiliation, it must be fun!

However, there was a voice on the other side of the phone. “It’s a pity that the bride’s face has not been exposed, so I don’t know what she looks like. Also, the video has not been shown in public. The guests are just wondering why the wedding was cancelled That’s it. “

“What ?!” Bai Suqing’s twisted smile on his face retracted with a grin, his gritted teeth grunting.

The people over there shrugged. “It’s not a good show.”

Bai Suqing knew that many people in the political circles would go to the wedding, so he had to let the video play in front of so many people! That was taken by her personally, including her monologue for help, and a photo of Mu Rulan’s puppet, which she took at the time. Even if the Mo family really didn’t mind that Mu Rulan was an abnormal person, then Many politicians, it is impossible to see that kind of thing as if you haven’t seen it! Anything will be investigated, and as soon as the investigation is started, there will be more people involved, and the probability that her Bai Suqing will not be beaten up will be high. All actions are based on her maximum security. But now she told her that it was not broadcast in public? !!

Bai Suqing clenched her hands and was not shown, but the wedding was cancelled …

Suddenly, she felt a cold on her back, a dangerous cold came out, and her mobile phone quickly dialed a number. She said, “No time, let’s start the final plan!”

On the other side, because the big men who came to the wedding were very busy, they were dispersed soon after the wedding was cancelled, and some students who came from the south who wanted to stay and watch the situation were also asked to leave. Some are dissatisfied, but after all this is someone else ’s family affairs, and it is really not good to insist on staying.

Duan Yao and Mrs. Tai Shi came out at the latest. There were only a few sparse cars left at the door. Duan Yao just got into the car, and suddenly there was something in the corner of his eye. He turned around and saw Lan Binglin. Now … As one of the unsolicited people at Ziyuan Middle School who had been with Mu Rulan for some time, they are naturally the earliest one to be asked to leave. Why is he still here?

“What’s wrong?” Lady Taishi looked down at his gaze, but didn’t see anyone, she asked strangely.

Duan Yao retracted his eyes, rubbing his thumb on the ring on his index finger, and asked for a while: “How has Lan’s been developing this time?” He had been carrying Li Mo and Liu Peiyang for a long time. The development of the inland side was handed over to Li Shen and Taishi Lady. After Lan Binglin ran out of the use value, he naturally did not have the spare time to pay attention to him.

Li Shenwenyan replied, “Lan Binglin’s ambition is not small. He has already set foot in Beijing recently. Although he hasn’t settled yet, I don’t know how to win several business predators in Beijing. They were happy, they didn’t try to suppress the little ghost who dared to run into Longtan without growing his hair. “

Duan Yao has a company inland, but only a few trusted people inside know it. Otherwise, how could he take Mu from Ke Wanqing in the first place? These industries were managed by Li Shen when Duan Yao was too lazy to bother.

Li Shen and Lan Binglin have secretly dealt with a lot of secretly. They know a lot about the kid. The guy is like his mother. His mother pulled down the original success and the kid also pulled down the original heir of the blue. Yiyang took the position of heir by himself, his ambition was amazing, and his mind was quite deep, but he must be resigned to be discouraged. Of course, it was in the dark, on the bright side, he was a well-informed and modest gentleman.

“Has already entered the capital …” Duan Yao converged and pondered, whether he stood still or not, it meant that he would start to have connections here, and he could … do some small moves …

Inside the manor.

Everyone is waiting for an explanation from Mo Qianren. Ke Changhuang is so angry that if it isn’t for Yajiu Junzi who has developed the habit of bringing antihypertensive drugs with him, I do n’t know what ’s wrong with Ke Changhuang just now, Grandpa Mo His face was not good, but he had to pull down his old face and apologize to Ke Changhuang and Ajitsu Junko, saying that Mo Qianren must give an explanation.

At this moment, Mo Qianren was sitting silently on the sofa in the villa’s large living room, Mu Rulan was sitting beside him, her eyelids slightly lowered, making people unable to see her emotions clearly. Mo Qianren’s hand held her tightly, without any trace of loosening.

“Brother! You talk quickly …” Mo Wuchen glanced at Ke Changhuang and Mo Renchu, hurriedly urging, but before she finished speaking, she heard the rushing footsteps from the stairs , Accompanied by Mo’s hasty voice.

“Cancel! Cancel my wedding! Cancel me!” Mom Mo’s hysterical roar followed.

Except for the Mo Qian people, everyone was shocked.

“Mom!” Mo Wujin’s eyes widened and she shouted in disbelief. She saw Mo’s mother walking quickly upstairs, and she walked so fast that she worried that she wouldn’t step on her foot. She fell down, and at that time Mo’s mother was dressed up. She was neat and messy at the moment. Her eyes were red and her bloodshot eyes were occupied. The emotion inside was extremely unstable, and she seemed to be stimulated by something.

“What’s going on ?!” Grandpa Mo stood up in shock, staring at her daughter-in-law. Except for the time when his son had an accident, he hadn’t seen her lose her mind like this.

Mother Mo didn’t care who she was, she strode towards Mo Qianren and Mu Rulan, her whole body was shaking, tears were in her red eyes, but her whole body seemed to be angry, she looked at Mu Ru Lan, or stare, that kind of momentum, makes people wonder if she walks over the next second, will immediately reach out and directly slap Mu Rulan.

The fact is that she did raise her hand, but she did not hit Mu Rulan, but Mo Qianren.

“Slap!” A slap of applause, heavy and loud, surprised all onlookers present. Even Ke Changhuang was not spared.

Mu Rulan’s eyes widened.

“Mom!” Mo Wujin shouted in shock!

“Juanzi!” Grandpa Mo’s eyes were almost glaring. Although this grandson was very irritating, he did not hit him from childhood to age!

The pain in the body is in the mother’s heart, and Mo’s beating hands are tingling and tingling. It can be seen how hard she is. The slap seems to vent her full of deceived anger, unable to calm down. The emotion down, the trembling that could not be controlled, she could not control herself.

That disc … That disc kept telling her that she was so satisfied with her favorite daughter-in-law that she was not a normal person, but a devil who had eaten her husband in the first place! That may not be true, and she has doubts in her heart, but Bai Suqing’s words and those evidence photos are too real. To the truth, that question was hidden in the blink of an eye because of the husband ’s affairs. Already.

At first, she watched the scene of her husband being eaten. She could n’t think more than fear and panic. She subconsciously felt that it was true, and her son was a psychologist. Knowing Mu Rulan’s abnormality, and he knew she was abnormal, even hiding her family to marry her! Marry a demon who once killed his father! How could this be? How could this be? !!

Mo’s mother looked at Mo Qianren like this, with a kind of unspeakable sadness and painful eyes, she kept crying.

“What the **** is going on ?!” Ke Changhuang’s crutches slammed the floor fiercely, his face flushed. First son, then mother. His baby granddaughter is so worthless. Marriage if you say marriage, or cancel if you cancel? Damn!

Grandpa Mo was also anxious, but had to calm down. He looked at the daughter-in-law who had been stimulated too much and lost his mind, and looked at Mo Wuren, “Send your mother to rest!”

Mo Wujin immediately returned to his thoughts. When the first half dragged Mo Mo away and walked to the door, Mo Mo stopped hard and said, “No marriage! You are not allowed to marry! Otherwise I Let me show you, Moqian! “

This time Ke Changhuang was completely mad, and even Yajitsu Junko was not happy to the extreme. At the beginning, the person who kept urging to call was the Mo family, but now they are all Lan Lan’s fault! Do they think their granddaughter can only marry the Mo family? !!

“Don’t get married! Our daughter of the Ke family still disdains your Mo family! Damn! Keke …” Ke Changhuang was so trembling with anger that he strode forward and pulled up Mu Rulan, “Go back to Hong Kong immediately with me! Never follow again This family is coming and going! I am so angry! I am so annoying! “This humiliation alone is enough for Ke Changhuang to treat the Mo family as a deadly enemy and ask him to die for generations!

Grandpa Mo was standing here alone, he didn’t know what was happening, and now he couldn’t say a word to Ke Changhuang who was so angry that he was going to kill. What happened? It should have been a day of great joy, how could it suddenly happen?

Mu Rulan was pulled away for a few steps, but stopped again. Ke Changhuang thought it was Mu Rulan’s pride and dignity and wanted to stay. He turned angrily and wanted to speak, only to find that it was not Mu Rulan. Do not go, but her hand was pulled by Mo Qianren, holding it tightly, wanting to take one more step would not work.

“Give me your hand! Bunny!” Ke Changhuang has never suffered the stigma of today, and the Mohism is not something he can retaliate by dealing with other people. Natural anger and sorrow can’t work. Seeing Mo Qianren canceled for no reason. After the wedding, he even dared to hold his granddaughter, and suddenly felt anxious to pick up the crutch in his hand to pump him.

The Mo Qian people had a paler face than the normal person because of the full slap red, but his look was still indifferent, and his eyes did not give Ke Changhuang a look at Mu Rulan, he looked at her , As always, as if his world was only her.

Mu Rulan looked at him silently.

“Trust me.” Mo Qianren whispered softly, holding Mu Rulan’s hand tightly, so tightly that Mu Rulan could feel his mood, and the eyes of the calm deep pond looked like this Holding her, “If you believe me, remember what you promised me, do nothing … if you believe me.”

Mu Rulan just looked at him and didn’t speak.

Ke Changhuang still pulled Mu Rulan away and did not return to the Mo family. He went directly to the property that the Ke family had set up in Beijing. Even if his mood was very bad, he still had to be nervous about Ke Changhuang’s physical condition. He Has always been healthy, but does not always say that people who have always been healthy are prone to illness and fall like a mountain? In particular, Ke Changhuang is old and has been suffering from high blood pressure. How can she be assured that she is so angry now?

Mu Rulan has never spoken, and she has not spoken to help Mo Qianren. Now Ke Changhuang is angry. When she speaks for him, it will only make Ke Changhuang feel that she has been blinded by love and even loses her self-esteem. Instead, she makes Ke Changhuang even more. Angry, he had to caress Ke Changhuang’s chest silently to help him smooth his breath. Ke Changhuang felt a little better in this heart. He was so imposing that he was such a granddaughter that he loved and grown up from a young age, even if there was no blood relationship. As the heart-loving baby is hurting, now it becomes like this for no reason. How can Mo Molan make her look disgusted?

“Zhao Lin, book a ticket! We will return to Hong Kong after a break!” Said Shu Shu Zhao, who was driving in front of Ke Changhuang.

Uncle Zhao nodded, and was not happy in his heart. He felt that their Princess of the Ke family was ruined.

What should have been a festive day blinked terribly.

When Mo’s mother came home, she closed herself in the room and cried. She said nothing. Mo’s mark was anxious outside the door, but soon she knew exactly what stimulated Mo’s mother.

“… God …” Mo Wujin’s eyes widened, and he watched the online crazy clicks and reposted videos in disbelief. The weird and terrible puppets, the seriously disfigured girls described the history of the horror scriptures, and even more terrible, This person turned out to be Bai Qing, the last missing pure jade girl …

God …

Mo Wuren covered his mouth, and he didn’t know how to describe his mood at the moment. His head was filled with exclamations such as “God” and “Oh my God”.

As soon as this video was uploaded, it immediately appeared in front of everyone in various forms. Some even popped out like a virus. Obviously, a group of hackers fanned the flames behind them, accelerating the momentum of the fire.

“The number of opponents and hacking skills are on us, no …” Those who were also using hacking technology to try to destroy all of these videos looked up coldly. They only destroyed one, and another one immediately appeared, and there was no way to uproot it.

Those **** of the x file!

Ke Shiqing slammed the tea cup in his hands. The man who had always been warm and sturdy like a jade was ignited by anger at this time, so that the people who were operating the computer fast beside him couldn’t help shrinking.

The people in the x file are all hackers, elites in the elite, and the same style of mice that excels in hole punching, which leads them to be so suspicious but always alive and well. The most important reason for home hunting!

Now that the people in X-Files cooperate with Bai Suqing and others, I’m afraid they also like the big fat of Ke family.

The video on the Internet spread in a blink of an eye. The legendary angel, Her Royal Highness Princess Ke, was pure and kind on the surface, and turned out to be a terrible killer! No matter whether it is true or not, there are more people who like to insert a foot in the network when nothing is going on. Ke’s stock soon shows a downward trend. A pair of greedy hands are secretly shaking with greed and excitement in an attempt. Take advantage of the acquisition of Ke’s shares and eat a bite of delicious fat!

The speed of the Internet is spreading fast, and coupled with the help of several top hackers, this matter involves Mu Rulan and many lives regardless of the truth. If Ke Jia’s economic downturn occurs, it will also affect the country. The entire commercial market, so … the police must dispatch an investigation.

Mu Rulan sat on the second floor and looked at the police car approaching their house, his eyes narrowed slightly, he looked up at the dark clouds in the sky, and echoed the words of Mo Qianren in his mind …

Two police cars stopped at the door, and the policeman who asked them down asked Mu Rulan to go to the police station for relevant interrogation. Before Mu Rulan said anything, there was a panic voice from Ajitsu Junko. ! “

Mu Rulan suddenly turned back and saw Ke Changhuang fell to the ground with her heart in her hands, her face changed suddenly, “Grandpa!”

The ambulance drove quickly and left quickly. The doctor in the ambulance was conducting the preliminary rescue. Atsushi Akiko held Ke Changhuang’s hand and looked at him anxiously and silently, his eyes wet.

Mu Rulan sat on one side and held Ke Changhuang’s other hand. The black pupil reflected the old man lying on the stretcher in a pale and coma, and there was a gradual tumbling of his eyes.

She has never seen the fragile side of this person, whether in the past or today, the past is in her memory. This is a terrible person who can abandon her daughter heartily, and is like three wives and four as the ancients. Alas, she is not worthy of respect; she approached him with a somewhat impure purpose in this life, but he accepted her with sincerity and grew up protecting her from an early age. Today she is even more angry for her, and now even more It was because of her that she was so angry that when she saw the video, he didn’t think he was skeptical of her, but he was furious because she was so smeared …

This is loved ones.

It’s not the kind that Ke Wanqing and Mu Zhenyang put their interests ahead. This is really a loved one.


Her precious people were surprised by the kind of video, then the people who uploaded those things were not even qualified to be her puppets. Sure enough, she should cut the woman into pieces to feed the dogs at the beginning. Right, it should be chopped …

She straightened her waist and looked at Ke Changhuang in a coma, her eyes gradually lost her spirit, as if not looking at Ke Changhuang, but emptiness, but her eyes were horribly dark, if not covered by bangs and drooping eyelids, that kind of weird Color, I am afraid that Akutsu Junko and the doctor will scare the car.

Suddenly, a warm hand covered the back of her hand, Mu Rulan looked back, looked up, and looked at Ajitsu Junko. The woman was still gentle, even if she was worried about Ke Changhuang at this time, she did not forget Mu Rulan. She said: “This is a serious matter. The people behind the ghost must have done a lot of preparations. When you go to the police station, don’t say anything. Your sister-in-law will surely arrange a lawyer for you. Don’t talk nonsense. So as not to fall into a trap designed by others, you know? “

Ajitsu Junko never thought that what was said in the video was true. This is really ridiculous, but the man dared to use such ridiculous things to target Mu Rulan, so he must have prepared a lot of hands. Beijing is not Hong Kong. They have just fallen out with the Mo family. Mu Rulan looks alone and helpless. It would be bad if he stepped into the trap of others!

Yajitsu Junko is gentle, but for so many years of wealthy life, people who are gentle will also know more darkness, but the difference is whether they can keep their heart.

Mu Rulan took Ajitsu Junko’s hand back, and her lips twitched a gentle smile. “Well, don’t worry about my grandma. Such a stupid liar can’t be arrogant for too long.” Chop into mud to calm down the anger, first cut the meat off the bones, and then burn the bones to ash and sprinkle the meat together. After all, she likes the whole thing, even the dead body. Oh.

Yajitsu Junko thought Mu Rulan understood her meaning, nodded, and finally turned her attention back to Ke Changhuang.

They quickly arrived at the hospital, and Ke Changhuang was quickly pushed into the rescue room. Mu Rulan and Ajitsu Junko were waiting outside. The police who had originally picked her up had not yet arrived, and they could forcefully order Mu Rulan to return with them. The police station did not force it. When Ke Changhuang was pushed out of the rescue room, it was confirmed that the angry attack almost caused the myocardial infarction to faint, but now there is no major interference before he speaks again and brings Mu Rulan back to the police station.

This matter, because He Miao Mao then recommended himself, became the person in charge.

Mu Rulan was brought over, so as another protagonist of this incident-Bai Suqing, naturally cannot be spared.

Bai Suqing finally showed up.

He Miao, wearing a long brown coat with a slim belt when she first met with Mu Rulan, stood at the gate of the police station and smoked. When she saw Mu Rulan coming down from the car, the white smoke was spitting in circles. When he came out, it seemed that the man was becoming more decadent and lazy. Before he came out of the house, the boy from He Huo hugged his thigh so that his eyes became red and said that Mu Rulan could not be the kind of person. You must clean it for her. Stain what words.

Ha, this girl is really amazing. It is indeed a woman of Mo Qianren.

At this point, Bai Suqing was already in the police station. Because of Ke Changhuang’s hospitalization, she went a step ahead. The related talks between He Miao and her had ended, and even in response to Bai Suqing’s request, several police officers were secretly responsible for her security. Protect her.

“Mr. Prosecutor.” Mu Rulan looked at He Miao, a rare look on her face that had always been on the face, a deep or shallow smile.

He Miao played the cigarette **** on her hand and looked at Mu Rulan. “It should have been a festive day today. It seems to be the worst day.”

“Yes. It also makes my mood uncommonly uncomfortable.” Mu Rulan generously expressed his unhappiness.

He Miao raised her eyebrows, turned to walk in front, and walked in with Mu Rulan. Laugh when you are happy, and take a serious face if you are unhappy. But who knows if this is a pretense?

Routine questioning, silly, in this kind of questioning, you circle the other sentence one by one, and Mu Rulan directly waits for the lawyer to say that the others have the right to remain silent.

Time passed while waiting for the lawyer. Mu Rulan stood up and said she wanted to go to the bathroom.

Out of the compartment, I opened the faucet to wash my hands. There was a large mirror in front of her. Mu Rulan watched the water continuously slide from her fingertips, and it was cold for less than a few seconds, so her hand was cold. It became red.

Suddenly, the door of a compartment opened, and the mirror reflected a figure wearing a mask and wrapped in black cloth, holding the body and not even a little skin exposed. At first glance, it was a bit scary, like a Spooky old witch.

Mu Rulan’s gaze passed through the mirror and looked at her, her eyes narrowed slightly.

“Is it you?” The hoarse but faintly identifiable voice of a woman’s voice came from under the mask. Bai Suqing thought she and Mu Rulan would meet again in court, but did not expect to run into it here. However, after the surprise, the plan started again and immediately made a noise.

Mu Rulan turned and looked puzzled, “Are you …?”

“Ha ha ha … you are so contrived, you know who I am, and pretend you don’t know, anyway, you will continue to pretend to be innocent anyway, I am too lazy to talk nonsense to you.”

Mu Rulan just looked at her and stopped talking.

But Bai Suqing slowly walked towards her, and walked to the sink beside Mu Rulan. She wore black leather gloves, opened the faucet, and washed like this. The voice came from her mask, “I know, you I must be very angry. Seeing me uploading these videos, I heard a news broadcast before coming to the toilet saying that Ke Changhuang was in the hospital. Was he mad at that video? I ’m really sorry to expose your true colors to the other party. The excitement is too great, of course, I blame him too. You said that he was a ruthless man in Ke Changhuang’s generation. He suddenly became affectionate in the last decades of his life, and wrongly put his affection on you. Now that your true face is revealed, Keshi will go out of business. After all, you are one of the largest shareholders, what should you do? There are too many people who want to take advantage of you to take a share of it … … “

Mu Rulan still didn’t speak, no smile on her face, her eyes were black and black, and she didn’t reflect any light. It looked like a puppet with no emotion looking at you, feeling cold and weird, like a dead person without pupils.

Bai Suqing trembled in her heart, obviously frightened by that look, but here is the police station! What did Mu Rulan dare to do to her? In other words, she was anxious to do what Mu Rulan did to her! At that time, there is no need to fight against the lawsuit, Mu Rulan’s charges have been determined!

“Well, are you still dead? I advise you to go back and keep the subpoenas of your grandfather and other courts or plead guilty, lest your grandfather should be really mad at you by then! That’s too pitiful, Obviously a child who was adopted with a good intention for a while, he has always treated him so sincerely, but in the end, the Ko’s empire, which he had worked so hard to build, collapsed, alas … “

Mu Rulan looked at Bai Suqing, and now her head is full of tearing off the woman’s mask, grabbing her head and hitting it against the wall fiercely, she, because she was offended too much, so she must be very frightened. It’s so heavy that she can’t feel comfortable until she has bumped her brain and hit her head with no trace.

“Oh, do you want to kill me? Alas, this is the police station, Kyoto police station! Do you dare you? I’ll kick you now, I am afraid you will not dare to fight back in order to maintain your weak position. Bai Suqing wants to irritate Mu Rulan. She knows that it is too easy to offend a pervert, and it is necessary to double back for being offended. This is almost impossible for every mentally ill person, especially a criminal type. The only difference is that some people choose to act, just like hunters look for opportunities to kill their prey without knowing it. Some are over-stimulated and are likely to do it on the spot.

Mu Rulan is unlikely to be a mentally ill person who will do it on the spot, but it doesn’t matter. As long as she shoots, whether on the spot or in secret, someone hides in the dark to protect her. As long as she takes the shot, Mu Rulan is finished! So all she has to do now is to humiliate her! Offend her so much! The more she cares about it, the more she’s going to jab!

“Speaking of it, today is your great wedding day, what should you do? Because I have become like this, I really do not want to see you so happy to marry, so I deliberately chose today’s day and everything The exposure, in order to let you taste the taste of falling from the cloud into hell? That tastes good, right? Your future mother-in-law, who is very sensitive to metamorphosis, was stimulated to disagree with you and Mo Qian after seeing those videos Are people together? Hehehe … I am so happy to see your anger and intimidation! “

Mu Rulan’s eyes narrowed dangerously.

— “If you believe me, remember what you promised me, do nothing … if you believe me.”

Do nothing …

Do nothing …

Mo Qian’s words ringed in her head, hovering constantly, her brain seemed to split into two people, one was a normal angel who trusted Mo Qian, it said: Trust him, you should trust him! One is a perverted demon who doesn’t believe anyone, it says: Trust? What is trust? Because the price is not enough, do you feel that you will not be assured that you will be sold for the time being? One has the kindness and trust in love that he has left, and it says: He can give up everything for you, he must have known everything beforehand, he must have made all the preparations! he loves you! The ruthlessness of a psychopath, he said: Love? What it is? Does the opposite **** have an illusion of pulsating heartbeat due to pheromone impulses to each other? How is that different from drinking a favorite cup of coffee?

There is a contradiction between the normal reason and the abnormal person’s reason. They have always been harmonious. They coexist harmoniously, allowing Mu Rulan to have a view of right and wrong of normal things while ruthlessly ruthlessly ignore her The law kills and corpses without guilt, but nowadays, because the people involved are people who care about themselves, there is a contradiction.

Bai Suqing kept provoking and offending her, Mu Rulan glanced at her, shook her fist, and finally chose to turn away.

Believe me … Believe me … Believe me …

Then … for the time being … for a few days, and for a few days … If she still feels unhappy after a few days, she will do what she wants.

Bai Suqing didn’t expect Mu Rulan to turn away without saying a word, and he stumbled and chased out of the toilet immediately.

“Hey …” She held out her hand, trying to hold Mu Rulan.

A hand stopped her, a bone-skinned and slender hand, a platinum-gold watch showing elegance and nobility on the wrist, then a black suit sleeve, then a white shirt, a meticulous bow tie, a Zhang Qing’s handsome face with a sharp and sharp feeling was quiet and faint, and a pair of glasses blocked his eyes.

“What do you want to do with my client?” A slight, familiar voice got into Mu Rulan’s ear.

Mu Rulan walked for a while, turned around, turned around, and for a moment, there was a kind of time faltering. After a century, they finally met again, knowing that it was because there were too many things that happened to them. I thought time had passed a long, long time.

The other side evoked a slightly formulaic smile on Mu Rulan, “I am your lawyer, Lan Yiyang, please take care of me.”

Mu Rulan blinked, and her lips gently smiled, “I’m your client, Ke Rulan, please take care of me.”

Seeing that Mu Rulan ’s lawyer is here, Bai Suqing could n’t think about the name “Lan Yiyang”, and he walked away without saying anything, but he remembered it a little bit. It is this lawyer who looks very young. A lawyer so young does not have much work experience? In lawsuits, work experience is as important as ability, but there should be two brushes, or she will not become Mu Rulan’s lawyer, but it doesn’t matter. She learned about the international university that had originally rejected her invitation half an hour ago. The lawyer agreed to help her in the lawsuit.

With Lan Yiyang, Mu Rulan was soon able to leave the police station, but it was clear that the evidence given by Bai Suqing was enough for the police to investigate.

Many things happened in one day, first the original wedding was cancelled, and then the grandfather was admitted to the hospital. At this time, the sunset had become red, and the purple sunset was beautiful, but the beauty was destroyed by the clouds.

The two walked on the sidewalk, Mu Rulan saw Lan Yiyang lifted his foot, kicked a can into the trash bin not far away, and for a moment there was a big boy with haze and sharp eyes who did not know how to converge. The feeling of coming back is not right, or he has not changed, but just learned to converge and hide.

“Mix in, is this okay?” Mu Rulan looked sideways at Lan Yiyang, who was more than 20 centimeters tall. Who wanted it? Two years ago, he was still a 19-year-old high school student at Bislan College. Big boy, he does n’t know convergence, he stumbles in conspiracy and tricks, only to be covered with scars. Two years later, he is already a lawyer with a lawyer’s qualification certificate. Incredibly, how did he do it?

However, no matter how she did it, she matched her memory. The 21-year-old talented lawyer who appeared in the legal profession will honor himself with the “undefeated myth”, but the first step in his career is ignorance. Is it okay to lawsuit her with conscience?

Lan Yiyang loosened his tie and hung it crookedly. He unbuttoned two shirt buttons to reveal the young and attractive collarbone of the young man. He took off the glasses on the bridge of his nose and put them in his pocket, which greatly loosened them. Breathing, “Huh … still so comfortable.”

Look, it overlaps with the nineteen-year-old boy again.

The smile on Mu Rulan’s lips was deeper. This unpleasant day, after all, there is one thing that makes people feel happy.

“I hurriedly transferred to Australia at that time … Ah! I thought it was embarrassing! It seemed like I was scared away by you, really!” Lan Yiyang grabbed his hair and said, annoyed, Like a very simple college student.

“Isn’t it?” Mu Rulan really thought she was scared away because she broke her job as a puppet and knew she was an abnormal person, but couldn’t tell her, so she swayed her conscience, The painful choice, ultimately choosing to escape to a distant country without knowing what to do, is reasonable. Mu Rulan thinks so.

“Of course not! How could I have done such an unproductive thing!” Lan Yiyang retorted, and then it seemed like he suddenly remembered that he was no longer a ghost, and should be mature and steady, and quickly reached out to smooth the hair on both sides. Murmured, “I’m Lan Yiyang, and Lawyer Lan …”

Mu Rulan looked at him, and could not help but laugh a bit, probably normal people saw his appearance and behavior, and would not believe that he could help her in a lawsuit. It was clearly a child who had not grown up. .

Suddenly, Mu Rulan’s cell phone rang, Mu Rulan picked it up and heard some anxious voice from Ke Shiqing over there, “Lan Lan, where are you? The lawyer I arranged for you just went to the police station. Didn’t find you, the police said you had gone with your lawyer! What’s the matter? All right ?! “

“…” Mu Rulan looked at Lan Yiyang, who took out a lollipop from his trousers pocket and ate it himself, “… okay Xiaozhang, I’ll take care of the lawyer’s affairs, trouble I’m stubborn. “

“What nonsense? Who is your lawyer? I gave you a big-name lawyer with a victory rate of 80% …” Ke Shiqing thought that Mu Rulan didn’t know he would send her a lawyer in the past and he found one casually. Yet.

It took Mu Rulan a lot of saliva to let Ke Shiqing skip the topic of lawyers for the time being.

The two walked to the entrance of the hospital. Mu Rulan hung up her mobile phone and sang Xiang Lan Yiyang. “Who hired you to become my lawyer?” She thought it was hired by Ke Shiqing, but Ke Shiqing didn’t know Lan Yiyang at all This number.

“Myself.” Lan Yiyang frowned, with a familiar and arrogant taste.

“Really? It seems I don’t have to pay a lawyer fee.”

“Yes.” Lan Yiyang stopped and said, “Go in, according to Bai Suqing’s photos and statements to the police, it seems to be sufficient for investigation, but if there is not enough evidence, the police have no right to arrest you If Bai Suqing is unwilling to provide the police with more witnesses and material evidence, it means that she will take an appeal to bring you to court in that time, and that date may be a few days later. I have some things to deal with, not Continue with you. “Only at this time, the youthfulness of the teenager’s face seemed to converge in an instant, and the remaining charm was charming like a successful mature man.

“Okay.” Mu Rulan smiled and looked at Lan Yiyang and nodded. In fact, she also felt that according to Bai Suqing’s bad thoughts, she would definitely choose to sue her to the court, and then set her in front of the court. It was because she wanted to see the scene where she was slowly crushed instead of being handcuffed by the police and brought to prison. So how could she be satisfied and feel angry?

Mu Rulan waved with Lan Yiyang and walked into the hospital.

The young man still seemed to be called a teenager. He stood at the door, carrying his light, watching the girl slowly walk through the corner, disappearing into the line of sight, and a little smile unknowingly caught in the corner of his eye. He Turning around, the wind brushed his hair, and the cold air became a bit cooler.

He is back……

And picked up the strongest weapon.

“What do you want to do?”

“Sooner or later I will kill them!”

“After that? A person’s life is so long, you will always meet people who make you feel uncomfortable.”

“Do you know? If you want to be ignored and harmed, you must have a weapon in your hand. Only a person with a sharp weapon will make others afraid that they will be injured, cater to you, and avoid you.”

“Actually, the moment everyone is born into this world, the world gives it the most invincible weapon, but very few people can pick it up.”

“What is it?”


He picked up the most invincible weapon that girl said, and used it for her the first time, and he was satisfied.


The courtyard was quiet and the atmosphere was extremely depressed.

Mo’s mother has always locked herself in the room. Grandpa Mo’s worried that she would be irritated and do something stupid-after his son had an accident, she had committed suicide once. These two children had no mother-so he let Mo Wuwen keep outside the door and quietly opened the door with a spare key and stared at Mo’s mother.

The Mo Qian people have always been in the study and do n’t know what to do. No one is allowed to enter when the door is locked. Grandpa Mo, who is anxious to ask the situation, touched the nail. No one from dark history has been suddenly splashed with such dirty water. Anyone who knows Mu Rulan will feel really ridiculous for the first time. How is this possible? However, the words of the burned and terrified girl sounded very real, and even the photos taken with Mu Rulan were not likely to be fake, making people really panic.

The Mo’s phone was about to be exploded, because this happened after the Mo Qianren canceled the wedding, so many people speculated whether the Mo was found to have cancelled their wedding because of the prospective daughter-in-law. From a perspective, because of the cancellation of the wedding and the upheaval with the Ke family, the possibility that their reputation may be implicated and tainted is minimized. Because in the eyes of the people, the Mohist was a deceived party, and even when it was discovered, it was in a precipice.

Grandpa Mo did n’t know if he was grateful for this. He was still worried that his grandson would never be alone after Mu Rulan, or Mu Rulan was wronged. After the matter was dealt with, the Ke family hated the Mo family. The family has never been involved again, not to mention that the two children got married and got a fart!

Ke Changhuang was lying in the hospital. He was still annoyed by the Mo family while in a coma. He would be surprised if he would marry his granddaughter to Mo Qian. No way! Dream it, jerk!

At this point, the incident spread throughout the country. How could Mu Rulan’s support groups believe what Bai Suqing said, shouting inquiries for their goddess in the comments below, and began to find out all kinds of Bai Suqing who had done in Bislan College Some annoying things prove that she is not a kind person. It ’s unknown what they are for. Some envy and envy hate to fight back maliciously. In fact, most people who do n’t know the truth of the thing are silent. Yes, the Internet is real. Some people can do everything to be famous, just because Mu Rulan’s identity has indeed caused a lot of turbulence.

Mu Rulan lives as usual, although sometimes strangers will stare at her with weird and horrified eyes, but it is only limited to this, Ke family has Ke Shiqing holding it, because things have not been proven true or false, although The stock has fallen, but it has not fallen to a crash. People who want a portion of the wait are waiting, but they have not even drunk a broth.

The incident was also as expected by Mu Rulan. Bai Suqing did not provide any evidence to the police, but instead sued the court.

Mu Rulan looked at the court summons in his hand and was silent.

The mobile phone in her pocket vibrated again. She picked it up and glanced at it. It was a short message sent by Mo Qianren. It was only a few words.

——Trust me, do nothing.

——Trust me, do nothing.

They haven’t seen each other for a while, and he will send such a sentence every day, just this sentence.

Do nothing …

Just as she was framed by Zhou Yaya’s parents and Jin’s parents when she wanted to get her into a psychiatric hospital, she suspected that Mo Qian had deceived her. The characteristics of Mu Rulan’s mentally ill person did not trust anyone other than herself, let her She will have all kinds of suspicions beyond her control. She may suspect that the other party may find that loyalty and filial piety are more important than her, and finally choose to give up her abnormal person. She will not help but doubt whether the man was intentional? She was deliberately asked to go to court without doing anything, and finally she was imprisoned or sentenced to death without any resistance …

What surprised her herself was that, under such a mood of skepticism, she hadn’t really done anything to this day.

March 24. The weather is cloudy with light rain. Kyoto court.

A car drove slowly, and a group of journalists who had been waiting for a long time immediately swarmed up and surrounded the people who came down. This trial is the key to whether it will cause a new wave of Asian financial crisis. We must know this period of time How many companies are straining their nerves, they are afraid that the Ko’s Empire will collapse. What they get is not the benefits, but the powder and bones that were crushed by the falling gravel!

Mu Rulan was escorted into the court by several flower ambassadors, without answering a single question.

At this time, the trial seats in the court were full, and Mrs. Shu Min and his wife were all in their positions. They were cheering for Mu Rulan. In fact, they were even more nervous than Mu Rulan. Stiff.

Li Shen frowned, the judge in the trial was his dad. He was promoted from the K City Court to the Kyoto Court last year. He originally thought that this should be a bit helpful for Mu Rulan. Yesterday he was already in his father’s ear. He read countless times about Mu Rulan’s various kindnesses, but his father only gave him a slap in the back of his head, saying that he would only act in accordance with the law.

I ’m really worried … Bai Suqing was still well protected by the police or some people for a while, and wanted to do nothing, and at this time, they were not allowed to do anything to Bai Suqing, otherwise they would come out Whatever, everyone will surely push the blame on Mu Rulan. So they don’t know what Bai Suqing will do.

Not long after, Bai Suqing and others also arrived.


Bai Suqing sat on the plaintiff’s seat, and that face was revealed for today’s trial, because she looked at Mu Rulan’s distorted appearance and told Mu Rulan to see it clearly.

Bai Suqing’s lawyer is a middle-aged man who looks very savvy. Compared with him, Lan Yiyang still looks young like a burly child even if his hair is neatly dressed in a suit and he wears glasses.

The judge knocked the small hammer on his hand, and then said: “The plaintiff sued the defendant, intentional homicide, intentional injury, mental illness …”

Bai Suqing’s lawyer said: “The mental patient caused harmful consequences when he could not identify or control his own behavior, and he was not responsible for the criminal responsibility. However, our client believes that although the other party is a mentally ill person, she has absolute reason and recognize ability……”

“Please allow me to retort. Do you have any evidence that my client is a mental patient?” Lan Yiyang said.

“So far, there is no scientific instrument that can be used to detect whether a person has a mental illness. It can only be proved by a psychologist, but we believe that a psychotic person like the defendant is not tested by a general psychologist. Come out, please do n’t forget that the defendant ’s fiance is a well-known psychologist, he did n’t see it, of course, unless he always knew but pretended not to know, but I think this is impossible, so we found A vital witness … “

The testimony soon appeared in front of the people. She stood up slowly from the viewing bench on the other side, staring at Mu Rulan in horror, and said with a trembling voice: “She … Ke Rulan … has anesthetized me Afterwards, I opened my belly raw and took out all my visceral intestines … “

Qin Ruoliu.

Mu Rulan looked at her in shock, as if she could not think of her, let alone that she would say such a thing. She clearly just cut a small piece!

Sudden and shocked gasping sounds seemed to be scared by Qin Ruoliu’s words. God, take out the internal organs, and it’s alive … oh my god!

Qin Lengyue, sitting next to Qin Ruoliu, held Qin Ruoliu’s hand and looked at Mu Rulan’s surprised face. Her eyes were full of pride and hatred. She would never forget that she was sent to that man as hell. Life, so much shame, were all given to her by Mu Rulan! And now, how grateful she came, joined Bai Suqing, otherwise how could she see Mu Rulan fall from the altar in such a place? She stood so high that she would hurt her body when she fell down! Hahaha!

“We also found other witnesses.”

Another personal identification came out of the crowd. This time, people who knew Mu Rulan kept mumbling, because this person turned out to be the mother of the goddess who had been missing for a long time!

Ke Wanqing stared at Mu Rulan with a deep gaze. There was deep hatred inside. The little **** enjoyed glory and wealth when she was suffering. She disappeared for so long that she never even looked for her! She used to think that Bai Suqing was hateful, but she did not expect to find that her daughter who had worked hard for more than ten years was even more hateful, especially when she learned that she was not her daughter at all, it was all kinds of bad luck Pushed to Mu Rulan! I ca n’t wait for Mu Rulan to have nothing at all. Why is she nothing but a princess? Princess Ke’s position once belonged to her! After not belonging to her, let alone a wild girl who is nothing!

Regardless of Mu Rulan’s obstruction, Ke Changhuang glared at Ke Wanqing, who was holding the crutch, barely holding back the crutch, picked it up, and dropped heavily. Ajitsu Junko was worried about sitting next to him, and two antihypertensive pills had been poured out of his hand.

Mu Rulan stood up, “Mom …”

“Shut up! I’m not your mother!” Ke Wanqing yelled, then looked at the judge and said, “This person has always been weird from childhood to age, and has never looked like a normal person. He has always liked watching horror movies since he was a child. It ’s not uncommon for me to sit on the sofa in the middle of the night, sometimes as an adult, I find it weird and scary, just because I thought that children did n’t understand anything, so I did n’t care much … ”

It’s really abnormal. Imagine a three- or four-year-old child sitting alone on the sofa with a lamp watching a horror movie like “Midnight Bell” or “Spell of Resentment”. Just thinking about it makes me feel creepy. How can a normal child do this?

Bai Suqing was satisfied to see that many people on the viewing stage showed a horrified expression to Mu Rulan. When those favorite eyes have changed, what will you leave? angel? Ah! After falling from the altar, the shell of that angel will only become something that everyone feels false and terrible, right?

There was nothing moving on the defendant’s side. Bai Suqing thought they had nothing to say. Think about it, what can they say? These are facts! She glanced at Ke Changhuang and looked at the lawyer. The lawyer nodded and continued, “There is one more important piece of evidence, please see.”

A document was presented to the judge.

“This is a dna data map with a total of three sets of data. The material provided is Ke Shiqing, the current president of the Ke family. He once found the finger of the second master Ke Kejie, who was missing from the family, and the hair of a suspected criminal. Who is the owner of the root hair, so he provided the DNA sales organization ‘x-file’ for a comparative DNA search, and it turns out that the defendant was not only the blood of the Ke family, but also the murderer of the missing young master and second master of the Ke family. On that file, a set of data belonged to the defendant, a set belonged to Ke Shiqing, and a set belonged to the hair of the suspect that Ke Shiqing handed over to the x file. It can be seen that the defendant and the criminal suspect The dna is exactly the same! The defendant’s behavior is completely demented, killing her two puppets in name, and feeding the inhumane corpse to feed the fish! We have the right to believe that the defendant is a mentally ill person, but he She is sensible and should be held criminally responsible for what she does! “

There was another uproar.

Ke Changhuang’s eyes widened, he was shocked but could not return … Ke Shijie Ke Shirong …

Akutsu Junko was also stunned.

This is why Ke Shiqing keeps chasing the x file! But in the end it was known!

At this time, the judge looked down at the documents, then looked up at the lawyer who had just spoken, “Did you give me the wrong documents?”

The lawyer froze and looked down at his things. “Is there a problem? Your Excellency?”

“What you said is not in line with what I was shown,” the judge said slowly. This is indeed a piece of DNA data. Of the three sets of data, there are indeed two groups that are very similar, but they are not the same. If one person belongs to one person, the data is necessarily the same, and there are subtleties in those two groups. Some of the gaps, if not carefully looked at, will indeed be regarded as a person.

“Why … isn’t this the same? Ah?” Bai Suqing looked at the documents retrieved from the judge and opened it. She was anxious and not careful enough, and she felt that the two sets of data were the same.

At this time, Lan Yiyang finally said, “The plaintiff said that the evidence of the party was not sufficient. The one who said that my client had taken out her internal organs had many doubts. My client is 18 years old and this year I am still a freshman, and I have just been exposed to anatomy and clinical medicine for more than half a year. I took out all the internal organs of a person and put it back. The other person is still standing alive, and needs multiple technical content. I think everyone knows it. This is nothing but heaven and earth; secondly, whether a person is sick or not is not determined by my hobbies. My party loves horror movies, but there are more people who love horror movies in the world. Is it a mentally ill person? In addition, as the mother of my client, even though there is no blood relationship, she said that the greatest love in the world is maternal love, and the greatest person is a mother, but now she is irrelevant. It’s really chilling that some people stand up and testify against my client … “

Lan Yiyang said calmly and calmly, and just let Bai Suqing’s non-stop testimony, now it’s their turn to fight back.

“I like to use real evidence to make people speak. I have some evidence here, please let the judge look.” Lan Yiyang passed up his evidence, a stack of photos and two discs. “A photographer accidentally shot half a year ago The plaintiff sued my client for intentional homicide, but look at what she did. The plaintiff was rescued by the kind person after leaving the fire field, but was killed by her benevolence. The photographer happened to watch the whole process. And filmed … “

Bai Suqing’s face changed suddenly, and the people who heard the trial were again stunned by the story of the great reversal.

Wilder did not leave the capital immediately after escaping from the mountain. Instead, he remained in the capital because he could not find good material to take part in the photo contest. Finally, he accidentally filmed the scene where Bai Suqing killed the life-saving benefactor. Wilder liked to watch This kind of scene filmed such **** things, and immediately hid in the corner to take pictures, but when he reacted, he had missed the registration period of the photo contest.

When the Mo Qian people passed the surveillance surveys in various areas, Wilder’s camera scene shot from the monitor accidentally guessed what he was shooting, but he couldn’t find Wilder all the time. In the photo studio, he emerged by himself.

“Also, the plaintiff itself is an ethical person. Those photos were washed from the cell phone of the plaintiff’s biological father. The plaintiff seduced the biological father, divorced the biological parents, and messed with the biological father …”

“Oh my God!” Some of the hearing staff couldn’t help but exclaim.

Those photos washed out of Mu Zhenyang’s mobile phone are even indestructible to the judge. The background seems to be a toilet, a public toilet, the angle of the shooting is completely self-portrait, the facial expression of the part where the two lower bodies are combined, etc. Completely in place … That was the last time Mu Zhenyang and Bai Suqing met at Bislan College and was pulled into the toilet by Mu Zhenyang. When the photo was taken by Mu Zhenyang, the phone later went to Duan Yao with Mu Zhenyang. On his hand, Mu Zhenyang was killed by him, but the cell phone accidentally fell into Duan Yao’s house, but the garbage finally came in handy.

This is the grass that crushed the camel!

“Nonsense!” Bai Suqing screamed out of control, “My father has long since died! He is the Duke of French nobility and passed away a few years ago!”

“This is a comparison between the plaintiff’s and Mu Zhenyang’s DNA data, provided by the X file ‘database’.” Lan Yiyang pushed his glasses and sent another piece of evidence.

Even Ke Wanqing was shocked. what do you mean? Bai Suqing and Mu Zhenyang … Could it be said … Couldn’t say … Bai Suqing turned out to be her biological daughter?

Lan Yiyang simply ignored Bai Suqing and was so frightened, he continued: “The plaintiff has various problems. He once lived under the same roof with my client. The plaintiff had a perfect girl with her inferiority Living together, it is easy to have all kinds of jealousy and resentment. My client’s good for the plaintiff is visible throughout the Bisland College, but the plaintiff always tries to **** what belongs to my client. According to the evidence provided by us His Excellency can see that the plaintiff is an unscrupulous girl, and she is very deliberate … Here, I will submit another piece of evidence. “

Is there any evidence? !!

“Lan Binglin, the Blue Group, has a very good relationship with the plaintiff. The two parties reached an agreement to use my identity to make the shares of the Ke’s Consortium fall, and they made huge profits from them. We have the right to doubt and have sufficient evidence to prove that the plaintiff was accidentally Those who caused harm caused psychological distortions, delusions of being victimized, or intentional cooperation with Lan Binglin to frame my party for the sake of Ko! “

“Nonsense!” Bai Suqing’s eyes widened, but she didn’t expect that things would be distorted like this! Things have gone astray! This case should not be the case!

“Quiet!” The judge knocked the hammer.

“Judge, I have several witnesses here,” Lan Yiyang said again.

Really enough witnesses and physical evidence!

Bai Suqing stared fiercely, wanting to see what **** witness is the witness!

However, when she saw Zhou Yaya and a few maids, she was a bit shocked.

Zhou Yaya looked at Bai Suqing with resentful eyes and said, “Bai Suqing asked me to prove Mu Rulan’s abnormal homicide. For this one, I worked with Lan Binglin to get me out of the disabled control center …”

Mu Rulan looked at Ai Wei, who was sitting next to Zhou Yaya, and raised her eyebrows slightly. The man returned to her with a **** and dangerous licking action on her lower lip.

The remaining maids had large and small injuries on their bodies, one with blind eyes, one with a scratched face, and a burned scar on their faces, and they all testified that these were all It was made alive by Bai Suqing!

The situation was reversed. It was supposed to sue others who were mad, but in turn it became a mad one! People couldn’t help but wonder if Bai Suqing really did what Lan Yiyang said. In fact, everything she said was delusion of being victimized. Mu Rulan hadn’t done anything to her at all. Look at her revenge, look at these maids, look. Look at what happened to her and her biological father. Huh! No wonder it turned into this picture, it turned out to be condemned!

Bai Suqing is unbelievable. Her mind is now confused. Many things she still does n’t understand, such as what seduce her biological father, and Zhou Yaya turned to help Mu Rulan in turn, so she looked at her lawyer. Her people.

The lawyer nodded and said to the judge, “Those puppet photos …”

“The photos were examined by professionals and found to have serious traces of artificial forgery.”

For a moment, it seemed that he was beaten back to **** and had nothing to say.

Bai Suqing’s eyes widened, she couldn’t believe it, artificial falsification … how could it be! It was taken by her. She watched the dolls with their mobile phones! What’s going on? What happened to all this? Things did not go as she wanted!

At the hearing seat, Qin Ruoliu and Qin Lengyue also started to panic. It was awful, and the situation reversed suddenly. If Mu Rulan was fine in the end, what would they do? You will be retaliated, you will!

Bai Suqing’s chest was violently undulating, her head turned a bit at a loss, and then she saw the man standing at the court door leaning silently at it all, the black clothes, the indifferent and cold face, and the contempt of life. It looked as if he didn’t care about being high above him, but he easily controlled all the kings. He leaned so quietly, Bai Suqing knew that she was finished …

I thought that I was perfectly prepared, and I was so relieved that I was beaten up in a blink of an eye! She can’t fight that man at all!

Suddenly, what Bai Suqing thought of, that was her last trick. Now, there is no other way, even if there is no way to prove that Mu Rulan has killed someone, but as long as she proves that she is not a normal person, the angel still does not Angel again!

Bai Suqing asked the psychiatrist to inspect Mu Rulan, while Lan Yiyang retorted that she was not qualified to make such a request, and finally decided to deal with it. Because both parties suspected that the other party had a mental problem, both parties had a psychological examination.

Who asked to check it became a problem. It was supposed to be Mo Qianren and Su Chengxiang. At least two people were needed, but Mo Qianren wanted to avoid suspicion, so one was proposed by Lan Yiyang. The other was proposed by Bai Suqing-Ampel Delaney!

This name instantly changed the indifferent look of Mo Qianren.

The Mo Qian people once said that they can only see that Mu Rulan is abnormal by using their eyes and a little talent. There are no more than three people, so they are counted as three in general, and they will go out to Mo Qian himself, and the remaining two, one It was Caesar Stephen, and one was Amber Delaney!

Amon, Caesar Stephen, and Amber Delaney, the three are known as the three authoritative giants in psychology!

Among them, amon is the youngest and Caesar Stephen is the oldest. He is now in his sixties and has been in Africa in recent years.

And An Pei Delaney is only in her thirties, is a very charming mature man, is also recognized as a good man in the industry. I heard that in order to protect his wife’s safety, he has always hidden his wife well, so it is unknown who his wife is. People only know that he never approached a woman casually, and always brought his wife with him when he went home. a bouquet of roses.

It is also worth noting that Ape Delaney once expressed his obvious dissatisfaction with amon, who has achieved significant achievements at a young age. Of course, this is also because of the attitude of Mo Qianren to those who do not know him. It’s too ridiculous, it’s easy to make people feel that the other person is not proud of him, this will only be taken for granted to people who are far away from Mo Qianren, and to people who are equal to him In other words, it is a face-breaking behavior, so the relationship between Ape Delaney and Mo Qianren is not good.

Mo Qianren did not expect that people like Bai Suqing could invite An Pei Delaney! It’s too unexpected!

Seeing Mo Qianren’s face changed, Bai Suqing knew that he finally had a chance to win!

Amp Delaney is a Russian, with brown hair and black eyes, deep facial features, black scum on his chin, and the curvature of his lips makes him look like a very gentle and careful person. Smell.

Before Ape Delaney came in, Ivey had put on a hat for himself, converging his breath, trying not to let the other party find themselves in the crowd.

Both the plaintiff and the defendant had to undergo a psychological examination, so they had to leave the court temporarily.

The two entered two rooms at the same time. Su Chengxiang and Ape Delaney entered one room to check the people inside, and then entered the other room separately.

I have to say that staying in the same room with the Russian gentleman, Mu Rulan felt a sense of danger, but she was surprised that the other party simply asked questions and asked her to do the survey. There was no special care. Look at her or something.

After the end, the results came out quickly.

As a result of Su Chengxiang, Bai Suqing had mild schizophrenia, and Mu Rulan was normal.

As a result of Alan Delaney, Bai Suqing had mild schizophrenia, and Mu Rulan was normal.

Mo Qiang’s eyelids jumped down, and he looked a little surprised at the Russian man whose tall figure would definitely stand out from the crowd. He was just turning his brain quickly, thinking about how to remedy it, but Ape Delaney suddenly called his brain stuck …

what happened? He didn’t think that the mentally ill still had the possibility of automatic cure, that was crazy.

However, no matter how crazy this is, it finally came to an end. Mu Rulan was unscathed. Bai Suqing was delusional because of schizophrenia. Since Mu Rulan was her most jealous person, she wanted to see Mu Rulan and her. That ’s why I had the illusion and believed that it was true that Mu Rulan had harmed her like this. In fact, Bai Suqing made herself like this, her mouth was sewn by herself, and the fire was her own. Even those photos of the puppets were produced in ps, but in the end, they also joined Lan Binglin in an attempt to use this to infringe on the interests of the Ke family … everything was taken by her!

The angel is still an angel, but the little man has become a well-known crossing mouse. Just seduce the biological father to let the parents divorce is enough to make the people in the whole country abandon her disgustingly, and because her homicide evidence is conclusive, she has been formally arrested by the police, which will determine whether she will be put in a mental hospital for treatment or sentenced. death penalty.

Mu Rulan and Yajiu Junzi took Ke Changhuang with one arm and walked towards the car waiting outside the court. They followed Lan Yiyang, a sudden footsteps, and a figure ran out from the side. It was Ke Wanqing. .

Ke Wanqing was very embarrassed. She was taken away by Lan Binglin when she wanted to go to the black room to find Mu Rulan that day. He said a series of tempting conditions. Ke Wanqing could not stand the temptation and followed, because she had to do it. The thing is, when necessary, come out to testify against Mu Rulan. Lan Binglin said that no one’s testimony can match the testimony of his mother. However, the current situation is that they have lost a lot!

“Dad!” Ke Wanqing stood in front of them, watching Ke Changhuang biting her lips and shouting.

“Huh! My daughter of Ke Changhuang has been dead for a long time, where did you come from?” Ke Changhuang gave Ke Wanqing a disgusting look, and said coldly that he had just helped outsiders to accuse the daughter who had raised her daughter for more than ten years Why do you still have a face here?

Ke Wanqing quickly looked at Mu Rulan, “Lan Lan … my daughter …”

Mu Rulan looked at Ke Wanqing, and before she spoke, Ke Changhuang was unhappy. “Daughter? Who said in court that she was not your daughter? Don’t forget that she is now a child of the Ke family, only Ke Home child! Get off! “Ke Changhuang was extremely disgusted with Ke Wanqing. Since marrying a fool, she has been stupid since then. She no longer has pride and there is no likable place!

Ke Wanqing immediately knelt down and grabbed Mu Rulan’s pants, “Lan Lan! Lan Lan, you forgive my mother, my mother was forced, my mother really misses you …”

“Your daughter is Bai Suqing. Identified by dna.” Lan Yiyang said again, tearing open his tie. Where there was the calm and calm appearance just before the court, he became a big boy clearly.

“No!” Ke Wanqing yelled fiercely. “No! She is not my daughter! My daughter cannot be like that! Lan Lan is my daughter! Lan Lan is!” How could Ke Wan Qing accept? Bai Suqing is such a thing as her biological daughter, she simply cannot accept it! Not good at all, and finally engaged with his biological father, so disgusting! How could it be her daughter? !! Her daughter must be as good as Mu Rulan! Only Mu Rulan is her daughter!

Waiting for Mu Rulan in the square in front of the court, Duan Yao and others who saw the movement came quickly, saw the appearance of Ke Wanqing, heard her again, and recalled that she had just accused Mu Rulan in court. Everyone just feels nauseous for a while, it’s really hypocritical and can’t be hypocritical anymore! Striding forward and stopped Ke Wanqing, she was not allowed to continue lingering Mu Rulan, let them get on the car, and soon walked away.

“Duan Yao!” Ke Wanqing looked at the car away, staring at the young man with his teeth gritted, yes, it was him! It was he who shoved her in the end, causing her to completely lose everything and even being kicked out of the high circle!

“Want me to give you a ride?” Duan Yao looked at her coldly.

Ke Wanqing gave him a scornful glance, turned and left, and just turned around, the expression on her face loosened, and even a little pleasant, she spread out her palms, lying on her hands a piece of paper with a string of phone numbers on it It was Mu Rulan who shoved it into her hands when she just left, she knew that Mu Rulan would never ignore her mother, who had raised her for more than ten years!

Duan Yao looked coldly at Ke Wanqing’s back and picked up his mobile phone. “Have you found someone?”

“Yes, those three people have already been caught!” A cold voice came from the other end of the phone. On the side were three brothers and sisters Qin Lengyue Qin Ruoliu Qin Pofeng who was trembling with trembling.

“Very good, they are all sent to Hong Kong’s” Dongxiang Tower “.” Dongxiang Tower, and another named Xixiang Tower, just smell the ambiguous taste just by looking at the word “Xiang”, East is East, West It’s the West. The two buildings are actually prostitutes divided between Orientals and Westerners.

“So is that man?”

“Um.” Duan Yao’s eyes narrowed, dare to deal with Mu Rulan with Bai Suqing, and still want to leave safely?


Two days passed in the blink of an eye, and the matter was almost resolved. Although Mu Rulan was not the blood of the Ke family, it was a bit surprising, but the Ke family still treated Mu Rulan as a blood relative, which made many people feel moved. Some stocks fell again.

On that day, when Mu Rulan pushed open the window, he finally saw that there was no dark cloud in the sky, but he bowed his head, but saw the Mo Qian people standing outside the villa. Perhaps the IQ is high but the EQ is not directly proportional to the IQ. It would be better to think about how to meet this time.

Mu Rulan looked at the clock on the table before it was seven o’clock in the morning.

The corner of Mu Rulan’s lips evoked a slight arc, and turned and walked down, but at this moment Mo Qian turned his head to look at the open window, but just missed Mu Rulan’s figure, but in a short while, there The door opened and Mu Rulan came out.

The iron door slowly opened, and the two stood face to face, and none of them spoke. For a while, when Mu Rulan was about to say something, Mo Qianren suddenly kneeled on one knee, holding a diamond ring in his hand. With red ears, I probably feel that this stalk is very familiar. “Please marry me.”

Mu Rulan was taken aback by Mo Qianren ’s sudden move. She felt that this kind of thing would never happen to Mo Qianren. He was always indifferent and high-minded, contempt of beings, even if he proposed. I will also use the unique king-like way of Moqian people as if he doesn’t care, so suddenly kneel …

Mu Rulan resisted the urge to laugh, and was about to reach out to take over. There was a roar in the villa. Ke Changhuang rushed out, holding his cane, and looked aggressive, as if to kill Mo Qianren …

Oh shit! Marry if you want to get married When he was Changchang Ke was a sick cat? Kill you!

After a toss, it was clear that this time it was not easy for Ke Changhuang to let his granddaughter marry Mo Qianren this time. Mo Qianren was pumped by Ke Changhuang without resistance, only to get Mu Rulan out. opportunity.

The car reached the door of a hotel, and Mo Qianren took her to the third floor and walked to a room. Mu Rulan blinked, “Who are we coming for?”

“Someone wants to see you.” Mo Qianren said lightly.

The door was pulled open, and by accident, the person who opened it was Ampel Delaney. He saw Mu Rulan, his smile waved, his arms opened eagerly to embrace her, but he was easily blocked by Mo Qianren’s hand, he shrugged, let him go aside, and let them in.

Mu Rulan thought that the person who wanted to see her was An Pei, but after entering the room, she found that there was a woman in the room. She was sitting in a wheelchair and was looking at the bright sun outside the window.

“Dear, she’s here.” Mu Rulan saw An Pei walk over, full of love, bowed her head and kissed the woman, then turned the wheelchair.

Seeing the woman’s face, Mu Rulan didn’t recognize it for a while, but her attention soon fell under her goose yellow long skirt. Below that, there should be a pair of beautiful legs, but … It was empty … almost the entire lower body was amputated …

A picture flashed through my head, the woman whose lower body was sealed in a crystal pillar, the woman who asked her for help …

Ah … it’s her …

“I’m so glad to see you again, dear.” The woman had long brown hair, and her beautiful face smiled brightly at this time. Looking at Mu Rulan, her eyes were glittering.

“I’m very happy too.” Mu Rulan stepped forward and hugged her deeply for a while, when she heard that she was sent for amputation. When she wanted to go and see, she found that she had been taken by him. The husband took it, and thought he would never intersect again, but unexpectedly …

That’s why Aipei will help her.

The sun was very bright. Mu Rulan pushed her sister in a wheelchair slowly on the sidewalk, and the two men followed far behind.

“That encounter made me lose my legs, but it made me gain something more precious.” Lu Sha said slowly, and looked up at Mu Rulan with a smile. “You remember when I asked you for help What? I said I still have something to do, and I have a reason to live … An Pei has been very busy. He is a great psychologist. Well, like your fiance, An Pei is still A very controllable person, he always worried that I would be implicated by him and be followed by some criminals, and he kept hiding me. At first this feeling was sweet, but gradually I became bored and quarreled with him. I wanted to break up and run away from him. Later, I really did that. I have been drifting aimlessly, carnival during the day and empty at night until I can’t control the tears, and then I encountered the abnormal state and almost died. At that time, I was Suddenly found that I hadn’t told Anpei for a long time, I loved him. I was thinking, if I can live, if I can live, I must tell him … “

Mu Rulan listened quietly, pushing the wheelchair carefully around the bumpy stones.

“… I am lucky to be loved by such a man. Even if he loses his legs and loses his fertility, he still loves me …” Lu Sha’s hand stretched over her shoulder, Mu Rulan stretched out Take a shot and let her hold it. She Sha looked back at her. The beautiful face raised a soft smile like a cloud. “When your body is healthy, and when you can still love in despair, cherish a person who loves you deeply. Man, no one knows what will happen the next day. When you can do it, do it. People who realize afterwards like me, except to say a few words, “I love What else can you do for him? … “

Mu Rulan looked down at her, looked at her cloud-like soft smile, and looked at her empty lower body, her words echoed in her head, like a small stone, smashed into the lake, splashed waves, and waved Layers of ripples.

An Pei and Lu Sha left after lunch. Mu Rulan had been thinking of Lu Sha when he walked hand in hand with him, and asked: “How long will Am Pe love Lu Sha?” A woman cannot give birth, and may not even meet the physiological needs of a man. Bathing in the toilet requires someone’s care. Maybe she will persist because of love at first, but as time goes by, there will be contradictions. There are struggles, struggles, and eventually breakups.

Mo Qianren heard the words and looked at Mu Rulan, “What do you think?”

Mu Rulan began to count, and turning things into digital games was too easy for the mentally ill. “Five years, up to five years, but one of them, derailment or finding women to solve their physiological needs, is not counted.”

Well, judging from the shelf life of love hormones, five years is indeed very good. Who can always love a disabled person? Especially a celebrity, a king-like figure, so many ring-fat swallows that are automatically pasted up around me are too tempting.

“Are you gambling?” Mo Qianren said suddenly.

“What to bet on?”

“I bet when we were gray-haired, they were still together.” Mo Qianren said lightly.

“Really?” Mu Rulan blinked, but did not expect Mo Qianren to say so.

“Well. So this bet will wait until we have gray hair to see who wins and loses.” Mo Qian humane.

“…” Mu Rulan felt like he was in a trap, but looking at the man’s indifferent but beautiful eyes, it seemed not difficult to accept the old promise to him.

Mu Rulan was a little puzzled about the matter in court.

“I asked Meng Hansen for help.” Mo Qianren said lightly, and a few words solved Mu Rulan’s problems.

Look for the real hacking king of Meng Hansen’s help. It is taken for granted that the hacks of the x-file are ko. That is to say, the hacking of the x-file hacker has altered the DNA data of Mu Rulan in the database without knowing it. There are also special technical changes that make others think at first glance that there is no difference. As for the puppet figures from ps, naturally they are also the hands and feet of Meng Hansen, and the DNA data of Bai Suqing and Mu Zhenyang are also made by Meng Hansen. Ghost, that guy, as far away as the United States, has done so many things in a short time across such a large ocean? Turn Bai Suqing and Lan Binglin into scams.

Really talented people, should such talents be buried in Cohen?

“Like I once said, everyone has their own choices. Maybe we seem to be a waste. For Meng Hansen, guarding his sister is happiness.”

Mo Qianren stopped suddenly, Mu Rulan stopped and looked at Mo Qianren.

Mo Qianren clenched her hand and explained suddenly: “What you want will cancel the wedding without warning, part of the purpose is to protect the Mo family.”

Knowing that the wedding situation would happen, it was still going on, partly because he wanted to uproot Bai Suqing’s group, partly for himself, and the last part was to preserve the Mo family.

He was Mu Rulan’s accomplice, no doubt, even if he hadn’t seen how she was perverted, but in this lawsuit, he cheated and concealed in every case, and used all relationships to help Mu Rulan get out of crime, but he was willing. But he could not drag the Mohist into the water. He was not a very filial person. If he became a stain in the century-long history of the Mohist, it would not be as simple as being unfilial.

Therefore, for all aspects, he felt that the wedding that was suddenly cancelled made Mu Rulan aggrieved.

Mu Rulan looked at Mo Qianren, suddenly stretched out his hands and pinched his face, and the smile on his lips deepened, “It doesn’t matter. Thanks to Qianren, I feel a kind I once had, but forget It feels like it. What’s more, it is the most annoying to abandon those who really love their parents for love, and even the ones who do n’t even care for their loved ones know how to cherish. Do you have no relationship at all? “

“Hold again …”

“This, it depends on my grandfather agreeing to disagree.” Mu Rulan smiled pure and innocent.


The two walked slowly back to the villa, and when they entered the hall, they suddenly saw Bai Moli and Ai Wei who were having a good conversation with Ke Changhuang in the hall, and could not help but be a little surprised.

“Mr. Bai, why are you here?”

“You are urged to go back to class.” Bai Moli watched Mu Rulan’s indifferent voice, the calm and cold look, accidentally, people thought that what he said was true! It was really for urging Mu Rulan to return to Baidi from class and came from the United States.

“That’s really my honor.” Mu Rulan led Mo Qian to walk over, Ke Changhuang stared fiercely, Mu Rulan reluctantly smiled, let go of his hand, forget, men still have to rely on men It’s solved! On the day when the wedding was cancelled, Ke Changhuang was so angry.

Mo Qianren began to indifferently try to knock on the right side of his face from Ke Changhuang to know what could please him in the least, and Mu Rulan was talking to Ai Wei, “Where is Zhou Yaya?”

Ivey laughed gentleman maliciously and said, “I injected her with cm virus.” That day, Zhou Yaya was caught in the toilet with the person who took a photo of Mu Rulan, and Ivey injected them with cm virus. He originally thought that if they still had a follow-up role, then it would be very interesting to suddenly turn around to help their original enemies, so he wrote a story to lie to Zhou Yaya, but Zhou Yaya was completely fooled.

Mu Rulan raised her eyebrows. “Then what? What happened to her?” Wouldn’t she eat Zhou Yaya?

Ivy shivered with joy on her shoulder and said, “How can I say that, dear, what can I do with her? I just sent her home, I sent it home alive.” But this “home” is not He was “home”, and he sent her back to the psychotherapy center for the disabled. It is said that she received a “warm welcome” in it, which is really welcome.

Mu Rulan had not spoken yet, and Bai Moli made a noise there.

“Someone will come over from France later.” Bai Moli looked at Mu Rulan.

Mu Rulan blinked and looked at Bai Moli, for unknown reasons.

Bai Moli handed her the document on her hand. “After reading it, tell me whether to accept it. If you don’t like it, I’ll push it off for you.”

Mu Rulan felt even more confused. When she took the file and opened it, when the black folder was opened, the purpose was a photo of a young girl. She looked only seventeen or eighteen years old, and her smile was bright and bright. Mu Rulan didn’t know her. Who is it, then open it again, but another photo, but this time it is a noble lady, wearing a long blue dress, exquisite makeup, looking at the camera expressionlessly, looking deep and majestic, if the two photos are not If you compare them together, then no one will be able to think that the people in the two photos are the same.

Later, there is a comparison chart of DNA data. They were Bai Xue and Mu Rulan, and Duke Yas’an and Mu Rulan. It turned out that Mu Rulan and the two were mother-daughter and father-daughter relationships.

Later, there will be a text explanation.

When Shirayuki was young, he was innocent and kind. He accidentally stumbled upon the Duke Asean who came to travel. He was a handsome and charming man. Both were attracted to each other. It was because of love that Shirayuki could do everything. At age, the madness is like a fire moth, but Duke Yassian is a romantic man. Although he loves Shirayuki, he has no plans to get married so quickly. In an emergency, he just leaves without a word. Then, leaving Xue Xue alone, Bai Xue was pregnant at that time, but she had a fiance at that time.

Bai Xue firmly believes that his man will definitely come back to find her, so he went to the fiance to make it clear, but the consequence was that the fiance thought that the Bai family didn’t put them in their eyes, so that Bai Xue would do these things under their dignity. Began to retaliate, not many companies in Baijia were crumbling. The scolding of the parents, the child in the belly, the father of the child who disappeared, everything became a heavy burden on a young and simple girl.

Her parents let her have an abortion, the girl ran away from home, and wanted to secretly give birth to her baby, but she was born prematurely because of an accident. A baby girl less than eight months old was much younger than a normal baby. Dare to hold, the hardship of life has made the princess who grew up in the ivory tower taste warm and warm, her goodness always seems to be used as a fool to bully in her survival, after almost being strong x, she finally broke out Already.

The little baby was thrown into the orphanage she frequents. She wants to live anew. The man who abandoned her wants revenge. Those who despise her want revenge! She has so many thoughts, but she just counts the child outside. So how can a young girl with a loveless moisturize bear a child who is like an oil bottle? Because she was born prematurely, she had to take care of her very little and she had to be very careful. How could she feed her fragile little life? There is at least someone in the orphanage who can take care of her, at least not make her hungry …

She thought like that, her heart hurts a little, but she still gritted her teeth. She knew a while ago that if one is not cruel, there is no way to get better things. If it is not fierce, others will not be afraid of you!

She returned to the already dismal Bai family, and turned to her friend Ke Wanqing. She didn’t understand it before, but she had seen everything through this time. Instead of treating her as a friend, she thought of her as noble and beautiful. As a companion, she is not as beautiful and rich as Ke Wanqing, so Ke Wanqing likes to take her, just like walking a dog. She won’t **** Ke Wanqing’s limelight at all. If she does, Ke Wanqing will have to give her a look.

In this case, let her use it, right? Bai Xue used Ke Wanqing to finally find some information about the man. After learning that the other party was a noble, she planned everything so that she could marry the man, capture his heart, and take away everything from him so that he had nothing. Let him lie in front of her like a dog, the vengeance and pleasure do not know when it has distorted the innocent girl.

Sudden accidents made her plan ahead of time. Ke Wanqing’s amniotic fluid broke suddenly. At that time, she and Mu Zhenyang and Bai Xue were at a distance. The journey to the nearest hospital was too far away, so that Ke Wanqing was in the car. Before I was born, it was two fat girls who were in vain, and Bai Xue was watching where she was. She suddenly thought of the child she had left. She was a premature baby. She was so small and fragile. It was completely different from Ke Wanqing’s child. Baba ’s body and the counterpart ’s white and fat appearance are like telling her clearly that this is the distance between the bottom of the society and the high society children from the beginning. Her child is destined to suffer, and to live for life, because Orphan and crying in the dark …

Bai Xue was distressed, so two children died one after the other in a car accident. When Ke Wanqing and Mu Zhenyang were in a coma, she had a ridiculous idea. She took the surviving child away and took herself away. The children who were abandoned in the orphanage were said to be their children. Even if the premature baby was not born just a while ago, he was still thinner than Ke Wanqing’s child, and it looked like he was just born.

Things went well. Her child no longer had to suffer. She took everything she had planned secretly to France with her child named Bai Suqing. Although the child who had a great potential for development was gone, But it doesn’t matter, she has other plans.

Relying on her maturity and beauty, she quickly appeared again and again in front of Duke Asian, and let the other party be deeply fascinated by herself. He did not recognize this **** mysterious goddess who was full of mystery. Once a simple girl who had played nothing in the ancient country of the East, Bai Suqing didn’t reveal it. She always lied that she had lost a memory because of an accident, and told him very frankly that he had a daughter, but she didn’t know Who is this child and how could it appear in her belly, so when the Duke Asian let his hand go down to check the information, he found that the person he was deeply infatuated with was actually the girl who was ecstatic and thought I didn’t want to marry her and took Bai Suqing as his daughter for granted. Because the time was right, when the Duke Yas’an did not lose interest in a woman, he was not allowed to touch other men, and Bai Xue was pregnant. It was only then that he left, and it was impossible to have a second man other than him to make her pregnant.

Everything is going well. Bai Xue increasingly understands what kind of woman can be both her husband’s wife and her husband’s lover. How to make him have no interest in Yingying Yanyan outside, and only pay for his own heart, Even Bai Moli and Bai Moyue, who appeared in front of the Duke of Yas’an, were adopted by Baixue because Bai Xue showed some affection for the two children. It’s another thing, but his lover is happy, it’s another.

Bai Limeng’s incident caught her a little bit by surprise. She even discovered Mu Rulan, her biological daughter who matched her bone marrow, but how could she make her young child donate bone marrow? Therefore, she lied to Bai Moli that she disagreed with Mu family and disagreed no matter how she begged. She did not expect that her biological daughter, who became more and more concerned with time, was hated by Bai Moli.

When she discovered that she was ill and could not live long, she realized that she had done so many things and played so many intrigues and tricks. In fact, she had already obtained one of the most precious things and lost one of the most precious things. Her husband’s total love and her biological daughter.

She wanted to write everything down and tell Bai Moli—the child she had cultivated to take everything that Asian had—she wanted to tell him that his other sister wasn’t dead. When the two cars collided, she took it away At the same time as Ke Wanqing’s child, she also took away another dying child. At that time, she just wanted to send it to the rescue, and found it can be used; she wanted to tell him that Bai Suqing was not her biological daughter, Mu Rulancai Yes, please take good care of her if you have the chance.

She had a lot of things to say, but fate did not allow her to regret it, so that she wrote the unfinished sentence and went to the embrace of death, but she seemed to be cared for a little time because she was dead. In the arms of the man she loved and hated, he fulfilled his promise to live and die with her …

Mu Rulan flipped in silence, probably because of a problem with her emotional system. She didn’t have any feelings about the so-called biological parents who hadn’t gotten along. It’s like just watching a little darkened fairy tale, other than that, I have no feelings.

She looked at Bai Moli, “For France … for what?”,

“My adoptive father, that is, your father’s title is hereditary, and no one has inherited it. The old French aristocracy has rules. As long as it is of direct blood, no matter whether it is male or female, someone must inherit that title.” Bai Moli’s faint Said.

Although there are no special rights, for those nobles, hereditary titles must always exist, because it is a symbol of their noble status, and there are many conveniences. There are few nobles left in French history. The less the more the rights and the meaning of existence of the aristocracy will be weakened, so in order to ensure the number and strength of the circle, such a semi-compulsive rule.

The title of Duke Yas’an has been suspended for a long time. It was supposed to be inherited by Bai Suqing, but his parents died when Bai Suqing was eight years old. Guardianship fell to Bai Moli, and Bai Moli didn’t bother to care about it. For hereditary title, he just wanted to train the annoying little ghost to be useful. First of all, it is to reduce the expenses for Bai Suqing so that the children of the poor can be headed early.

So at that time, I did n’t know that Bai Xue had passed away. She sent emails and postcards to replace her in the name of Bai Xue to understand her “girlfriend” status. Wanwan Qing thought that Bai Xue had married a downcast aristocrat and lived in a gorgeous castle, but lived there. The days of poverty made her a lot of balance in her heart.

At that time, probably the nobles also thought that Bai Suqing was too weak and too small, and they didn’t look like people in their world. They were a bit disgusted, so they wanted to let Bai Moli inherit, but unfortunately Bai Moli just Adopted child, dragging, to this day, after learning that Mu Rulan is the direct blood of Duke Asian, he was excited.

Their circle was recently burned by the government’s people who tried to completely abolish the knighthood system, because the strength was too weak and there was a sign of faint defeat. At this moment, Mu Rulan, the Princess of the Mo family and the wife of the Mo family, had a good title with the White Empire The successor joins, it is like a new blood infused with vitality!

“In other words, do people from France want me to inherit that title?” Mu Rulan thought it was a little weird. First, she found that she had a little hidden Western genes-her biological father was a mixed-race mother. Both grandmother and grandma are Chinese-and then a Duke hat will be dropped from the sky to declare that she is a noble!


Mu Rulan looked at Ke Changhuang, Ke Changhuang nodded, why not inherit? The property left by the parents must be used without pressure. A title can bring many conveniences. The most important thing is that Mu Rulan will be crowned the title of a true noble princess in her bloodline, which is beneficial to her.

Well, inheritance is inheritance, there is no cheaper than nothing.

Bai Moli looked at Mu Rulan with an incredible feeling, so … this girl is his sister now? Isn’t it his sister’s child that he adopted his parents?

After the matter was resolved, Bai Moli, who had been stranded here for more than two months, finally got on the plane back to the United States.

When night fell, Mu Rulan had just finished dinner and another guest came.

As soon as the red-eyed mother Mo entered the room, the scene was a little weird for a moment. Ke Changhuang snorted and lowered his chopsticks, indicating that he didn’t like the uninvited guest very much. Ke Changhuang remembered his hatred.

Mu Rulan quickly responded, stepped forward to entertain her, and sat down on the sofa. He poured her a cup of hot tea and looked at her with a smile. She immediately asked Mo Mo to drop the tea in her hand and hold Mu Ru Lan’s hand said: “I’m sorry, Lan Lan. I was stimulated to lose my mind that day. I … I didn’t mean it …”

Apologized by an elder who did not make any serious mistakes, and this person is still Mo Qian ’s mother. Mu Rulan does n’t like it very much. She counter-holds Mo ’s hand. “It ’s okay, really, I do n’t blame it. It ’s Mom. ”

Mo’s guilt swelled again. How could she be so irritated and confused that a good girl like Mu Rulan would be the devil? She is so confused!

After a while, Mom Mo finally calmed down, holding Mu Rulan’s hand and begging, “Lan Lan, can you persuade the modest people?”


“He is going to leave the Mo … He is going to leave the Mo … Is it because of me? It’s all my fault …” Mo’s mother was sad again, and she was such a son. As a result, Mo Qianren now said that she would leave Mo. What does it mean? It means that he has no legal relationship with the Mo family ever since. He is not a child of the Mo family, not her son. This is like breaking the relationship. Mo’s mother thought it was a wedding that made Mo Qiang angry, otherwise why would he suddenly Want to break away from the Mohist?

Mu Rulan was surprised, and Ke Changhuang, who couldn’t hear it, couldn’t help but be shocked. I didn’t expect such a thing.

Mu Rulan went to Mo’s house with Mo’s mother. Grandpa Mo was furious and seemed to scold Mo Qianren for being ruthless and ruthless. When he saw Mu Rulan coming, he reluctantly relented, but his face still looked terrible. . Anyone who is so good at hearing a child say that he wants to sever ties with himself will be half annoyed. What is the difference between raising a white-eyed wolf?

The night was deep.

Mu Rulan and Mo Qianren were under the vine stand in the courtyard. Mu Rulan looked at Mo Qianren with a frown, and was a little worried, “Why would you make such a decision suddenly?”

Mo Qian’s look remained indifferent, watching Mu Rulan’s dark eyes clearly reflected her shadow, her indifferent and pleasant voice was like the wind in the early spring and late autumn, and she was cold and cold, “Remember the multiple choice questions at Christmas?”

“Is that the left hand and the right hand?” The left hand wedding ring, the right hand is free.

“I have no relationship with the Mohist in the legal sense. There is no reason to be protected because it is the Mo family, and the attention will be reduced a lot.” That is to say, the multiple choice question no longer exists because Moqian asked Her greed was fulfilled, and she could have both left and right hands.

“Qianren …” Mu Rulan suddenly realized that she didn’t know what to say.

“Don’t feel guilty. I told you before. I want to preserve the Mohist school. Then the only way to get rid of the relationship with the Mohist school is to break the relationship in the legal sense.” Real loved ones still need to rely on that Does the hukou originally maintain a relationship? Legal severance does not mean that in reality they will also sever.

Mu Rulan looked at him for a while, shook his hand, and smiled. “Then you have to talk to Grandpa Mo and Mom Mo, or they will be sad.”

“I will handle it well.” Mo Qianren let her not worry. Nothing is uncertain about Mo Qian.

The next day, the outbreak of the Mo family and the Mo Qian people suddenly blew up the big names in Beijing. There was a lot of speculation and discussion. Some people said that the Mo Qian people were angry for the beauty. Some people said that the Mo family did it privately What makes Mo Qian people intolerable? Some people say that Mo Qian people want to emigrate to the United States mercilessly and ruthlessly. The Mo family disagrees, so this is why some people say …

He Miao extinguished the smoke in his hand, the white smoke spit out from his mouth, his brain turned slowly, but it was extremely clear.

In the end, Mu Rulan was still the winner. He really didn’t know if he really thought too much, or Mu Rulan was really taken care of by God. He thought that one amon was enough, but it turned out to be another Anpe. Delaney, and he couldn’t find the reason why Ampel Delaney helped Mu Rulan, so was he wrong?

“Hmm …” He Miao scratched her hair irritably, and felt that it was not ordinary annoyance. After a while, he looked up at the sun in the sky, and echoed in his mind what the girl said at the beginning-everyone had desperate protection. thing……

Regardless of what you want to protect …

The sweet smile of the blonde girl suddenly floated in his head, and the next moment it turned pale and bloodless, the scarlet blood slowly slipped from the corner of her lips … the heart was stinging like a needle He thought of what the Mo Qianren did, and even today ’s break with the Mo family. He suddenly made a sneer of unknown significance. He stood upright, put his hands in his pockets, and walked slowly …

It seems that this life is doomed to fail, he will never have the courage and courage like Mo Qianren.

Love this kind of thing … It’s too heavy, people like him can’t guard it.

“Small fire, tell grandpa, I’m back in Britain.”

What he can do is probably just stay in her country and stay with her …

After Mu Rulan signed the title inheritance book brought by the people from France, the matter was almost resolved. Ke Changhuang resolutely disagreed with Mu Rulan so easily and marry Mo Qianren. After expressing his opinions strongly, he brought With Akujin Junko back to Hong Kong, he wanted to see what Ke Shiqing’s kid was doing, but he didn’t help him back with Lanlan at the farce-like wedding. Not only that, he also returned to K City for class. Mu Rusen and Mu Rulin also took it.

The villa suddenly emptied, leaving Mu Rulan alone.

Mu Rulan was thinking that it was time to return to Baidi College for class, and her cell phone rang. An unfamiliar number was picked up by her. There came Ke Wanqing’s voice …

Mu Rulan’s lips slowly evoked, her deep smile was a little weird …

Ke Wanqing tried to dress herself as neatly as possible, not to make Mu Rulan feel embarrassed, and put on makeup to make her face look a bit ugly and miserable, so wait for a while to see Mu Rulan, she will be softer.

When you’re done, look at yourself in the mirror, and Ke Wanqing goes out with satisfaction.

Mu Rulan asked her to meet in a small villa in a remote suburb. Ke Wanqing didn’t know that Ke Changhuang had already left, thinking that Mu Rulan was afraid that she would be unhappy when Ke Changhuang saw Ke Changhuang, so he asked her there. he.

Ke Wanqing arrived at the place quickly, glanced around, almost could not see the smoke, and suddenly there was a strange flash in her heart, but she didn’t know why, she thought it was because she felt a little embarrassed because she wanted to see Mu Rulan, but She had no money left in her pockets. After being sentenced to death by Bai Suqing, Lan Binglin was also brought to court and imprisoned on multiple counts. Any of her supporters were gone and she was allowed to work. It ’s absolutely impossible to make money or anything, and she is still a high-class social person, thinking that everyone is staring at her and wants to see her jokes.

Ke Wanqing went to the door and rang the doorbell. A voice came out, “The door is unlocked, please come in.”

Ke Wanqing walked in, glanced around, but no one was seen. She closed the door gently and shouted, “Lan Lan?”

“Mom, I’m in the basement.” Mu Rulan’s voice came from behind the stairs.

Ke Wanqing walked strangely, and she saw a door opened under the cabinet behind the stairs. It was dark and dim, and the light of a candle flickered, a little bit infiltrating.

“Lan Lan, what are you doing below?”

“I’m preparing a gift for my mother. Would you like to come down and look at it?” The girl’s soft voice came from below.

Ke Wanqing hesitated, but decided to go down and see what Mu Rulan had prepared for her. She awkwardly climbed down the escalator and asked, “Lan Lan, is there no light below?” She was a little dim to see Where should I step?

“No, probably no one has lived for too long. The light in the basement has broken. Fortunately, I found a candle.”

Ke Wanqing descended to the ground, suddenly feeling a chill from her feet, so cold that she couldn’t help it, and her scalp was numb. She suddenly wanted to climb up immediately, but Mu Rulan’s voice over there came again. “Did mom come down? Come and take a look. I don’t know which one my mother likes.”

Ke Wanqing stunned, walked along the flickering candlelight, and soon saw Mu Rulan standing in front of a table with her back on her side. There were three pulls on the side. The candlelight made Mu Rulan’s hand move A large area of ​​shadow was cast on the wall. There were several boxes, and Mu Rulan’s hands moved in the boxes.

Ke Wanqing walked slowly, she heard Mu Rulan’s voice, her voice soft and gentle, quiet, as if sighing something, “I, I have always loved mom, from childhood to age, you will get praise from mother I am very happy, so I have been working hard to do everything well and try to be as good as possible, because I really want to get my mother ’s heart, I really want to be my mother ’s baby … ”

Ke Wanqing’s expression was a little stiff, and she didn’t know why the movement was slower and slower, she said: “Ha ha ha … Lan Lan was originally a mother’s heart baby …”

“Really? But my mother just recently went to court to testify against me, saying that I’m abnormal. What should I do? Mom, I’m sad.” Mu Rulan still didn’t turn back, facing Ke Wanqing, his hands were slow. Slow, just as leisurely and slow as her tone.

“That … that’s …” Ke Wanqing didn’t expect Mu Rulan to mention it again, and suddenly didn’t know how to answer, “That’s … that’s because my mother was cheated! My mother wanted Lan Lan was well treated, and her mother didn’t know that Lan Lan was wronged … “

“Really? Do you want me for treatment?”

“Mom didn’t know you were being wronged …”

“But what should I do?” Mu Rulan was distressed. “Mother is one of those who turned me into such a person. Is she starting to dislike me now? Mom?”

Ke Wanqing understood the meaning of Mu Rulan’s words for a moment, wondering, and reacted after two seconds. She stared stunned, and looked stiffly at the girl facing her back, “Lan … Lan Lan … what do you mean? ? “

“What do you mean?” Mu Rulan turned slowly, and Ke Wanqing saw Mu Rulan holding a scalpel and a nail in her hand. She moved her eyes rigidly and landed on Mu Rulan’s face. She Seeing Mu Rulan smile and look at her softly, but in the ordinary days, those people feel like hiding a little sun-like eyes, but I do not know why she made her cold hair stand upright, and was frightened. Mu Rulan approached her and smiled and said, “What do you mean? It means … I am really abnormal. Mom, as a punishment for abandoning me twice, obediently, let me make you a doll ~ I Ah, I haven’t been a puppet for a long time. “


The sun was shining, and Mu Rulan walked out of the villa in a happy mood. While walking slowly, he dialed a phone number. “Hey, Brother Liu, I have another puppet here, help me handle it.”

Liu Hanzhi responded quickly and looked back at the dolls hanging in the closet. On the day of New Year’s Eve, he was almost snatched by someone sent by Bai Suqing. Fortunately, he knew that this thing could not be seen, and he did it. Prepare with a few hands, otherwise it will be bad.

He found that the longer he followed Mu Rulan, his three views became more and more crooked, but he also felt more and more that Mu Rulan had a charm that made him feel like he was going to die forever. Alas, it seems that he must continue to give She rubbed her ass.

Time flies. If Baiju crosses the gap and blinks, three years have passed.

In three years, Mu Rulan changed from a college student to a graduate student. When the five-year period signed by Mo Qianren was about to expire, he probably knew that the possibility of Mo Qianren’s leaving was not high, but he was unwilling to do so. Let Mo Qianren leave such a genius, so they did not wait for the five-year period to send someone to talk to him about the next related matters. Mo Qianren can leave the Cohen mental hospital, but is still a special staff member of the fbi, It ’s just that they are no longer subordinates, but a cooperative relationship. When they need his help and he is willing, he will shoot. At other times, they do not have any right to control his personal freedom and force him to do anything. Protect and monitor him and his family in any sense without his need and knowledge …

In short, the Mo Qian people are finally not so busy anymore, but before leaving, the Mo Qian people did something to make up for the injured heart of Cohen ’s staff, such as … inviting them to a wedding or something, The staff at the Cohen psychiatric hospital had to be replaced by defensive soldiers that day.

After Ke Changhuang gritted his teeth and stayed there for three years, he finally had to relax for his child who wanted to hold Mu Rulan alive, and finally promised Mu Rulan to marry Mo Qianren.

The location is on the beaches of Hawaii, from China, from the United States, as well as from Britain, Russia … a large number of guests, it is really right to choose this kind of place.

Noisy on the beach, Tai Shi Niangzi and Li Shen, a pair of green bamboo bamboo horses, will always be in trouble as long as they are together. At this moment, Li Shen is picking on the bikini that Tai Shi is wearing, and Tai Shi is picking on the triangle swimming trunks she is wearing.

“Don’t wear such exposed clothes if you are in bad shape. You look at the meat on your waist, you look at your little buns …”

“The swimming trunks are so tight, are you showing off your little brother’s silhouette? Well, it’s really small enough … Ah!”

Duan Yao, Li Mo, Shu Min, Huo Yezhou and other relatively quiet people, wearing sunglasses lying on beach chairs and drinking ice lemon juice, check the time from time to time, when the wedding started.

It ’s amazing that Ivey, who is still buzzing outside, is playing on the beach next door, surrounded by a group of hot bikini beauties, posing like a gentleman, his nose moving quietly, sniffing something that only he smells The obtained taste, the tip of the tongue quietly licked the lower lip from time to time, still knowing that there are many fbi or Cohen staff there, there is still a variety of deadliness.

Soon, the wedding began.

With the sound of music, people making noise, people playing around walking towards the planted shed over there, the priest was already in place, and the white carpet was spread far away.

Everything was quiet, as if the wind had become gentle.

He saw her coming from that end, white and flawless, like a cloud, soft to his heart, and he would sometimes express emotion, this person would live with him for a lifetime.

She saw him waiting at that end, indifferent and cold, and the gentleness was hidden in the depths, and often leaked out, it must have been brewing to the most intoxicating moment, as if the wine was scented, and she couldn’t help it. Smile, no matter where she goes, this person will always wait for her in place.

Everyone held their breath and blessed, or their eyes were wet, or their faces were full of smiles. Among this group of people, some people knew that Mu Rulan was abnormal and some people knew or doubted vaguely, but they all kept a tacit silence because they all knew her , Because they all love her, they are just small and selfish people, they may be able to donate their lives for the country, but they ca n’t push the light of heart away, there is a feeling, bitter and bitter, but people appear for that time A touch of intoxicating sweetness, you can endure it with a smile.

Bless you, dear.

—————————— Off topic ——————————

Regarding whether Lan Lan specifically told Qianren about her rebirth, Heiguo thought that it was best to be so vague, and then regarding the court, it was completely Heiguo. He didn’t go to court to hear and did n’t know what the lawyer was. For the debate, anyway, reading the text is a picture of joy, and the party should not study it, and then wait for the black fruit to rest for two days before renewing, there will be wedding life, Xiaoqian bun, and Duan Yao, Shu Min, Hans, Aiwei, Taishi’s Lady Lishen and Liu Peiyang Duan Yu will have all of them. In short … Do you want to vote for the girls? Let ’s work hard for us, the last month. !! (^ o ^) / ~ Ainai, what is it?

ps: Heiguo will be notified when a new article is opened. Girls look forward to Heiguo’s new masterpiece! It means that Lan Lan and Qian Ren’s position in Nai’s hearts may be seriously threatened! Wait ha ha ha ha ha ha … vote and vote ~

This book was first published, please do not reprint! 2k novel reading network

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