Reincarnation – Naruto

Ch-08 Existential crisis

After killing Zabuza, My clone popped because I would need the chakra. Dealing with Haku was not easy.

But surprisingly Haku fainted. Looks like the shock was too much for him.


Haku POV

I was not too fond of the Blood Mist. When they killed off the Yuki clan, I was the only survivor. My own father tried to kill me. At the time when I was injured, I met an elderly couple who helped me recover.

I was for a brief period, happy. But that all came crashing down when Zabuza found me. He threatened me with the lives of the couple and took me to the land of fire.

There we met a clocked figure and he gave a scroll to Zabuza which I later came to know was a cursed tongue eradication seal. It was a payment for capturing some of the kekkei genkai users.

From that day I was marked I was used as a tool to help Zabuza. I could not even kill him or escape. That is until today.

Today I was instructed to intervene if anything goes wrong. When I saw Zabuza defeated, I acted as Anbu of the Kiri and pierced Zabuza with my senbons to make him appear dead.

But before I could say anything, I saw a boy with blond hair emerge from the ground and slit Zabuza’s throat. He then said something that made no sense to me.

“Always double-tap your enemy.”

I cannot believe what’s happening in front of me. This trick had worked several times in the past. People usually don’t question Anbu. But this boy confirmed my kill. I think I am in love.

After that, I confirmed that the seal was lifted. I was so relieved that I fainted.


Since Kakashi was incapacitated, I offered to carry Haku. Since he was already unconscious, I carried him on my back. As soon as I picked him up, I felt two soft mounds on my back.

I was feeling very complicated right now. I had assumed that she was a boy. Now I feel like I am in an AU. I quickly put her down.

“Sakura-chan, you will have to carry her. She is a girl.”

Everyone was looking at me like I was a scum. I had offered to carry her too quickly. Everyone had seen her after removing her mask and assumed she was a girl.

There was nothing I could say now that could exonerate me. I had never considered that anything would be different. Why would I?

Anything different was due to my intervention. Now it looks like my reward is not as simple as I imagined.

When the ROB offered to reincarnate me I thought that all he was doing was replacing a character with me. And why would I think otherwise?

For me, this was just a world based on fiction. Why would anyone change anything? But now it seems that the world is suited for scum like me. 

I mean the way every girl is ready to throw themselves at me is unreal. I am good but not that good. I have also noticed that all the girls have a bit of a submissive streak in them. It seems that this world is made for a scum like me.

Now I am worried. Am I even real? Is all this an illusion? I feel like I am having an existential crisis.

Then I calmed down a bit. I’ve always been a worst-case kind of guy. When you want to survive, the best method is to minimize the damage that the worst case can cause. If you can survive the worst case then there is no real danger.

Then I thought ‘What is the worst that can happen? At worst all of this is not real. So what? Let’s be happy with what I’ve got and stop thinking about everything else.”

When I looked up everyone except for Sasuke was looking at me worried. So I said the lamest thing that I could.

“I seriously thought she was a boy. With the way she carried herself and her way of talking.”

Everyone stopped thinking about it. They knew that if I didn’t want to say anything I would not say it.

After that little episode, we resumed our journey. When we reached Tazuna’s house, we were led into different rooms to rest.  Me, Sasuke, and Kakashi were in one room with Inari and Sakura, and Haku in another room.

It was still afternoon so I decided to clean up some trash. I replaced myself with a shadow clone and left to find Gato.

I knew that I could wait for Gato to show up like he did in the original work, but after the last revelation, I did not want to take any chances. What if he recruited more strong ninjas? What if he fled?

I asked some people lurking around in an alley and they were kind enough to point me towards Gato’s mansion.

As I reached the mansion, I could sense about 70 ninjas. 50 of those were genin, 15 chunin, and 5 jonin. In addition to that, there were about 100 normal thugs.

Although I didn’t want to involve myself in civilian matters, I thought that these people were better off dead.

I started with the genins. They were all resting in a big hall. I used seals to soundproof the hall but even I was not confident that I could kill all the ninjas. Even one jonin is difficult. I have to deal with five.

Right now there were only two jonin in the hall along with ten chunin and thirty genin. I knew that there was no way I could sneak attack a Jonin. Even if I somehow managed to sneak up on them, they would be able to sense the attack.

I went ahead and made all the rooms in the building soundproof. I don’t know when an opportunity might arise.

After waiting for forty-five minutes, I finally saw a jonin leave. He was headed towards the washroom. I knew that I only had one shot at this. So I opted for poison.

I had no poison that could kill a jonin but I had one barely powerful enough to slow down a jonin. That too a weak one. However, I was confident that Gato could not hire a competent Jonin.

Zabuza was an exception. I mean how often do you find a capable wandering jonin looking for work?

As soon as the jonin entered the washroom, I fired needles with the help of shadow clones. He dodged them. All but one. But that was enough.

As we fought his movements slowed down. It was quite difficult to dodge his attacks. Even weak, he was a bonafide jonin. After five minutes, his movements slowed down to chunin level.

By now he knew that something was wrong with him. So, he tried to escape. But I moved quickly and slit his throat from behind.

I then stored his body in a sealing scroll and cleaned the room. I then used transformation jutsu and approached his partner.

“Kiske! How much time are you going to take? I need to make sure that the supplies are in order. That idiot Hashi got a stomach ache.”

I got more Intel than I expected.

“Sorry” I didn’t want to give myself away so I didn’t say much

“Must be the food. Now even you are coming down. Come on let’s get you settled beside Hashi.” I knew that this could be a trap but I had no choice. We arrived at what seemed like a medical room.

“Rest well and inform Hashi when he wakes up that we have an operation tomorrow. I even heard that copy ninja Kakashi Hatake is present. I cannot wait to take his head.” I just nodded.

After I laid down on the bed, I could sense the jonin still keeping an eye on me. It seems he was really suspicious of me. After an hour he left. I waited for another hour. Now it was dark.

I created a shadow clone. Then I killed Hashi without raising any alarm. By now all the genin and chunin had gone to sleep and the other three jonins were petrolling the perimeter.

I then transformed into a random thug and started to interact with a jonin. After some time I went away.

“Tatsu san, did I drop my keys?” I pretended to search for keys and then when he was helping me, I killed him.

Then I started a massacre of the chunin and genin. Since they were asleep, it was very easy.

After killing everyone, I started storing the bodies. While I was storing the bodies, the gate opened. I knew that he was coming towards me. But I knew there was nothing I could do. And there were only two Jonins left.

“What’s going on here?”

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