Reincarnation of a Worthless Man

Vol 5 Chapter 23: Succubi Panties


"Haa… haa… haa… haa…"

The orc prince's body fell to the floor, blood spurting out of the stump that used to be its head. As for the head itself, it rolled away for a bit before stopping, the expression frozen in perpetual fear.

"I knew it… I knew something was wrong… thank the Founder that I learned to sense the shift in magical flow, to the point that I could perceive his presence…"

Felicia's gaze landed on the robe covering the orc prince's body. Is that it? That's the reason I can't sense him, isn't it?

She bent over and picked it up, not bothered in the slightest by the blood drenching the airy fabric.

Certainly, I can sense a flow of mana inside it. It's definitely a magic item. And this texture…. It’s silk. Spider silk to be exact. If I have to guess, it’s made by one of the wives—the arachne one. But this flow… it’s nothing like the ones you’d see in the markets. Hmm, I would have to investigate it further later.

I don't think the effect can work anymore though, with all the blood that has stained it. It’s quite sensitive to impurities, meaning, getting the fabric dirty for even just a little bit will nullify its cognition-altering effect.

Still, I should carry it with me. Maybe with some cleaning, it can still work. Imagine the things I can do with an invisibility robe…

For a flash, her thoughts came to her darling Hugo, and how she could use it to give him 

She sent it away to her Dimensional Storage.

Before she left, she gave one last look towards the orc.

What an idiot, she thought with a look of disgust. You can kill me right away from the start. Yet you didn't. Just to satisfy your foolish lust.

That's why I love Milord. He might be as big of a perv like you, but he knows his priorities.

I can only pray you'll be reborn as a better man in your next life.

…No. I changed my mind. You’re not getting off that easily.

She tapped her staff to the ground, forming a magic circle surrounding the corpse and the decapitated head.

You will be useful for Milord's cause.

With another tap, the corpse and the head disappeared, melting into the shadow under her.

…Necromancy. I don't want to do it if I don't have to but…

The opponent is a Demon Lord. I can't pull back my punches.

He wouldn't mind. This corpse belonged to a filthy person after all. Who cares about what that high elf thinks? Or the world for that matter? All I need is Milord and no one else. I would drown in sin if it's for his sake. He'll still love me nonetheless.




“You… you pervert!”

Aahh, what a wonderful and glorious sight! So many colors and styles, it’s like a rainbow of the divine!

So, to explain why I was now surrounded by a bunch of girls only in their underwear, we had to go back a few minutes ago.

You see, I was just minding my own business, walking through this labyrinth of a place, only using my mana sensing capability as my guide. And to be honest, this place was so brimming with magic that I couldn’t really detect where the others were, or Victoria for that matter. 

When suddenly, as I was walking through this large room, these succubi maids came out of nowhere, ambushing me! Naturally, I had to defend myself from their charms. By stripping them off their clothes before they could do it themselves.

“You guys are succubi, right? Why are you embarrassed showing your bra and panties? Shouldn’t you guys be shameless enough to walk around naked without any problem?” I grinned, looking at them up and down.

“You… you monster! Not only you kidnapped Lady Anya and made her your sex slave, you're now going to violate us as well!" One of the succubi yelled as she covered her chest and crotch with her hand, failing to hide her green panties and bra entirely.

"We might be succubi but we are not like those whores in the city! We're proud servants of the illustrious Lady Rita Naturia! And we're not going to let you touch her!" Another succubi spoke. She wasn't covering herself with her hands like her friend (allowing me to see her yellow underwear clearly). Instead, she just stood there with her succubi claws on full display, ready to pounce at me at a moment's notice.

"And we're not going to give our bodies either! As if we will ever bed a scum like you! We have standards, you know!" Another one spoke, this time wearing a pair of lacy white. "As the leader of the Royal Succubus Guard, our plan is to make you beg for our touch!"

I shook my head. This is why I don't like dom women.

"Sheesh, you do know that all I want is Victoria, right?" I sighed. "Blonde girl, really big boobs, half-fairy. I don't care about your mistress. As for her daughter, I gave her to Orluk, the guy she betrayed. I thought it a fitting punishment. After all, she did make him a slave once. After breaking his heart at that." I gave them a grim smile. "That girl is a spoiled, sadistic brat. He and his wife will teach her a good life lesson. And who knows? One day, they might just set her free."

"S-silence!" Miss White Panties shouted. "I, the right hand woman of Lady Rita, will not tolerate your slanderous tongue!"

And then, they attacked again.

Just when I thought I'd spare their last shred of dignity.

"Fell Wind! Panty and Bra-Stealing Breeze!"

I didn't even need to move.

A burst of wind exploded around me, sending the succubi flying before their claws could reach me.

And of course, in the process, the wind stole all their undergarments as well.

I reached to the air in front of me with my left hand. And just as I expected, a pile of panties and bra soon landed on it, sent flying in one by one by the perverted wind that I had created.

Heh, this is all thanks to the training Myrilla gave me. I can now fine tune my wind to the point that it can probably do this to an entire city's worth of girls with a single spell.

…Not that I'm ever going to do that, mind you. Sherry will kill me if I ever do.

When the spell ended, all the succubi were back on the floor with their legs wide open. This time around I increased the strength of the wind, actually making sure to knock them out after stealing their undergarments.

Really, these guys are seriously weak. So much for a supposed elite guard.

I gave a good look at their exposed privates. Some had them bald. Others had some hair on them, neatly shaven of course.

Hmm, what a delightful view⁓  It’s interesting how varied a girl’s privates can look. 

Tearing my sight away from the heavenly sight, I then declared, "If you guys attack me again, it'd be your life next, alright?" I chuckled. "Oh, and as punishment, I'm taking your bras and panties." With a small poof, the pile of undergarments I had on my hand disappeared into my oh-so-convenient magical storage.

"Y-you… human… Why are you so strong?"

"I dunno." I smiled at the succubus leader. "Maybe you guys are just weak."

"Nonsense! We're strong enough to contend with S-rank adventurers! Even if you’re stronger than them, you shouldn’t be that much stronger! And why aren’t you affected with our pheromones as well? You should be kneeling in front of us, begging for us to relieve your sexual desire!”

“Well, that…” I smiled. “That’s because I had an orgy with my two wives yesterday.”

“W-what? An orgy?! W-wait! Don’t go! We’re not finished with you yet!”

And just like that, I left the room behind, back to the many straight hallways I had been on.

I was lying of course. The only reason why I wasn’t affected by their pheromones, or their charms in general, was because of a drug I had taken beforehand before I entered the room.

Oh yes, I saw the ambush coming. I could see their mana from behind the door. And I immediately determined that they were succubi, a mortal enemy for any perverted, high-libido male like me.

As such, I promptly drank the potion Felicia had prepared beforehand before entering the room.


“Milord, this is a potion that will kill your libido immediately. It’ll last for five minutes, in which that you must use to dispose of the succubus that you are facing.”

“Eh? Do I really need that?” I scratched my head.

“Yes!” Felicia scolded. “Yes you do! Just take it! It wasn’t easy making that potion, you know! I had to make sure it won’t harm your libido permanently!”

“You don’t trust me in being faithful to you and Sherry?” I smiled at her.

“No! I know how perverted you are! And the succubus can take advantage of that! They can amplify the natural lust that humans have tenfold, you know!”

“Alright, alright, I’ll take it. You’ve worked so hard on it after all.”


The way a succubus can tempt you with their body isn’t just by flirting or wearing skimpy clothing. The body of a succubus emits a feminine pheromone that will increase the lust of any males that happen to be around them. And a succubus can train that pheromone, increasing their potency by a lot.

And that room where I was in—it was pumped full of that pheromone. If I had stepped in without Felicia’s potion…

A few steps away from the room, the potion’s effect ran out.

And immediately, the lingering effect of the pheromone activated.

A tent formed in my pants, my member springing into its full size in an instant.

Lewd thoughts of the succubi I just humiliated rained down like a torrent, enough to make me stop and catch my breath.

D-damn… this really is bad… Without Felicia's potion, I'd go crazy for sure.

Sighing, there was only one thing I could do to calm myself down.

Just a quick rub should do the trick.

I put a distance between me and the succubi I left behind. Entering the nearest room, I quickly erected a wind barrier around myself and the door.

And then, I began rubbing myself.

Yes, you heard that right. In the middle of an enemy fortress, I was rubbing one out.

It wasn't just because I was horny. No, this was the way you were supposed to deal with succubi. Post nut clarity. It's a bad idea to go in contact with a succubus when you're turned on. And so, to ensure my mental defense was at maximum, I had to satisfy my libido right then and there.

And to do it quickly, I needed some help.

Panties. I used the succubi panties I just stole, rubbing them back and forth with my member.

Felicia would understand. Sherry probably wouldn't though.

It didn't take long for me to climax. The panties were warm and soft, and no doubt tainted by the same pheromone that drove me crazy in the first place.

Once I finished, I left the soiled panties behind. No need to bring around such dangerous items with me after all.





"H-how? How is she this strong?!"

"She's not even using her sword!"

"I said get out of my way, you worthless small fries!"

One by one, Sherry took out the royal knights that were blocking her path. Without using her sword or her hair. She just punched through their mithril armor like it was made out of paper. Not only that, she would grab their halberds and maces with her bare hands before crushing it with ease.

"A-an Izurd… truly, a demon amongst demons!"

There were about fifty of them, clad in golden armor from top to bottom. They introduced themselves as the royal knights of Aisha Bethel Naturia and that they would take her down before she could reach their mistress. Each was as strong as your average S-rank adventurer.

Unfortunately for them, Sherry’s strength was far closer to that of a Demon Lord than a mere adventurer.

She ended the final knight by punching his helmet so hard that it decapitated him as well.

His body fell to the ground, his neck stump firing blood all over her body.

“Tch.” She kicked the now headless body away. “You’re lucky we Izurds don’t care about a little blood.” (And Hugo didn’t care as well, which made it fine in her book.)

Reaching the end of the hallway they had ambushed her in, she kicked open the double door, revealing a large white room behind it.

Giving the place a quick look-around, she realized that she was in a room that was eerily similar to the colosseum she fought in a few days ago. The difference being, there was a ceiling, the ground was made out of stone floor instead of dirt, and that there were no spectators whatsoever on the tribunes.

That, and the one-eyed lamia sitting on her own tail in the middle of it.

“You! You’re Aisha?” Sherry shouted as she entered the room.

“Yes,” the lamia replied. “My name is Aisha Bethel Naturia, the first wife of the Wisdom Demon Lord.”

Now that she got a better look at her, Sherry couldn’t help but feel a little disturbed by her appearance.

After all, she only had one single, giant, yellow eye that covered most of her face.

She had seen here before of course, back at her meeting with the big bad Demon Lord. But not face-to-face like this.

Since when a lamia can look like that? She thought to herself. Maybe a special species or something?

“Your husband—he was the one who teleported us here, wasn’t he?” Sherry asked, stopping about ten feet from where the lamia was.

“That is correct, yes. This is his plan from the start—to bring all of you here so you wouldn’t disturb the fighting down outside.”

“Hmph. Then he’s an idiot. He should’ve teleported us all to a room that will kill us instantly.”

Sherry could easily imagine it. A gas chamber, a room completely filled with water to the brim, a room with walls that would crush them into paste…

“And pray, what kind of room would that be? We’re under no delusion that drowning or poisoning you all would be useful. Perhaps to your weaker member, but to monsters like you and your human mate, it would be completely ineffective.”

“And besides, we're not capable of doing such a thing. The teleportation spell we used couldn't be that precise. That's why you and your friends are scattered inside this flying fortress."

"I see…" Sherry replied, a frown decorating her face. "Then, I'll just use this opportunity to take you all out one by one."

She unsheathed her blade, pointing the edge towards her.

"Final chance. Tell me where Hugo and the others are. And that Victoria girl as well."

"How should I know?" The lamia replied. "I have been here all this time, waiting for you. I wish to test my strength against you, Izurd."

"Really now? Your royal knights are a disappointment. I don't see how you wouldn't be as well."

The lamia smiled. "Try me. You will not be disappointed."

She proceeded to summon a giant axe out of thin air. Holding the long gripping stick in both hands, she swung it sideways towards the Izurd.


Sherry blocked the aura wave with her sword. But in the process, her feet slid backwards, just from the sheer power the attack transferred into her body.

The lamia wasn't finished, however. She jumped upwards, using her tail like a spring, before bringing down the axe right on top of Sherry's head.


Sherry yelled, bringing her steel into contact with the axe.

Immediately she felt the massive weight the axe possessed. It was as if an entire mountain was dropped on top of her head. 

The floor cracked from the impact before exploding entirely, creating a huge crater.

And yet, Sherry still stood, staring at the lamia's eye with a defiant look on her face.

"Is that it? Is that all you got?!"

"Not exactly."

Sherry's eyes widened.

For in a split second, she felt another presence right behind her.

Her hair shot out towards the presence.

Narrowly catching the scythe that would've decapitated her head right off.

What?! Why did I fail to notice her?!

She looked at the figure.

It was an arachne, with pure silver hair, grinning at her.

"Hello, little one. We meet again."

Before she could reply, she felt yet another presence, now to her right.

She couldn't react in time.

The warhammer slammed right into her skull, sending her flying right at the wall across the room.

If she hadn't been an Izurd, that would've killed her.

But now, she just had to bear a heavy concussion as her brain bled inside her shattered skull, robbing her of the ability to think and react to her surroundings. 

Which led to the beam fired at her by another hidden person landing at her body without resistance.

The Arachne. The Orc. The Dullahan.

All three of them had been there from the start, hidden under the cloak the Arachne had sewn that hid their presence.

They were just waiting to ambush her.

After all, an Izurd is a demon amongst demons. They were not taking any chances with her. 

Even if their husband preferred them to take her alive.

"Ha! Take that, you stupid Izurd!" The Dullahan declared with a triumphant smile.

Taking off her cloak, she then walked to where Sherry was. The Izurd was now sitting inside another crater, this time at the wall of the colosseum-like room. Her eyes were closed and blood was dripping out of her nose and mouth. Her clothes were in tatters, showing off the burned, charred skin from the beam she received head-on.

"Is she dead?" The orcess asked, resting the head of her warhammer on the floor. She too had taken off her cloak as she needed to do so to communicate with the dullahan. "Make sure she's dead." She gave Sherry's unmoving body a suspicious look.

"Don't worry!" The dullahan flashed a smile towards the orcess. "Look! The girl wets herself! She's definitely dead!"

"Aah, what a waste." The arachne, who also had taken off her cloak, shook her head. "I was expecting more from an Izurd. Oh well. I'll just harvest her hair and then incorporate its properties into my web."

"Hey, Esana. Don't get too close to her. Just fire off that beam of yours from a distance if you're not sure." The orcess warned with a concerned look. “Or if you have to get close, then wear your cloak again.”

"Oh, don't be such a worrywart! Look! She's completely—"

She never got to finish her sentence.

Sherry had swung her sword, cutting her perfectly in two, from her legs all the way to her head.

She had walked right into her trap.

"W-why?" She rolled her eyes towards her. "How are you still—"

"Selfishly declaring people to be dead." Sherry stared back at her with a disgusted look. "You don’t even realize I’m still gripping my sword. What an idiot."

“Not… fair… I was supposed to be… the strongest… warrior…”

The dullahan fell, her blood spurting all over Sherry in the process.

“One down. Three to go.”

She looked across the room, towards the aghast orcess, the amused arachne, and the expressionless lamia.

“So, who wants to fall by my blade next?”

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