Reincarnation of a Worthless Man

Vol 5 Chapter 24: Theo’s Trial


"Uhh, can I go now? Please? I need to— I need to use the toilet!"

The horned girl giggled, covering her mouth with her hand. “Come now. Do you really believe such an obvious, white-faced lie would work on me? I may look young but I am not naive.”

The boy was now stuck, forced into being an unwilling guest of a tea party with the enemy.

He tried to run but she only caught up to him. If he had to guess, it was her who made the corridors and hallways so confusing that he kept getting lost. And he wasn't sure it was a good idea to draw his sword and fight. Even though he had gotten a lot stronger over the years, he was still nowhere near the level of his master.

"Drink. It's my special blend. You won't regret it."

He looked at the cup in front of him. Even if the color hadn't been bright blue, he would still hesitate to drink something that the enemy was offering.

"It's Hieta Bloom tea. It's a really rare flower, you know. But the taste is simply exquisite if you use its leaves to brew your tea."

"I-I'm sorry but I can't be here!" He pushed the cup away. "I have to rescue Miss Victoria!"

"That girl? Why do you want to rescue her?"

"Because she's Master Hugo's friend!"

The horned girl took a sip of her tea, her smile full of amusement.

"How shallow."


"Your reason for fighting. Just to help your master? You know he doesn't need your help, right? He's much stronger than you after all~" Her smile turned into a smirk.


He couldn't respond.

She was completely right.

No matter how hard he trained, he just couldn't keep up with him and his wives. They were akin to the stars in the sky, always so far away no matter how high he climbed. The only reason he could tag along with them was because of their kindness. Nothing more. Miss Sherry had grown to be a powerful swordswoman whose strength rivaled those heroes in those bardic tales. Miss Felicia was a genius alchemist and a powerful shadow mage. Miss Myrilla could read minds and she was a powerful wind mage in her own right. Compared to them…

He was nothing.

The horned girl giggled. “Don’t tell me you’ve only noticed it now?”

“I…” He looked down, averting his gaze from hers.

“Ahh, you’re a lucky one.” She stood up, her wooden chair creaking on the floor when she pushed it back. “Unlike the others, I have no desire to kill you. Even though you won’t be of any worth at all to my dear brother.”

She walked up to him, reaching forward with a smile, lifting up his chin with her hand.

“You’re cute. How old are you, boy?”

“H-huh? I’m… I’m thirteen…” He stuttered with a blush.

“Thirteen? So young…”

“H-hey, you’re young, too!”

“Me?” She giggled, patting her chest. “I’m a millenia old, silly!”

“A-a millenia?!”

The demon girl walked away, turning her back towards him.

“I was there when the great and mighty Arthur still walked the land. We were there. Me and my dear brother.”

She turned around, her smile turning as bitter as ash.

“We were there when he and his little entourage killed all of our kind.”


One thousand years ago, on a certain night…



"Mercy! Have mer— aahhhh!"

Hellmyla, the home of the Naturia demon race.

Was being erased from existence in a single night.

Screams filled the air as light of destruction rained down over the once grand city. Eerily, unlike what you would expect from a city that was under attack, there were no buildings or houses on fire.

For the spell turned everything it touched into nothingness, leaving not even ashes behind.

"Somebody, somebody stop her!"

"Lord Tigon! Where is Lord Tigon?!"

Lord Tigon Bethel Naturia. The ruler of the Naturia race.

And one of the generals of the old Demon God.

He was there that night, in his castle at the center of the city. A barrier protected the place, resulting in the attacks being aimed towards the city instead.

He would've come out sooner, if not for the fact that he had the Legendary Hero and his entourage captive.

What he did was a genius plan, all things considered. He had spies tailing the Hero party day and night, allowing him to know where they were and where they were going at all times.

And then, he learned of a golden opportunity to strike.

Mira, the Witch—she had separated herself from the group.

The fool was lured away by the rumor of a powerful tome, to the point that she separated herself from her companions.

As a result, he and his knights could ambush and kidnap her before using her as bait for the rest of her party.

And that led to his moment of triumph. Finally! He could prove himself to the Demon God!

He couldn't kill them, however. The Demon God told him not to. Instead, he was supposed to keep them safe until the Demon God could come and fetch them himself.

He, of course, would not disobey his order, even if he thought it to be a questionable one.

But now, he realized he had made a mistake.

He didn't get all of them. There was another. She just hadn't been traveling with them.

And now, she was demanding for their release. By destroying his city with magic.

He had no choice. He had to leave the guarding of the Hero to his subordinates and face the high elf himself.


"Father. You're going to fight her, aren't you?"

On his way to the outside, he was stopped by his two children, Balthazar and Gretchel. The older brother had his arm wrapped around the younger sister’s shoulder as the latter’s head rested on his own. They were expressionless—a trait that was shared by the Naturia race, possessing a muted range of emotions.

“Let me help. I must protect the city, like you told me to.” The brother continued, his eyes locked into his father’s.

In a lot of ways, Tigon and Balthazar were alike. They both had the same black horns, the same silver hair, and the same crimson eyes. And of course, they shared the same talent in magic.

"No. You're too weak to help. Stay here and protect your sister."

The boy nodded. His father's logic was right. If he was too weak to fight, then it'd be better if he didn't. He wouldn't want to be a liability after all.

"If you desire so, Father."

And that… was the last time they saw each other.


Theo gulped. "W-what happened next?" He asked her, a bead of sweat rolling down his face. Without him realizing, her storytelling had engrossed her completely.

“What happened?” The horned girl chuckled. “What do you think happened?”

“T-The… The Heroes… destroyed your whole kingdom?”

"Yes they did!" She clapped her hands. "And not only that, they slaughtered every single member of our race as well!" Her eyes glimmered, her smile sending a bone-chilling sensation into his body.

"S-so," He gulped again. "So why are you here then? You and your brother?"

The horned girl's smile remained as her eyes traversed upwards towards the ceiling.

"They spared us. For some dumb, nonsensical, idiotic reason, they spared us." She let out a dry laugh.


"Unbelievable… to think there are still survivors…"

The Hero and his party stood amidst the rubble of the once glorious city that they had just destroyed.

There was no victory fanfare—no smiles on their faces.

There were only frowns.

It was a pyrrhic victory. For one of their comrades had suffered greatly by the hands of the Naturia.

Mira, the yet-to-be archmage. She was now resting on top of Ilymhrra's lap.

Just a few moments ago, the girl was dead.

For the Naturia Demon Lord had ripped her heart off her chest before he made his way to the battlefield, consuming it to enhance his own power.

Even then, he lost. He didn't know that Ilymhrra was a lot stronger than she looked, even though she wasn't chosen by Fate to fight against the Demon God.

He underestimated her completely and thoroughly. If he had known, he might have eaten the heart of the priestess as well.

And when the high elf found her lifeless body in the dungeons…

The fate of the city was sealed.

The Butcher of Hellmyla. That was how she earned that title amongst the demons.

It was only thanks to her capability to rewind time that she was saved.

The high elf, noticing the two kids walking out of the rubble, looked up towards them.

A boy and a girl. The boy was on the front, protecting the girl with an emotionless expression.

"Arthur." She spoke, glancing at the black-haired young man. "It's up to you. Spare or kill them. I do not care."

The blonde girl, the one who first took notice of them, shook her head.

"Spare them, Arthur. No need for further slaughter tonight."

Milicis, the Grand Priestess, chose mercy.

Arthur gave a short glance at her before looking back at the two children.

He walked up, his cape swishing as he did, his boots echoing at the dirt and gravel he stepped on.

Stopping just in front of them.

He too had an expressionless look drawn on his face. As such, when he drew his blade, they didn't know whether he would use it to cut off their heads or not.

The boy readied himself. He would cast his strongest, and quickest spell the moment he attacked.

Only, it never came.

He stabbed his sword on the ground before he gave them both a pair of headpats with his two hands.


"He didn't say anything afterwards." The horned girl smirked, her chin now resting on top of her hand. "He and his friends just left. Can you imagine it?"

Theo didn't know what to say. To be honest, the whole thing was going over his head.

"W-why are you telling me this exactly? I'm not going to join your side ever!"

The horned girl laughed. "Oh dear, you misunderstood terribly. You’re here simply to entertain me, that’s all. You have no idea how lonely it can get around here…”

“W-well, then I hope you’re satisfied because I’m going now!” Theo stood up from his chair. “I have to come to Master Hugo’s aid!”

“Didn’t I tell you before that he doesn’t need your aid?” She rolled her eyes with a sigh. “You’re a burden. Simple as that. It’s also why I haven’t killed you by the way. You just don’t have the capability to kill me. Or even injure me in any significant matter.”

Once again, she dealt a blow to Theo’s pride. He could only grit his teeth as his hand quickly moved to the handle of his sword. Should he do it? Should he prove to her that she was wrong?

“Go on. Pull it. If you do, I’ll put you down like the puppy that you are.”

P-puppy? I’m not a puppy! I’m a proud adventurer!

Once again, fear seized his heart.

This girl… she was strong. He could sense it just by looking at her.

Or maybe that was just his cowardice talking.


His hand shook.

He couldn’t do it. He couldn’t unsheathe his blade and land the first strike.

“Sit down. I still have more stories to tell you. You’re a thousand years too young to be challenging me.”

She has no weapon! And her guard is completely open! I can do this! I can do this I can do this I can do this!

It wasn’t working.

He could not do it.

“...Urgh." She groaned. "You know what? You're boring me. Forget about the story. I'll have you entertain me in a new, better way instead."

She snapped her fingers.

The room immediately began to shake and shift, nearly causing Theo to fall to his bum.

"W-what? An earthquake? No, this is… the room's moving!"

Before he could say anything else, a hole suddenly slid open on the ceiling.

Sending Tama and Tira falling down into the room.

And they didn’t land on their feet.

Instead, they collapsed to the ground. And they remained there, unmoving.

"Tama! Mother!"

Before he could run to their side, a firm pair of hands stopped him from behind.

He looked behind him and, to his horror, a tall, domineering ogre had grabbed him in place.

"Well done, Akato." The horned girl spoke. "I assume they were no problem for you in the slightest?"

"None. They are no match against my shadow technique, Milady," the ogre replied.

The ogre's skin was blue, contrasting greatly to all the red ogres he had seen these past few days. He wore a black gi that exposed a generous amount of his chest, followed by a veil that covered his face.

In short, he was nothing like those friendly ogres for sure.

“What did you do to them?!” He yelled to the ogre.

“Relax, boy.” The horned girl smiled triumphantly. “I simply told Akato to knock them all out and bring them here. I didn’t tell him to kill them or anything.”

“After all, I want to be the one to do so.”

She summoned a scythe out of thin air before slowly, methodically walking towards the two unconscious girls.

Naturally, Theo didn’t take this well in the slightest.

“No! I won’t… let you!”

Unfortunately, his arms were held in place by the ogre’s much beefier arms. He tried to kick him with his feet, only to find out that no matter how hard he did it, the only one he hurt was himself.

This is it. This is the moment.

The moment his master Sherry spoke of in their training.


"I… I can't! I can't do it, Master! It's impossible for me! You might be able to do it but I'm nothing like you!"

That morning, Theo was training with Sherry and Hugo. After the latter two finished with their training, with Hugo heading off to do his own training with his summons, Sherry stayed behind to give Theo an extra lesson.

And what a lesson it was, for he was told to cut through a rock the size of a house, with only his dinky little sword.

"Haa! Haa! Haa!"

It didn't matter how hard he swung. He couldn't cut through a rock that big with just a single swing!

And now, he's sitting on the dirt, panting. He had exhausted every stamina he had.

Sherry, however, disagreed.

"That's it? You're going to just give up? Hmph, pathetic. If it were Hugo, he'd still be going, you know."

Sherry stood in front of him with her hands on her hips. Her hair was blowing on the wind.

She then put one hand on the boulder, still locking her gaze towards him.

"This rock… imagine it to be your enemy."

"M-my enemy?" He looked up at her.

"Yes. The big bad monster that is standing in your way."

He blinked. He didn't understand what she was saying.

Sighing, Sherry shook her head. "Scratch that. Imagine it to be a vile mugger instead."

"A mugger?" He raised his eyebrows.

"Yes. A mugger. A big bad scary mugger threatening to mug you on the road. And not just that. He's mugging your girlfriend and your mother as well. What would you do then?"

"What would I do? I'd fight him, of course!"

"Really now? But what if he's too strong for you? What if with a single blow he knocks you three down?"

"W-well, then I suppose I'd just have to give him what he wants… or we can run away! Throw some dirt on his face to distract him and then—"

"Naive!" Sherry pointed her finger at him. "There's no escaping an opponent that's far stronger than you! And if you think he'd be satisfied with just your coins, think again! You three will be sold as slaves! After he has his way with all three of you! Yes, that includes you too as well!"

Theo flinched. "T-then, what I am supposed to—"

"Stand your ground and fight! Fight until you puke every blood and break every bone in your body! That is how a real warrior fights! Especially when protecting someone dear to you! I will die for Hugo and I expect you to do the same for them two!"

He fell silent.

Fighting… until he dies? But even if he does, he'd still be weaker than the enemy! He still won't be able to win!

"Now, stand up! And give this rock another swing! Swing your sword like Tira and Tama's lives depend on it!"


That's right! I have to do it now! I have to give it all I got!

He took a deep breath.

And did what Sherry had trained him to do.

"Do not think! Just swing your sword with all the rage and determination in your heart!"

"Even if they took your sword, you still have your hands and feet to fight!"

Hands and feet…

His hands were tied…

But his feet…


He stepped on the ogre's feet as hard as he could.


The force was enough to crack his bones, thanks to Theo augmenting his feet with aura.

He didn't do it intentionally. He simply followed Sherry's teachings.

He gave it all he got. Just like how he slashed that boulder into two.

The ogre's grip loosening, he quickly freed himself. He ran forward, unsheathed his sword, and swung as hard as he could at the horned girl.


She blocked his swing with the outer side of her scythe.

Only for the edge of his blade to cut straight through her conjured steel.

She quickly stepped back, away from his blade.

But it was just a breath too late.


She fell backwards, blood spurting out from the front of her body. Her black dress was torn in the middle, revealing her braless flat chest to the world.

She was lucky the cut was shallow, or else she could've lost her life right then and there!

Just as she was preparing her shadow spell for a counter, however…

He… he stopped?!

Unfortunately for him, with that one slash, Theo had exhausted his entire strength.

And that led to him falling down as well. Right on top of her in fact, with his face landing between her legs, under her dress.

She was too aghast to even care that he was looking up her skirt. Never before had she felt this much confusion in her entire life.

"Lady Gretchel!" The blue ogre quickly came to her side.  "Are you alright?! Those wounds… we have to heal you right away!"

"N-no need…" she replied, looking at him. "The slash wasn't deep in the slightest… i managed to dodge it at the last second…"

Her heart was beating rapidly. Is this… is this how it feels to nearly die?

A smile formed on the horned girl's face.

…I see it now. I see why Brother wishes to be the Demon God.

This… excitement… exhilaration… all the emotions we Naturia can not comprehend in our daily lives… compressed into one single decisive moment…

She stood up, her gaze locked on Theo.

…kill you… I’m going to kill you, just so I can make your master angry.

I’m sorry, little one. But you no longer interest me anymore.

Once again, using her shadow magic, she manifested her scythe into existence.

Before bringing it down to his neck.

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