Reincarnation of a Worthless Man

Vol 5 Chapter 36: The Wretched Woman

It didn't take long until I found both of them. Sherry was training in the courtyard while Felicia was in the library, reading her books. The servants of the mansion who used to serve the city's mayor readily informed us of their location. Their minds had been screened by Myrilla so we could assure that none of them had any plans to assassinate us in our sleep, just like those demons wanted.

Once I returned with them, Felicia was the first to talk.

"So? What's this all about? You two have such a grim look on your faces. Did I miss some bad news or something?" Felicia asked with a teasing smile, folding her arms under her chest.

Sherry, on the other hand, didn't say anything. She simply glared at me and Myrilla, going back and forth every few seconds, with one hand resting on her hip.

"Well, we have something we want to talk about to you guys." I began the conversation. "Now, please don't be surprised. We have a perfectly good explanation for—"

"I deeply apologize! I had sexual intercourse with your husband back at the flying fortress!"

Without even waiting for me to finish, Myrilla supplicated in front of them two.

"It was my fault! I was the one who forced him to do it! He didn't want to cheat on you both so please don't doubt his faithfulness! If you want me to leave, then I'll do so! Just don't blame him for this!"

My mouth fell open.

She normally was always such a calm and composed woman. For her to lower her head to the floor and yell out apologies like this, it really took me off guard.

And then, I felt something grabbing the cuffs of my robes.

It was Sherry's hair.

She yanked me down, pulling my face close to hers.


"Y-yeah, I did. But it wasn't—"


Her fist landed on my face, sending me crashing up to the ceiling before gravity claimed me, making me hit the floor right at the bridge of my nose.

Luckily, I already anticipated it. I already had my aura protecting my entire body. Knowing Sherry's temper, she'd totally punch me in the face like that.

Still, it hurts… And my nose is bleeding…

Felicia, on the other hand, reacted much more calmly. She walked up to Myrilla and told her to raise her head.

"Tell me." Her voice was cold. "What happened?"

"I see… So that's how it was…"

We now sat side by side on the floor, with Sherry and Felicia standing ominously in front of us.

"The fairy made you hallucinate… and she made you lose your inhibitions as well…" Felicia continued, still with her cold, chilling tone. "And so, you forced yourself on Milord…"

"Hugo!" Sherry raised her voice, glaring murderously at my direction with her arms folded under her chest. "You're stronger than her! You should've been able to escape!"

"Well, the reason why I didn't was because…"

I stopped myself.

My mind flashed to the event. The reason why I didn't just push her away was mainly because of one thing.

I didn't want to hurt her.

It was the first time I saw her in such a vulnerable state. I didn't have the heart to just push her away.

And then, before I knew it, she already entered her hole into my raging member.

I can't say it to Sherry. I don't want her to get even more embarrassed than she already is. I can't say that she moaned Alan's name over and over, begging for him to stay as she went up and down my length.

"...I was simply too turned on to resist." I gave a sheepish smile towards Sherry. "She ambushed me, you know. Kissed me right away, pinned me to the ground, and then undressed my pants in a flash. And since she was already naked…"

I never got to finish my sentence.

For Sherry kicked me in the face so hard it knocked me out in an instant.


"Sherry! What have you—"


Before I could say a word, she already slammed the door behind her, so hard I thought she would bring the whole place down with her.

I quickly rushed to Milord's side, giving him the healing potion I had stored in my coat. Afterwards, I lifted him up and placed him on top of the bed.

I clicked my tongue. That girl… she still can't control her temper…

I sat down on the bed, brushing his hair off his face. Gently, I wiped the blood off his nose using my coat's sleeve.

And I couldn't too… I didn't bother treating his nose earlier because I was so angry at him… Really, sleeping with Myrilla… while he already has me and Sherry…

Still, the injuries he suffered aren't severe… Sherry clearly is still holding back her strength… He'll recover soon…

But for now, I have to have a good chat with this idiot woman.

"Stand up. Sit here, beside me." I patted the empty space beside me.

With a guilty look, she raised her head. She gingerly stood up and took her place on the bed.

"Now, tell me, with full and unadulterated honesty, what are your feelings for Milord?"

Looking down on her lap, she answered, "I… I don't feel anything… It's his father that I love…"

"Lies. You think I'm that naive not to see how you interact with him?"

She fell silent. Gripping the fabric of her robe, she answered, "I have to admit—he does resemble his father a lot… in my ways… And for him to be the one to take my… my virginity… I'm… I'm happy…"

And then, tears started to drop down her eyes, the droplets dampening her robes.

"I'm a foolish woman. I mire in my own loneliness, thinking I don't need any man by my side."

"And yet, it's all a lie. That fairy—she exposed the desire of my own heart—the desire I've buried all these years, ever since Alan chose Renee over me… And then, she amplified that desire, and that made me…. that made me desire to have intercourse with him… I wanted him to make me his woman, thinking it would finally plug the hole I had made in my own heart…"

"And yet… and yet…" She clenched her hands. "That's not love… I don't love him… I only see him as his father's son, not as his own person… That's why…" She looked in my direction. "That's why you and Sherry need not worry… for I'll never make a move on him…"

I sighed. This was exactly what I feared.

Lord Hugo may be a big pervert but he's frighteningly good with women. It's only a matter of time until Myrilla desires to be him to fill her loneliness.

"Yes. That is for the best. I won't allow Lord Hugo to fall to the hands of someone who doesn't fully love him."

She remained silent. Glancing at her expression, I noticed a slight expression of disappointment.

"One more thing. Did he finish inside of you?"

"I… I don't remember… But I think not… It didn't feel all sticky down there when I woke up…"

Oh, thank the Founder! If she had a baby with him, that would complicate things immensely.

He simply popped her cherry, nothing more. He didn't even make her ejaculate…

A jealous, triumphant smile formed on my face. She'll never feel how good it is to come in his embrace…

"I forgive you then." I patted her on the shoulder. "It's simply an honest mistake, nothing more. Neither of you wanted to do it after all."

A lie. She totally wants to sleep with him. She's simply holding back out of respect for me and Sherry.

Afterwards, I took her along with me to search for Sherry, though not before giving a heads up to Tira to take care of Hugo while we were gone (it would be a bad idea to leave him alone, knowing how there could still be people who wanted to assassinate him). Asking the servants for her whereabouts, it didn't take long until we knew she was hiding inside one of the many unused rooms this mansion had.

Really, she's just like a child at times…

I didn't bother knocking on the door. I threw it open, revealing our sulking girl weeping into a pillow on top of the bed.

Noticing our presence, however, she quickly stopped, wiped her tears with her sleeves, and then turned around to glare at us.

"Get out! I don't want to hear your excuses, you traitor!" She yelled. Mostly at Myrilla, I imagined. Glancing at the Nerthusian, I could see those words upsetting her, judging by her guilty look.

Smiling, I walked up to the upset little girl.

"Alright now. No need to be sulking like that. I've talked with her and she was indeed speaking the truth. There was nothing going on between her and your precious Hugo."

"Liar! How can you say that after knowing that he entered his–his thingy into her?!"

"Like she said, it was because she was controlled by the archfey. And Milord didn't even finish in her. He bore it until she fell asleep out of exhaustion. That's how loyal he is to us."

"Hmph!" She huffed. "But he still took her virginity, didn't he?!" She sat on the bed, folding her arms. She then sent a glare towards Myrilla, who quickly lowered her head to the floor once again.

"I apologize! I'm a terrible woman who saw him as a replacement for his father!"

"And you enjoyed it, didn't you? Having his—his thingy inside you?"

"...I-I… I do…"

"See?!" She yelled back at me. "She totally wants Hugo for her own!"

This girl… is either really naive or an idiot.

"H-how could you, Myrilla? I… I trusted you… We traveled together for months! I even admired you for being a great adventurer! But for you to—to steal my Hugo like this… You're lucky I haven't killed you—"

I slapped her as hard as I could.

"Calm yourself, you naive idiot girl!" I shook her shoulders. "She didn't do anything wrong! And our Hugo didn't do anything wrong either! Look at her! Look at how miserable she looks! Does that look like the face of a scheming woman to you?! And Hugo—you knocked him out like that! What did I say about hitting people in fits of anger?"

Silence. Her eyes now locked into mine, swimming inside her own tears.

And then, I gave her a hug, burying her face in my warm bosom.

Only then I could begin to explain what had happened in earnest.

"In short, you really don't have any designs for Hugo?"

"No. Like I've said many times before, it's his father that I love. Not him."

"...Fine. I'll take your word for it. I'll forgive you for… for doing it with him."

I took a deep sigh of relief. Finally, she understands.

"Alright, you two!" I clapped my hands. "Shake hands! Make it official!"

Myrilla stood up, gingerly giving her hand to Sherry, who only shook it after eyeing her for a bit.

"Hugo is mine, got it? I don't want any other woman to get her hands on him!"

Myrilla nodded in silence, acknowledging the pact.

"Now, Myrilla, if you would… Can you leave us for a bit? I need to talk to our grumpy girl here. In private."

She didn't say anything in return. She just left with a sad expression on her face.

Once she closed the door behind her, I lifted Sherry up and put her on my lap.

"H-hey, what are you—"

"Shhhh…" I wrapped my hands around her waist. Resting my head on her shoulder, I whispered with a smile, "Looks like we have another rival for Hugo's affection."

"W-w-what?!" She stuttered. "You mean Myrilla? But you said—"

"Oh, she simply doesn't know it yet." My fingers combed through her hair. "But I can tell. That lonely woman desires companionship and our Hugo is the closest she can get to it. It's only a matter of time until she gets over his desires for his father and goes after the son himself."

Sherry's eyes widened. "That's—that's terrible! We have to—"

"I disagree. I believe that once she truly loves Milord for what he is, we can allow her to be his lover."

"W-what?!" She looked at me as if I just suggested something terrible. "You… you want to share Hugo with her?!"

"Indeed." I smiled. "That's what I wanted."

"You—you can't be serious! Don't you feel jealous at all? Aren't you afraid that he'll—"

"I have faith in Milord. Even with another woman, or even two, I trust that he will never forget about me or you. He will share his affections fairly with all of us. That's just the man that he is."

"And besides," I added with a wry smile. "Seeing her like that, I pity her. Once, I was similar to her, never knowing the warmth of a man's embrace. Oh, sure, I was seducing men left and right but none of them really gave me the comfort I sought. They were just tools for me to achieve my goals. Nothing more."

"To live such a cold existence—I wouldn't wish it on any woman, even if it meant sharing my darling Hugo."

I released my hug, lifting her back up and putting her to the side before standing up.

"Think about it. No need to rush. I believe it will take some more time for her to process her own feelings. And before then, I have no plans of handing over Hugo to her. After all, he'll just get depressed if she screams his father's name instead of his while they're doing the deed." I giggled.

Looking at the little sourpuss, it seemed she didn't know how to react. Well, she's an Izurd after all. Monogamy is in their blood. It's hard enough for her to share him with me as it is.

"Well, I'm going back now. Going to have some fun with Milord once he wakes up. You want to join in or not?"

She glared at me in an instant. Pouting, she stood up as well.

"H-hmph! Hugo must apologize for what he did!"

"And the way he does that is by making us happy all night." I chuckled. "Oh yes, I'm not planning to let him sleep tonight. And neither should you. We're going to suck him dry."

Her nod was all I needed to know that she was onboard with this punishment for him.



Slowly, my eyes fluttered open. The bright light coming from the chandelier blinded me, forcing me to close them again.

Urgh, that hurts…

"Finally. You're awake, Milord."

Something soft pressed into my left arm. Ah, I know this sensation. Boobs, for sure.

Glancing to my left, I found Felicia wrapped around my arm, smiling. She wasn't wearing her usual robes. Instead, she had her sexy sheer black nightgown on. I could see her bare chest and red thong through it.

Feeling a squeeze in my right arm, I turned around to see Sherry on the other side. She too wore a see-through nightgown, though hers were white. Her undergarments were also visible as well, bright frilly blue. No bra, just like Felicia.

"We've talked with Myrilla and we've decided to forgive you both," Felicia continued. "Buut, that doesn't mean you can just get off scot-free."

A grin formed on my lips. Seeing the lustful glint in her eyes, and the fact that they both wore skimpy clothes like this, there was only one thing they could do for my "punishment".

"We'll make sure you don't sleep a wink tonight."


"Alan? Alan? Is that… is that you?"

I saw him standing there, across the flower fields. His smile, shining as bright as sunlight, enraptured my heart in an instant.

Only for his face to change to that of Hugo's.

My heart froze.

I opened my eyes.

A dream. And a foolish one at that.

I sat up, my pupils adjusting momentarily from the light. My reflection stared at me from the mirror across the bed.

A despicable woman… One who holds the desire to snatch another woman's husband…

I stood up, letting the blanket fall from my body. Walking over to the wardrobe, I took out my robes, along with some undergarments. After putting them on and my shoes, I made my way towards the gardens.

I couldn't go back to sleep. I needed to get some fresh air first.

"Ooohhh… ohhhh yessss… that's it… right on the spot…"

I froze.

That voice… it came from the room I just passed by.

Hugo's room.

My legs moved on their own, carrying me back to the door.

"Ah… ah… ah… ahn… ahnnnnn! M-Milord, your tongue… it… it feels so good! I think… I think I'm going to… Gyaahhhh!"

I wasn't naive. I knew exactly what I was listening to.

And yet, I couldn't help myself. I stood there like a fool, listening to their intimate moment.

No, I didn't just do that. I ended up peering into their minds as well.

"Ooh, this is embarrassing⁓ I didn't even get to take off my panties before I soaked it⁓ But you like it, don't you, Milord? Should I walk around with this soiled pair tomorrow? Or should I… lend it to you? I heard from Sherry here that you used to collect her dirty panties when you were a kid…"

A shadow fell over my face. I knew he was perverted but to think he would stoop so low to steal panties? And from a little girl at that when he was already an adult, mind-wise?!

I have to talk with him about this later.

He chuckled. "No need. I already got to eat you whenever I wanted after all."

"Uuu, Felicia! Get off him right now! It's my turn!"

My lips pursed in annoyance. Unbelievable. Do they not feel disgusted at all about his perversions?

"Kyaahh, H-Hugo! Y-you really… like my butt, don't you?"

"Heh, whenever I see you wearing those short shorts, I just want to grope your cheeks all over like this."

"Ahhnnn! Y-your thumb… It's touching my… Kyaahh!"

"And the way your panties peek out from those shorts—you really know how to give a good show."

"S-stop! I don't want to—Not yet! Ngghhhh, gwahhhhh!"

I shook my head. I really shouldn't be doing this. Peeking into their private time—it's not right at all…

And yet, my panties… they're wet… I've been rubbing myself without realizing it… Do I want him to do those lascivious acts to me as well?

That moment when his throbbing member penetrated my hymen, I can't forget it no matter how hard I tried…

"Milord really likes to peek at girls' undergarments, huh?" She giggled. "You can look at mine anytime you want⁓♥"

Undergarments… I remember that time mine fell down and landed on his face, waking him up.

Alan never had that perversion. Renee didn't either. It really came from his original self in the other world…

I wonder… How would he react if I left my soaked panties here on his doorstep?

No. Stop. You can't think like that. You've promised them not to go after him.

Giving the door one last look, I departed, returning back to my room.

That night, I pleasured myself to sleep.

Leading to a dream where Hugo and Alan… violated me back to back.

I am truly a wretched woman.

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