Reincarnation of a Worthless Man

Vol 5 Chapter 37: Victoria’s New Big Sister


"Haa! Haa! Haa! Hah!"

I thrusted my rapier over and over, ignoring the sweat soaking my clothes.

How many had it been? A hundred? Two hundred? I couldn't tell. It felt like an eternity had passed ever since I began my training.

The sun had yet to rise. The courtyard was still dim with the light from the mansion.

I couldn't sleep. I had to begin my training at once.

I promised Miss Sherry and Miss Felicia that I won't be a burden for Sir Hugo. And that's why I need to become stronger!

The day before…

"Mind if we have a chat?"

"S-sure, Miss Sherry! Miss Felicia! Come in!"

It was a visit most unexpected. I was just waking up from my sleep. I didn't even get to change out of my nightgown when they came.

The two sat down on the bed. Glaring at me,  Miss Sherry pat the open space to her right. "Hey. Sit here. We need to talk."


I quickly obeyed, not wanting to incur her wrath. To be frank, I found her a bit—no, a lot scary! The way she stared at you—it's as if you had done something terribly, horribly wrong! I don't know how Sir Hugo can find her cute!

As for Miss Felicia, she's intimidating as well! You never knew what she was thinking! I don't know how Sir Hugo managed to make her fall for him!

Just like his strength, Sir Hugo's woman-killer charms are amazing as well!

"I'll keep this short. You want to travel with us, right? Then you should make yourself useful to Hugo. You've been a huge headache for him and us all, you know." Miss Sherry spoke.

My heart sank. Her words… they were just like her words…

"You useless girl! You're just a burden to me and the rest of our family!"

"I-I'm… I'm sorry…"

My voice shook. Tears dripped down to my lap.

"Don't be sorry. Be better."

I looked up at her.

"Be strong. Be confident. Be a woman that Hugo can rely on."

"As such, I will be training you in the arts of the sword. Prepare yourself. I won't hold back."

"T-thank you, Miss Sherry!" I jumped at her, wrapping my arms around her body.

That's right. Now that I am no longer a half-fairy, I can only rely on my own strength.

I'll do anything to repay Sir Hugo's kindness!

Back at the present day…

"You're doing it wrong. That's not how you thrust a rapier."

I gasped. Miss Sherry—Since when was she standing there?!

She had her hands folded under her chest, glaring at me with that scary look of hers.

"Here. Let me teach you."

She walked closer and grabbed my hand, forcing it to move to the right position.

"You put your weight to every stab without losing your balance. And you have to do it quickly. The quicker you are, the more deadly the tip of your sword will become."


"Now, do it on your own. A hundred times."

"O-of course, Miss Sherry!"

I did as she told me, thrusting my rapier with the form she just taught.

"Nonono, your arm is too high. You'll tire yourself that way."

As I tried to fix my form, something from the corner of my eye caught my attention.

S-Sir Hugo! He's here!

My heart skipped a beat. He had grown a lot taller and more dashing ever since we last met!

"Already training this early in the morning?" He smiled. "And I see you have Sherry here as your tutor. That's good. She's a lot better than me in the art of the sword."

"She still has a long way to go," Miss Sherry replied with a huff. "She's completely worthless as a fighter now."

I made my way up to him. And, without hesitation, I lowered my head.

"I'm sorry for being a burden!"

"...E-eh, where did this come from all of a sudden?"

"I've put you and your friends through dangerous situations just so you will come to my rescue! I should have accepted your offer back then!"

A pair of gentle hands gripped my shoulders.

I looked up. Sir Hugo was smiling down.

"Don't worry about it. I saved you simply because I wanted to sleep well every night."

"W-what do you mean?"

He chuckled. "If I left you behind, I'd feel guilty about it. I'm done letting people I could've saved be hurt. Though I guess you can also make the argument that I just have a big hero complex."


S-Sir Hugo! He's so charming!

Compared to that awful orc prince, he's far more princely than him! Aah, if only I was set to marry him instead!

"Sir Hugo! Thank you!"

I couldn't resist. I wrapped my arms around him and gave him the tightest hug I could give, burying my face in his warm, firm chest in the process. I knew Miss Sherry was right there beside him but I just had to do it to him!

His muscles… it feels so good…

"H-hey! Get away from him! That's my husband you're hugging!" Miss Sherry yelled.

His back… it's just as firm as his front…

"Get off him, you boob demon!"


I fell to the ground. She had pushed me away.

"Don't be deceived by his charms and good looks!" She pointed at him. "This man is a beast through and through! You think your orc fiancee was bad? This man is worse!"

"That's… that's not true!" I objected, slowly getting back up on my feet. "Sir Hugo is the perfect gentleman through and through!"


In one fell swoop, she lifted the lower hem of her shirt, the one that covered his lap.

Revealing his… his… his b-bulge…

My eyes widened.

Images of the orc prince smiling lewdly at me with his bulge clearly visible rushed into my head, followed by my pleasure training with the orc slave where I had to rub and lick his shaft…

"I-I have to go!"

I ran away, ignoring Sir Hugo's cries for me to come back.

Tears fell from my eyes. Sir Hugo! He's… he's just like them!


I scratched my head, giving Sherry a scolding glare.

"You did that on purpose, didn't you? To make her hate me?"

"I… I didn't expect her to react that way…" She looked down in regret.

"You do know that she probably has trauma from that orc prince. She's not like Felicia who's embraced that kind of stuff willingly."

"We should've killed that pig before we left!" She looked at me, anger burning in her eyes.

"No need. I've killed him already."

Our conversation was interrupted by the arrival of Felicia. She was still sleeping when Sherry and I woke up so we decided to leave her behind.

"Oh, you did?" I asked her.

"Yes." She smiled. "I'll tell you all about it later." Switching her gaze to Sherry, she then asked, "What did you do, hmm? You have that guilty kid look on you."

"I… I didn't do anything!"  She pointed at me. "It's Hugo's fault he got an erection in front of Victoria!"

I let out a weak laugh while scratching my chin. "Okay, that one was on me. But you can't expect me not to get one when she pressed those large knockers onto my chest! Not to mention how her sweat made her shirt translucent. I could see her green bra clearly!"

Felicia folded her arms under her chest, pressing her boobs upwards. "Oh my, and here I thought we sucked you dry last night… So, you scared her off with your member?"

"Yeah…" I sighed, subtly hiding my crotch with my hand. "I think… I think she was traumatized… that shitty orc prince must have done all sorts of awful things to her…"

Thinking about it, I should've realized this sooner… I just got distracted with a bunch of other things these past few days…

"I'll go talk to her."

"No, Milord. Leave her alone. This kind of thing… it's better if a woman talks to her. Leave it to me, one who shares her experience." She patted her chest.

"Well, if you say so." I smiled. "I'll leave it to you then, Felicia."


I am the worst…

After running away, I now sat on a wooden bench inside the palace's garden, in front of a fountain. The courtyard I was just in connected directly to the gardens, separated only by a wall of bushes and a gate.

Why… why did I run away? You know that Sir Hugo is nothing like those two!

But… but to think that he would be aroused by me… when I haven't even done anything!

My body shook. My hands formed to be fists, gripping the fabric of my skirt. Marlene said that a man with his member stiff and enlarged means he desires to bed the woman he sees. But that means… that means he wants to bed me! But he can't do that! He already has Miss Sherry and Miss Felicia!

Am I… am I really that attractive to him? Should I pay for his kindness with my body? That's all I'm good for…

"There you are. I've been looking for you, little one."

I looked up to the direction of the voice and found Miss Felicia walking towards where I sat.

"M-Miss Felicia?"

"I figure you need a chat." She smiled. "About what you just saw."

She sat down beside me before continuing her speech.

"You saw it, didn't you? Hugo's manhood?"

"N-no! Not at all! Just… just the bulge on his trousers…" I could feel my face heating up.

She giggled. "Well, it can't be helped. Your body really is quite erotic after all…"

"E-erotic?!" Instinctively, I covered my chest with my hands.

She giggled again. "Oh, there's no need to be ashamed. As a woman, you should be proud instead! Milord loves big breasts, you know! You have no idea how much he plays with mine when we have fun in bed!"

Have fun in bed?

In an instant, a flash of that orc prince forcing me down on my bed resurfaced in my mind.

My body shook. I pressed my hands toward my chest even harder.

"...Ah, apologies. Hearing that must have triggered some unpleasant memories, mustn't it?"

She peeled my hands off my chest, intertwining them with her own.

"Tell me everything. All that you have suffered. You're now part of our family and so, as your big sister, there's nothing that gives me more joy than to see you happy."

Big… Big Sister? I turned to face her. Her expression was warm and kind, far different from Big Sister Marlene…

I couldn't hold back. I told her everything, starting from the day she and Sir Hugo left me behind.

When I finished, she had a disgusted and furious look on her face, making her even scarier than Miss Sherry.

"Unbelievable! Your own flesh and blood told you to do all that?! Before we leave the continent, I'll definitely have a chat with them!" She yelled with a murderous glare.

Normally, I would've defended them here. But, somehow, I no longer felt the desire to do so.

"I'm so sorry!" She hugged me all of a sudden, one hand on my waist and the other on the back of my head. "It was a mistake to leave you with them! It's my own jealousy that persuaded Hugo to leave you if you don't ask him for his help!"

Miss Felicia…

She smells nice… and warm… What perfume she wears I wonder?

Is this how it feels to have a big sister?

She released her grip, smiling at me while resting her hands on my shoulders.

Her smile, however, was one filled with sadness.

"It's not just you who've suffered that way. I too suffered in the hands of vile, selfish men who only cared about their own desires."

And then, she began to tell her tale—how a plague killed her entire family, leading to her being adopted by a man who stole her innocence, and then all the things she had done with other men she seduced.

Until her savior came. Sir Hugo.

I was naive.

I thought I had it bad. She had it ten times worse.

"How… how can you bear doing all that with them?! With those men?! Don't you feel scared? Disgusted? And then… and then you happily do it with Sir Hugo!"

She gave me a wry smile before rubbing my head.

"Because I love him. There's nothing that makes me happier than fulfilling his sexual needs. I wish to give him everything, body and soul. That is what love is."

"F-fulfilling his sexual needs?" My cheeks reddened. She's so bold! She really is a mature older sister!

"But, when I did it with all those other men, I was just as disgusted as you were. I merely bear it and put up a fake smile."

She then pressed her forehead onto mine and whispered, "If you don't love Milord then it's only natural for you to be creeped out by his bulging member. But please understand that he just couldn't help it, especially when getting hugged by a cute, big-chested girl like you."

I fell silent. What I just heard completely contradicted what Marlene taught me. "It is the duty of a wife to pleasure his husband. That is all you need to do, my foolish little sister."

You are wrong, Sister. It is not duty that should make one give her body to a man. It should be love instead.

Miss Felicia then retreated, taking my hands once more. separated herself "Let's take a bath together, shall we? I think you've done enough training for the morning. As your big sister, I think it's time for you to have a proper education in bedroom matters. That is, if you're willing, of course."

"I… I want to!" I blurted out without thinking. "Please, teach me, Miss Felicia!"

I was done being ignorant, never knowing what the world was really like, cowering behind my delusions and fantasies.

My sister… she made me think that sexual intercourse was a bad and terrible thing. But seeing Miss Felicia, Miss Sherry, and Sir Hugo, it's the opposite. It has to be a wonderful thing. I heard the three of them having such fun in their room last night. And asking Miss Myrilla, she told me that they were doing it.

And then… and then one day… I'll be able to look at Sir Hugo's member without being reminded of those two orcs…

Brother… To think they would be able to defeat you…

A beautiful yet melancholic face peered through the window, looking down at the courtyard of the mansion she was imprisoned in. There, she saw the soldiers, standing around chatting with each other, not even showing any signs of tension or awareness in the slightest.

She couldn't blame them. This place, designed by her own brother to imprison his political enemies, was equipped with a runic spell that made it impossible for a prisoner to leave. If they tried, they would feel an insanely powerful urge to go back to their room, so strong that they could never resist. As such, the guards had no reason to be alert at all times. The runic spell did all their work for them.

But, such a spell should be no match for her own magic. And yet, she was still here, not even plotting an escape.

Why bother, when she had nowhere else to go, now that her brother was dead.

Knock knock.

"Come in!"

The door on the other side of the bedroom opened, revealing a dark-haired maid with a lowered head.

"A guest is waiting for you at the study, Milady."

She was one of her private maids. Instead of abandoning her to her fate, she chose to serve her in this prison.

She didn't know whether those lizards were being naive or foolish but allowing your enemy's underling to be together like this was a bad idea. It pretty much allowed her to conspire escaping with her.

And yet, she chose not to. They were both pretty much treated like royalty here. Out there, they would have to fend for themselves. And in the Demon Continent, you would be a fool to choose that kind of a life.

"A visitor?" She raised her eyebrows. "Is it those lizards? Tell them that I have no interest in legitimizing their rule."

"No, Milady. It's Sir Hugo Greenwood and his harem."

She narrowed her eyes. That man… the man that killed her dear brother… The human that overcame the power of a Demon Lord…

"Ah, the Lecher Demon Lord?" A wry smile formed on her face. "Very well. I'll speak with him."

When she arrived at the study, the young man and his entourage of women were sitting on the couch in the middle of the room. The maid introduced her first before she entered the room.

"So?" She smiled as she approached them. "What do you want? Come to gloat about your victory?"

He stood up. With his charming smile, he bowed and introduced himself.

"Ah, the murderer of my brother. I remember your name very well. Hugo Greenwood, is it?"

This young man… How old is he even? He can't be more than seventeen. Yet he can defeat my brother? Inconceivable.

No, it must be his lover that did the work… There's no way he can do it with his own strength…

Her gaze landed on the dark-haired girl who was still sitting on the couch with her hands crossed. The Izurd. She must be the one who's slain my brother.

"I came here to ask you about something." He spoke, still smiling. "Your brother… did he really have dreams involving the Goddess?"

Her eyes widened. How can he—that's forbidden knowledge! He shouldn't be able to know it, let alone retain the knowledge!

He chuckled. "Don't look so surprised. I too am plagued with dreams involving her. And the Heavenly Dragon already approved of me and my companions to remember her existence."

"You—you were chosen by the Heavenly Dragon?! You're a Hero too, just like her?"

"Her?" He raised his eyebrows.

"Yes! That pink-haired woman who challenged Brother and won! Are you in cahoots with her?!"

The man paused for a bit, scratching his chin, his eyes looking away as if he tried to recall something.

"Ah! Was she named Isolde by any chance?"

"Yes! That's her! So you are friends with her!" She pointed her finger at him. "You have the blessings of a hero too! That explains it! That's how my brother was defeated by you!"

To her surprise, he shook his head. "You're wrong. I am no hero. Isolde, though, she's the real deal. Just a hero's companion though. Not the hero himself." A small smile formed on his face. "Aah, to think she managed to beat him… she's strong after all. Though it's curious that she decided to spare him. She didn't spare that fox woman demon lord after all…"

"Fox woman demon lord?" She fired back. " Are you talking about Lady Virana? You mean she was—"

"Killed by her, yes. Honestly, without her help, we wouldn't be here right now. Back then, I wasn't as strong as I am now." He shrugged, giving her a wry smile.

All this time she believed she simply got bored and left her brother on her own volition. To think she was actually murdered by that woman…

"Well, you haven't answered my question. How about it? Did Balthazar have dreams involving the Goddess? If he did, then I'm afraid his ambition to become the Demon God might be implanted by her."

She froze. Her mind reeled back, to the very first day when she heard him speak of wanting to become the new Demon God.

That day, or rather, that morning, it was her turn to accompany him in bed. She was the first to wake up. And, as he had requested beforehand, she woke him up so he wouldn't oversleep.

But when he sat up, he had something she very rarely saw on his face.

A smile.

"Gretchel, I just have the most pleasant dream. I have a dream that I become the new Demon God. I can see it—the raw emotions of despair that the humans possessed."

"Humans… they are such interesting creatures… so frail and weak yet their civilization surpasses ours… They can create so many wondrous and despicable things… And their Hero—he's the most curious of them all… what drives a man to take the burden of his own race as his own…"

"Wouldn't it be wonderful… if I really become a Demon God? Then perhaps this boredom of mine would be cured at last."

"And when the new Hero comes to slay me, I will finally be able to see the peak of humanity once more."

He was right.

Ever since that dream, he was obsessed with becoming the next Demon God.

She didn't say anything. She was just happy that her beloved brother could finally be happy. Their race suffered from dull and lifeless emotion, unable to feel like other races did. For him to be happy like that, it was a momentous occasion worthy of celebration.

"Then, what she said was correct." One of the man's companions spoke up—the redheaded woman—spoke with a smile before standing up from her seat. "Here. Let me reunite you with your friend."

She tapped her staff on the floor. Lines of shadows grew from its tip, forming a magic circle that exuded an eerie purple light.

When the light receded, a familiar face stood before her.

"Adele." Her eyes narrowed, glaring at the redhead. "The necromancer, I presume. Felicia Myne. Or Greenwood, since you're now his wife and all."

"I am not her friend." The animated corpse spoke, glancing at the redhead as well. "Gretchel here annoys me. It's a shame you didn't kill her as well."

"It's your own fault, you know," Felicia replied with a smile. "I would have spared you if you hadn't tried to kill me back then."

"But enough about that. You're the one who said that Balthazar's ambition came from his dream."

"Indeed." The elf folded her arms, glancing at Gretchel. "He probably doesn't tell you this but he said that she had chosen him for the role. Or rather, a candidate for the role. For the bitch wanted him to prove himself first before giving her approval."

"He… he never told that to me…" Gretchel looked down. "Brother…"

"And this is why I don't like you. You're too spoiled by him. You clung and clung to him, not knowing how hard me and the others work for his sake. You even failed to kill the weaklings of their group."

Gretchel gritted her teeth. She was right. She should've been more useful to her brother.

"Alright, enough arguing, you two," Felicia interrupted before turning to face one of the two women still sitting on the couch. "Myrilla, you got everything we need?"

The silver-haired woman nodded. "That will be enough, yes."

"Good. Then, we can take our leave."

She tapped the dull end of her staff once more, dismissing the zombie elf.

"Well, we'll be going now," the blonde haired young man said with a smile. "Oh, before we leave, do you wish for me to vouch for your release?"

"...No." She scowled. "I don't need your help, Hugo Greenwood. I'm fine staying here as the lizards' prisoners. After all, once you leave, I'll begin to work on retaking the city from the inside. Yes, those traitorous lizards—they will all pay for betraying my brother."

Why did she say such taunting words right to his face? She didn't know herself. She just felt an unquenchable thirst to say something that would anger him. That smirk on his face—she despised it with all her being.

And yet, he only replied with a chuckle.

"She's bluffing," the silver-haired woman with an antennae spoke. "She has no plans to do so. In fact, she's perfectly content staying here for the foreseeable future."

She glared towards the woman. "Damn her and her mind-reading ability!"

But she was right. She really had no plans to usurp control from the lizardmen tribes.

She didn't like to rule, leaving all the work to her brother. And she knew that revenge was a fool's quest, as it would not bring her brother back. And if she were to desire it, her target would be this cocky human right in front of her, not those lizards.

"How curious." The redhead woman smiled. "I thought your race is supposed to have no emotion. And yet, here I see quite the animated young lady. Mayhap your kind can feel anger? But then again, your brother didn't seem upset at all when we murdered some of his wives."

"That's because the only one he truly loved is me. All those other women—he only held a fleeting interest for them, nothing more." She huffed.

"...I see. So that's how it is."

The young man then proceeded to do something unbelievable.

He knelt down in front of her, lowering his head to face towards the ground in the process.

"Apologies for taking his life. I have doomed you for a long life of loneliness, haven't I?"

Anger bubbled in her stomach. Who was this man to pity her?!

"...I don't need your pity, human! Just leave and never come back!"

She stormed off the room, tears trailing down her cheeks.

The young man stood up, gazing at the now open door with a melancholic look, shaking his head.

It seemed he had chosen the wrong words. Or rather, there really were no good words he could choose. Sure, he could explain that he was technically still alive though captured by the Fey Queen but it was him who weakened him enough that she could do that to him.

No matter. It was the path he had chosen to save Victoria. And he would choose it again if given the choice.

He couldn't make everyone in the world happy. He could only cherish those closest to him.

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