Reincarnation Sword God

Chapter 62

0062 : Demon Subduing Hall

From the next day, I began learning the secret technique of Thunder Shadow Step and Heavenly Pillar Kill. My morning started with sitting quietly in the training hall, listening to Lee Kwang’s explanations.

“You must have seen Jin So-cheong perform Heavenly Pillar Kill; what did you think?”

“It seemed like he effortlessly and skillfully evaded his opponents’ attacks.”

I spoke my impressions honestly. Every time Jin So-cheong executed the Heavenly Pillar Kill, he moved so swiftly and elegantly that it was hard to believe it could be the Thunder Shadow Step I knew. It was as if he transcended merely evasion and was taunting the attacks. It was astonishing how he dodged even the torrential sword strikes of the leading disciples of the Zhongnan Sect with such finesse.

Lee Kwang said,

“The footwork of Heavenly Pillar Kill is truly the core of the Thunder Spirit Sect’s martial arts. You can move forward and retreat freely, always staying a step ahead of your opponent, allowing you to suppress their fatal points. Without mastering Heavenly Pillar Kill, no matter how hard you train in other Thunder Spirit Sect techniques, you won’t be able to demonstrate their true power.”

“I have a question.”

“What is it?”

“Why is it specifically called Heavenly Pillar Kill? It seems too vicious for a footwork technique.”

Indeed. The name Heavenly Pillar Kill could be interpreted to mean killing the blood point of the Heavenly Pillar. The Heavenly Pillar referred to a spot near the back of the head, so why would a footwork technique carry such a dark meaning? Lee Kwang chuckled and replied,

“You’ll understand once you learn it. For now, just follow my lead.”

Thus began Lee Kwang’s teachings. It took me about seven weeks to grasp the form of the footwork used in Heavenly Pillar Kill, and another two months to master the flow and movements of the technique. During that time, I hardly took any breaks, training diligently every day until I was exhausted, often bathed in sweat and collapsing afterward.

When Lee Kwang felt I had completed the foundational training, he said,

“Now you have laid the groundwork to perform Heavenly Pillar Kill. Follow me and quickly shift through the seven steps while circulating the vital energy.”



As I attempted to execute the Heavenly Pillar Kill while moving through the seven steps, I felt my feet stumble on the third step. It was strange; while I was clearly controlling the flow of my vital energy correctly, once I started walking, I stumbled repeatedly. As I staggered and fell, Lee Kwang clicked his tongue.

“Indeed, you don’t understand the meaning of Heavenly Pillar Kill. It seems I have to teach you everything from start to finish.”


Perhaps Lee Kwang had hoped I would intuitively grasp the essence of the technique during my foundational training. But if that were the case, I wouldn’t be struggling like this, would I? Grumbling internally, I got back up, and Lee Kwang began to explain the Thunder Shadow Step combined with Heavenly Pillar Kill properly.

“Watch closely. With each step you take, you should spread the Thunder energy from around the Heavenly Pillar point at the back of your neck. The direction can change with every execution, and the moment the Thunder energy spreads, your reflexes will accelerate sharply. As you move, the acceleration will only increase.”


Lee Kwang’s version of Heavenly Pillar Kill had the form of Thunder Shadow Step but was entirely a different footwork style. It was then that I finally began to understand the significance of all my training so far. The comprehensive martial arts of Heavenly Pillar Kill was a culmination of all the footwork shapes, the flow of vital energy, breath, and the appropriate operations that had to be perfectly integrated. It was more of a complete martial artistry than just a technique.

However, I gulped and protested,

“This is way too difficult! Combining the seven-step movements of Heavenly Pillar Kill while executing Thunder Shadow Step, integrating my breathing, and simultaneously dispersing the Thunder energy from my Heavenly Pillar point?! It’s too complicated!”

It was an exceedingly intricate and challenging secret technique. While it might seem easy in theory, the horrifying aspect of it lay in performing all those processes [simultaneously]. Each individual step required a considerable level of concentration, and trying to do them all at once would surely drive anyone mad with confusion. As I stood there feeling daunted, Lee Kwang said nonchalantly,

“That’s precisely why it’s a secret technique of the Thunder Spirit Sect. In theory, mastering Heavenly Pillar Kill properly can enhance the capabilities of an existing practitioner of the Thunder Spirit Sect by at least three times. This is because Heavenly Pillar Kill itself imparts improvement to all martial arts.

That’s why it’s so difficult, and the person teaching it must be really careful in their choice of student. If not, there’s a good chance that the student may go mad or fall into a state of martial deviation.”


“If it were your true talent, I wouldn’t even teach you Heavenly Pillar Kill, let alone let you know of its existence. You would just end up ruining yourself by trying to mimic it and failing.”

Lee Kwang quietly turned his head and said,

“Even the extraordinarily talented Jin So-cheong spent an entire month here just to learn Heavenly Pillar Kill. For you to truly master it, you might need to invest ten times that amount of time. Focus and give it your all.”


This encouragement from Lee Kwang, that I might be able to master a technique which took Jin So-cheong a month to learn within a year if I pushed myself, steeled my resolve. I decided to stop complaining and began to diligently practice Heavenly Pillar Kill, dedicating every moment to it except for eating and necessary breaks.

‘Let’s do this!’

And so, six months passed.

I realized that time was slipping by without much progress.

A year had passed.

I felt like I had grasped a bit of the Heavenly Pillar Kill, yet I still struggled on the fourth step, often stalling even before reaching the seventh. Around that time, I felt utterly defeated and began to seek advice from Jin So-cheong, who, despite his struggles, seemed genuinely willing to help me understand.

As time went by, the changing seasons swept past outside as I trained daily at the Azure Dragon Martial Arts School and worked as an instructor. In any spare time I had, I continued refining the Thunder Blade and the techniques of the Thunder Spirit Sect.


“I… I did it.”

After two and a half years, I finally managed to grasp Heavenly Pillar Kill to the extent that I could awkwardly perform the seven steps. Lee Kwang, watching my demonstration with an unimpressed expression, said,

“You’re still too slow. I was going to send you to the next competition once you mastered it, but how can it take two and a half years?”

“… I’m sorry.”

“Anyway, it’s enough. This time, go to the Black Night Gate on your own.”

My eyes widened at the unexpected command.

The Black Night Gate!

It was one of the demonic sects renowned as the most powerful among the current martial arts world. Additionally, I had a haunting experience where I was slain by the Assassination Squad of the Black Night Gate due to the village chief’s grudge in my past life. Remembering that moment made me feel uneasy, but I shook off the feeling and replied,

“Isn’t it too dangerous for me to go alone?”

Lee Kwang gazed at me with cold eyes.

“If you perform Heavenly Pillar Kill properly, you’ll be able to protect yourself in any situation. It wouldn’t make sense for a successor of the Thunder Spirit Sect to be bested by mere Black Night Gate thugs. I doubt you expect your senior to do all the work for you from beginning to end.”

“That’s not it.”

“It’s fine as long as you survive. Even if you don’t win the competition, as long as you return alive, I will consider this training a success.”

It was then that I realized Lee Kwang’s real intention.

In other words, this was not a straightforward challenge to the Black Night Gate for a competition; it was about confronting the Assassination Squad self-reliantly, challenging highly skilled martial artists of the notorious sect, and ultimately returning alive from the tiger’s den—all by myself!

Lee Kwang’s words echoed in my ears.

“Remember, your only job is to return alive. Then I will pass on the next stage of Thunder Shadow Sword Technique to you.”

Lee Kwang had given me a generous time frame of six months for this mission. I needed to find the Black Night Gate within that period, engage them, and return with the outcome.

Over the past three years, my training at the Azure Dragon Martial Arts School had significantly developed my physique, and my clothes felt a bit snug. So, as I made my way to the village, I had tailored some comfortable clothing. I said my goodbyes to Jin So-cheong, so there was nothing to hold me back.

‘The Black Night Gate.’

I sensed that Lee Kwang’s task was quite challenging. Surviving a confrontation with the Black Night Gate was one thing, but given that it was a demonic sect, they were not the type to openly reveal their operations. They secretly controlled the dark underworld, acquiring estates through illegal funds and taking on covert contracts to survive.

In essence, to engage in a competition with the Black Night Gate, I first needed to locate them.

And Lee Kwang had left the method of doing so entirely up to me.

I sat in an inn, pondering.

‘How do I find them?’

Various ideas crossed my mind, but as someone who had never interacted with the underworld before, it felt daunting and unrealistic. The underground information brokers would certainly be cautious not to reveal their identities, and it was obvious they would be suspicious if an unassuming young man suddenly requested a contract with the Black Night Gate.

I pondered for a moment.

What would be the way to find the Black Night Gate?

“… Aha!!”

I realized there was a way without having to wander around aimlessly.

The village chief!

After I had threatened him and fled after robbing the vault, he had sought the help of the Assassination Squad from the Black Night Gate. The fact that he could make such a request so quickly implied that he already knew some method of contacting them or the terms of their dealings. If I approached the village chief now to ask about ways to contact the Black Night Gate, he would likely know something specific.

Of course, it was possible to gradually learn about the Black Night Gate through long-term interactions with the dark underbelly of the city. However, if a straightforward method was available, it was better to try that first. I set my initial goal to negotiate with the village chief and made my way back to my hometown.

Clop, clop.

While riding a borrowed horse along the winding mountain path, nostalgia surged within me. A couple of bandits jumped out, attempting to shout a warning, but I casually swung my sword.

Swish, crack!

Even while swinging from atop the horse, I managed to cleanly decapitate the heads of three bandits, which went flying into the air. I could hear their stunned reactions from behind, but I paid them no mind. There was no need to waste time dealing with such trifling fools.

‘Have I changed again?’

I thought I had become somewhat desensitized to murder. While I wasn’t exactly opposed to killing during my past life, it seemed particularly effortless in this life. Perhaps it was because my power had increased to the point where a mere shove could end a life.

It didn’t take long to reach my hometown after leaving the mountain. Since I had ridden non-stop, a day hadn’t even passed. As I approached the boundary stone of Soeul Village, I found myself reflecting how familiar this stone was.

“Hey, you little—”

“Shut your mouth.”




As the youths who had tormented me in the past tried to provoke me, I swiftly incapacitated each one with a precise strike before they could irritate me further. I realized it took quite a bit of control to deliver just enough strength to knock them out without killing them. I looked down at them with a sigh.

“I didn’t really want to kill them. That’s a relief.”

The reason for my sigh of relief was my own concern that I might suddenly unleash a massacre upon arriving in Soeul Village. I had felt an intense thrill during my previous acts of vengeance in this village, and if that bloodlust surfaced within me again, I might lose control. Thankfully, having avenged myself several times over in past lives had dulled that urge now.

I then continued up the village hill towards the chief’s house. It was bustling with activity as preparations for dinner were underway. I realized it was very similar to that day when I had annihilated the chief’s household and plucked out Kim Manje’s eyes. The bloodbath I had created back then intertwined with the present evening scene.

As I quietly stood there staring at the chief, he recognized me and approached.

“Is that you, So-dong? Where have you been?”

“I went to take care of some matters.”

“Ha! Didn’t I tell you your job is to clean the—”



In an instant, I closed the distance, compressing the five meters between us, making his face turn pale. The people around watched in shock. I casually flicked the village chief’s cheek with my finger and smiled.

“Let’s not speak of such trivial matters; let’s talk constructively instead.”

“Y-you’re… a martial arts master now?”

“Well, it’s hard to stand here like this. Is there a place to sit?”

The village chief regained his color and responded,

“Come inside.”

I followed him into the inner chamber. He seemed anxious, unable to remain still, trembling slightly. After all, he must be aware that I could take his life at any moment if I so desired.

“W-what do you want?”

“Chief, I’ve heard rumors that you have ties with the dark forces and martial sects.”

“Who says that? I don’t have much contact with those sorts…”

I interjected,

“The Black Night Gate.”


“Assist me in making contact with them. If you do, I won’t harm anyone here, and I won’t need to return to this village again.”

The chief scrutinized my face as if trying to ascertain my sincerity. Then he nervously rolled a cigarette and, after a moment, nodded his head.

“Alright, I understand. I don’t know why you want to meet with them, but make sure to keep your word. Don’t ever show your face in this village again.”

“Ha… even if you call, I won’t come. But the information better be reliable.”

The village chief seemed to take a moment to check if anyone was eavesdropping outside. After quite a while, he finally spoke in a hushed tone.

“To make contact with the Black Night Gate, you need to go to Chaobai Village. There, find a vagabond named Han Kwang-il and pay him five nyang in silver while stating, ‘I seek the Black man.’ After that, you can expect a visit from the Black Night Gate.”

“Are you sure?”

The chief trembled as he spoke.

“If I’m not sure, then I’m afraid you’ll slaughter my family, so of course it has to be accurate!”

It seemed the chief had noticed the underlying intent and madness lurking deep in my eyes. While I had no intention of hiding it, he nonetheless displayed the discernment befitting the leader of this village. I couldn’t help but chuckle slightly as I replied,

“Don’t worry. You are now too small a existence for my revenge.”

“Heh… you’re trying to act like a big shot.”

“Think what you will. I shall take my leave now.”

With a wave, I exited.

Using Thunder Shadow Step, I quickly distanced myself from the chief’s house and realized how markedly my feelings of hatred had diminished compared to the past. Previously, these were the kind of scoundrels I would have torn apart without a second thought, but now they felt merely like annoying neighbors.

I pondered that my diminished hatred wasn’t due to their sudden moral redemption, but rather because stronger and more sinister enemies had appeared. The thought of sorcerers, the Gold Guard, and the General weighed heavily on my mind.

“Sigh. What a hassle.”

I halted mid-stride. Although it was only about 20 li to Chaobai Village, something more important came to mind.

I wanted to confirm.

I wanted to see for myself what had happened to ‘that village.’ It was illogical for someone who should be dedicating every moment to training to entertain such thoughts, but I yearned to see with my own eyes what had become of that place I had abandoned. I felt a strong urge to use it as a catalyst to regain my composure.

“Should I go take a look?”

So, I decided to visit Chaobai Village later and abruptly changed course towards the Tragic Scene Village. Additionally, I thought it might not be a bad idea to talk to Hyeon Cheon-do if he was still around. After all, I had half a year to gather more information.

It took about 10 days to reach the Gyeongha River near the Tragic Scene Village. I fell into silence, gazing at the cold, majestic flow of the river. Just about three li further, and the village would come into view.

The last time I had seen it, it was in ashes, reduced to a pitiful ruin.

This time, I had run tirelessly for 10 days and nights, not just to verify my guilt, but to amplify my enmity towards the Gold Guard for greater focus in training.

“I’m sorry…”

As I contemplated that tragedy, a solemnity washed over me.

But then I noticed something strange.


As I drew closer to the village, I saw many people without any apparent issues. A merchant was present. Most strikingly, I noticed smoke rising from cooking fires in the village, and in the distance, I could see a six-story hall at the village center.

Chatter and laughter filled the air.

When I reached the entrance of the village, I found myself collapsing onto the ground.

“This can’t be…!!”

The Tragic Scene Village had not been consumed by fire or piled high with corpses.

Instead, it was intact.

It looked as if nothing had happened in the last three years, as the villagers enjoyed a thriving and happy life, leaving me utterly bewildered.

What on earth had happened here?

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