Reincarnation Sword God

Chapter 63

0063 : Demon Subduing Hall

To find out what was going on, I first entered the village. As I made my way towards the square, I looked around for any suspicious signs. After wandering around the village for about two hours, I had not observed anything unusual.


It’s too peaceful.

Feeling confused, I sat down at an inn to contemplate. This village is the ‘first location’ where the Golden Eagle Guards would collaborate with sorcerers to conduct a human sacrifice ritual. Therefore, after three years, I naturally expected it to be in ruins. But for nothing to have happened at all!

‘There must be a reason. Something must have changed.’

I know the principle of rebirth. If there are no variables, then what has occurred at least once will inevitably happen again. If there has been a change, it must be for some reason. I pondered, clutching my head, recalling what changes I had made this time.

‘I found a treasure that could be inferred to be a secret treasure of the Seven Stars in the Huangshan Mountain and entrusted it to Mangnyang.’

That was the most significant change. Other than that, nothing came to mind. Acquiring the Heavenly Tablet and consuming the Millennium Snow Ginseng were routine matters, so they couldn’t be considered changes.

Yet, it didn’t make sense to me. I had simply sought out an ancient treasure while overcoming the spider’s interference; how could that possibly disrupt the human sacrifice plan of the Golden Eagle Guards? The lack of correlation was bewildering.

After a moment of contemplation, I rose from my seat. In this situation, my only option was to investigate directly.

“I must go.”

I headed towards the largest mansion in the village. It was the most prosperous place in the village, connected to a secret passage from the well to the kitchen. This mansion was also the unfortunate family that had been annihilated by the Golden Eagle Guards in my previous life.

Four guard warriors stood in front of the mansion. I glanced at them and thought,

‘Should I force my way in or proceed slowly…?’

The reason I wanted to enter this mansion was obvious: it was the wealthiest and most powerful family in the village and was likely to monopolize the greatest secrets and information. The owner of this mansion would know best what had happened over the past three years and the current dynamics at play.

After some hesitation, I approached the guard warriors directly. They raised their weapons upon seeing me, warning,

“Stop! Who are you?”

“I have come to become a guard warrior as well.”

“You brat, do you even realize you’re standing on the land of the Hua Clan?”

I nodded in response.

“Yes. I have come knowing that this is the wealthiest Hua family in Taegyeong Village.”

The name of this tragic village is Taegyeong Village. Until now, I hadn’t used it much, but upon objective reflection, I began to do so. The owner of this mansion is of the Hua Clan and is known to be the most affluent figure in the area. They accumulated wealth through the mineral industry and various businesses, as I understood.

The guard warrior from the Hua Clan twitched his eyebrows and spoke.

“Do you think this family just hires anyone who asks? There’s no place for a brat like you!”

“It doesn’t seem to be your authority to make that decision…”

“You scoundrel…!!”

Just as the guard warrior was about to lose his temper and charge at me,

“What is all this commotion?”

“Oh, miss.”

A woman of charming beauty stepped out from the inner mansion. She was dressed in fine silk clothing, exuding an air of grace, unmistakably a member of the Hua Clan. She appeared to be just in her twenties. The guard warrior stammered,

“This wandering brat suddenly asked to be accepted as a guard…”


With curious eyes, she gazed at me. Though not absolutely stunning like Sagong Rin or Mo Yongyeon, she was beautiful enough that everyone passing by would glance back at her. Moreover, there was an unusual charm emanating from her feline-like features, making her likely the best beauty in Taegyeong Village.

She asked me,

“Are you a member of the martial world? You seem confident in your skills.”

I played along casually.

“Yes. In fact, I ran out of money while traveling, so I sought to work as a guard for my livelihood.”

“I’m sorry, but we cannot carelessly hire a wanderer whose identity we cannot verify as part of our family’s guards. It’s not about skill; it’s a matter of trust. I apologize for that.”

The lady spoke politely and gracefully, almost as if bestowing a formal rejection upon me. It was most reasonable, making it quite awkward for me to argue back. Additionally, her apparent status within the Hua Clan seemed significant, so I pondered before responding.

“To be honest, I visited this village three years ago and found it to be a very peaceful and pleasant place. While on a martial journey, I thought it would be nice to stay here again, but it seems that was not meant to be. I apologize if I seemed rude.”

I decided to withdraw and leave. If I wished to gather high-end information directly from the Hua Clan, I would have to inquire around the village instead. Just as I was about to step back,

“Wait a moment. Are you really confident in your abilities?”

“……? Yes.”

The lady who called me back smiled softly and said,

“If that’s the case, could you eliminate the Blue Demon Four Evils that are roaming around near Taegyeong Village? If you handle them, I’ll hire you as a guard warrior of our family.”

The guard warrior captain beside me was taken aback.

“Miss! Those individuals are notorious rogues that even the government has given up on dealing with…”

“Isn’t that precisely why it’s fitting? I thought this would be a good way to gauge both his sense of justice and his skills.”

“Well… if that’s your will, then…”

I realized that a new request had come in. In other words, if I defeated the four rogues rampaging nearby, I would be accepted as a guard warrior of the Hua Clan. Since I needed to test the results of my training, I nodded in agreement.

“Very well. What is your name, if I may ask?”

“How rude to ask for a lady’s name first. Please tell me your name first.”

The way she spoke so firmly suggested she had a strong personality. I chuckled lightly and replied,

“My name is Baek Woong.”

“My name is Hua Lian. Please do visit me later.”

With that, Hua Lian returned inside the mansion. After a while, the guard warrior captain frowned and said,

“Hey, Baek Woong, was it? You look like a novice who has spent a few years learning martial arts; just give up.”

“What do you mean?”

“The Blue Demon Four Evils are former leaders of the Blood Demon Clan that have broken away from the Mado Eight Gates. They have rallied bandits to create a large stronghold and are currently robbing travelers. They possess such power that even the government is troubled by them. It’s impossible to eliminate them alone, so just give up.”

The Mado Eight Gates, Blood Demon Clan!

Unlike the Black Night Gate, which primarily engages in assassination, they were a group of martial artists that utilized a unique vitality in their techniques. It was presumed that the Blue Demon Four Evils were skilled practitioners from the Blood Demon Clan. Given they could rally a large group of bandits, their martial arts would surely far exceed that of mere foot soldiers.

Feigning indifference to his words, I asked,

“Have you been employed by the Hua Clan for long?”

“Huh? Why should I tell you that?”

The guard warrior captain replied curtly, seeming displeased.

“Fine. My friend and I have been working here for five years. What’s it to you?”

“Has anything significant happened in Taegyeong Village or the Hua Clan during that time?”

“What a ridiculous question. If something significant had happened, would we be able to stand guard like this? Stop the nonsense and get lost, kid!”

“Alright then.”

I turned away and exited in front of the Hua Clan mansion.

After that, for about two hours, I wandered around Taegyeong Village, asking various people to verify the information further. And I was able to ascertain one fact.

‘Absolutely nothing has happened over the past three years.’

Had it not been for my memories from my previous life, this Taegyeong Village seemed to be an utterly ordinary place. It was not a place where fanatics ran rampant, spilling blood for human sacrifices. In fact, it indicated that the Golden Eagle Guards had not even attempted to approach the village, confirming my suspicion.

So, what should I do now?

After contemplating for a while, I muttered,

“Should I go visit Hyun Cheon Do-in first?”

By the time I reached Taejeong Temple, the sun was setting. Standing with the dying rays behind me, I noticed the disciples of Taejeong Temple glancing suspiciously at me. I bowed to them, saying,

“I am Baek Woong from the Qinglong Martial Arts School, and I have come a long way to ask the temple master a question.”

“The temple master? You’ve come all the way here?”


“The temple master is currently in meditation; please wait for half a stick of incense.”

Following the guidance of the disciples, I sat quietly in the reception room and waited. After a bit more than half a stick of incense, Hyun Cheon Do-in finally appeared. He maintained his vibrant complexion and the aura of an unworldly sage as before.

“Greetings. I am Hyun Cheon.”

As Hyun Cheon Do-in sensed my qi, he seemed surprised and exclaimed,

“Ah, Amitabha… What a remarkable talent you are! Have you perhaps achieved a breakthrough?”

“Not quite. It was merely a coincidence.”

“Haha, today, you are opening my eyes to new insights.”


As Hyun Cheon Do-in poured warm tea into the cups, I posed my question.

“Have you, by any chance, sensed any邪氣 or seen any suspicious figures in this area over the past three years?”

“Hmmm… I don’t quite understand your intent, but at least in my memory, I have not. It’s been quite some time since I left the Wu Dang Sect. This place has remained endlessly peaceful. It is an excellent place to practice in harmony with nature.”

Hyun Cheon Do-in had been warding off bandits and ruffians in the area, and it was characteristic of him not to tolerate the presence of evil forces. If even he stated this, it signified that Taegyeong Village had indeed existed without turmoil.

“I heard there are individuals called the Blue Demon Four Evils running amok…”

“Not exactly here. If you go fifty more li from here, there’s a large valley where they have gathered their forces.”

“Why don’t you move against them?”

Hyun Cheon Do-in shook his head.

“I wish I could deal with them, but all my actions are related to the honor of the Wu Dang Sect. If I were to fail, I wouldn’t be able to handle the consequences arising from those rogues threatening the villagers or the disciples of Taejeong Temple.”

“I see.”

“Haha… It seems I’ve only been sharing shameful stories…”

Hyun Cheon Do-in chuckled bitterly as he sipped his tea. After a moment of contemplation, I asked,

“Have you ever heard of the secret treasure of the Seven Stars?”

“I know of it. It is a legend of the Daoists, comparable to the Eight Immortals.”

“A legend of the Daoists?”

“Haha! But how could such a thing truly exist? It would be more believable to think that Seobok went to Donghae and brought back the elixir of immortality.”

Hyun Cheon Do-in laughed heartily, showing no sign of taking the secret treasure of the Seven Stars seriously. This was in stark contrast to Mangnyang Seonsa’s approach, who treated the secret treasure of the Seven Stars as ‘real.’ It seemed that unlike the sorcerers directly dealing with the Left Dao, the Daoists of the Right Dao were more focused on internal cultivation and self-discipline.

“I know of a sorcerer who said that if one were to obtain the secret treasure of the Seven Stars, even a novice in sorcery could gain power. Is that true?”

“Ah… it’s just a legend. Hmmm…”

Hyun Cheon Do-in seemed somewhat flustered at first, but he organized his thoughts and answered earnestly.

“The Seven Stars symbolize the foundational elements of nature, from Monday to Sunday. The secret treasure of the Seven Stars is said to imbue the powers of the moon, fire, water, wood, metal, earth, and sun, thus possessing immense power. However, while the legend of the Seven Stars has been passed down since ancient times, no one has taken it seriously or sought to find it.”

“Why is that?”

“Because it sounds too fantastical. In particular, the treasure of Tuesday is said to contain the power of the Flame Emperor Shennong, and that it can be found at the southernmost edge of the world. Who would genuinely believe in such a quest?”

“Shennong, you say?”


Hyun Cheon Do-in smiled wryly, as if he found the whole concept ridiculous.

“The secret treasure of the Seven Stars is said to contain the hidden powers of the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors. Due to its mythical nature, even Sima Qian, who wrote the Records of the Grand Historian, concluded that the secret treasure of the Seven Stars was merely a fable. The more seriously one thinks about it, the less likely it seems.”


However, the moment I heard those words, a shiver ran down my spine.

‘The power of the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors…’

While the mundane may not believe such tales, I could not dismiss them. After all, the transcendent sorcerer Mangnyang Seonsa acknowledged the existence of the secret treasure of the Seven Stars, and I had succeeded in acquiring what was presumed to be a treasure associated with them. If the power of the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors were indeed hidden within the secret treasure of the Seven Stars, the implications were significant.

I would have to be more proactive in searching for the secret treasure of the Seven Stars!

With that thought in mind, I spoke to Hyun Cheon Do-in.

“Hyun Cheon Do-in, may I ask you for one last favor?”

“What is it?”

“I wish to eradicate the Blue Demon Four Evils, and I would like your assistance.”


“It may be difficult to do so alone, but together we can surely defeat those vile beings.”

Upon hearing this, Hyun Cheon Do-in clasped my hand joyfully.

“Ha ha, of course! If we combine our strengths, eliminating such evildoers will be no problem.”

His hesitation in confronting the Blue Demon Four Evils stemmed from the fact that even a peak expert would find it challenging to take on several dozen bandits gathered at their stronghold. As a human, there are limits to what one can handle alone. However, seeing that I possessed exceptional internal strength, he likely believed that with my help, we could easily quell the Blue Demon Four Evils.

“Let’s set off immediately.”

“Agreed! We shall uphold justice in the martial world.”

Without delay, Hyun Cheon Do-in and I packed our gear and embarked towards the Blue Demon Mountain, where the Blue Demon Four Evils resided. Although it was a distance of about fifty li, we arrived in less than half a stick of incense using the peak agility techniques.


The night had completely darkened. Looming above us was a well-constructed bandit stronghold, with torches flickering here and there. Judging by the number of torches, it seemed there were at least a hundred bandits.

“There sure are a lot of bandits. If the outer perimeter has this many, there must be twice as many inside.”

“There could be hundreds. That’s why the government is wary of them.”

“However, if we can deal with the Blue Demon Four Evils, the rest should not pose much of a problem.”

“Hmm, I will place my trust in you.”

“Let’s go.”

With that, Hyun Cheon Do-in and I swiftly dashed towards the bandit stronghold. Upon spotting us charging in out of nowhere, the bandits shouted in astonishment.


But before they could sound an alarm or raise a hue and cry, my sword had already glided past their necks. Hyun Cheon Do-in was similarly efficient, utilizing the martial arts of the Wu Dang Sect to dispatch the bandits before they even had a chance to react. It took us less than ten seconds to break through the stronghold’s entrance and leap inside.

‘There they are.’

As soon as I entered the stronghold, I sensed a powerful aura. There were exactly four of them, making it easy to conclude that they were the Blue Demon Four Evils. I took the lead, skillfully cutting down the bandits with my Neungyung Sword Technique, while Hyun Cheon Do-in followed behind to clear the path further.


The four rugged men, believed to be the Blue Demon Four Evils, looked at me with bewildered expressions. Each of them appeared to be elite experts and, having recognized the commotion outside, they were all armed and ready. A gaunt man with a fierce glare exclaimed,

“What are you intruders up to?”


I noticed they were bare-chested, holding weapons, and the room reeked with a nauseating odor. Behind the Blue Demon Four Evils were women stripped of their clothing, defiled and sullied. They were likely local women captured from nearby villages or travelers. It seemed they had abducted them to satisfy their sinful desires.


Hyun Cheon Do-in, who had just arrived, wore an expression of disgust.

“Beasts like you!”

“Hyun Cheon Do-in, I will take care of those two. Please deal with the others.”

“Of course.”


Thunderous energy swirled around my sword, and the aura from Hyun Cheon Do-in’s sword surged upwards. Upon realizing that we were peak experts, the expressions of the Blue Demon Four Evils turned pale.


With their skills, four of them had barely managed to stand a chance against one of us, but now there were two. One of them, looking guilty, shouted,

“Where do you come from?! We’ll give you the gold we’ve collected, please let us go this once.”

“I hail from the underworld, so just hand over your lives.”


Mocking the Blue Demon Four Evils, I unleashed the Thunderous Sword Technique and charged toward them. Strangely, even as I swung my sword to cleave through the air before them, they seemed unable to react.


The sword’s path flowed smoothly, severing the neck of one of the Four Evils and spilling blood everywhere. I realized my speed had increased exponentially compared to before.

Hyun Cheon Do-in was not to be outdone. He charged at the one wielding a spiked mace, and within moments, his sword had sliced through the bandit’s wrist. Before anyone could say anything, a massacre unfolded, and in less than twenty seconds, all the Blue Demon Four Evils became souls under the sword.

As he shook off the blood from his sword onto the ground, Hyun Cheon Do-in exclaimed in admiration,

“Your skills, Little Hero Baek Ung, are indeed remarkable. A true blessing for the martial world.”

“Don’t mention it… But I think the minions will start coming soon.”

“What should we do?”

I thought for a moment, then grabbed the head of one of the recently slain Blue Demon Four Evils.

“With a bandit group of this size losing their leader, they could easily lose control and start plundering nearby villages. We must handle the aftermath thoroughly.”

“Hmm… Are you suggesting…”

“If you find it difficult to cross the line and kill, please take the women and leave. I will handle this on my own.”

Hyun Cheon Do-in sighed.

“Why should I let you take all the burden? I have made up my mind today, so I will stay with you until the end.”

“Very well. Then let’s begin.”

With that, I dashed toward the gathered bandits and hurled the head of the Blue Demon Four Evils right at their feet. The bandits, waiting with bated breath, were taken aback by the sudden projectile, and once they recognized it as their leader’s head, their faces turned ashen.


I roared like a lion.

[The Blue Demon Four Evils are dead! It’s pointless for you to fight!]


“Run away!”

The bandits faltered and began to retreat, and soon the crowd dispersed like a receding tide. Although a few, appearing to be captains, shouted to restrain them, it was too late. The bandits had no loyalty to fight for the Blue Demon Four Evils, leading to the collapse of the organization with such a simple act.

I chased after the fleeing bandits, unleashing a torrent of deadly strikes.



With every swing of my sword, the bandits’ limbs were severed, and heads rolled. In no time, I had massacred nearly a hundred men, all while keeping myself nearly spotless from blood, silently executing my training. I began to find immense enjoyment in this, honing my skills with each man I cut down.

‘In truth, it’s just an excuse.’

I had no intention of joining the Golden Eagle Guards nor did I feel it necessary to take down the Blue Demon Four Evils for the sake of justice. I simply needed a practice target to refine my skills before facing the Black Night Gate. Killing bandits, who bore no consequence, became my real-world training with the Thunderous Sword Technique and Heavenly Kill—though Hyun Cheon Do-in remained oblivious to my true motives.


After winding up my practice on around one hundred fifty bandits, there were hardly any left standing. I wiped my blood-soaked hands on my robe and muttered,

“That was fun. I’ve improved my Heavenly Kill technique a bit.”

Eliminating the bandits wasn’t exactly something to boast about, but I felt it served as a good practice before the confrontation with the Black Night Gate. Just as I finished cleaning my hands, Hyun Cheon Do-in approached and spoke.

“Little Hero Baek Ung, I will now take the women to a safe place.”

“I appreciate it.”

Feeling the conclusion of today’s hunt, I plopped down on the ground. As I gazed at the bloodied scene—horrific dismemberment and corpses—my eyes grew cold and detached. I sensed something within me had shattered, but I had no further thoughts on the matter.

‘I won’t go to Mangnyang. I still can’t grow stronger as promised.’

My eyes sparkled with resolution.

‘I’ll ride this momentum and challenge the Black Night Gate directly.’

If I won against the Black Night Gate, wouldn’t that be proof enough of my growth? I felt a smile creeping onto my face with that thought.

For some reason, my hands felt restless.

I was experiencing a strange thrill in my trembling hands, yet I slowly began to deny it.

The moment I acknowledged this – I felt like something would change.

—————————= Author’s Note =————————=

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