ReLife Player

Chapter 216

In the ambitious night, darkness settled in the corridor.

The two slipped into the lecture hall, avoiding the patrol guard roaming the building.

Sneaking in was not difficult. They crossed the fence and opened the window.

It was all Jung Hayang’s doing.

She had no fear…

Eunha, yielding to her touch, rolled his eyes at the confidently swaying ribbon.

“What if we get caught?” “Shh! As long as we’re not caught.”

“You really…”

“You said it, Eunha. If bad deeds go unseen, it’s all good.”


With that explanation, there was nothing more to say.

Eunha reluctantly decided to follow her.

Under the dim moonlight, occasionally illuminating the deserted corridor, the two silently climbed the stairs.

“Sometimes, Eunha, you seem lost in thought, somewhere far away.”

It came out unexpectedly.

As she ascended the stairs to the third floor, breaking the silence with almost a mutter, or perhaps talking to herself.

Without looking back, Hayang responded.

“Every time you’re here, it feels like you’re not here.”

“I don’t always understand what you’re thinking at those times, Eunha.”

Maybe he didn’t either.

Eunha silently nodded in response to her rambling words.

Occasionally, he reminisced about his past life.

When immersed in everyday happiness, memories from his previous life unexpectedly overlapped.

A previous life filled with regret.

He didn’t miss that life; it just occasionally resurfaced.

Wasn’t the past and memories usually like that?

Difficult to forget the small things and suddenly remembering them.

“Didn’t you used to do that?” “What?”

“Look straight at me.”

Leaving the door to the rooftop, she turned around.

A few steps difference.

Looking down at him from the stairs, she smoothed her voice, as if mimicking someone.

“Look at me properly.”


Jung Hayang didn’t wait for an answer.

Swiftly ascending the remaining stairs, she swung the rooftop door wide open.

Cold air rushed in from outside, and the sounds of excitement were audible.

“─Look at us!”

With a gentle smile, Hayang stepped onto the rooftop.

Eunha followed her under the starless night sky.

In a corner of the rooftop enclosed by a fence, friends were chattering noisily.

“You’re finally here! How long have we been waiting!”

“Captain! Hayang! Come here quickly!”

“Because of you, the sausages I grilled got cold! You’re eating these!”

“Did you not feel cold coming here? Come here.”

“Sorry! We’re late, right?”

Friends called out to each other.

Hayang directed Eunha to a place to sit with a graceful smile.

He chuckled and took a seat.

Then Seona and Eunhyuk hurriedly placed pork belly, sausages, mushrooms, and more on the grill.

By now, the food had already been sampled by Parang, who, having tasted Minji’s cooked sausages, suddenly choked on a mouthful.

Seona seemed to have expected this outcome, shaking her head in fear.

“We entered the academy, but we haven’t properly celebrated among ourselves. I thought about it today. Didn’t Hayang tell you?”

“It was a secret, that’s why.” “Hehe, surprise!”

Hayang smiled charmingly, offering Eunha a seat.

With a chuckle, he took his seat.

Then Seona and Eunhyuk swiftly placed various meats on the grill.

Eunha expressed his curiosity while grabbing freshly grilled meat.

The taste of the meat was art.

He realized he hadn’t had a proper dinner.

“You said so. There’s nothing you can’t do in the academy. Bingu oppa, why do you keep glaring at me?” “W-what am I doing! Hey, Kim Minji, why are you trying to dip grilled meat into ssamjang!?”

“If i dip it in ssamjang, it’s obvious it’ll taste great!”

“They say even if it stays quiet, it loses half its flavor. Why hasn’t she improved even after entering the academy?”

Eunha was taken aback seeing her friends arguing among themselves.

Throwing a party using points earned through hard work in entrance exams seemed absurd.

Points were meant for prioritizing advantages while living in the academy.

Though they hadn’t even registered for the first semester, using points like this made Eunha sigh involuntarily.

He was about to say something.

“Why care? It’s my points, I’ll use them as I please. If you don’t like it, don’t eat the meat.”

“Haha! Kim Minji, you put it well! Right! Don’t eat the meat! Do you know how precious this meat is?”

Minji and Parang retorted spontaneously.

Seeing them like that, he decided to let it slide.

After all, it was their responsibility.

He didn’t care if they regretted it later.

Since they hadn’t had a proper dinner, they needed to fill up on meat.

“Don’t just eat the meat, try the rice cakes and kimchi too.”

“Alright, got it. Coke or cider?”

“I’ll have a coke.”

Not being able to drink alcohol was regrettable.

Having an illicit rooftop barbecue just to avoid getting caught for breaking the rules was quite an adventure.

Eunha sipped the coke Hayang offered and skillfully wielded his chopsticks.

Food kept piling up on the grill.

Seona, claiming she was full, kept grilling meat, urging others to eat more.

“Hey, No Eunha, do that again.”

“What are you talking about?” “Remember during today’s rehearsal for the initiation ceremony when you were lost and got scolded by the instructor? What did you say?”

“I’ll try. In a very respectful tone, he said, ‘Understood. I’ll correct it.’ I was so nervous then….”

Minji lowered her voice, furrowing her brows as she held the chopsticks.

The friends chuckled.

Feeling embarrassed for no reason, Eunha stuffed a large lettuce wrap into his mouth.

“I think I can do it too. ‘Understood. I’ll correct it.’ How’s that?”

“Hayang, she was great even in Snow White, a true actress.”

“Yeah, that’s true. Hayang’s acting is better than Choi Eunhyuk’s in plays.” “What’s this about Snow White?”

“Seona, that means… you’d laugh if you heard it because of Choi Eunhyuk…”

“Oh! Oh! Oh! Minji! If you say it, I won’t let you off!”

Under the night sky, the friends chattered excitedly.

Watching them, Eunha felt strangely relieved, as if a heavy burden had been lifted off his shoulders.

“Right! Let’s set off fireworks!”

“Fireworks? Parang oppa, where did you get them from?”

“I bought them with points earlier!” “You can buy fireworks with points?”

Excited, Jin Parang pulled out fireworks from his tail.

The kids were in awe of Jin Parang, who used his tail like an inventory.

Seona looked at him with disdain, but.

“As long as there’s fire?”

“Why are you asking! Everyone, come here!”

Jin Parang, carrying a heap of fireworks, stood up and led the way.

The friends eagerly followed suit.

“Are you coming?”


Eunha, who hadn’t followed the friends as they moved away, got up when Hayang called out.

She had completely forgotten they were at the academy.

Amidst the noise, Hayang picked up two fireworks that were left behind.

The flames from the fireworks brightly illuminated the surroundings. With the sound of the fireworks exploding, Eunha opened up about something that had been bothering him.

“…There’s someone I want to meet.”


“But I’m not sure if that person really exists in this world or if it’s just a dream.”

Is Yi Yoo-jeong in this world?

Or does she not exist?

Even if he had an answer in front of him, opening it was terrifying.

If she didn’t exist in this world, then one reason for him to walk the thorny path in his second life would disappear.

Without being able to burn with all his might like those fireworks.

Despite the fireworks going off, he opened his mouth without hesitation.

“…A very precious person?”

“Yeah, incredibly.”

Hayang asked.

Eunha nodded.

Yi Yujeong was a presence he couldn’t express in words.

So, hopefully—

“—She’ll be there. Eunha, for someone you consider so precious, it can’t just be a dream, right?”

Eunha, who had been looking up at the night sky, turned her attention.

Hayang had a gloomy expression. She emphasized once again, lips slightly pursed.

“Well, of course, she must be somewhere.”

“You think so?”

His heart felt considerably lighter.

The comfort of someone affirming brought solace.

Yi Yoo-jeong exists somewhere in this world.

Strangely now, she could have certainty in an unfounded assumption.

“It couldn’t be a dream. Where in reality can it feel this vivid?”

“Right, it can’t be a dream. Hayang, you’re right.”

“So, Even then─.”

Another firework erupted.

Parang waved a large firework on the rooftop, cheering enthusiastically.

Eunhyuk lit the fireworks he held tightly.

The world and the sound separated. The ears felt muffled.

Yet Eunha could hear her voice.

“We are here.”

A voice that dragged him out from the past, unable to move forward.

Only now did Eunha look around.

He realized why his friends wanted to have a party on this night.

They were worried about him.

To comfort himself from feeling gloomy, locked in his room because of Yi Yoo-jeong’s absence.

Receiving consolation from kids of his age…

It was pathetic.

Receiving comfort from 14-year-olds.

Though he should be the one guiding them, their roles seemed to have flipped, and he couldn’t help but laugh.

Yes, Yi Yujeong must be somewhere.

Living well wherever she is.

Perhaps it’s for the best.

The fact that she wasn’t at the academy also meant there was no reason for her to be a player for him.

She would be somewhere in the world, living a normal life in pursuit of happiness.

All the burden rested on himself.

For her, for Baek-ryeon.

“Hey, guys.”

Eunha approached the friends lighting a new firework.

He had postponed what he needed to do by staying locked in his room.

He needed to remind himself why he entered the academy.

“There’s something I want to tell you.”

The friends stared.

One by one, Eunha spoke while looking into their eyes.

“After I graduate from the academy, I’ll create a party that nobody would dare to underestimate.”


“So… If you’re interested in my party, you should work hard until then to be worthy of it. I’ll leave behind anyone who can’t keep up.”

A party to change the future.

Eunha had no intention of pulling his friends into the party he would create through compassion.

He only cared about skills.

Even if those who couldn’t follow were left behind.

It might be better for them too.

There was no need for him to force his friends to follow the path he had to take just because they were friends.

“No Eunha…”

Eunha said very seriously.

But the reaction was quite different.

Jin Parang had the same expression he wore when eating sausages that Minji grilled.

“No Eunha, this guy is really funny. It’s like he thinks we have to attend his party no matter what. Who said we were going?”

“Excessive self-importance is a sickness, you know? Like the sound of ice cream melting in this weather….”

“Captain! I’ll definitely join!”

“That’s excessive self-importance. I’m embarrassed for you.”

“Also, contrary to what Eunha thinks, you might end up coming to us asking to join.”

Playful friends.

Unable to say anything seeing them laugh at him.

He felt embarrassed as Seona said.

And then.

“Hey, you guys! Who’s setting off fireworks at this hour in the academy! Stand still there!”

“”Guys, run away!””


The fireworks exploded fiercely.

The instructors patrolling the academy couldn’t possibly not notice.

The kids on the rooftop chose to flee from the instructors without a word.


The next day, Eunha had to write a reflection essay with his friends.

~ ☆ ~

First Friday of the 1st semester at the academy.

Middle school 1st-year academy students gathered in the auditorium for their initiation ceremony.


The instructors who entered through the door stepped firmly, cutting across the students.

Hayang, who entered as the top student, stood up from her seat in the front row of the ensemble.

Her voice, resonating with mana, reverberated through the wide space.

Following her, Eunha, who entered as the second student, rose, and then all the 1st-year students stood up together.

“Now, we will conduct the initiation ceremony for the 031st session of Player Middle School Academy.”

The students were wearing ceremonial blazers.

The stained glass allowed a red line to pass through, coloring their white blazers like blood.


Eunha and Hayang simultaneously raised their right hands.

With their other hand, they hit the floor with the ceremonial device at their waist.

A short ‘thud’ echoed.

As soon as the word ‘swear’ ended, the students imitated the words and actions of the two.

The clattering sound echoed like an orchestra, filling the entire space.

“I swear to become a sword protecting my homeland without fear of death, dedicating myself to the country, contributing to world peace, and faithfully performing the mission of a player.”

As the space filled with echoing murmurs, the two students gently drew out their swords.

The sharp blades emitted a bright light, encapsulating the world.

The students also drew their swords to the position where the crossguard reached their forehead.

“”─Until this heart beats.””

The collision of the hilt with the scabbard.

One sound turned into a majestic echo throughout the space.

“Year 9, March 8. 031st class.”

“No Eunha.”

“Jung Hayang.”

Gradually, each student uttered their own name and hit the floor with their ceremonial sword, like putting a period at the end.

Until this heart stops.

Until the sparks fade away.

On that day, the 031st student class was officially admitted to the academy.

TLN: Bonus Chapter 1/3. Thanks to Joel! Seeing how it was part of the swearing in, I kinda want to go back and change it to “Until this heart stops” or something along those lines.

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