ReLife Player

Chapter 217

The Player Middle School Academy taught general subjects belonging to the secondary education curriculum in the morning and dedicated academy-specific subjects in the afternoon.

During this time, students could enroll in elective subjects they wanted to take with the points they earned from the entrance exam without any restrictions. Of course, there were mandatory courses that students had to complete. In such cases, they could use their points to choose the desired time slots and instructors.

Hence, the concept of “classes” at the academy was merely a system designed for easy student management.

Therefore, Eunha was taking Monster Studies and Introduction to Monsters.

“Some of you may know that monsters suddenly appeared after the millennium, around 1999, after the end of the century’s destruction. However, discussions about the existence of monsters have been around since humanity clarified the existence of mana in the 1980s and even before.”

Introduction to Monster Studies was a mandatory course for first-year students at the Middle School Academy.

The two invested their points in a subject where the instructor, based on Eunah’s advice, made the class easier and more enjoyable. Thanks to this, they could also find discussions on the fundamental relationship between the world and monsters interesting.

“…In Korea, we can cite the folklore of the indebted toad as an example. Scholars explaining the existence of monsters are considering whether the entities mentioned as ‘mysteries’ from ancient times could be referring to monsters.

Although humanity clarified the existence of mana in the 1980s, mana has existed prior. It is assumed that there were occurrences of disturbances in the past, and the monsters that appeared from them might have been called ‘mysteries.'”

Therefore, the International Mana Management Organization recommended naming new monsters by contrasting the legends originating from the appearing country.

The instructor mentioned the case of <Index> Yoon Sung-jin naming the third-tier monster, Ishimi, during the First Uijeongbu Retake Battle.

“…I see.”

Hayang, who enjoyed stories, lit up at the instructor’s explanation. She was continuously and diligently recording the class content.

Meanwhile, Eunha, while flowing through theoretical discussions, reminisced about what had happened after the initiation ceremony.

For now, finding Yoojung had to be put on hold. I should prioritize finding the members of the Mistflower Party.

Before entering the academy, he had pondered intensely about who to recruit within the academy. Who among the golden generation would wield influence domestically in the future? Who were the must-haves among them?

After considering, he decided to first recruit the people who were active in the Mistflower Party before regression. Especially, Yoojung and Bae Soo-bin, notorious as the ‘Witch of Slaughter,’ were evaluated highly, even compared to Park Hye-rim, known as <Saint Mother>, despite her status as a different grade from the others.

Setting aside Parang, and with Haesu being in a different grade, there would be an opportunity later.

First, Bae Soo-bin had to be recruited. Yoojung and Bae Soo-bin were the only ones from the Mistflower Party in the 031st class, including Eunha. They could be considered classmates who graduated from the academy at the same time.

On the contrary, Baek Hae-su, known as <Maestro of Fate>, belonged to the 029th session.

Though there were close candidates from the Mistflower Party, it was necessary to recruit these three individuals who had a significant influence as part of the golden generation. He felt sorry for the members, but there were some people he couldn’t remember, both their faces and names.

Members who joined the Mistflower Party were inflamed with hatred towards monsters and died easily. Consequently, he only remembered those whom he had spent a long time with. The person’s image was vague unless their impression was strong.

“Well then, I’ll ask you all a question. After the end of the century’s destruction, the International Mana Management Organization categorized monsters from Tier 1 to Tier 9. What criteria do you think the International Mana Management Organization used to classify the monster’s hierarchy?”

Since he couldn’t find Yoojung in the academy, Bae Soo-bin was a priority target for recruitment. A caster who showed skills surpassing the Second-term Twelve <Digger> Kwak Woo-hyuk in his previous life. Moreover, he knew her well as she was a founding member of the Mistflower Party. There was no one as manageable and understandable as her to take charge of the party’s firepower.

He understood her personality and actions. But it wasn’t going as well as he had thought…

As he attended the class, he sighed. The plan wasn’t progressing as systematically as he had anticipated.

He glanced sideways at the girl sitting in the front row.

“Is there no one? Let me see, what do you think, Jung Hayang? What do you think was the basis for classifying the monster hierarchy?”

Meanwhile, Hayang was pointed out by the instructor while diligently taking notes.

Flustered, she couldn’t avoid answering. Soon after organizing her thoughts, she spoke up.

“…I think it was based on the size of the disturbance where the monsters appeared and the monsters’ strength.”

“You can roughly gauge the monster hierarchy based on the size of the disturbances. Then, how do you think they differentiated the monsters’ strengths?”

“…I’m sorry. I don’t really know.”

The criteria for determining the monsters’ strength. Size? Characteristics? Internal mana?

Hayang pondered but eventually gave up. Although some monsters were divided as more dangerous and less dangerous intuitively, it was difficult to articulate.

The instructor, understanding her dilemma, smiled softly. Then, he waited to see if anyone else raised their hand.

“Yes. You there.”

The instructor quietly handed the microphone to the girl next to him.

The girl who received the microphone in the front row adjusted her glasses.

…Bae Soo-bin.

“Middle School Academy, 031st session, Bae Soo-bin.”

She was the person Eunha had been looking for over the past few days.

When he attended this class for the first time and spotted her, the one he had been searching for, he couldn’t contain his joy.

However, Bae Soo-bin regarded him unfavorably.

In her previous life, she was the top-ranked, but in this life, she was third. This fueled her competitive spirit.

Like this.

“…She’s always been someone who dislikes losing.”

He murmured to Hayang while glancing at Bae Soo-bin, who flashed a competitive glare.

She was the embodiment of competitiveness.

She detested losing more than anything else.

When she vowed to prove that her title, “Witch of Slaughter,” wasn’t just a mere label, Eunha had to intervene laboriously to stop her.

“Differentiating the monster hierarchy isn’t about the monster’s strength; it’s about how the respective monster threatens human peace.”

“Yes, that’s right. Well done, student Bae Soo-bin.”

The instructor, returning to his seat, flipped the PPT screen. The International Mana Management Organization’s declaration appeared.

“The International Mana Management Organization categorizes all monsters based on their degree of threat to human peace as follows:

Tier 9: Monsters causing environmental pollution or acting as the source of diseases.

Tier 8: Monsters causing physical harm in daily life.

Tier 7: Monsters committing mid-level crimes like robbery, murder, or rape.

Tier 6: Monsters, individually or in groups, paralyzing urban administration or threatening human influence.

Tier 5: Monsters, individually or in groups, paralyzing city administration or posing equivalent threats.

Tier 4: Monsters managing other monster groups, turning humans into livestock, or threatening human prosperity.

Tier 3: Single monsters disrupting national administration and causing damages equivalent to disasters.

Tier 2: Single monsters disrupting national administration and causing damages equivalent to catastrophes.

Tier 1: Single monsters posing a threat to human survival.”

“As you can see, the International Mana Management Organization categorizes monsters based on their threat level to human peace. While the general public often believes that a higher tier means stronger monsters causing more damage, it’s not entirely accurate. Yes, you there.”

Few people had personally read the International Mana Management Organization’s declaration.

Until recently, students fell under the category of the general public, and their reactions to the instructor’s words were varied.

Some couldn’t contain their curiosity and raised their hands.

“Professor, does that mean a higher tier doesn’t always mean a stronger monster?”

“We can’t assert that the hierarchy and a monster’s strength always align. Even weak monsters can be classified into high tiers based on their threat to human peace. Yes, you there.”

“Then, can a monster’s tier change depending on the level of threat it poses when it appears?”

“Yes, it can change. Generally, a monster’s tier is classified based on the data stored in the library. However, navigators in the field can alter the tier based on the extent of damage the monster causes.”

The instructor switched to the next screen.

It displayed a familiar location—Doan Kindergarten.

“A few years ago, there was an incident where 30 Tier 7 goblins appeared in Daehangno.

At that time, the Mana Management Office judged the goblin group could threaten human influence and elevated them to Tier 6.”

The instructor used the case of goblins appearing in Doan Kindergarten a few years ago as an example.

Measuring a monster’s strength was incredibly vague, comprehensive, and subjective.

Hence, the tiers were divided based on their threat to human peace.

Countries joining the International Mana Management Organization awarded tiers to monsters based on recommended standards, reflecting the situation of each nation.

The downgrading of Kraken’s tier in Korea was a reflection of the country’s status. The Kraken had only appeared at the Sungsu Bridge and Seongsan Bridge in this country.

After the Kraken appeared at the Seongsan Bridge, it never appeared again in the country.

Thus, the Korean Mana Management Organization downgraded the Kraken to Tier 4, based on the damage it caused on two occasions.

The improvement in players’ skills, technological advancements, and the development of people’s mana control abilities contributed to this change.

“You’re no longer ordinary people. Therefore, it’s essential to clearly understand the criteria for classifying monster tiers.”

Monster hierarchy and monster strength should not be equated.

All the students nodded in agreement.

“Where are you going, Captain?”

“Today, you guys eat together.”

“Hey! Are you going to see her again?”

After the afternoon class ended, Eunha navigated through the crowd to find Bae Soo-bin.

“Hey, I asked you to come with me after class.” “Why should I go with someone I’m not close to?”

He caught up with her with some effort.

Bae Soo-bin turned her head, making a sound of disdain while speaking.

She seemed completely uninterested, clutching her textbook as she passed by.

“Class is over, right? I’m hungry, so let’s go eat dinner together.”

“Go eat with your friends. Why do you keep coming to me to have food? Where are we going? Why do you keep bothering me?”

Responding curtly, Bae Soo-bin.

Eunha sighed.

Having decided to recruit Bae Soo-bin, he had been following her for a few days.

Each time, she would take a defensive stance whenever he approached her.

Initially competitive, she now seemed to ignore Eunha to the extent of not even acknowledging him.

“I just want to become friends with you.”

Each time, he responded with these words, showing patience.

“I have no intention of becoming friends with you, so stop bothering me.”

“Then, I’ll leave.”

Bae Soo-bin went her way, and he had no choice but to follow, making efforts to score even a little.

“For instance, carrying your bag for you.”

“Your textbook looks heavy. Give it here.”

“It’s my textbook. Why should I give it to you?”

“Because I said so.”

“You’re really…!”

His attempts to earn points backfired.

Snatching her bag without permission, he faced criticism in front of others.

Soo-bin, who boldly reclaimed her bag, left, cursing at him loud enough for people to hear.

“…I acknowledged your personality, but you’ve never been good at socializing since our academy days. So full of pride…”

Eunha rolled his eyes as he watched her move away.

In her previous life, Soo-bin was known for her peculiar personality. She claimed that after graduating from the academy, she lost her temper due to various incidents.

However, the determined attitude she displayed now wasn’t much different from what he had seen in her previous life.

It seemed her personality had always been like that.

Though irritating, he couldn’t give up.

Despite her demeanor, he acknowledged her skill.

She had graduated at the top of their academy in her previous life.

“If only I hadn’t met that guy─!”

Once, Soo-bin had shed tears, lamenting how she had been used by her ex-partner at the academy, eventually being discarded and facing various hardships.

“Hey! Wait up! I said, let’s go together!”

Unable to resist his feelings, Eunha dashed after her.

“I told you not to follow me!” “Hey, do you hate me that much?”

“Ugh! You’re really disgusting!”

The reason she was a priority for recruitment wasn’t solely due to her skills.

It was also to prevent her from meeting ‘that guy’ she had cursed vehemently.

Eunha needed to establish a friendship with her as soon as possible, uncertain when she might meet ‘that guy’ again.

“Captain, why are you acting like this lately…? It’s weird. Is it adolescence?”

“It’s not adolescence, it’s my pride. I’m really embarrassed to be seen with you.”

Meanwhile, Eunhyuk and Parang sighed upon hearing the rumors circulating around the academy.

Rumor had it that Noh Eunha, who placed second in the entrance exam, had chosen Bae Soo-bin.

A tense night.

The girls gathered in Minji’s room, all with stern faces as they sat down.

“Well, then─.”

Minji took out a 1.5L bottle of soda from the small fridge and placed it on the desk.

They all poured the soda into their paper cups.

As if in agreement, the three raised their cups as if toasting, then gulped down the soda in unison.

With a cheer of “Cheers~!” they put down their paper cups.

After a moment, Minji glanced at Seona and Hayang, breaking the silence.

“─Let’s begin the first meeting of the Cool Girls’ Dormitory Union.”


TLN – Bonus Chapter 2/3.

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