Remnants anomaly


Leon had learned an interesting little piece of information thanks to his relationships with glenda and salem that he wasn't a hundred percent sure was true. as far as his experience was concerned the powerful women on remnant were insatiable monsters when it came to sex. it wasn't hard to figure out why either since they tended to have high levels of endurance as well as stress making them very hard to please if their partner wasn't a powerful man. salem was no exception to this rule as no matter how much he pounded her into the floor she kept coming back for more.

'This might be the most intense exercise i've had in ages.' leon thought jokingly as he laid out on the bed with salem draped over his chest dead asleep with a small content smile on her face. 'i'm dying of curiosity to see how different she is without that black stuff messing with her mind.' he thought seriously but didn't act on that impulse without asking her first. the next morning must have been christmas because salem actually gave leon the go ahead to purify tyrian much to his joy.

If she noticed that he kept the spell active for longer than necessary to get rid of the black gunk in the mans system salem didn't say anything about it. an interesting thing that leon discovered thanks to his needless extending of the spell was that the color of tyrian's aura changed afterwards. it was a small amount of change but it was immediately noticeable by leons sharingan like the man's very nature had been shifted towards good ever so slightly. leon kept this information to himself though because he very much doubted that salem would agree to having the spell used on her if she knew it could directly affects souls like this.

Salem learned from this experiment that the limit for the pain was capped out for all individuals regardless of mental state at just before they would be reduced to an incoherent mess. this is to say that the pain is not really more than an extremely uncomfortable amount but not enough to really mess up anyone. as for the small stunt that leon pulled by stalling the spell for an extra few minutes she totally ignored it since she knew very well that tyrian deserved it.

The man was beyond morally bankrupt as the things he's done and took pleasure doing made even her slightly uncomfortable. salem knew that she was no saint but none of what she did was for pleasure in most cases that didn't involve ozpin , it was all business. this was not to say she didn't take great pleasure ruining the things ozpin built but those were exceptions rather than the rule. she did figure out a positive aspect to the spell however in the form that it would remove her weakness to the silver eyed clans powers.

A week passed after that without salem agreeing to have the spell used on her but leon didn't mind since he had all the time in the world. there was an entertaining event when leon returned to vale to check up on things however in the form of ozpins new incarnation , oscar , being present in the city. why this was entertaining was that ozpin tried to grill leon for "falling for salem's trickery" for a good long while before leon got tired of it and magically suppressed him. leon had never seen ironwood look so happy in the entire time he's known the man than during that short moment of suppression.

Still news of this event reached salem and she finally consented to be purified under leons spell in exchange for another month of his time which he agreed to. leon had no reason not to after all since this place was a veritable treasure with the vast amount of exp he earned once a week. the spell was used on salem and leon was left rather speechless as the entire room was filled with black grim essence smoke which his sharingan greedily sucked up. the sheer volume of the stuff however made his eyes ache from the rapid improvement they underwent after using it as fuel for their growth.


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