Remnants anomaly


Leon didn't say anything about salem choice since it would be pointless but did double check that the maid had a good amount of corruption in her body. while anyone with eyes could see the black marks and dark eyes leon needed a rough understanding of exactly how much corruption he needed to clear out. "you should probably lay down , this is going to hurt a lot." he said seriously and the maid wasted no time at all doing so. "the power of hell to purify those within it through their suffering all the way to the core of their souls , penance." leon activated the spell causing a bright glow similar to hell fire to radiate from the maid.

Immediately the maids whole body locked up as her eyes rolled back in her head while black smoke rose out of her pores. the process was fairly fast taking only three minutes to finish according to his sharingan at which point he cut off the spell. as soon as he did so the maid began letting out horrifying screams as if she was being tortured after the spell was over. nine minutes later she finally stopped screaming even if it was barely audible due to her over worked vocal cords.

"As you can see she's still alive and is now free of the corruption but had suffered greatly in exchange." leon said calmly. "why did it seem like she was in pain much longer than the spell was active?" salem asked warily. "from what i can tell the spell first purifies the target and then inflicts suffering on them for about three times the duration of the spell after that." leon said with a shrug. "it may be best used in small burst to flush out a persons system rather than all at once like this in most cases." he added seriously.

"In most cases? what is the exception?" salem asked seriously since she had a sneaking suspicion that leon confirmed. "you are." he said with a sigh. "right now you have so much of that stuff in you that it would be better to do one extremely long period of suffering rather than a bunch of short ones. you naturally have a choice in the matter but i suggest getting it over with as soon as possible , think it over." leon said before walking away to go back to his room.

Salem was left looking at leons back with a conflicted expression but didn't chase after him since she couldn't afford the distraction from her thoughts. it was only when the maid awoke that she was broken out of her thoughts an hour later. the maid stared at the lack of black stripes on her skin in amazement for a moment before salem commanded her to report her experience in as much detail as possible. "it was warm and comfortable at first as i felt like i was becoming lighter , but then there was so much pain , so much pain." the maid shivered from the memory.

Salem dismissed the maid who hurriedly left the area to get back to her duties in hopes of forgetting the whole event. 'clearly the pain isn't the type that sends its victims into madness , but leon wouldn't lie about how bad it is so what am i missing?' she thought with a frown. ' it's possible that it is meant to be right at the cusp of what could cause madness but that would mean the spell is aware of what that point is which is hard to believe.' she thought confused at why she couldn't understand what was different about the spell leon used compared to the normal forms of magic.

'I need another test to get more experience first before i commit.' salem decided cautiously. she even decided to let leon use the spell on tyrian since it would both make him happy while letting her gauge the spells affects on someone who was already insane. 'i'll bring it up tomorrow , but for now i could use some relaxation.' she thought with a faint blush before rushing off to find leon for some less than kid friendly activities.


my patrons can read an extra two chapters ahead along with using the site as a way to directly contact myself rather than needing to hope i respond to your comments.


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