Remnants anomaly

Cooperative teaching

The two teams were disappointed that they couldn't get a head start on their next class but knew he was right. "so where have been staying this whole time , i miss my body pillow?" yang asked giving leon a flirty look. "first , i know better than to tell you that , and second now i have to explain the huge misunderstanding you just gave everyone." leon said with a sigh before looking at the rest of the two teams. "right so yang has been sleeping in my bed since i was four and as ruby can tell you she clings onto people when she's asleep. when she said body means it very literally , there is no inappropriate things happening not for lack of effort on her part anyways." he explains.

Yang gets a whole bunch of weird looks from the others after leons explanation but she just returns the stares nonrepentant. "it's odd that you haven't accepted yang's advances since as far as i can tell you are of normal sexual orientation." weiss said confused. leon shrugged " never really had much interest in that sort of thing since it was so easily available , not to say i'm some sort of nervous virgin or anything like that , since that couldn't be further from the truth." leon said calmly.

"Wait seriously , i thought all men had an interest in that sort of thing?" blake asked surprised. leon shook his head "truthfully most men are interested in the women themselves rather than the fun times they can get. there are exceptions of course but this is true for most men , if you don't believe me you can asked rin and jaune." leon said honestly and the other two men nodded in agreement after the girls looked at them.

The two teams left after that with yang looking dejected at not figuring out where he had been staying. ironically leon was actually staying nearby , to be specific in a cave he renovated in secret in the middle of the plateaus cliff face. without being able to fly the cave was all but inaccessible since you needed to free climb the plateau to its location. the inside of the cave had been turned into a technophiles paradise with the blueprints to many of leons products as well as all the modern living arrangements being available. it was literally a miniature house built into the cliff face and made leon comfortable.

No body saw leon on sunday since he was out hunting grim that day but he showed up nice and early to meet glenda for her class. he got a raised eyebrow for it from the blonde huntress though since she wasn't expecting someone his age to get up so early. "i don't know if i should feel insulted or appreciative to be considered odd by you." leon said honestly. glenda just shrugged " up to you." she said calmly. the lesson was fairly easy for leon since his part in it was merely acting like a punching bag for glenda while she explained the way tournament fights worked.

Cardin apparently thought that since leon wasn't really fighting back that he was weak and wanted to give it a go. this did not go so well for him however as leon proceed to thrash the upstart guy thoroughly. leon had to admit cardin had an interesting semblance though since it applied light suppression to his opponents making it seem like he was moving faster than he was. the truth was just that the person subjected to the semblance couldn't move as fast as usual from the restriction.

Leon decided to knock cardins ego down a few pegs much to his horror by not only exposing how his semblance worked but by telling everyone how to deal with it. truth was if the target of the semblance remained moving at a decent speed cardin burned through his aura energy very fast. glenda didn't say anything about leon making cardins future fights that much more hard since she secretly agreed with leon about cardin needing his ego checked. cardin was a well known bully at this point in the academy year with the faunus being his favorite targets.

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