Remnants anomaly

Second lesson

The rest of the week had leon out going over his business's and making life difficult for the grim near beacon of which there was a suspicious amount. it was like someone had used grim bait on the academy from how common they were despite leon hunting them religiously. 'i'll have to asked ozpin about this after my lesson's are over. ' leon thought as he finished off another alpha ursa easily. the next day was saturday and leon had quite the lesson planed for the poor students who had no clue the hellish lesson awaiting them.

The large outdoor area had been transformed seemingly over night into a massive obstacle course modeled after the most crazy conditions a hunter may find themselves in. the obstacle course got a lot of curious looks from the students as they arrived but leon remained quiet until the whole class arrived. "welcome to the single most irritating class you will have this year." leon addressed the class with a smile. "for those of you wondering about the obstacle course behind me allow me to explain. you see hunters may find themselves in situations were running away is the best option. this obstacle course was designed to mimic the most hectic conditions a hunter might encounter while running away."

"The way the next four lessons after this one will go is that each team will run the course while timed and only if the last person on that team finishes under five minutes without "dying" does that team pass. when i say dying i am referring to the various traps and subsonic paintball guns installed around the course that if someone is hit by in a lethal way three times counts as them failing the course." leon explained with an amused smile at the horrified expressions on the students faces.

"To prove that it can be done i will run the course myself while handicapped to only using my arms and legs without my wings or tail." leon said before dashing through the course masterfully dodging the traps and paint balls finishing in three minutes and seventeen seconds. "before some of you start saying that i cheated by knowing the placement of the traps and guns before hand keep in mind that they are set to go off at random so that advantage is nulled out." leon said before resetting the stop watch.

Leon eyed the class with a malicious grin " so which team is first?" he asked calmly. the student teams found the obstacle course a nightmare to challenge since it wasn't an individual challenge but a team one were if even one person failed the whole team did. the genius thing about the challenge is that it solidified the teamwork between the various teams in the process. when the lesson was over none of the teams had passed and all of the students had water soluble vibrantly colored paint on them. "no need to look down everyone , i expected this outcome when i created this course." leon explained.

"The course will remain in this configuration for the next week until this upcoming saturday at which point i will shuffle the order to keep you on your toes. feel free to challenge the course throughout the week to better acclimate to this style of action class dismissed." he said as the students left exhausted from constantly challenging the course. the next two classes didn't fare any better than the first despite someone having recorded the lesson again in the first class. the other teachers loved the concept behind the course and made sure to tell leon with even glenda praising it.

Funnily enough a few of the older student teams from higher years had come to challenge the course as well since it was useful even in their cases. the success rate was much higher in the older students runs but even those teams had a pretty consistent losing streak. ozpin asked leon if he could create an obstacle room based on the same concept as the course but more dynamic and on a wider scale. leon agreed and the construction of a new building was undergone near immediately.

Titan corp didn't waste any time with the construction job and in little more than a week a football field sized metal building was done. the inside of the building was a hyper advanced simulation room that even simulated dirt and weather in a realistic manner. the obstacle course that the building put together was far more comprehensive and random than the one leon created to the point even leon had trouble completing some of the random courses it created. this building was opened to the students and staff under the name eco sim chamber.

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