Remnants anomaly

Gravity suit

Leon didn't even use his own created course since he knew it wouldn't be useful for him with his stats at B rank. the eco sim room however was very different since it was designed with even speed type semblance users like ruby in mind. leon's training with the room was with actual bullets rather than paintballs since unlike most people his vampire semblance made him damn near impossible to kill. he figured this out when he was ambushed by a pack of beowolves after while his aura shield was down and he was literally split in half at the waist.

The stored life force pulled the two parts back together and repaired them in close to an instant much to the surprise of the beowolves and leon. he didn't know what the limit to this deadpool esque healing ability was but he could tell killing him would be an effort in futility. apparently tye had actually known about this for years now but kept it to himself in fear of leon abusing the hell out of it. leon couldn't argue with the man either since leon had done exactly that while he waited for his aura to regen against the beowolves.

The poor grim couldn't figure out why they failed to kill leon despite literally ripping him apart several times. leon didn't know that he had dodged a very big bullet when he finally killed all of the beowolves. what only a small number of people knew was that grim spread important information on contact with others of their kind. this meant if even one of those beowolves escaped salem would eventually find out about leons healing that was very similar to her own. anyway leon had trained himself in a far more dangerous manner ever since then.

The eco sim room did wonders for leons agility and endurance stats since leon had learned very fast how much exp his falna sucked up to improve his stats. hunting stronger types of grim helped with this crazy consumption but it was still slow going. whats worse was that it was becoming harder and harder for leon to find ways to train that improved him quickly. adventurers woe it was called in orario , it happened as adventurers leveled up and raised their stats. eventually one would hit a wall were they would slow down drastically with their improvement as they surpassed the natural peak of their race.

Thanks to the boosting ability of aura leon only hit this point towards the peak of level three where he was at currently. the problem was not that the grim were weak but that leon was too strong , most grim no longer challenged leon to kill. alpha grim still provided a decent challenge but their rarity made hunting them exclusively very difficult. had leon been anywhere other than beacon just finding an alpha grim would be like finding a needle in a haystack. he knew this too which is why instead of finding stronger enemies leon decided to make himself weaker.

The way he did this was by developing a full body skin suit that forced his whole body to experience three times normal gravity. despite not lowering his stats this basically reduced leon to the same level as a non awakened person. only a few people noticed that for every step leon took the foot print left behind was much deeper than it should be. glenda was one such person who asked leon about it worried that something was wrong. he explained the situation and even showed her the part of the skinsuit covering his torso.

Leon could visibly notice his stats rising again a rapid speeds for the next month until they maxed out at nine nine nine. most of the student teams had cleared the course during his four lessons during this time. on the final lesson of this type the last team finally completed the course successfully. leon made sure to congratulate each of the teams before informing them of the eco sim room that was much better for this kind of training should they still wish to improve in this regard.

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