Remnants anomaly


It was a cruel practice that all explorer's had that involved capturing a living herbivore such as a rabbit and force feeding them various unknown plants to see what was safe to eat and what wasn't. opal herself had seen several creatures die horrifically from the things she forced them to eat including one that sped up a deer's metabolism so much it starved to death five minutes later. ironically it was these very same unknown but dangerous plants that supplied the exploration type hunters with their fortunes since at diluted amounts they tended to be potent medicines.

An example of this was the very same plant that made the deer starve is now included in the i.v drips so that the medicine that patients are given is absorbed by the body faster. this always made opal feel better about the experiments since she knew that the animals sacrifice wasn't in vain but helped the rest of humanity. ironically leon had always taken the place of the animal in this scenario since his semblance basically made him immortal and his incredibly high endurance stat on his falna made him innately resistant to most forms of poison.

The biggest problem he had with this method was that he only knew what the plant did after he ingested it. Sure he was able to roughly determine what was and was not edible based on sight alone since as most botanist are aware plants tend to grow subtle or sometimes not subtle signs that they are edible or not. for the off chance that the plant showed no signs or simply couldn't be trusted the "taste test" was used to determine the plants use. snake root was one such plant as it looked poisonous with its purple roots and leaves.

The truth of the plant was that it was entirely harmless unless it started to sprout roots much like a normal potato. flavor wise snake root was like a slightly buttery version of a Idaho potato so it was quite popular to be used when cooking out in the wilds. The two people sat around chatting about whatever topic happened to interest opal at the time about leon while occasionally adding her own tales into the mix. like that the night passed uneventfully for the new group letting them get a good nights sleep.

The next morning at dawn everyone woke up and began to disassemble the camp with leon working on the circle that kept the grim at bay all night. it was rather funny actually as apparently there was a single grim circling around the camp in frustration since it could smell that there were people here yet it never seemed to find them. this grim was rather unusual as it was a single lone beowolf that had horns on its head along with an extra set of limbs making it look almost like a strange type of insect. obviously this was a variant grim that had gone unnoticed until now so far from civilization.

When leon found it he was quite surprised as a result and even used his self made magic to capture the thing in a tight orb of earth with no exits so he could study it. opal gave him a confused look when he rolled the orb into camp but he explained about the grim he had found which stoked her own curiosity as well. a short bit of spell work later and the grim was strapped to a stone table leon had created while his dissected it alive.

Opal recorded down what leon discovered into a file in her scroll titled unknown variant x-01 that had detailed photos of the various anomalous parts on the grim and descriptions of their possible uses. this sight was not for someone with a weak stomach as leon sliced one of the horns open in order to see a cross section of it along with him peeling aside the skin on one of the extra limbs to look for any differences. in the end the grim died in agony as he pulled it apart piece by piece while making notes of any abnormalities he discovered.


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