Remnants anomaly

Travel plans

The rest of the day was fairly boring after that as they traveled further north than any known recordings of people having reached safely. this was mainly due to leon and genesis killing the large groups of grim both normal and alpha. even though leon had a huge amount of exp from his kills and he sent it all into increasing his stats they were still crawling forward slowly. while it was true that it was possible to force ones status forward using weaker enemies the process was very inefficient but at this point that was the only real route available to leon since he had no dungeon with ever more powerful monsters available to him.

Opal was left pretty much speechless as rather than slowly moving forward while trying to remain undetected leon bulldozed his way at a rapid pace. she couldn't exactly bring herself to complain about it either since in this one day she's made more progress than in a month on her own. half of the reason they could move so fast was that the visual prowess of leon's eyes let him guarantee they hadn't passed by any unknown plants within his visual range.

That was basically as far as it was possible to see and with the ability to see energy as well leon could see the hidden plants as well making him doubly sure not to miss anything. at the end of the day as the sun dipped into the horizon the group reached the northern coast of the continent. leon wasn't surprised to find that it consisted of mainly steep rocky cliffs since he had a sneaking suspicion the gods loved the damn things. leaving opal standing at the edge of the cliff leon took flight over the water in order to search for any caves they could bunk in for the night.

Luck was on their side as around a mile to the left of opal there was indeed a cave close to the top of the cliff. the fact it was home to a a few nevermores was totally irrelevant to leon since a quick use of hellflame erased all traces of the things. after that leon used his magic to carefully carve out a set of stairs into the cliff side leading to the cave so he didn't need to carry opal for her to get inside.

The cave was fairly small originally but leon had no problem turning it into a room big enough to house genesis and the other two without issue. he first expanded the size while creating supports for the structure as he went before creating a smoke hole as well as a few ventilation holes leading to the surface above. leon even added a drain hole under those in case it started to rain so the water didn't flood the cave but rather got redirected under the cave to the cliff face and sea below.

These changes alone made the cave an excellent place for people to stay at but just to show off leon also added a door to the cave as well as stone wood burning stove under the smoke hole. the final touch leon added was a special kind of moss that glowed brightly lighting the cave up nicely while also cleaning the air. in the end the cave had been turned into a rather nice little hole in the wall. opal was rather excited at staying the night in the cave since the entire area was incredibly close to looking like an actual house from the inside.

"So now that we are at the coast whats the plan here?" opal asked while chowing down on a bag of chips leon had gave her from his bag. a lot of people complain about how unhealthy potato chips were but for hunters who burn through calories like air they made the best snacks. "first thing tomorrow i'll head high up above us in the air to scout out the nearby land masses , we will plan out our course from there." leon said honestly while eating some marshmallows.


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