Remnants anomaly

Guardian devil

Qrow's nieces yang and ruby were absolutely fascinated by leon and attached themselves to him as soon as they saw him. he was very patient with them as they pulled and poked his faunus features while looking like an old dog that just didn't seem to mind. this was proven incorrect however when ruby went to pull on his tail and fell over only for leon to catch her gently with the tail and set her straight on her feet. tye had been worried about how the three would get along at first but this scene caused him to relax.

"He's a good kid tye but he had to survive on his own for three weeks alone in a cave , he might take awhile to warm up to you all but he seems to take his relationships very seriously. the kid was practically bending over backwards to please me as we traveled." qrow said seriously. tye sighed "i am just worried about how he'd react to the treatment his kind get from a good amount of humans." he said seriously. "he didn't seem to care on the way here and he got it extra bad due to how he looked." qrow vouched for leon.

"That's what i'm worried about he seems almost unstable with how coldly he is looking around despite being safe." tye said and qrow could understand what he meant as leon scanned his surroundings while watching over the two little girls like he expected to be attacked at any moment. "his whole life was ripped apart while he was asleep and he was forced to adapt tye , that leaves scars he just needs time to heal them is all you'll see." qrow said and tye hoped he was right.

Yang had apparently gotten tired while sitting on leons lap and playing with his horns as she leaned against him and fell asleep. leon wrapped his wing over her like a blanket protectively while remaining still. this scene set tye more at ease but the man could be pretty stubborn about some things like the safety of his family. qrow took the opportunity that leon couldn't stop him to take a picture of the scene while leon could only glare at the man. to be fair the sharingan made the glare quite fearsome or it would have had leon not been four and literally covered in sleeping children as ruby had also taken a nap while holding his tail.

Leon took a few days before he began to leave his survival mode and all hell broke loose when he did. as he was inconsolable with crying and shivering from the fear and anxiety of all three of those weeks catching up to him in waves. through all of it though summer had stuck around to take care of him more worried about him than anything. he had nightmares for the first week he was there until ruby had taken to snuggling with him as he slept her warmth a reassuring constant to ward away the nightmares.

The adults had noticed that leon was fiercely protective of the girls though when a rabid dog had shown up and lunged at yang. the adults panicked and rushed over but the dog had already taken deep bloody gouges out of leons back as he covered the the girls with his body and wings. tye got rid of the dog quickly but noticed the small pool of blood at leons feet and moved to treat the boy immediately as he was going into shock from blood loss.

Tye knew that had leons aura not been active at the time of the attack he would probably have been killed , or at least that's what he thought until a red mist rose from leons body and tye watched with wide eyes as the wounds stitched together without so much as a scar in front of his eyes. the blood loss was still an issue though as leon was still shivering from the cold that loosing so much blood brought with it. a few cups of wolfberry and brown sugar tea later and leon was back to a healthy amount of blood.

Tye finally let go of his worries after this since with leon willing to sacrifice himself to keep the girls safe there was no way he would ever purposefully do anything to harm them. leon never played as much as most kids his age but he did lighten up considerably over time. none the less leon protected the girls like their own guardian devil for the next two years until his body matured enough to start training and improving again.

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