Remnants anomaly

New home

"Better the devil you like , right?" qrow asked with a smile at the idea. leon smiles as well "yup." he said honestly. "you are quite lucky that i happen to have a couple nieces who are three and five that just so happen to have softies for parents. could probably convince them to take you in if you give them some sad looks." qrow said casually. "leave it to me!" leon said with a mock soldiers salute. qrow chuckled "alright you little imp , got anything in here besides that blade you want to bring along?" he asked calmly.

Leon brought out a small sack from the pile filled with the jewelry and the fat thumb sized chunk of gold he found digging out the cave and looting the village. qrow looked at the bag that leon grabbed with a confused expression until leon opened it to show the contents. "why do you have all this?" qrow asked seriously. leon was taken back at his tone but figured out how it looked and explained himself. "don't have any money but mom said stuff like this could be used instead. is something wrong with that? should i put it back?" leon aske with serious concern.

Qrow shook his head "no , your mom was right i've just seen people steal valuables from others when they didn't need to too many times is all. it's different for you since you may have needed to funds later." he said honestly. "this is it though , i don't need the rest and i doubt you can't get food so i will leave all of that here." leon said honestly. qrow nodded "alright , lets get out of here you will slow me down a lot so we need all the time we have." he said but leon stopped him. "you already forgot i can fly didn't you?" he asked with a flat expression.

Qrow would never admit it but he rather enjoyed traveling with leon since not only was his ability to fly quietly super useful for scouting but the kid was hilarious when he was comfortable. he made jokes about everything and was very good at mimicking others accents. tye and summer felt bad for leon when qrow finally got reception for his scroll and contacted them. he sent them photos he had sneaked of the kid since he found that leon hated getting his picture taken the hard way.

The best picture in qrow's opinion was the one he got of leon sleeping were he had his tail held in his hands while one wings was stretched over him like a blanket. it was one of the few times qrow had to admit the kid was pretty adorable despite his close resemblance to the demons of fairytales. qrow got a kick out of how summer had already made it clear that they were adopting leon and tye had to put up with it. qrow had made sure to warn them about the odd eyes that leon had and how he seemed able to see energy with them.

Qrow hadn't been able to make heads or tails of the kids semblance either despite it being explained to the best of leons ability. all qrow knew was that the semblance worked by absorbing some power from the things leon killed to strengthen him , the other things the energy could be used for were unknown. qrow had solved the reason leon stopped getting stronger though when leon asked if he had any idea. it was actually one of the reasons why six was the absolute minimum age that someone was usually allowed to unlock their aura.

It took a week for leon and qrow to reach an area with transports to the city near where tye and summer lived. leon got a lot of looks from the people they pasted and more than a few mean comments but qrow noticed that he didn't seem to care at all what people thought of him. this was concerning for qrow but as a faunus there wasn't a better mindset to have at the moment so qrow left it alone. moves were being taken to bring the faunus in from being segregated but it was a slow process.

Qrow laughed his head off when they arrived at tye's homestead and leon was fawned and fussed over by summer. the sheer look of discomfort on leons face as she hugged the life out of him and all but dragged him into the house for a bath was great in qrow's opinion. leon looked like a completely different kid after getting scrubbed down by summer ridding him of the caked on dark dirt and gunk on him. leon was very pale with a narrow angular face and silver soft hair with black streaks while his horns were small but thick rams horns that were a creamy yellow bone color. the wings and tail however were both black with silver streaks in the fur on them. qrow had to admit that when leon grew up he would probably look very regal.

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