Remnants anomaly

Little hellion

Birth was a messy and unpleasant process to begin with that tended to have quite a bit of blood and pain involved for both the mother and child. leon saw the aura of his daughter start to flare the moment she was born and wasted no time sealing it with his own semblance. this reduced her to a normal screaming infant rather than a fully awakened blood controlling one on a rampage. it was a good thing he did seal her aura when he did as the blood on the floor was mere moments from turning into razors and attacking everything.

Thanks to the regenerative ability that aura gave glenda was fine shortly after giving birth and was well on her way to recovery. but leon was rather impatient and injected her with a bit of life force setting her in perfect shape instantly. "you know that there are people who need that far more than me right?" she of course nagged leon for it immediately. "meh , i don't know any of them so bad luck on their part i guess." leon shrugged it off as usual however. "i swear sometimes you make no sense at all." she said in exasperation.

"Don't know what you're talking about." he said as he rocked his daughter in his arms covered in a one of a kind super soft silk blanket while playing with bright hell flames in the shape of various animals overhead. "she's barely been in the world for a few hours and you're already showing off to her." glenda said with a playful smile. "if you have any complaints take it up with the mesmerized infant." leon said and glenda grew silent since indeed the little girl was reaching out eagerly at the flying flame animals overhead.

Over the next few days glenda got a kick out of leon since their daughter named , tabitha goodwitch had leon wrapped around her little finger from the get go. she so much as whimpered and either leon himself or even more hilariously genesis would show up to check on her. the baby room was massive specifically because of the latter of the two barreling through. it was clear that the little girl was definitely her fathers daughter as most infants would likely be terrified of genesis but she used his massive horns as toys whenever she could.

With how attentive leon was the little hellion was a quiet child since her needs were met almost before she could vocalize them. leon ignored basically everything else for close to an entire month before glenda kicked him out of the house for hogging the parental duties. it was rather hilarious actually since while most parents are always trying to pass the duties off to the other glenda was feeling very angry at leon for taking all of them. despite not taking care of any business in an entire month and a half there was very little leon was actually needed for since he had everything set up through his own people very efficiently.

The few things leon actually had to deal with mostly involved the various political ambassadors from the other kingdoms who wanted to bother him for his tech basically. leon's answer like always was "pay up". it's funny how fast a politician will drop the subject when told to actually spend a large amount of money on something. there are exceptions to this of course such as atlas's ambassador who wrote out a generous check without a lick of hesitation. this made most of the other ambassador uncomfortable since they were very reluctant to try and match atlas in zeal.

Besides politics leon also needed to deal with the large amount of grim that had started migrating towards vale after the artifact was removed. much like he had assumed the level up to five had slowed his stat gain to a painfully slow snail crawl due to how stupidly strong he was. it was not lost on leon that his physical stats alone basically made him immune to small arms fire even without his shield and gave him the strength to literally explode weaker alpha grim with a single bareknuckle punch.


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