Remnants anomaly


Most maidens were classified as level five due to the level of power immediately given to them upon gaining that title. however what wasn't noticed most of the time was that their physical stats almost were unaffected by gaining that power due to it's elemental nature. leon on the other hand had both the elemental power to match a weak maiden as well as a physique that fell on the same level of power. the reason a physical fighter was considered weaker than an elemental one at this level was because of the range that each of them could operate at.

Save a few exceptions brought on by technique physical fighters were forced into close quarters in order to do any real damage. elemental power users however could effectively fight both at range and up close barring a few exceptions. leon unlike any of the maidens had to actually grind and polish his power to reach their level and now that he had he was vastly more dangerous than any new maiden since he needed very little time to adjust to the increase in power as it wasn't a quantum leap forward unlike their own.

What leon failed to realize however was that the way the falna went about increasing ones stats was a sort of evolution over time on a genetic level. this meant that whatever his level of power was when he had kids was set as a much easier target for them to reach since their genes had already had that potential unlocked. leon got glenda pregnant when he was almost a peak level "normal" level four meaning his daughter has an absurd level of talent. should leon have been in the world the falna came from he would know this since it was so commonly known that it was never actually explained in the show.

This talent began to show in little tabitha however as she quickly started to cleverly figure out little things that most infants never would notice on their own. an example of this was how despite being only half a month old she had already figured out how to unlatch her crib and go over to her plush box of toy's. for a human infant this would be impossible since they lack to strength required for this however tabitha was half faunus with her faunus side being extremely powerful physically.

Leon's improved genes had brought this power to the forefront right from birth so tabitha was nearly as strong at a two year old. on one hand leon and glenda was proud of how talented she was but on the other horrified at how difficult it will be to raise her if this continues. unfortunately for both of them there was no way to seal away her talent till she was older unlike her aura. not all hop was lost however as it became hilariously clear to both of them that despite her intelligence tabitha was in fact still an infant that required long periods of sleep.

"ugh , i need a shower and maybe some cake" leon complained as he got back home from exterminating the third grim horde in the last week alone. sure he didn't really have much trouble doing so but that didn't mean he wasn't covered in dust , sweat and blood. glenda just chuckled at him when he spoke while tabitha just gave him a funny look from her mothers arms. "couldn't you just burn all of that stuff away?" glenda asked while not really paying him much attention as she was focused on some paperwork.

Leon shrugged "i might be rich but these clothes are really hard to make so i would rather not , plus you always complain about how i smell like brimstone and sulfur when i do that." he said casually. "well excuse me that i don't want to feel like i'm sleeping in an active volcano at night." glenda retorted. "meh" leon said noncommittal as he heads to the shower room while dragging genesis behind him while the huge dragon sends glenda pleading looks to help him. glenda was on leons side however since if genesis was going to interact with tabitha so much he needed to be clean first to prevent her from catching anything he may unknowingly and literally have on him.


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