Remnants anomaly

New order

The whole world seemed to freeze in horror at the news of atlas's fall since in recent memory there was only the great war that got anywhere close to as bad. a kingdom hadn't truly fallen in almost five hundred years since even the old kingdom that used to exist in atlas's place had merely been converted to it instead. the news wasn't all bad however as the fact most of the kingdom had already been evacuated thanks to the efforts of the military and founding shield buying enough time. sure the kingdom had been destroyed entirely but most of it's people survived and are migrating towards vale.

The people of menagerie had the most conflicted thoughts on the subject however as in their minds on of their greatest oppressor's had just vanished. most were glad for this fact however very few were truly happy about it since only a callous or crazed individual would revel in such suffering. sure there were a few individuals who celebrated this event but most were simply at a loss for how they should feel. Those in charge of the other two kingdoms quickly realized a problem however , vale is about to get the majority of atlas's people and by extension military knowledge.

This was basically the same as vale subsuming atlas into itself and becoming a mega kingdom that made the other two nervous. if it wasn't for the fact that they knew that vales maiden had gone rogue they would be worried about the country having three maiden level powers in one place. the only country not nervous about the sudden spike in power vale was about to get was menagerie since they were basically allies with vale making them safe. besides this everyone knew better than to bite the hand that feeds which was vale that was all but publicly known to be under leon's thumb.

Glenda asked leon how atlas could fall if he had arrived in time so he explained about how there was someone there at his level of power stopping him from interfering. leon fully mobilized the titan corp's forces in the construction efforts for mount glen with a focus on the small buildings for housing before all else. this made the construction of the city much faster to complete since the really large parts were put on hold for the moment.

Within the three weeks it took for the people of atlas to arrive the housing had been finished and the city wall and it's defenses were halfway done. if the futuristic materials that leon's company used weren't premade in exacting sizes the process would have taken much longer. the people of atlas arrived in vale and were much worse for wear in appearance with dirty bodies and a slight malnutrition problem from not stopping a single time after crossing the sea. the people of vale were a generous host for these people however and openly shared food , clothes and showers to welcome them.

The children of the two kingdoms hit it off without any problem at all since the children of atlas were starved for entertainment while those of vale were eager for new friends. ironwood was relieved at how welcomed his people were since he had feared that they might be treated as invaders. "man you look like you could use a drink." ironwood heard someone say with a chuckle knowingly turned to the source. there sitting on a lamppost was leon himself with a teasing smirk on his face that ironwood for once was actually glad to see.

"It was a rough trip that cost about a hundred of my soldiers who gave their all to stop the grim that harassed us." ironwood said with a tired tone. "want a monument in the new city after the major stuff is done?" leon asked seriously. "in the future perhaps , for now though i think my people need a bit of time to adjust. how goes the construction on new atlas?" ironwood said seriously before moving on to another important topic. "the housing , food center and wall are done while we are currently setting up the defensive measures to protect the city from outside attacks , but those are only halfway finished , your people can move in at their own discretion." leon said calmly.


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