Remnants anomaly


The most irritating part for leon was when ironwood explained that the maidens weren't actually limited to a single elemental power like cinder had shown but can use any they please though it's usually a matter of preference. despite leon sealing her aura previously she remained professional during this conversation and left her own personal grudge out of it. as a result she had no problem showing this under ironwoods order so leon could see that it wasn't a lie. leon admitted that he was rather jealous since his only form of magic like that was his hell flames while all the rest were built using his infernal script.

"That's a rather …. unusual name for that language of yours." ironwood said once leon actually said the name of the language. leon merely shrugged " it made sense with my whole demonic visage and attitude." he said like it wasn't a big deal. "oh yeah , that reminds me for whatever reason what abilities does this particular artifact have cuz the last one made me nervous." leon said seriously. "creation , what did the one you find do?" ironwood asked curiously since besides those who had actually wielded them only ozpin had the full details of the artifacts abilities.

"The one i found was in the shape of a crown and seemed to show you a single moment in your future were you had to make a choice of some sort. anything that fucks with time like that is on my 'destroy or avoid with extreme prejudice' list , for obvious reason." leon said honestly. "most people would give just about anything to see their future even if a mere moment but you are horrified by this instead , why?" winter asked curiously. "to quote a wise individual 'yesterday is a memory , tomorrow is a mystery and today is a gift , that is why it is called present.'"

"If you start living for the future in the now you tend to ignore what has already happened." leon said seriously. ironwood sighed when he heard this since even though he knew leon wasn't calling him out he was doing exactly what leon said. "besides knowing what is going to happen in the future simply takes all the fun out of life." leon said with smile. "enough about all this we should really get into the nitty gritty details about your migration next door." leon said taking out his scroll to go over every thing efficiently.

The rest of the trip to the port town of the atlas kingdom was spent with ironwood , winter and leon basically constructing a whole city within the digital space of his scroll. obviously there were many spots that had been left blank for future businesses and anything else that may crop up but the plans for the whole city was pretty much done after that. once the fleet of transports landed outside the port town the soldiers moved to secure the area from the no doubt approaching grim.

Grim were drawn to negative emotions and every person who was in the transports had just basically lost their entire kingdom overnight. ironwood held a speech to inform everyone about the plans for the future while leon left to get as much done as possible before these people arrived. he didn't leave the planet to make extreme speed to his destination but he also wasn't going slowly either. it merely took him a few hours to reach vale from the other continent and he immediately set to work getting the area of mount glen cleared of grim , leveled and prepared for construction.

Magic made this laughably easier for him as with a bit of effort on his part he killed all the grim for miles in every direction including down. leveling the area was even easier as he set up a massive gravity circle around the old city of mount glen and watching as everything was crushed to powder before being compressed down into super hard surface. it was a bit uneven due to the pockets of underground rooms but it was workable. the rest was going to be left to the builders who would be assembling the city as fast as they could without compromising it's integrity.


my patrons can read an extra two chapters ahead along with using the site as a way to directly contact myself rather than needing to hope i respond to your comments.


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