Remnants of Filth

Chapter 155 - Alian was assassinated

Only two of them remained in the camp.

Mo Xi went to the couch, sat down next to Gu Mang, raised his hand and touched Gu Mang’s forehead-the tentacles were still a little hot, but after all, much better than the previous few days.

“Mengze said you woke up during the day, but Xu was unlucky. Every time I came to see you, you were lethargic.” Mo Xi said to him lowly, as if he wanted him to hear, It was like hoping not to disturb him.

When faced with his own love, no matter how strong he is, he is always weak.

“The remnant of Blood Warcraft has been resealed, and it is well-sealed, and you have completed your mission again.” Mo Xi said quietly, “You, no matter how difficult the task given to you, how many requirements Harsh, you can always do it. Lord has never misunderstood you … you can do things better than anyone. “

He lowered his head and rested his forehead against Gu Mang’s forehead.

“Just when can you care more about yourself.”

The person lying on the couch was quiet, and the long eyelashes drew a thick shadow on the eyelids.

Mo whispered: “I know that the dark demon’s breath on him is beyond control, but I still have to unblock the blood of the demon wolf, just to drag the master, so that Murong Qing can have the time to give me the bag Hands. “He closed his eyes, his eyes moving uneasily under the thin eyelids.

“Brother …”

The sleeping person did not respond. Mo Xi stuck to his forehead like this, and said after a long time: “You have finished all the things you can do, and when we return to the capital, you will take good care of yourself. No need to worry about anything, everything is mine.”


“I don’t know how long I can protect you, but as long as I have one day, I will not teach anyone to bully you.”


“Just rest in peace.”

After Mo Xi finished speaking, he sat with him for a while, and waited for a herald to report the resettlement of the victims in the east of the city, and then he got up and left the tent.

The wind outside was turbulent, the tent curtain was lifted, and the sound of hunting and hunting was brought down, and the tent became quiet again.

In this silent silence, the eyelashes of the person lying on the couch trembled, and tears flowed down the soft cheeks to the depth of the hair–Gu Meng slowly opened his eyes.

He didn’t actually fall asleep at all. When Mo Xi came to see him every night, he was sober.

I just don’t know how to be lenient and how to face.

He is not afraid of the sky, but only of leaving.

On that day, he self-unlocked the seal, inspiring all the blood of the demon wolf to fight against the national division. Since then, the spirit of the black demon believes that the horse is out of control. He can feel that his memory is almost passing away. , And this lapse can’t be covered anyway.

And Mo Xi has been so entangled in everything, if every day when he came to see him, he found that his mind was less awake than the day before, what would happen to Mo Xi?

It is terrible to swiftly cut the knife, but cutting the meat inch by inch with a blunt knife is even more tormenting. Gu Mang does not want to drag Mo Xi into this torment, so he prefers not to talk directly with Mo Xi.

It was only when the night was quiet and no one had a large account that he would explore the collection of memories he had written down from the depths of the pillow, and carefully healed, as if a drowning man caught driftwood and looked at it almost paranoidly.

The content written on it could still be hard to remember at first, but one day passed and another day passed, and the words on the paper became more and more like the stories of others. To this day, he can hardly recall any details in almost half a volume.

Gu Man raised his hand and held the crumpled sheet of paper to his heart. He worked so hard that the meridians around the back of his hands floated, gathering memories in his arms, as if he could lock those disintegrated memories back to his heart.

He slept on the bed, after all, never sleep.

It took seven days to reorganize Osawa Castle after the war.

On the evening of the seventh day, everything in the army was settled, and they were preparing to be recruited. By this time, Gu Mang’s memories flashed back because of the time mirror had little left. But this is not the worst, even if the memory is missing, no matter how much people can at least be like before going to Bat Island, the worst is because the black devil’s breath is out of control, so Gu Mang’s spirit is always at any time Facing a crash and runaway.

Every day, Mengze must give him the medicine of tranquillity, so as to barely suppress his evil spirits.

That night was no exception. Gu Mang drank the medicine sent by Mengze as usual, and then sat on the edge of the bed, while quietly playing with his fingers, thinking about what attitude he should face tomorrow.

He can’t always pretend to sleep.

When he wanted to find God, he suddenly heard the guard said outside: “Princess, Wang Shujun begging to see.”

Mengze was packing the soup, smelled a word, and looked at Gu Mang.

Gu Mang was slightly surprised: “Why is he here …”

“I don’t know, but you put on the cover first,” Mengze said, handing him the mask.

Although the monks in the army now mostly believe that this mysterious “guard” is Gu Mang, this matter is already obvious, but no matter how, it is not the same thing to reveal or not. The minimum window paper is still needed.

Gu Mang had just put on his face, and Murong Merci came in with a golden knife.

As soon as he entered the house, Taohua eyes swept Gu Mang before falling on Mengze. Mengze put the last pack of medicinal powder in the medicine box, turned his head and smiled at Murongli, “Brother, you will be camped tomorrow morning. You don’t go to rest and raise your spirits earlier. What are you here for me?”

Murong Merci didn’t say a word, and after taking a couple of floating dreams, his eyes fell on Gu Mang again.

Finally he spit out the green smoke, took the pipe towards Gu Mang and said, “I won’t find you. I’ll find him.”

Mengze’s expression changed slightly, but he still said softly: “He’s just a little guard. What do you do, or-“

“Little guard?” Murong sneered, “Mengze, you can help Mo hide from others. Why even me? You don’t think I know who he is?”


“He gave me the bag and asked me for help, but he showed me his identity.”

Meng Ze suddenly silent.

Murong said pitifully, “Gu Mang, come here.”

Mengze busily said: “Brother, he had previously unblocked the blood of the demon wolf, and suffered a lot of loss. Moreover, his consciousness is not stable these days, and it will easily go away. You should go back first. What’s the matter, It’s not too late to return to the capital. “

“What do you mean? Do you think I want to hit him? Or do you think he wants to hit me?”


Murong Lianli gave her a cool look: “Rest assured, your brother and I aren’t going to work with a waste cub.” Said again and beckoned impatiently at Gu Mang, “Come here. I have something to tell you.”

Gu Mang thought for a while and got up, but Mengze said, “You’re mentally unstable, it’s better not to go—”

Mu Rongci ignored her, dragging Gu Mang’s hand aside, dragging out and walking outside the camp.

On the eve of the class teacher, the monks were busy saluting each other, and there were no people around the main camp account. Mu Rongci dragged Gu Meng out of the distance without a word and walked to the secluded suburban riverbank before finally releasing his hand.

Gu Mang didn’t know why, rubbing his red wrist, “Is there anything wrong?”

Murong Li didn’t answer him immediately, but walked back and forth along the river beach. The moonlight shone on the sparkling lake and reflected on Murong’s pale face. Murong looked a little anxious. He was slightly open, and there were overlapping bandages underneath. He also suffered a lot in the previous battle. He was so hurt that he would be raised these days, and he was still a little bit nervous.

Silk shoes creaked on the rubble of the beach, and after several laps, Mu Rongci stopped.

He stared at Gu Mang, raised his hand and took a few sips of lifeless dreams, and said dryly: “There is a problem. I want to confirm with you.”


He took another bite.

Raised Tao Huayan stared at Gu Mang fiercely: “But before I say that, what **** memory have you recovered?”

Gu Mangcheng said sincerely: “… have recovered several times before. Now there are almost no two cities left.”

Mu Rongci looked as if he was stunned, and then his face became more gloomy: “Do you remember Aunt Mu now?”

Gu Man shook his head, and before he shook it twice, he was drunk with pity.

“Shake your head! When you asked me to give me a bag the other day, you still remember her. Your boy gave me a clear idea before answering!”

“… I seem to remember the last two days, I can’t remember now.”

Mu Rongci cursed, and said badly: “At that time in Wangshu Mansion, you told me the truth, and you pretended to be garlic and to be stupid. Well, this time is really stupid again, fuck! What’s your use? “

After that, I scolded and kicked the stone.

Gu Mang said helplessly: “What the **** do you want to say to me? You can’t just call me a few words?”

Murong Peng said angrily: “Crap! Of course something is wrong to come to you, otherwise who do you think would like to see your face?”

Gu Mang touched his mask, convinced that his face had been completely blocked by the mask, and it was just that Murong Merci was making troubles unreasonably.

Gu Mang said, “Then you go on.”

Murong opened her mouth but made no noise. After repeating this a few times, he cursed and turned his head, and Wu walked to the edge of the beach, sucked two sorrowful dreams, and then spit out.

In the midst of a faint blue, Murong Qing looked somber and said, “I have something that you told me when you were awake in the past. I wanted to ask you to confirm it again.”


“But at the time I thought your words were too ridiculous. I didn’t believe them. Until these things happened recently.”

Gu Mang opened his eyes slightly: “Ah? I told you something?”

Murong grunted.

“Did I tell you alone?”

Mu Rongci snorted again.


Mu Rongci snorted again and replied, “It was when you were just returned to Zhonghua.”

Gu Mang looked at his figure immersed in the reflection of the lake, a little dazed: “Is it? But I should have been confused at that time. I still have a little impression, before I was sent back to the city by Lao Guo, they destroyed Past my memory. “

Murong Tiao swallowed the cloud and said, “If they can really destroy your memory, do you still have such a little impression?”

Gu Mang: “…”

It seems to make sense.

Murong said pitifully, “Listen to me. What I want to tell you next time is when you go back to the city, you told me personally. I first thought that you were very motivated and hated Zhonghua. There are many, so I don’t want to believe you. But now it seems … “

He lowered his eyelashes and shook off the ashes in the chimney.

The soot fell in the wind like a bit of residual snow.

Murong thought for a moment, and seemed to be making a final decision. Eventually, he looked up and fell on Gu Mang’s face.

“What you said is not necessarily false. There are some things, I still want to obtain evidence from you, are you—”

Before I finish speaking, the wind suddenly stabs!

Murong felt instinctively, raised his palm and unfolded a heavy guardian enchantment, only to hear a crisp sound, a sharp arrow attached to the stream of wood and water was shot from the dark forest, hit himself on the enchantment, and burst open. !!


After all, Mu Rongci has been weak for a long time, and the previous injury has not healed. Under this blow, the enchantment collapsed and cracked, and scattered into powder. All of a sudden he fell on the gravelly beach and exhaled blood. After only one confrontation, Murong Lian knew that this person was far above him. He had no time to do a second defense and immediately reacted to Gu Meng and said, “Escape !!!”

Gu Man was shocked!

The surrounding forest was like that ghost shadow, and the whistle of the assassin passing by could not stop from the tops of the branches and leaves, and Murong Pian breathed out: “Flee! What are you doing ?!”

“But you—”

There was a voice that had been clearly twisted with illusions deep in the jungle: “Wang Shujun, you don’t have to rush him to escape. No one will hurt him.”

Murong said pitifully, “What are you?”

“Oh, do you think I would tell you?” The voice laughed sharply, “Emperor’s palace, royal blood, and you who are so innocent and ridiculous, Murong Merci, you really make me an eye-opener. . “

Murong bit a bit of **** lips, suddenly raised her hand to quickly build a defensive barrier, and signaled to Gu Man: “Not yet running!”


With a bang, the barrier was suddenly shattered as the opponent’s jeering.

“Do you think that with your weak body and Gu Mang’s broken body, who of you can escape from birth?”

“However, Murong Mercy, you can rest assured. I want to kill only you, as for him–” The laughter of that man penetrated into the eardrum like a spike, “If I kill him, I will ask who will do it for you Apologize? “

“Just rest assured, you won’t die very painfully, won’t be very embarrassed, but will be very valuable.”

“Come, do it!”

The assassins who walked and rushed in the forest trees suddenly got out of the way. More than ten monks in black clothes with bows and arrows stood on the top of the cedar trees, trapping them like wolves.

Headed by a man in a black cloak of gold rim, he rushed up, standing lightly on the top of the tallest tree, carrying a bright moon on the sky.

Gu Man looked up at the group of assassins and wanted to raise his hand to summon Yongye, but his body couldn’t stand any black magic at this time. The moment he summoned his mind, a sudden pain arose in his head, and he knelt down on the ground.

His eyes were shaking, his ears were buzzing, and for a while, Gu Mang heard the black assassin coldly ordering:

“Kill Murong Mercy on the spot.”


The author has something to say: Gu Gumang: Crab Crab “Mi Guo Jing”, “A Little Lan Child”, “Take One” Mine x2, “Alian’s Pipe”, “Delayed”, “Yi Yichen”, “Man Man Yeah” “Cats have the last word” “The flowers of the night sky are scattered behind me” “Kwai Xiaoxiao” “Fizzy Moon Chicken” “Shimada Namon Gate Roll” “Northern Dynasty” “Linjang” “Four crickets” let me come “Gu Mangmang’s Little Snow Fox” “Qiu Chi’s Words” “Ye Miaoli” “Xie Su” Landmine x2 “Ling Xing Long’s Woman” “Evening Night Yuheng_Don’t Visit” “Ferocious Cat Late Ning Meow” “Woo!” “Linko” “I wholeheartedly treat Brother Wanning” “Clear string is a salted fish” “Ling Ling” “Qing Mu looks back at Aoki” “Blue Crystal Flame” “Ink” “Flying Rain Xianglu” “Linxi “Passers-by are shrimp skins,” “Gu Mangman’s little snow fox,” “The cub is very sexy,” “Lin sauce,” “37783897,” “dill,” “cricket,” “blossom,” “conceal,” and “jhfdd.” ~~~~

“Guanshan Snow”, “Bamboo”, “Mocheng Yuei”, “Shimadara Namon Gate Roll”, “Mo” and “Bai Yu” Throwing Grenades ~~~~

“Bamboo”, “Yi Ning”, “Cold Girl Out of European Union” Rocket Launcher x2, “The Cub is Very Sexy” Rocket Launcher x2 Throw Rocket Launcher ~~~

Big dog: 2019-06-2501: 34: 09 Irrigation of 29 bottles of nutrient solution, 2019-06-2501: 33: 47 Irrigation of 1 bottle of nutrient solution was pitifully sucked out Eddie, crab crab you guys ~~ crab crab “Local Quan Zhixian”, “End of Life”, “Nara Super Sand Sculpture”, “Xiao Xin Meow Meow Leo”, “Like Water Flowing Years”, “Lin Sauce”, “Lingshu”, “Why not be sparse?”, ” “Yutu Pavilion”, “Peach Blossoms.”, “Mo Ling”, “Peach Blossoms Three Two Three”, “Luo San Pao”, “lain”, “I am more guilty”, “Grim noodle girl is out of Europe “,” Tick “,” the night light rises “,” you are in your dream “,” black and white grid “,” black and white grid “,” little mosquito “,” inflatable bully “,” Qiu Chi’s words ” , “Looking for Snow”, “A Meng”, “Empty Pond”, “mordecai”, “Agar slurry”, “Aichuan”, “Gay Gate Prawn”, “Meida Dafan”, “Hundred Thousand Merits (Begonia Flavor ice cream) “,” Tingting “,” jhfdd “,” jhfdd “,” Tianfang Yunjing “,” chiu “,” Your child “, irrigation nutrient solution ~~~

Thank you for your daily friends ~~~~

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