Remnants of Filth

Chapter 156 - Mu Rongci\\\'s memories (on)

The black crow ridiculed by the riverbank, stunned from the cedar forest, fluttered and fluttered.

The wind was filled with a thick **** smell, and the bright red slowly broke away from Murong’s wound and infiltrated the rubble and masonry beneath him.

The assassination only started in an instant, and ended quickly.

This group acted swiftly and received the most rigorous training. Gu Mang and Mu Rongli stood so close, but those spells only attacked Mu Rongli and did not hurt Gu Mangy.

And the arrows they assassinated were formed by spiritual power, and burst instantly when they did not enter the flesh. Therefore, although Murong Li did not carry any arrows, she had been blown out of more than ten blood caves.

At the beginning of his injury, he didn’t fall down immediately, but the blood was bleeding more and more, and the pain became deeper and deeper. Finally, he couldn’t support it. He knelt down and fell to the ground, slamming blood.

Gu Man looked at him like this, his head hummed as if something had exploded.

“Mor, Murong …”

Murong Qing covered the deepest wound in her chest and couldn’t help breathing, her thin lips lost blood at the speed visible to the naked eye and became pale and blue.

Suddenly a man among the assassins on the treetop said, “Lord, there is someone!”


After a few dark flashes, the assassin quickly disappeared into the dense forest, just like when he came.

Murong scolded weakly: “Fuck … **** … some kind of don’t run … kekekekeke …”

After speaking, he vomited a spit of blood again, and staggered and fell to the sharp sandy beach.

When the moon was clear and the blood was scattered, only Gu Mang and seriously injured Murong Pear left on the riverbank.

Although in Gu Mang’s memory, there are few good memories related to Murong Qing, but when he really saw Mu Rongqing falling down in front of him in blood, the most hidden root in his skull The nerve was still stinging.

His fingertips were cold, and he stood there for a while, then suddenly came back to himself and went to check on Murong’s injury. At this glance, it was even more shocking. Besides, let alone, the place on the chest was already exploded with spiritual arrows and the blood flow was endless.

Gu Mang instinctively wanted to cover it, but to no avail, the sticky bright red soon covered his palm, but he couldn’t stop Mu Rong’s blood loss at all.

“Murong … Murong …”

Mu Rongci was dead at this time. His eyes began to fall apart, lying on the gravel floor, his chest rushing together, and more blood flowed out with each breath.

He labored to roll his glazed eyes, looked at Gu Mang for a while, and whispered, “You …”


“You … seriously … those … keke, things related to me … you … remember nothing?”

If this scene of questioning was advanced one month earlier and Gu Mang’s reunion memories had not yet dissipated, then Gu Mang might tell him the truth.

It’s too late.

Gu Mang looked at Mu Rongli’s slightly raised peach eyes, obviously so beautiful eyes, but because of the glass-colored eyeballs floating up, he was born with a vicious look of three white eyes.

“You at least … at least you should …” Murong took a breath and stretched out her hand tremblingly, as if she wanted to do something. But his injuries were so severe that he couldn’t hold out any strength. He stared at Gu Mang’s face, with some extremely complex and unwilling luster flashing in his eyes. He opened his mouth and just wanted to say something, but it was not the sound but the blood that was congested.

There was a voice and a light approaching in the dense forest in the distance, and Murong’s pale face suddenly flashed a clear light.

He raised his **** hands, gathered a thin layer of glory, and lightly rested against Gu Mang’s chest, then pushed him away.


At this time, Murong Peng was about to die out, his eyes began to lose focus, but he was still urging low and dumb.

“… run … otherwise …”

There was another burst of blood, and Murong’s voice was almost inaudible. His beautiful peach eyes were wide open, and his eyes moved faintly from side to side. The starry sky and Gu Mang’s amazed face reflected inside.

The last slang-like sentence fell from his blood-stained lips and teeth: “… just … no more … unexplainable …”

“Murong Pity!”

“Gu Mang …” He whispered as his mind was blurred, “… Actually … I … I didn’t …”

Without saying the words, blood was coming up. Mu Rongci moved a hand manually, and seemed to want to do something at the end, but he no longer had strength, and his hand hung down.

All this happened so suddenly that Gu Mang buzzed in his head and couldn’t turn it around.

What does Murong Mercy want to say?

Almost at this moment, patrolling monks from the North Front Army rushing out of the forest carrying a wind lantern. The light shone on them, and the head of the patrol captain was silent, and the lamp in his hand fell to the bank of the river.

The monk lost his voice: “Wang Shujun? !!!”

The hunting wind was blowing, and the whistle pierced the sky from the riverside, spreading all night-

“Come on! Wang Shujun was assassinated !!!”

“Catch this assassin!”

“Catch him !!”

Gu Mang didn’t plan to escape, but where would the monks care? A spell aurora shot suddenly in the oblique stab, hit Gu Mang’s back severely.

Someone shouted where the aurora came: “Hit! He can’t run!”

“Press back!”

Gu Mang fell down beside Murong Qing dimly, he happened to be facing Murong Qing, facing the face that can’t be seen through-

The face was completely scarlet at the moment, and the pair of peach eyes with sarcasm were also tightly closed.

What did Murong Ping want to say to him before … Murong P … What kind of person …

Gu Mang, who had no memory, thought chaotically, but he had no clue, and the last scene before he lost his consciousness was that a crowd of red camps surrounded him.

“You … seriously … those … keke, things related to me … you … remember nothing?”

“You at least … at least …”

What should I do?

What should I remember?

Murong’s words before the coma were like a nightmare, echoing deep in his dream.

Gu Mang floated in a blank darkness, a beam of light seeping from his chest steeply. He sat up in a dream and touched his chest.

The location where the light was emitted was exactly where Murong Pian finally touched with his fingers.

The light grew brighter and brighter, flowing from his heart, and finally turned into a white butterfly in the darkness.

Gu Mang seemed to be attracted by some inexplicable things. He got up from the ground and followed the white butterfly forward.

The dream is getting deeper and deeper.

As Lingdie led the way, he saw Mrs. Zhao’s twisted face in general: “You are so stubborn, how can you inherit your father’s business and add light to the gates of Wangshu Mansion?”

He saw the housekeeper of Wangshu Mansion handing him deep in the fog: “Young Master, it’s not early, you need to hurry back to the piano room to practice, if it is late, you will inevitably be punished by your wife.”

He also saw deep in the mist of mist, juvenile Mo extinguished the bow and arrow and stood on the shooting range, the black and gold robes fluttered in the wind, surrounded by some vague elders of the palace, praised him and praised him.

And Mu Rongci looked gloomily in the corner, holding in his hand a volume of Lexiu Tablets that he didn’t like to read.

There were countless tidal sounds in the dream-

Mrs. Zhao first: “You can never compare to him.”

Then the elder of Xuegong said, “You are always worse than him.”

In the end those voices laughed and turned into Murong’s self-talk to himself.

“Murong Mercy, you can never compare to him.”

“You’re a clown jumping clown, a shadowy villain … you can’t even do what you like …”

“Are you Murong Mercy? No, you are just a flip-flop of your father … a matchmaker … hahahahaha …”

Walking forward all the way.

Slowly, these sounds faded, and the light of the white butterfly became more and more intense. The flickering fluorescence fluttered continuously as it fluttered its wings, gradually dispersing the endless darkness. Gu Mang saw a skylight explode in front of him not far away. At first, the sound of wind came from the beam, then the petals fluttered little by little, and more butterflies formed by illusions flew.

He walked forward—to the white center.

He heard Murong’s voice when he was a child, and gently came from the white depth: “Is it you …”

Gu Mang hadn’t answered yet, the butterfly fluttering in front of it suddenly turned into a fuzzy shadow.

Little Murong Mercy stood in white light and looked back at him: “It’s you …”

Almost following his words, a dazzling light flashed, and Gu Mang closed his eyes suddenly. After a while, he heard the ding dong wind chimes hanging from the cornice.

A charming voice was talking:

“Mr. Murong, the dim sum box you asked for, please take a closer look. If there is anything you are not satisfied with, please let the pastry chef take it back and redo it immediately.”

Gu Mang slowly opened his eyes.

The dream has changed.

In front of me is a golden and red building. The hall is filled with camellia with a large bowl. The servants are mostly fat women in their forties and fifties. They wear uniform uniforms and flowers in the hall. Laughing back and forth busy.

This is Linglongzhai.

The most famous pastry shop in the capital.

The young Murong Mercy stood in front of the tall fir-tree counter, looking up and talking to the shopkeeper’s Yi.

He was only four or five years old at the time, and a very immature child, from head to toe, was struggling to dress up with expensive and precious ornaments, and he could not even jewell his nails. But he was so small, gold, silver, and emerald pearls all piled together, so at first glance it wasn’t a living person, but a small treasure chest with short legs that moved.

The businessman who welcomes this kind of hate that says “I have money” on his forehead is naturally welcomed. In addition, Mu Rongci is also one of the most noble sons in China, so even if it is a small baby, The shopkeeper who is over half a year old can’t wait to sing and yell at his father.

Mu Rongci stretched out his short hand, took the pastry box, opened it, and saw Huang Chengcheng’s crispy cakes with crispy oil, pale pink lotus crispy layers, and the unique jelly of Linglongzhai. There is a spring peach with buds on it.

Mu Rongci stared at it for a while, then reached out and took one of them politely, then stuffed it into his mouth.

Vaguely ordered: “I’ll take this. You’ll redo a box.”

Although the shopkeeper thought that his serious but maggot-like appearance was very funny, he didn’t dare to laugh out loud, and had to nod his head and responded, ordering the master again to steam cakes and make cakes. Mu Rongci sat in Linglongzhai’s seat while waiting, holding a pot of rose tea and eating all the snacks unambiguously.

Gu Mang was wondering why Murong’s illusion left to him was this, so he saw the bamboo curtain of the shopkeeper and walked to Murong with a repacked box of snacks.

“Mr. Murong, make another copy, look again?”

Mu Rongci has a lot of people’s meaning. He learned to look like his mother, and waved quite dignifiedly: “No, I just take it. The silver money is deducted from my monthly account.”

Treasurer: “… Son, you don’t have any account, only your family’s Mrs. Zhao has a fixed account … or is it a small charge from Mrs. Zhao’s account?”

“No!” Murong Qing opened her eyes wide, immediately rejected him, and then said, “You wait, I have money.”

After speaking, he began to dig out of his little cloth pocket.

That cloth bag is where Mrs. Zhao usually pretends to spend money on Murong Mercy. Mrs. Zhao’s strict control does not give him much money, and most of it is loose money. So the shopkeeper’s eyes stared at Murong, who wears gold and silver, and took out a handful of extremely cold white shell coins from the pocket, gathered them together, counted them one by two, three or four, and found that they were not enough. dig.

But how much money can a four or five year old have? After digging for a long time, it was also some pieces of broken shell coins.

Mu Rongqing looked up, obviously a little guilty, but there was still a shelf, so he said, “That’s all. Don’t look for it.”


“There will be a period later.”

After speaking, he carried the pastry box, and the five of them glared away in the shopkeeper’s stare and tearless eyes.

After returning to Wangshu Mansion, Mu Rongci summoned his closest attendant. First, he pretended to take a sip of tea, and then opened his eyes and asked, “Cough … that … that little slave, I was pushed yesterday. I broke my head, are you still alive? “

Gu Mang looked for a moment, still somewhat impressed, so he reacted vaguely-

It turned out that this memory happened when he was pushed down from the swing by Murong Li and broke his head and was held by Aunt Lin to heal.

The attendant could not understand the pity of compassion, and replied with sincerity: “Back to Young Master, is he still alive?”

Murong mercilessly said “Oh”, his eyes were blurry, and he repeated: “Alive.”

“Yes, yes, Aunt Lin took him to see Yao Xiu in time. Now the kid is probably resting in Aunt Lin’s house. Does the young master have any instructions?”

“… Nothing,” Murong said mercifully, “you go down.”

After the attendant left, Murong Qing sat at the table with his feet up and thought for a while. At last, he found an ancient coin from the storage box, squeezed himself in his hand, and said to himself: “Throwing the front, I Just apologize. I’ll eat the box of snacks by myself. “

With all that said, the coins lumped together on the table for a few laps, and finally faced up, motionless.

“Let’s do it.” Mu Rongci was not angry, “I pushed you anyway, and apologize and apologize, and there will be no hair.”

So he jumped out of the chair, stomped his feet, picked up Linglongzhai’s pastry box, and walked towards Aunt Lin’s room.

The author has something to say: 嗷 ~ The tainted manuscript has been stored in the manuscript box for a long time, so there is no way to use Jinjiang’s automatic sorting and threw system, and it is manually sorted every day, but today it is a bit too late to work. It ’s tidy ~ Organize tomorrow ~

In addition, today ’s taint is also updated early. At 9 o’clock, the taint is more distant, and at 10 o’clock, it ’s the second foreigner ’s sister-in-law. In order to make the taint as much as possible, I cried and rushed to save the manuscript. Bird qaq2k novel reading network

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