(Spin Off) Erind/Deen – 5.21.11

Amber Deen Leska


Did Blanchette just lick my boobs? Amber Deen Leska froze, not knowing how to react.

Punch Blanchette? No, Deen couldn’t do that. It’d make her a sore loser. She was the one who dared Blanchette to lick her—it turned out to be a bad idea.

Get away?

But how? Deen couldn’t jump off the kitchen island because Blanchette stood between her dangling legs next to the counter’s edge.

Deen felt the wet spot on her right breast turn cold due to the air-conditioning. She suppressed an uncomfortable shiver. If Deen knew Blanchette would do this, she would’ve worn a bra. She went without one indoors because why would she continue caging herself at home? Erind usually did the same; Deen had noticed a few times.

Blanchette looked up at Deen, mischievousness lacing her predatory eyes.

“Tha-that wasn’t a reaction, okay?” Deen gulped, trying to keep her voice steady. She still hadn’t recovered from the shock. “I-I was just surprised.” Blanchette tilted her head, the furry ears on her crown flopping left. Deen rolled her eyes, admitting, “Well, I guess getting surprised is a reaction.”

Blanchette blew air through her nostrils, blasting Deen’s golden hair away from her face. A series of grunts followed. Laughter, probably.

“You can’t blame me for it. What you did was just…” Deen chuckled with Blanchette, pretending they shared a joke rather than being the object of it. She covered her mouth while laughing. As she did, she nonchalantly moved her arm in front of her body to hide the wet spot.

Blanchette noticed. She grabbed Deen’s wrists, pulled her arms down, and secured her hands flat on the counter.

“What gives? I’m not going anywhere,” Deen protested, half-heartedly struggling to break free. Blanchette’s fingers were long and strong, ending in claws. They felt like heavy manacles. Very different from Erind’s short and thin fingers, delicate and doll-like. Deen said, “Your hands are really scary, you know that? And your nails could do with a major manicure session using bolt clippers.”

To Deen, Erind was a porcelain doll she should protect.

In contrast, Blanchette was strong, confident, and terrifying… someone Deen looked up to. Deen couldn’t precisely put into words how she felt. Blanchette was a pillar of strength during the fight at Eve’s underground arena, doing what Deen was afraid to do, fighting all of those monsters, as close as a superhero to Deen’s mind. A role model. Maybe even an older sister? Her real sister might as well be a disinterested zookeeper.

Blanchette stuck her large tongue out. Its tip was a couple of inches away from where she had licked Deen’s shirt.

Even without saying a word, Deen understood Blanchette’s threat. “You’re not going to surprise me again,” said Deen. As soon as the words left her mouth, Deen hoped she wouldn’t regret them.

Erind must be conscious somewhere in Blanchette, her prankster side surfacing, steering the Adumbrae from violence. Deen was relieved Erind told the truth that she had Blanchette under control; Mrs. Hartwell would be safe staying with them in the condo. And that meant Deen could call off the test point instead of engaging in this little game. However, she couldn’t coherently explain to herself why she was playing along.

But I don’t want to lose to Blanchette, Deen managed to come up in her mind.

She held the counter’s edge tight. Was that really why she hadn’t yet told Blanchette to turn back to Erind? The challenge didn’t apply to Blanchette because she wasn’t technically Erind. Two minds shared the same body.

Maybe I want something else…?

Blanchette did a brushing motion in the air with her tongue, gurgling a growl. “Ghroar, rahrr, harrr…”

Deen suddenly had a concerning thought. Did Blanchette want to eat her? Was she actually tasting her, masking it as teasing? Deen peeked at Gabe, her Guardian Angel.

The ball of feathers rotated calmly in the air. There was no warning of incoming harm. It didn’t appear like Blanchette was going to bite her, even though Deen would gladly offer parts of her body to satiate Blanchette’s hunger. But not her boobs; Deen wasn’t too sure about offering that as food. The thought sounded way more painful than a bitten-off hand or arm.

“So, what are you going to do? Deen raised her cheek into a smirk of bravado, glaring at Blanchette with as much haughtiness she could muster. She couldn’t believe she was saying this. “Are you just licking air?”

Blanchette leaned slightly closer.

Deen sharply breathed, clenching her jaws, but stopped herself from retreating. Blanchette moved closer still, winking up at her, tongue still out. Blanchette also intentionally exhaled hard and warmed Deen’s chest.

“I’m not going anywhere,” Deen said, sitting straighter.

Inadvertently, she also thrust her chest out, and her right breast met Blanchette’s tongue again. Deen’s eyes widened, and so did Blanchette’s. Their gazes met. Deen could feel her cheeks heating up.

Both of them didn’t move, knowing that retreating meant losing the battle.

Blanchette was the first to break the stalemate. She poked her wide and powerful tongue into Deen’s breast so hard it should count as drilling.

Deen let out a soft gasp. Despite herself, she recoiled and leaned away.

Blanchette retrieved her tongue with a triumphant glint in her eyes. Her shoulders heaved as she grunted, clearly laughing at Deen.

“Tha-that… hurt,” came Deen’s flimsy excuse. She knew that Blanchette knew it was a lie. And it was an excuse so often used between them that it was already worn down.

Blanchette just squinted her eyes at Deen before continuing to laugh.

Peeved at her loss, Deen chewed her tongue. A competitive spark burned inside her. What am I so apprehensive about? Erind had done so much worse stuff.

‘Worse’ maybe wasn’t the correct term to use. More extreme things?

Deen recalled when Erind tongued the inside of her mouth and also when Erind licked her neck. Those memories made Deen’s heart pick up the pace. What Blanchette was doing was par for the course for Erind’s antics. It hadn’t even reached the mouth-tonguing level, though Deen would never allow it to progress that far. The thought of that fat, wriggly thing inside her mouth…

Deen shook her head to clear her mind. Then she declared, “One more round!” She scooted over the counter, closer to Blanchette, and stared her down.

Blanchette peeked from under her hood and auburn bangs, raising a disbelieving brow.

“Like, how was I supposed to ready myself for that? One more round. Come on.”


“Do your worst… Oh, wait! Don’t do your worst! Like, don’t bite my breast, please. Your teeth look like they’ll hurt super bad.”

Blanchette tilted her head left and right, which Deen translated as a promise not to do it. The ears on Blanchette’s hood also flicked side to side. Really cute. An unnerving contrast to the rows of fangs Blanchette displayed.

“No biting,” Deen breathlessly said. Her heart pounded so hard Blanchette could surely hear it. “Other than that… do your worst.”

She barely finished her sentence when Blanchette licked her breast again. Deen bit her lower lip to stop herself from crying out. A small whimper escaped. No matter how much she steeled herself, she couldn’t help but react.

Anyone would, in her situation!

I’m going to buy Erind a dog, Deen fervently thought. I’m going to buy Erind a cat. All her willpower went into distracting herself with mental images, thinking about how happy Erind would be with pets.

Intentionally or not, Blanchette used more saliva than previously as she licked, almost like a slobbering dog. Blanchette pawed Deen’s right breast with her tongue, reminiscent of a cat kneading their bed before lying down. The wet patch expanded from a small island to a continent encompassing the front half of Deen’s globe. The light blue fabric of Deen’s shirt darkened as Blanchette’s tongue passed over.

Deen shut her eyes. She couldn’t bear to look at the monster licking her breast as if it was a giant squishy lollipop.

No! Erind wasn’t a monster.

Deen slightly opened her eyes to peek. But Blanchette was… a monster.

And so forceful. Deen hadn’t realized a tongue could be this powerful. It felt like a small, slimy hand groping her, but more versatile. Circling and circling, tracing the curves of her breast, making her feel things…

Deen sensed the fluttering in her stomach and the longing between her legs.

This is so wrong! She wanted to resist. Line after line of why this was inappropriate, of why she should stop Blanchette, ran through her head. The list became longer and longer while her eyes were transfixed on Blanchette’s long tongue. Deen knew she should stop this. So, why wasn’t she doing anything? Blanchette wasn’t using superstrength to hold her down. She could also lean back.

Move. Move! Her muscles weren’t listening to her. She sat helpless, mesmerized by the sight of a monster tongue molesting her breast. She had played with her breasts when alone, but this was on another level.

It felt really good.

She gasped at the admission.

Am I getting aroused by this? Deen cycled that question through her mind. “Yes… Yes…” Soft hisses passed her lips, barely audible.

Was she answering her question? What was that ‘yes’ for? She hoped Blanchette didn’t hear her.

But Blanchette definitely did. She stopped licking and pulled away, sporting an amused look.

No! When the tongue left her breast, Deen wanted to push her body forward and chase it. Then she caught herself, having a moment of clarity. “Bla-Blanchette… Erind… Uh, Blanchette,” stammered Deen. She was in a daze, struggling to form coherent thoughts. “This is enough, enough of… We should stop this.”

Deen felt hot. Not in a sexual way! Blanchette's tongue was burning. Or maybe she should think of it as warm. It was warm and alive when it groped her. And the saliva was warm too.

Hot and humid. It seemed like her right breast was isolated in a sauna.

“Look at what you’ve done with me,” said Deen, bowing down to examine herself. “I’m in such a mess…”

Blanchette’s saliva had soaked through Deen’s shirt. Deen could feel the slimy streaks rolling down her right breast, dripping to her stomach. Really, really sticky, almost disgusting. This was disgusting! Deen’s urge to clean herself tried to get her to move—but it failed. Deen remained sitting on the kitchen island, trying to calm her ragged breathing and pounding heart.

And then Deen noticed something.

The wet fabric clung fast to her breast, molding into its shape. But something broke the smooth curve—her nipples were hardening.

“Oh my gosh!” She was turned on. She tried to cover it with her arms, but Blanchette wouldn’t release her hold. Her aroused nipples were noticeable now, especially the right one, the wet fabric highlighting its bullet shape. “Blanchette, let go of me!”

Surprisingly, Blanchette followed her instructions. Deen hurriedly crossed her arms across her chest. Blanchette did her grunting and growling laughs again.

Deen’s ears burned hearing it. Embarrassment and arousal mixed in her heart. Then a tiny whisper came. Why stop now when she had gone this far?

She realized it was her thoughts. Her thoughts were correct. She wanted more. And she also wanted to win. Bought goals shared the same path—just let Blanchette do whatever with her, and that was it. This shouldn’t count because Blanchette was an Adumbrae. Deen didn’t know what it shouldn’t count for, but it shouldn’t.

Slowly, she lowered her arms while looking Blanchette in the eye.

Despite no word between them, Blanchette understood that Deen wanted to continue the battle. Blanchette raised a finger and brought it near Deen’s left nipple, visibly straining against the dry part of her shirt, still untouched but desperately craving it.

Deen stopped breathing. It was as if her heart was caught in her throat in anticipation.

Then Blanchette circled her claw around the nipple.

“Is this your worst?” Deen couldn’t believe those words came out of her mouth. But more were coming. “Go ahead, Blanchette. My other breast still needs attention.”

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